More Than a Coincidence (An E...

By kj77anime

3.1K 64 108

Currently editing! Warning: boyxboy ErenXLevi (Trigger warning: violent language, depression, self-harm, suic... More

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It's happening!
Update :)

Chp 12

106 2 4
By kj77anime

(A/N: Don't play video just yet!)

"Hey look!" Hanji exclaimed, pointing her finger at a small sign that read: Open Mic Night ~ Show Off Your Talent

"That's cool, I didn't know they did that here," Erwin said as he ate his food.

Hanji gasped, "Erwin go play something!"

"What?! No!" Erwin disputed.

"Oh come on! Didn't you take lessons since you were 8?" Hanji pleaded.

"I said until I was 8!" Erwin emphasized.

Hanji turned her head to Levi and opened her mouth to talk but was instantly shot down. He wasn't even looking at her when he spat, "Hell no." making Hanji huffed in defeat. Suddenly an evil glint appeared in her eyes as she tilted her head my way.

"Eren, can you play?" She begged.

I honestly have terrible stage fright, the church is different because people are singing and they aren't paying attention to me. But in front of an entire bar of strangers and the trio I just met is too much. My face heats up and I start to fidget, "U-umm n-no I don't really play."

Levi suddenly sarcastically scoffed, "You are such a terrible liar brat. You told me yourself."

The red tint on my face intensified. Did he have to remember that?  

"Yes, you can Eren! Go up there right now! Play something! Pretty pretty pleeaaaase?!" Hanji pled.

"I don't... I don't kno-"

"Pleeeeeeeaaaase?" Hanji begged, giving me puppy eyes. That's not fair.

Suddenly my arm was pulled. Hanji led me to the front of the stage to the man sitting with a sign-up sheet. Let me point this out, empty sign-up sheet. "My friend here wants to play a song!"

The man spoke, "Alright kid first up, go ahead whenever you're ready."

Hanji pushed me up the stairs as the man stood up with a microphone, "Alright ladies and gents we got a taker for open mic night. What's your name kid?" He held the mic to my mouth.

"E-Eren." damn you stutter!!

"Let's give a hand to him." With that, a few people clapped (a.k.a Erwin and Hanji).

I gulped and sat down on the small green padded stool and anxiety rocketed down my spine. I lifted my shaking hands to the keys. When my fingers rested on the smooth keys a calmness ran through me. I took a deep breath and thought of a song to play because there is no way I was gonna play my own piece.

With dozens of eyes on me and only me, I close my eyes and begin.

(A/N: press play)

I gently press down the keys beginning the emotional song, the high notes of the melody complimenting the lows beautifully.

Immediately I get caught in the trance as my hands move naturally. Everything around me goes quiet and all I focus on is the melody. It was as if the entire room became empty, a hollow core that allowed me to fill it with the music I made. Something I did with myself. I used music to fill the hole deep inside me. Darkness was brightened with a kaleidoscope of colors you can only see when your eyes are closed, a manifestation of song in your mind. Filling every crevice and hole I refused to acknowledge, and as I did that, it only made them deeper. Deeper than any part of the ocean, as vast as any galaxy in space, and as heavy as gravity itself.

The song slows and becomes quiet, but just because it was soft, doesn't mean it is any less powerful. You just need to listen to understand that sometimes the softest of melodies are the most beautiful. The quiet ones are the ones to listen for, past all the loud and obvious tunes, past the ones looking for your attention. The ones hiding in the background not wanting to be heard, but when they do they hit you in a way you never thought possible and grow from there.

Soon enough the music picks up, becoming faster as strong chords, that can send chills down every spine, hit over and over. I never knew where I got the passion for music all my life until my dad found me at the church piano, playing when he told me how much mom loved to sing and listen to music. I'd like to think I got it from her. I wonder if she were still alive today if she'd accept me for 

The final part of the song enters after a short pause and my hands move with even more speed. My mind goes blank as instinct takes over. My body moves with the tempo and I close my eyes yet again, knowing perfectly where every key, every note lay. I've played this tune a thousand times. Low notes go up and down as the high melody played a bittersweet tune. I think of how painful it was living with my homophobic father, his constant badgering of how gay is a sin! God's plan for me and my utter betrayal to him. I don't want to go through that ever again. Microscopic tears rise behind my closed eyelids as I let out the breath I held and played the final chord, ending my 5 seconds of fame.

