Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm...

By AnedaBath

97K 752 466

This is my first story! Please give it love and support! Feedback is greatly appreciated! This story is a Tra... More

(A/N) *important please read!*
Getting To Know Overwatch
This is not a chapter...
REAL Confession (I promise)
Cheers, LOVE!!
Not A Chapter :/
Work Out Session!!
This is a chapter
Uhh...not a chapter...?
Attack On Titan -ahem- I mean...Talon
Freedom...With Costs
Yes, voice #32, this again
Sorry guys :/
Birthday--what? Oh...that's the next chapter
Birthday (srsly this time)
Thanksgiving Explanation (not a chapter)
Starting Anew
The Test (not a chapter)
Uhh...not a chapter...? (Sorry)
New Life (part two, cont'd)
Really sorry u guys!!
I'm (y/n) the wise-cracking ex-boyfriend sent by Lena.
Broken Hearts Mended
The Lemon....
And Fin. Part 1
And Fin. Part 2
Not a Chapter (I Know Sorry Sorry)
Curtain Fall
Curtain Fall: The Sequel (Electric Boogaloo)
Curtain Fall: The Sequel Sequel

New Life (kinda graphic :/ you are going to a darker place right now)

1.3K 7 3
By AnedaBath

     (A/n) Yesss!!! I'm alive!!! I'm really sorry for not updating in a while... :/ I've been having a lack of motivation to write and stuff is happening in the rest of my life so, sorry guys! But, as you can probably tell, there's a new chapter right below so, yay! I have literally also just started a Destiny fanfiction, I know, you really don't see that every day. I just really like the game and have a pretty neat idea so I made it! Plz go check that out if you're into Destiny and read on!! 

     You sat there silently on the edge of your bed. It had been a few weeks since you had moved into Olivia's place. Since you were previously a soldier for the Army, you were used to moving around and by now you had settled in. You looked around the room, there was a wooden dresser pushed up against the wall and a big oak table was next to the dresser. Above the dresser and table were pictures, posters, and your old Overwatch guns and helmet on a floating shelf. You sighed and got up from the edge of your bed. You walked over to the wall behind your bed, staring at the blank wall. You were supposed to go out and patrol. Since you had the teleporting car, you were going to patrol San Francisco, and King's Row. You finally pressed your thumb to a certain section of the wall and entered the secret room. Inside the room, your combat suit rest on a manikin of the other side of the room in an indent in the wall. On the left and right walls, there was a large assortment of weapons and tech. This was your armory. You walked over to your suit and turned around. The sensors recognized you and the suit opened up and formed around you. Soon, you were completely encased in the suit. You looked up and the screen blinked on, showing the armory and highlighting different things in the armory, giving facts and suggestions about them. You walked over to the left wall and picked out a pulse rifle (not like Soldier's, like a burst fire) and an M-9. You then grabbed a combat knife and walked into the middle of the room. There, you said the code words, "desplegar objetivo" "deploy target". The room targeted you and the floor panel beneath your feet slid out. You fell through a short tunnel and right into the driver's seat of your car. The roof slid back over your head and you started up the car. You pressed a button on the top of the car, opening the garage door in front of you. You pressed the pedal and the car lurched forward into the night.

