the sister of an uchiha

By sukii_hatake

97.3K 2K 924

this is a story of a daughter that is forced to get married and has two older brothers. she is also a uchiha... More

the birthday party
six years later
the letters
meeting the team yay!
meetings and fights
more meetings
sealing and memories 😋
beginning of training
secrets out!
about to fight panda! aw man!
getting rescued
convincing the hyuga leader?
surprise surprise !!!
time to reunite the siblings
the fight
sorrowful partings
I'm escaping this marriage!
should i
seeing him again
should i
happy birthday
another book

the chase

2.1K 45 7
By sukii_hatake

Her hand pierced into the ball, her hand connecting into something hard and warm. Almost immidiately, her hand felt something warm and wet underneath. Tukiko gasped, finding that the wetness was blood. It wasn't her blood. No. It was Gaara's.

"It's my blood!" Gaara screamed in horror. It hurt Tukiko. It seemed like he had never seen his own blood before. Although Gaara was her opponent, she didn't like the fact that he made him scream because of seeing his own blood.

Something started to slither around Tukiko's arm in the ball. She shivered and tried to wretch her hand out of the ball but couldn't. For some reason, she felt that she had to get her arm out before something happened to it. Her arm wriggled around, Tukiko gritting her teeth in all attempts to get it out. She even pushed her other hand onto the ball to get it out. A grip was on her arm, sending waves of fear in her.

"Let go!" Tukiko had to send her chakra to her hand again. Electricity sounded again and a scream was heard. She squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't bare hearing him in pain. The pain Gaara was feeling made it possible for Tukiko to finally get her arm moving back out. She used all her strength to get her arm out. Halfway out, she gasped as something was latched onto her arm. It was something tan and had purple lines running all over it. She wretched her arm out of its hold and leapt back. Her wide eyes kept staring at the thing as it retreated into its hole. Tukiko held her arm in pain. "What the heck was that!?"

Using her Sharingan, Tukiko peered into the hole to see what was in there. Her heart pounded against her ears and her breathing nearly stopped. Something was slithering inside of that ball. Shivers wracked her body as her eyes met a yellow eye that looked sinister and craved for blood. The eye disappeared, leaving Tukiko shaken.

What...What was that?... Her breathing returned. Her body was stuck on spot as she remembered that eye. I have a horrible feeling about that. It wasn't normal, that's for sure.

Suddenly, the ball started to crack from the hole and started to dissolve. Tukiko watched as the sand fell and Gaara emerged from the sand. He was standing, holding the place where Tukiko hit him with blood flowing down his hand. His eyes were wide with shock and he was panting. She was shocked at thsurroundeds eyes.

What's going on? Those weren't his eyes...Then what was that freaky thing that was looking at me?!

Tukiko was brought out of her thoughts when hearing a small explosion behind her. Turning, she saw that smoke rose from the place the Kages were supposed to be watching from. She stood to her feet, not knowing what was happening. Something leapt out of the smoke to reveal that it was the Kazekage holding the Hokage in his hold. They landed on the top roof. The Kazekage took out a kunai and placed it on the throat of the Hokage. The ANBU rushed over seeing the village leader in danger. They tried to lung at the Kazekage but then a four walled barrier surroundedthem. One ANBU hit the wall and flames erupted on him, killing him. The Hokage was helpless.

Oh, no! Sasuke! Sasuke! Sasuke, answer me! Tukiko thought feverently. She knew what was going on. They were being attacked! Ambushed by the Oto ninjas!

Tukiko? What's wrong? -sasuke

Tell Kakashi to get over here now! I think the village is being attacked and the Hokage is in danger! We need help!-tukiko

What? Sasuke asked in shock. From where he was, he had stopped his training. Kakashi was wondering why he stopped. How did-Never mind. I'll ask later. I'll tell Kakashi and be right there.

Hurry! Our home is in trouble! -tukiko

Tukiko ended their communication and didn't speak to Sasuke as she saw Temari and Kankuro land next to Gaara. They were speaking to him, trying to convince him to abandon his desire to kill Tukiko to get the plan over with. A Suna jonin appeared in front of them, telling them to get moving. Genma appeared in front of her, facing them.

"What's going on? Why is this happening?" Tukiko asked, confused by all of this.

"It appears Suna and Oto have allied to attack the village," he said.

No way..."

The Suna jonin, who were possibly Gaara's teacher, ordered them to go. Temari and Kankuro obeyed. Kankuro put Gaara's arm around his shoulder and the two started to run with their injured brother.

Is the host of this party Orochimaru?" Genma demanded from the jonin.

The suna jonin smirked. "Who knows? Let's get started and join the fun."