I look up, leaving the trance I was caught in, met dozens of shocked faces. A few seconds pass as applause from the entire room erupts. Whistles from slightly wasted people shocked me as I stood up. I look down to see Erwin clapping enthusiastically, Hanji was cheering, jumping up and down like a crazy fangirl. I take a modest bow and then my eyes land on those cold eyes. Yet they were in a way, warmer. Levi sat, arms still crossed but loose, his face was softer than usual. And finally the sarcastic, smirk he owned did not hold any attitude. That was a smile! That was the first time I ever saw an actual grin, even if it was half-assed! He nodded his head once, assuring me of my performance. I couldn't help it as a big goofy grin formed on my face.

The ride home was filled with Hanji asking me where I learned to play. I just told her that I learned from the last pianist for the church. His name was Mr. Hannes, he was amazing at what he did. He taught me to read music, play, and then much more. After he left, I took over his position at the church. From then on I improved my skill myself. By the end, everyone in the car was intrigued and Erwin finally asked where I was going to college. I told them about Rose college, however, Rose city college isn't just any college, it has a crazy music program, and it is seriously hard to get into. You have to audition and everything, and if you do make the cut, it is a full ride! That is my next goal!

I look in front of me, instantly met with Levi's eyes. "You're gonna get that scholarship don't doubt yourself."

I nod in agreeance and watch as he turns back around and clasps his hand with Erwin's. In the backseat, I end up staring out the window at the passing buildings.

That scholarship is mine!

- - - - Two weeks later - - - -

"HANJI HANJI HANJI! GUESS WHAT?!" I yelled as I burst through the door.

"Living room!" Hanji yelled back.

I ran in holding a letter from Rose college. I applied for the music scholarship and I was waiting to see if I qualified. "I qualify and I got my date for the audition for Rose!" I yelled as I stumbled into the living room.

Hanji sat on the floor with papers scattered around her. "That's great! I'm sure you'll get in you don't even have to worry!" She said while searching through the mess.

"What's all that?" I ask.

Hanji sighs, "Huhh it's the rent history of all the rooms in the building. I need to organize them by number, year, renter, and a lot more."

Obviously, she was stressed so I decided to help her and we sat for hours sorting all of the paperwork. Finally, "Eren! Oh my God, when is your audition?" Hanji asked, she finally caught up.

"Umm next Saturday," I inform. Wow, I didn't think I'd be so nervous. I've got to practice more.

~ ~ ~ ~

For the past few weeks, Levi has been giving me rides to and from school with the occasional hang out at Armin's. He insists he's just being nice, but I think it's also so he has an excuse to ride his bike more.

The next morning I tell him about my audition while walking to his bike. I tell him how I'm gonna be practicing at the school all this week so to pick me up later at Armin's. With the plan set, we head off to the school.

After school that day, I spend my last free period in the band room practicing tirelessly. I am determined to get in. A solid 2 and a half hours of work flew by and Armin surprisingly stayed the whole time. After that we headed to his house, cautiously, hoping not to bump into my father.

We were in Armin's room talking when our conversation becomes serious. Armin is moving far away for college, we don't know what it's like not having the other glued to our hip.

"Eren about college-" Armin started.

"Don't it's ok, I'll miss you a lot but-"

"Eren! Will you shut up and listen! I'm not leaving anymore, I changed my mind. Everything that's happened with you, grandpa, I can't leave." Armin explained.

"Armin you are at the top of our class! You got into one of the toughest schools for science! Don't blow it!" I yelled.

"I don't really wanna sit in a lab all my life!"

"Then what?"

