Pink and Proud

Von StupidlyIdioticTrash

5.8K 123 188

Pit is enjoying his second year at the world wide tournament, Super Smash Bros. Despite hating life, he just... Mehr

What twins are for
You're an idiot
It's your fault
Hold me in your arms
Memory lane
Playing Cupid
Regretted Past
A basket full of Blackmail
Breaking him down

Your dream guy

1K 19 11
Von StupidlyIdioticTrash

A/N: Wassup, it's 2020 me—

So Basically I'm updating this a little bit to fix some spelling/grammatical errors I may have made and maybe (hopefully) the characters will be a little more in character now. Don't worry though, I'm not changing things too much, I figured it'd be weird for some if I just rewrote this whole story so I'm not gonna change something unless I cringe so hard I feel like have to... aNYWAYS, I hope you enjoy this! :)

A warm body moves slowly next to me as I roll over and try to remain asleep. "Pit." A gentle deep voice reaches my ears, trying to get me up. I hum in response and there's a soft chuckle. "It's time to wake up.."

My eyes open to be greeted by another pair of crystal blue ones. I smile and reach out for them, but the already blurry image ripples.

I jolt up in bed and look around. Everything I'd just experience was a dream, which kind of sucked because I wanted to stay in that dream forever.

My twin, Dark Pit, stood above me in black plaid pajamas. And instead of crystal blue eyes I was met with his bright red ones. I sighed and rolled over in bed, pulling the sheets over my head.

"Pit." He frowns.. "You had that dream again?" He asks. I nod sadly. It was true, I've been having the same dream about the same guy for the past two years. I don't even know who he is! It was honestly very frustrating..

"Well come on!" Dark urges me on, trying to get me out of bed. "The sooner you get up the sooner you'll find out what it means." I very reluctantly get up and stretch a bit, but before I'm fully awake Dark pulls my plaid light blue sleeves causing me to fall out of bed.

"WHAT THE—?" My shout seems to be cut out by my impact with the floor, Dark seemingly not caring instead just continues to open up my dresser and throw my clothes onto my bed.  I sit up as he builds up a pile of my usual attire on my now tangled up sheets. 

He walks up to the door and turns back to raise a brow at me. "Do you need me to drag you out the door too?" His snarky remark is answered by my tired grunt of, "No." And even though he's the one who woke me Dark seems as if he couldn't be any less interested in what I do as he locks himself in his own bedroom so he can get dressed. 

As soon as said door was shut I sigh with the annoyance I feel at the fact that I have to wake up every morning  and lay down on the floor. "Uggghhhhh..." I groan out, clutching my tossed clothing and yanking them down beside me. "I need food."


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