"Orochimaru!?" Tukiko gasped. She knew that Orochimaru was evil but to attack the village? She realized this was probably why he was in the village. "But why-"

"Sorry, Uchiha-san, but the exams are over. You go and pursue Gaara and the others," Genma ordered her. Tukiko tensed in surprise. "You're already a fine shinobi so you should help out."

Tukiko nodded. She would do anything to help protect her home. She dashed out and ran to follow Temari and Kankuro. She leapt over the wall of the arena and followed them. With her speed, she was able to try to catch up to them. She followed them into the forests of Konoha, jumping from branch to branch. After awhile, she finally caught up to them, their figures finally showing. She hurried her pace and leapt in front of them, landing nimbly on a branch. She smiled innocently at the shocked faces of the two elder ninjas.

"Did you think I would let you three just run away during the middle of a battle? It's rather rude to do so," Tukiko said, scolding them on their manners.

"Tch. Tukiko Uchiha," Temari muttered. She turned to her brother. "Kankuro, take Gaara and get out of here. I'll distract her."

"Oh no you won't!" Tukiko extracted a few kunai and threw them at Kankuro. Temari retailitated by using her own kunai. Tukiko ran at them instead, taking out another kunai, and was about to jump at them when Temari jumped in, using a kunai of her own to block the attack. Tukiko jumped back, landing on the branch opposite of them. Temari turned to her brother.

Go! Get out!"

Kankuro nodded and ran away, jumping at the branches.

"You're not getting away so easily!" Tukiko was about to follow them but Temari appeared in her path. "Get out of the way!"

"Never!" Temari grabbed onto the object on her back and opened it to reveal that it was a fan. She swung the fan in Tukiko's direction, making her fly back. Tukiko had to flip in midair to land on a branch correctly.

Really. I have to fight her in order to get to Gaara. Tukiko gritted her teeth. She didn't want to fight Temari but it looked like she had to. But she had to be careful not to use all of her chakra. She still had to fight Gaara, after all. Temari glared at her, thinking the same thing.

The two moved at the same time. Tukiko leapt into the air to throw kunai at Temari but she used her fan to repel them. Tukiko landed on another branch as Temari leapt up to the one opposite of her. Tukiko smirked as Temari shouted and waved her fan. "Wind scythe jutsu!" Tukiko leapt up to dodge the attack. It sliced the tree that she was previously on so there was no way she could go near that tree again. She She had to leap from tree to tree as Temari continuously used her jutsu. She jumped onto another branch just as Temari shouted a different jutsu name.

"Sandstorm jutsu!"

This time, Tukiko didn't have enough time to dodge. Her hands came together in a seal just as the wind jutsu hit her. Temari smirked as Tukiko's body hit the trunk of a tree but it dropped when seeing the body poof to reveal a log. She gasped. "A substitution jutsu!" She looked around for a sign of Tukiko. Her head had turned to the side just as a yell came out.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!"

Tukiko leapt out from the hiding spot of the leaves, fire coming out of her mouth and aimed at Temari. Temari heard the yell and swung her fan, dispelling the fire. Tukiko landed on another tree branch. Her eyes widened as her foot slipped on some sand and found herself falling. Temari smirked, leaping down.

"Got you!" She threw kunai at Tukiko but failed to see that she was making hand seals. Tukiko cried out as the kunai hit her body. Temari landed and glanced up to see Tukiko's body fall but gasped when seeing another log fall to the ground. She gritted her teeth, looking wildly around her. "Stop hiding! What, are you afraid that I'll beat you?"

"Think again." Temari looked up to see Tukiko leaning against a tree branch, waving with a grin on her face. She held up three fingers and ticked them off as she counted down. "Three...two...and one..."

There was a loud explosion right near Temari. She cried out as the blast sent her skidding across the forest floor, injured. She struggled to sit up. Tukiko jumped onto another branch, staring apologettically at her.

"I'm sorry, Temari but it had to be done. And I'm sorry that I have to beat your brother to protect the village. I don't want to but I have to."

Tukiko jumped through the trees again, leaving Temari behind to catch up to Kankuro.

She jumped through the branches, chasing after Kankuro. She bit her lip at the thought of what she said to Temari. She told her that she was going to hurt her brother. Was she really going to do that? Tukiko never sympatheized with people but this time she did. Temari and Kankuro were just trying to help out their brother and she was chasing them to get to him. She was even kicking their butts just to get to that. She understood what they were doing. They just wanted to get their brother away from all of this. If she and Itachi were them and trying to help out Sasuke, she would do the same thing. But...Gaara was crazy. He had some unknown power that could possibly kill them. If he was going to destroy the village, she would have to do this.

Tukiko finally caught up to them, landing on the branch in front of them. She panted, a bit winded from all of this running.

"Are you done running?" she asked them.

"Who says I was running?" Kankuro shot back. "I'll take you on. But you'll regret it."

