Kidnapped by Chance Sutton...

By Mattybsturniolo03

81.8K 1.1K 555

I'm kidnapped and then I'm thinking that I'm actually , like literally falling in love with one of my kidnapp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 50

723 10 24
By Mattybsturniolo03

Rebecca's pov

I awake to someone snoring right next to my ear. I open my eyes and look to my left and see that Jake is sleeping. I look out the window and see that it's finally night time. How long was I out this time? I see Jake's phone on his chest. He must have fallen asleep while using it. I slowly sit up and get out of bed. I quietly open his bedroom door then close it again once I'm out and I head downstairs. I head to the kitchen because I'm very thirsty also because they have a clock on the oven so I can see what time it is.

I see that it's currently 4am. I go over to the fridge and grab a water bottle out and take a sip. I honestly could go upstairs and kill Jake right now, but I'm going to wait for the right moment to do it. I leave the kitchen and go over to the merch room. I'm still in the same clothes I was in before while I was playing the hunger games. They are all bloody. I go and grab a XL shirt and head back upstairs. I go back into Jake's room and head to his bathroom. I change in there and leave my dirty clothes on the floor.

I don't put the shirt on just yet. I really need to take a shower. I haven't taken one in 3 days. I smell disgusting. I'm not sure if I can shower with stitches, but at this point I don't really care. I wash my hair and body and get out of the shower. I dry myself off and I go over to Erika's area of the closet and grab a bra's of hers. We the same size. My bra is all ruined and dirty. I grab a pair of underwear also. I put the shirt on and head out of the closet and over to Erika's fanity area. I grab a hairbrush and brush my hair. I then leave the bathroom and head back over Jake's bed. I sit down on my side of the bed. I'm guessing that Erika is sleeping in a different room since she always sleeps in here with Jake.

When I sit down Jake stirs a little and I freeze where I am. He rolls onto his left side facing away from me. His phone falls to the ground and he walks up with a startle. He bends down to grab it and sits up. He looks at the time on his phone and sets it between us. Hopefully he doesn't notice that I'm awake. He probably will because the light is on because I'm guessing he forgot it shut it off. He turns his head right at me and smiles at me. "Good morning, Rebecca." Jake says. I give him a smile back "Hi...Jake." I say to him.

"Why are you up?" he asked. "I took a shower and changed my clothes. " I tell. "You look good in the merch." he says and winks at me. I laugh a little and look away and look at his fish tank that is at the end of his bed. He looks at his phone again then I'm guessing his alarm goes off on his phone because a sound is coming from it. He shuts it off. "I have to go and catch a plane. I have a very important business meeting in New York." he tells me while taking the blanket off his legs and walking over to his bathroom. He leaves his phone on the bed, I pick it up and see that its 5am now. I set it down and look around for his gun that he had before. Where would he hide it? Does he have a safe anywhere? Hmmmm.

I look in the drawer on his side table. Nope not in there. There is like 5 play boy magazines. Nasty. Ugh. I go over to a different area in his room. This is where he plays fortnite. I leave because he couldn't hide anything in here. I hear the shower turn on. I have more time to look around. I go over to his Italy flag couch. I see something black poking out. Aha! I pull it out and see that its the gun. I place it back in the couch. Now I know where he hides it. I leave his room and head to Anthony's room. I don't know what for, but I'm pretty sure that he wants Jake dead as much as I do. Jake did make Anthony kill his best friend. I knock on the door and I hear a faint come in. It's pitch black, but I can still make out Anthony's figure laying on his bed. "What do you want?" He asked. He claps his hands and lights turn on. Oh my gosh he has clap on lights!!! So cool!

I walk over to his bed and sit down. "I um-I need help killing Jake." I tell him. "Sorry, no can do." Anthony says while texting on his phone. "Fine whatever." I say and leave the room. I have another plan since everyone basically in this house has hurt me in some type of way. I head back to Jake's room. I hear the shower turn off. I run over to the Italy couch and grab the gun. I go and stand in front of the bathroom door. I'm going to wait for Jake to come out.

*15 minutes later*

I hear the door knob twist and Jake opens the door. I raise the gun and point it at Jake's head. He looks so surprised. "What the fucking hell, Rebecca!!" Jake yells. "So you wanna ruin my life? I'm to destroy yours." I say calmly and run out of the room. Jake is now chasing me. I go back to Anthony's room and slam open the door. I see Anthony jump and I point the gun at Anthony's head. I walk closer to him slowly until the end of the gun is touching the side of his head. Anthony's hands go up in surrender. "I'm going to kill him, Jake. I want to see you suffer because you lost your best friend." I say. I look at Anthony and see a tear roll down his cheek. "Oh stop crying Anthony. You and Jake are the ones who destroyed my life and now I want revenge." I say while rolling my eyes.

I place my finger the trigger and I look straight at Jake. He looks emotionless. Does he not believe me. I'm fucking serious this time! I'm to kill everyone he has ever loved. Too bad his parents aren't here. I would kill them too. Hmmmm Maybe I should have Jake call Logan to come over.