"I took forensics this year and it was really cool. And I'm good with computers so... Computer forensics!" He said confidently.

I stare at him for a second but give in with a chuckle. "Alright alright you know what they say...follow your dreams." I smile at him.

"Even better! I transferred all my credits to Rose city and was accepted!" Armin exclaimed.

My mouth dropped, "What?! For real?"

He nodded and I jumped to my feet and hugged him. "Armin you are a godsend.....ya know, figuratively." We both burst into laughter but were interrupted by an engine rev outside. "That's my call."

Heading downstairs I grab my backpack and meet Levi outside. However, he wasn't alone.

"Grandpa?! What are you doing out here?" Armin yelled pushing past me to the curb. Before we got there we heard yelling from the older man.

"Who do you think you are punk?" Mr. Arlert shouted in Levi's face as he took off his helmet. I was worried Levi would get mad but he calmly put the kickstand up and stood.

"Sir, I'm just here for Eren, we've met before, shook hands actually. Do you remember?" Levi said respectfully.

"Get off my property before I call the police, you're not Grisha Jeager you kidnapper!" Mr. Arlert got in the shorter man's face and violently shoved him into the street.

"Grandpa!" Armin yelled as we ran over. Armin took his grandpa's arm and turned him to face him. "Grandpa he's not kidnapping Eren! Eren's living with him, he's not a stranger!"

I run around the bike to Levi's side and kneel next to him on the pavement. "A-are you ok?" I ask, seeing his bloody elbow.

"Tch, yeah just a scratch," Levi grumbled as I helped him off the ground.

Armin started to walk his grandpa back to the house, "I'm so sorry! H-he didn't know-"

"It's fine Armin, tell him I'm not mad when...he's feeling better," Levi said calmly as he picked his helmet off the ground.

I waved Armin goodbye and climbed onto the motorcycle.

When we got back to the apartment building, we both went to Levi's apartment, finding Erwin and Hanji inside.

"Hi boys!" Hanji squeaked, "Just in time for dinner! Uhh, what happened to your arm?" Hanji asked.

Levi and I looked at each other. "I was pushed by his friend's grandfather. It's no big deal-"

"What!? Levi someone physically pushed you? It is a big deal!" Erwin got defensive as he grabbed his fiance's arm.

"No it's not dammit! The guy has Alzheimer's it's not his fault!" Levi raised his voice as he pulled his arm back.

Erwin turned to me, "Well why be in that kind of situation instead of just having him get you from school?"

I'm in shock, "U-uh s-sor-"

"It's not his fault either Erwin! Calm down!" Levi said defensively and Erwin went to argue back but was interrupted, "Stop treating me like I'm some delicate property you own!" Levi finally yelled and stormed off into his office. Erwin walked the opposite way to their bedroom, leaving Hanji and me dumbfounded in the kitchen.

"Well, that was....weird," Hanji muttered and turned back to the food she was cooking. I decided to help her and eventually, Levi and Erwin returned in their own time. Dinner was awkward until Levi started a conversation on my practice for my audition. From there the conversation became the usual cracking of inappropriate jokes and laughing at each other.

Back in Hanji's apartment, I ask her a question that's been bugging me, "So do they bicker like that a lot?"

Hanji sighs, "No, that's the thing! They don't! I've never seen Erwin react like that to something so small or Levi get so offended. That was really weird."

Hmm, I wonder what set them off?

- - - - Friday Before Audition - - - -

I was sitting in lunch with the whole group as they kept reassuring me about my audition. Sometimes they aren't annoying. I've been practicing hours on end, playing the same classical piece over and over. I can play it perfectly but my anxiety still haunts me.

Mikasa and Armin told me they were gonna be there watching and cheering me on and I thank them for that.

Today is my last day to practice and I stay in the band room for 2 hours after school ends. Good thing the teacher always stays and doesn't hate me.

"Good luck Jeager." The band teacher says as I wave goodbye to him and leave. The next time I'll be in front of a piano, my whole future will be on the line.

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