"Wait!" yelled the voice of Temari. She jumped down next to Kankuro. He sighed in relief.

"So there you are. I was worried there for a second. When she appeared and you weren't, I thought she must have finished you."

"She didn't but she could have. I don't know why she let you go." Temari glared at Tukiko. "What did you mean back there? When you said that you were sorry? And that you were sorry that you were going to hurt Gaara to protect your village? What did you mean?"

"I said what I said," Tukiko said, frowning. "I really don't want to hurt Gaara more than he already is. I'm not a usually violent person but I would be if my family and home were in danger."

"Why would you care about Gaara? You've only known him for a short amount of time!"

"I know that but...I just don't like hurting people." Tukiko glared at them. "And I should say the same about you! I know you're Gaara's siblings but do you know him at all? I saw that thing or whatever was in that ball!" The two tensed up at the mention of it. "Are you afraid of Gaara because of that thing? I saw the way you two tense up like when we encountered each other before the exams started. You're his siblings! Why are you even afraid of your little brother?"

"You don't know anything!" Kankuro shouted. "You don't even know about that thing!" He set down Gaara on the branch and jumped to the branch in front of him. He took off the thing on his back as he did so spoke to Temari. "Go and take Gaara out of here."

"No! I'll do it!" she argued.

"Look at yourself, Temari. You're worn out and wouldn't stand a chance against this girl. Besides," he smirked. "You'll only get in my way."

Temari glanced at Tukiko and Kankuro before sighing. She picked up Gaara and ran away.

Fuck! Tukiko was tired of this stupid cat and mouse game. It was getting annoying. And now she had to handle Kankuro before she could get to Gaara.

"It's time you fought with me, Uchiha. I usually don't fight against girls but I'll make an exception with you."

"I really don't want to fight you," she sighed. "But if I must-"

"Hold on," said another voice. Tukiko looked up to see Shino standing there cooly. "I want to fight him first."

Kankuro scowled. "What do you want?"

"Shino! How in the world did you find us?" Tukiko asked, relieved to have him there.

"I planted a beetle on you as you left the arena. A female one." He pointed at Tukiko's tanktop and she looked down to see a small beetle on the strap. "They give off a strong scent, though you can't smell it but the male of that species can. He would follow her and he led me straight here. Tukiko, you're after Gaara right? You should go after him since you never got to finish your match. I have some unfinished business with Kankuro since we never got to ours yet. Go."

"Are you sure?"

"Just give me ten minutes and I'll check on you to make sure you're alright."

"Well...Alright, if you insist. But I'll probably be done by the time you get there. Thanks for this, Shino-kun!" Tukiko smiled at him before leaping away to chase after Gaara again. She wished Shino luck just in case anything were to happen. He might need it.

Tukiko ran, leaping through the trees. She eventually caught up to Temari and Gaara because they stopped. When landing on the branch behind them, she was shocked to see Gaara punch his sister into a tree, knocking her out. At that action, she growled.

"What the hell!? How could you do that to Temari? She was just trying to help you!" She glared down at him, fire burning behind them. "I have no idea what the hell your plans are but I'll do everything it takes to stop them! Plus...I'm curious to see if its true or not."

Gaara groaned and held his head in pain. And now that she looked clearly, Tukiko could see the cracks in his face. It began to crack more as Gaara moaned from the pain.

"No, Gaara! Remember the mission!" Temari pleaded.

"You, your brother, and I are all alike, Uchiha," Gaara continued, ignoring her. "You have friends unlike me but that isn't what makes you strong. It's your purpose that does it. We're very alike."

Tukiko knew that he was referring to what happened during their month of training. Gaara had suddenly showed up as she and Sasuke were training. Kakashi had sensed him by his killer intent. Gaara came out, asking why they were looking for power. At that time, Tukiko became worried as an image of their older brother passed through Sasuke's mind. She already knew he was going to kill Itachi but it seemed too good to be true. She forgot about that as Gaara told them that all three of them were alike. But Tukiko disagreed. She was nothing like Gaara and neither was Sasuke. He only killed for fun. They did it for a goal.

"Once I've killed you, I will have destroyed those ambitions. Onlly then I can survive. Only then I can feel alive!" He stopped, more cracks on his face and started to scream. Tukiko gasped as Gaara fell to his knees, clutching his head. He screamed loudly. Then he lifted up his head and only then was Tukiko both right and horrorifed. Gaara's left side of his body had completely morphed into that of his monster's. No. A demon. He growled at Tukiko, the bloodlust clear in his eyes. "Let me feel it!"

"Damn. It is him..." Tukiko gritted her teeth. "Gaara is a Jinchurriki."