Goodbye Anthony. I pull the trigger and I hear Jake scream. I look at Anthony. He is laying on the bed dead. His eyes are open and there is some blood on the wall. Jake runs at me, but before he can even touch me I swing the gun foreward and press it against Jake's forehead. "Back the fuck up or I will kill you right now." I say through gritted teeth. Jake backs up and I head over to Chance's and I's old bedroom, but before I can open the door Jake stops me. "Rebecca, don't. You don't want to go in there." Jake says. "Why does it matter? Chance is dead." I say. I open the door and turn on the lights. I see someone laying on the bed sleeping. Who hell would be in here? I go over to the bed and throw the covers off the person. I see the guy's face and it isn't any guy it's Chance....

Chance's eyes flutter open. Fucking hell. Jake told me he died. Chance looks right at me. "Rebecca?" he says like he is confused. "I thought you died." I say. "I never died. I thought you died...Jake told me that they couldn't save you." Chance says. "I'm so confused right now. What the hell! Jake!!" I yell while turning around to look at Jake. I raise the gun at Jake. "What was that loud bang that it sounded like it came from Anthony's room?" Chance asked. Do I tell him that I murdered Anthony. "That was, it was nothing. Don't worry about it." I say while lowering the gun and turning back toward Chance. "Don't worry about it? Why the hell do you have a gun? Where's Anthony?" Chance asked. He looks annoyed. He comes toward me. He is trying to get pass me, but I grab a hold of his arm, but he just yanks me off and he pushes Jake out of the way and leaves the room.

After 5 seconds of Chance leaving I hear a scream coming from Anthony's room. I push Jake out of the way just like Chance did and I go over to Anthony's room. I enter the room and Chance has a horrified look on his face and tears are rolling down his face. "You killed my best friend! What the actual fuck!! I'm going to kill you Rebecca!" Chance yells and runs toward me, but he doesn't get too close to me because I raise the gun and point it at him. "Please don't come any closer. I don't want to have to kill you." I say while a tear rolls down my cheek. "Are you seriously going to shoot me? Are you going to kill me just like you did my best friend, huh??" Chance says and I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

I see his hands ball up into fist. He is ready to fight. I look right at Anthony's body. My hand starts to shake. I can't do this. I drop the gun out of my hand and fall to my knees. I bend over and cry very hard into my hands. All of sudden I feel something on my back. I think Jake has the gun now. "Stand up or I'll blow your brains out." I hear Jake say. "Rebecca, sweetheart please just stand up." Chance says and he sounds very scared. I look up from my hands and I see Chance is kneeled right in front of me. He touches my face and starts to wipe away the tears that are on my face. He takes a hold of my hand and helps me to feet. I look behind me and there stands Jake with his AR to my back.

I shutter a lot. "Come with me or I'll shoot you." Jake says. I turn around. I follow Jake out the door and down the hallway. I see Kade come out with a pair of handcuffs. He hands them to Chance. Chance pushes me against the way and places the handcuffs on my wrist. "What the hell are you doing, Chance?!" I yell at him while struggling to get away, but Chance has his knee against my back. "I'm sorry that it has to come to this. I love you and you know that. I will never stop loving you." Chance says and removes his knee from my back. He takes me away from the wall. He has one hand on my shoulder and another I'm guessing holding onto the handcuff part. They lead me to the stairs and we go down.

They take me outside. Once we go down the front steps Kade steps in front of me and places a blindfold over my eyes. What the hell is happening? Chance guides me somewhere and we stop. "Kneel." I hear Jake say and I do exactly what he says. I feel someone kneel right in front of me also. Then my blindfold is lift. It's Chance. "Rebecca, my love. I'm so sorry for I've done to you. I regret it every moment of every day and I know I can't change the past, but if I could I definitely would. I will never stop loving you. I hope I will see you again one day. Just know that I love you with all my heart." Chance says and then kisses me on the lips for about 10 seconds and then lets go. He places my blind fold back down.

Are they going to kill me. They're going to fucking kill me!! What the actual fuck!! "You guys can't kill me! I'm so sorry for killing Anthony. I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry. Please don't do this. Chance please. You guys can't do this. Chance if you truly loved me then you wouldn't let this happen. When the hell did you guys decide this!! " I cry. "Jake and I thought it was a good idea. We can't keep letting you hurt people, Rebecca. We are doing this for your own good. I love you." Chance says. Then my blind fold is lifted. "I wanted to see your beautiful eyes just one last time. He tries to kiss my forehead, but I pull away. "I hate you Chance!!! I hate your guts! I hope you and the rest of team 10 rot in hell! Go to fucking hell!" I scream.

I look straight at Jake. He has his AR pointed at me. I see someone in the corner of my eye that looks exactly like Anthony, but it can't be because I killed him. He comes into view and it's Anthony. He is alive. Before I can say anything. I see Jake place his finger on the trigger and fires and I'm dead.

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