Chill Out, Sir

By RandomCatxx

619K 10.5K 1.6K


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 P.1
Chapter 28 P.2
Update Update
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
It's been sooooo long//One-shot requests

Chapter 1

27.8K 445 40
By RandomCatxx

Chapter 1

I smirked as the bloody and battered man in front of me struggled to stand up. Eventually he failed to do so and collapsed onto the ground with a thud.

This had got to be the millionth time— well maybe not milllionth— I won since I got here.

The crowd's cheers were deafening as the referee came up to me and held my hand up.

''Give it up for Danielle Brooks, people!'' the referee announced, as the crowd cheered louder.

I did my usual bow and wave gracefully, as if I had just finished a ballet performance, and got down from the fighting platform. Yes, fighting. Just in case you haven't caught on yet, I'm a pretty damn good street fighter.

The people— mostly males— I fought in the fighting ring had always took one look at me before they have this oh-so-confident look, obviously thinking that they could win. A few minutes later, and they're on the ground unconscious.

As usual, I get my prize, which was a hundred dollars. It was enough to pay for food, but not my apartment rent or textbooks. Hence why I fight here 3 times a week, just so I could save up money for my basic necessities. 

Some of you might be thinking why I even need to pay for food and apartment rent, although I'm only 17. Well, when I was 15, I got kicked out of my house by my own family. Yeah, ouch. However, I couldn't have been more happier to leave that hell hole I used to call home.

In the family, it consisted of my parents, my younger sister Amanda, and my older brother Justin. Being the middle was just plain unlucky. I was what you could call average in terms of studies, while my other siblings were always top in their grade. So like most parents, mine had always compared me to them by saying I was dumb and that I should follow their footsteps. And that included my younger sister. Shocking.

But that's not all. I was not allowed to have any friends, nor could I even go to my classmate's house to finish a project. According to what my parents had discussed, I didn't deserve to have friends, or even an acquaintance for that matter. My siblings were ordered that if they saw me with anyone, even just having a small chat, they were to ''report'' to my parents and I would be severely dealt with.

Furthermore, every time I came home after recieving back a test and had only achieved a B, I would get beaten up by either my father or both my father and brother. Worst case scenario was when I had gotten a few broken ribs, bruises all over my face and body, and scars from where my father had used a knife.

I always had to wear baggy clothes to cover the scars and bruises. Plus taking into consideration the money I had saved and used to buy nice clothing were always— what you can call— stolen by my mother and given to my sister. I got mad at first, but after a slap which had led to my father beating me up, I didn't say anything.

I stopped buying new clothes altogether and stuck to boring dull baggy sweatshirts and jeans or sweatpants. I didn't— more like was forbidden to— wear makeup.

A few months after that, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to stick up for myself. I didn't came home till the next morning. I started to become rebellious. I couldn't care less about their orders anymore.

The beatings though? I fought back. That's when I started practicing how to fight. I locked myself in my room after school and practiced. Each day I got better. Soon my family thought I was a shame to them, so they kicked me out of the house and I soon got kicked out from my school too, seeing that my parents stopped paying my school fees. I decided to self-study from then on.

Well, I didn't leave straight away, not before barging into my sister's room and retrieving all my ''stolen'' clothes back, together with the stuff that I actually found nice.

''What the hell are you doing?!'' my sister had said.

I pretended to think, ''Umm...taking back what's mine? Duh.'' And just like that, I shoved past her and into my room, where I had packed all my stuff into a suitcase, considering I did not own much things.

After leaving the house, I had spent the next few nights sleeping at the park on the bench before finding a small and cheap apartment to rent. It was not the nicest, and was situated within the danger zone of the town where many gang fights happened.

That's when I discovered the underground fighting ring situated at the basement in the alleyway in between the buildings I lived in.

Now, as I was waiting for my next opponent to arrive, I headed over to my usual bench and took a few gulps of water. I could feel the adrenaline and excitement pumping through my veins like how everytime I fought.

After recieving my cash prize and stuffing them in my worn out black bag, I sauntered over to the side of the fighting platform, ignoring the ridiculous cat calls and hollers towards me. Men. I thought, regretting choosing to wear a tight tank top and my old school gym shorts tonight.

I had long, brown wavy hair that flowed down to the small of my back. I was not that tall, being only 5'2". I had forest green eyes that did not resemble my parents at all. I was glad, though. I couldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror and being constantly reminded of the devil spawns which were my parents.

I was supposed to wait for my opponent to arrive and according to Mike, the owner of the underground fighting ring, this opponent was a newbie. Huh. I bet he's not so experienced in fighting like I was. I thought with a chuckle wondering if this newbie would be just like the others— thinking that a girl like me couldn't beat them.

I watched another couple fight while waiting for this newbie to come impatiently, wanting to fight and just that.


Image of Danielle played by Amber Heard >>>

(Further) Edited on 18/6/2014 (dd/mm/yy)


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