A Jinchuuriki. A living prison for whatever was sealed inside like a demon. That was what Tukiko remembered when she first met one in Kumo. When a demon is sealed inside a Jinchuuriki, they are usually hated by their village for they didn't see the person and demon as seperate. No. People only saw the person as the demon. They were orignally supposed to be weapons for war but some villages didn't seal them for war. In her short life, Tukiko had come across at least four Jinchuuriki as she traveled all around the nations. Some of them were even close to her. Of course, some people hated her for just being a friends with a demon but Tukiko didn't care. She didn't see the monster within them. She only saw the warden of the demon. But the person were usually lonely people and it saddened her. All they wanted was to be loved and yet they never got it. That was why when she first meets a Jinchuuriki host, she tries to cling to them and be their friends for as long as possible. They appreciated it.

But Gaara...Tukiko knew that she might never be able to become close to Gaara since he was insane because of his demon and was possibly out for her blood. Crap.

She tensed up as Gaara went into a crouch and lunged at her. Tukiko dodged the attack in time and hid behind a tree, shaking. There were crashes behind her. If she wasn't a second too late, she could have died! She took a shaky breath, looking over her shoulder to where Gaara was.

Fuck! I haven't seen anything like him since Yugito!

One time, she had accidentally eaten all of Yugito's sushi when she was in Kumo and she had gotten so pissed. She went into her demon state out of rage and Tukiko remembered that was the first time she was truly afraid of losing her life. She was chased around Kumo until the next day when she apologized to her. She promised herself never to try to antagonize any Jinchuuriki should she meet them to avoid a painful death. But she hadn't done anything to antagonize Gaara! His demon was just out for her blood!

"Why are you hiding? Are you afraid of me!? Tukiko...Uchiha!...Are you shocked by what I really looked like?" Gaara taunted her.

Like I'm afraid of him! Yugito was scarier! Tukiko shakily stood to her feet, panting from all of the fear. She listened as Gaara kept taunting her to make her come out. She sighed. Looks like I have no choice...I have to fight him!

Tukiko came out of her hiding place. She leapt into the air to throw some kunai at him but his transformed arm blocked it. Gaara smiled manaically as he swung his arm at her. She made a hand seal as the arm hit her and turned into a log. Gaara laughed.

"Are you afraid of me...Tukiko Uchiha!..."

"Not on your life!" Tukiko appeared right behind Gaara to attack him but he had turned around and swung his arm at her again. She couldn't dodge in midair so she arched her back (like in the matrix!) and flipped downwards to avoid the attack. She landed on a branch, her blood pounding in her ears. Gaara chuckled.

"Here's a present for you!"

He swung his arm again to release the kunai she threw earlier but they came at a faster rate. Gasping, Tukiko used a substitution jutsu yet again to avoid it. She appeared behind a tree, trying to figure out what to do. She shivered, not sure what she was going to do.

"Fight me...Tukiko Uchiha!"

"N-No!" Tukiko stepped out of her hiding place, slowly. Her eyes held tears in them, her whole body shaking. "I-I don't want to fight you anymore."

Gaara laughed. "So you are afraid of me! I can see it...and it makes me want to kill you!"

"Stop it, please! I know what you've been through! I know that you want to prove you exist but it's not by this way!" Tukiko felt herself crying, her shoulders shaking. She was starting to remember when she was younger. Her father had ignored her like she wasn't even alive and all she wanted was his love. He never acknowledged her in any way except as a stranger. All Tukiko wanted in her life was the love of her father. Reading those stories about fathers loving their children, especially their daughters, made her want her father's love as well. But she never got it. Her father only treated both Itachi and Sasuke like his children but never her. Before she found out that her whole family was dead, Tukiko had thought that if she showed her father that she was a capable kunoichi, he would love her as well. But that was all gone. "If you want to be loved, you have to show others you want to! That's a horrible way to kill just to feel alive! That's not the way you should try to feel like that!"

"What would you know!? You've never been alone!" Gaara growled, his eyes glaring at her. "You don't know the pain of being lonely!"

"Maybe not! I still have my brother even if our whole clan is dead but it wasn't always like that! I've been traveling alone and by myself for the past six years. I've met many people but I never got to see them again and it felt horrible to travel alone. So please don't do this. I hate to see people die."

"Enough of your lies! If you won't fight I'll just kill you now!" Gaara swung his arm at her, ready to crush her. Tukiko gasped. Her back was against a tree and there was no time to escape. The disformed arm near her and Tukiko squeezed her eyes tightening, raising her arms to brace herself in a feeble way. She was ready for the excruciating pain. But the pain never came. Instead there was a scream of pain and someone landing in front of her.

"Tukiko, you are the most idiotic person I have ever known. Not even defending yourself was just a stupid mistake."

Wait a second, I know that voice!

Tukiko opened her eyes to see that it was...

Gaara kissing that useless girl freak in sakura oh heck no!!!

Nah jk


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