     You silently flew over San Francisco, enjoying the view of the city at night. The city's tall and futuristic buildings were buzzing with life despite it being 11:00. The city was pretty much all modern because of the Great Talon Uprising in San Francisco. Talon had made San Francisco their main target, years ago when it grew larger than New York. They had attacked the huge city with missiles, troops, planes, submarines, everything. They took the city and turned it into Talon's capitol city. Overwatch eventually shut them down, taking back the city, but the event left scars. Most of the buildings had been severely damaged, burnt, and/or turned into a Talon themed mad-house. So, the whole city was rebuilt using the finest tech from Vishkar. The city was now a jewel, with white and gold skyscrapers that didn't really scrape the sky but break through it. Old cement highways were replaced with hard-light blue streams that streaked and weaved across and through the city. The city was the second most clean and modern cities in the world, with only the amazing Oasis as a victor. The Golden Gate Bridge had also been completely remodeled. The bridge had completely collapsed during the Uprise because there, Talon had made their last stand. They only had a few hundred troops, a single tank, and a couple boats and submarines. They fought to hold the bridge but were collapsed on by half a thousand Overwatch and military troops flanking them and attacking from both sides of the bridge. The bridge had collapsed from the severe burning and destruction of the battle so now, it was a gleaming beauty. It was actually gold now, and all throughout it, were white highlights. The actual road was made of the same hard-light as the other roads but the bridge was anything but normal. You set down the car in a wide alleyway and hopped out. You turned on the defense mechanism and active camo and looked up the building on your left. You estimated it was about 50 feet, 60 feet, give or take. You reached your hand up and a grappling hook shot from the bottom of your wrist like Widowmaker's or Spiderman. You silently slid up the black wire and jumped gracefully onto the top of the building. You looked out over the beautiful city and admired the lights of the city in the dark of night. After admiring the city for a bit, you got up from your crouch and started sprinting across the building. At the edge, you jumped, barely catching yourself with your grappling hook. You soared onto the other building and started sprinting and jumping from building to building Mirror's Edge style, all the while keeping an eye out for crime. At last, you came upon an alley way where you heard shouting voices. You crept to the edge of the building and looked down into the semi-dark alleyway. There, you could make out a couple sets of glowing...bones? You quickly realized the bones were the notorious tatooes of the Los Muertos gang. Your sister, Olivia, used to be part of them but left after the gang got too violent and...inappropriate. There looked to be four gang members, each with their own color bones and each armed with either a bat with spikes or a handgun. They were all approaching a man and woman in the back of the alleyway. The woman was clutching a purse to her chest and shivering despite the warm night. You could make out the naked fear in both of their eyes as the four bigger men approached them. Just as they were an arm's distance from the man and woman, you jumped down in between the two parties. "Hi," you said simply. The four gang members' look of surprise was swiftly replaced with laughter. You grimaced and delivered a right hook to the biggest gang member's jaw. The blow sent him reeling and his hand flew to his jaw which was now bleeding. The trio stopped laughing as you kicked the injured man in the ribs, sending him flying and unconscious. The trio set their jaw and all rushed you at once. You caught one of their bats and shoved it into the wielder's face, emitting a sickening crunch as his nose broke. At the same time, you side-stepped a punch and grabbed the man's forearm, pulling him behind you with his own momentum. The last guy stood there with a look of horror on his face which was quickly replaced with glare. He brandished his spiked bat and charged you. You slightly tilted your head as you unclipped the electric baton from your lower back. You parried the attack and with your free hand punched the attacker in the gut. You released the parry and side-stepped as the bat came crashing down without your baton's support. The wielder face-planted onto the pavement and dragged him back up by his collar. With that, you slammed his stupid little skull face into the brick wall. You turned back to the couple huddled at the back of the alley way, looking like they've seen a ghost. You mock-saluted them and grappling hooked back up to the top of the buildings leaving the couple in shock, fear, and maybe just a little awe.

     As you delivered a massive roundhouse kick to the last guy in the warehouse, you walked over to his beaten, bloody, and broken body. Slowly reaching down to pick up your fallen electric baton. "P-please...mister. It was j-just a couple th-thousand bucks." pleaded the Los Muertos gang member on the ground. "I-I h-have a n-name y'know," you mocked. "It's (PATRICK!! Sorry, couldn't help it) Phantom, but you can just call me...death." tears were streaming down the guy's face as you menacingly stood over him, baton gripped tightly in your right hand. You had beaten tracked the Los Muertos Gang to this warehouse and foiled their shipment. Now, you stood over the last conscious/alive person (you don't really count 'cause your dead inside at the moment) in the warehouse. You knelt down and picked up the man by his collar. You sheathed your baton only to pull out a Mark II Gen. II Military Knife and said, "Where. Is. The. Base?" as you talked, you slowly pressed the knife into the man's exposed skin. A tear slowly traced it's way down his fearful face. "It's either my way, or the highway..." As the pain became unbearable, the man finally gasped and said, "Oasis!! Our latest firebase is in Oasis! Now, please le--" he was cut off (literally) as you slit his jugular in a single swift motion. As you let go of the dead man's collar, his body crumpled to the floor. Un-moving. You called your car to your current position and readied the detonator in your hand. As you flew away from the warehouse, you popped open the clear plexi-glass containing the red button. You clicked the button with a CLK! and the containers of weapons, drugs, and --ahem-- toys (if ya know what I mean) went up like the Fourth of July (speaking of which, happy (late) Fourth of July!!), if anyone had survived your initial attack, they were definitely six feet under now.

(A/n) Alright, I'm gonna have to end the chapter right there unfortunately because it's getting a little long. I will make a follow up to it though!

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