I'll Get You Out Of The Gutter

By CaramelLove2014

4.8K 227 85

Olivia is a disadvantaged seventeen year old girl. She's jumped years of school due to her intelligence and i... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 1

1.8K 15 19
By CaramelLove2014

Thursday: First Day of School

"...She always does that though! It drives me crazy Liv! How can anyone on earth think that it's okay to give yourself drag queen eyebrows! I've hinted, offered a makeover, but nothing! I just want to help!"

"You focus on the strangest things! She can wear her eyebrows however she wants too!"

"Ugh! Honestly! Your lucky you have me as a friend!"

Walking out of the cafeteria Crysti stopped and turnt towards me. "Meet me near the gates after the bell goes, okay?"

"Yeah. See ya" I reply, walking in the opposite direction of hers.

School has been a never-ending story so far. My subconscious mind is constantly chanting 'just one more hour Liv, one more hour until the most boring first day of school is over!' Unfortunately for me my next period is History. Last years teacher was a short, plump old lady who spent most of the lessons talking about the history in her own personal life as if she was my old smelly aunt! Let's hope this year isn't a repeat; I don't want any F's on my future CV .

Our class has ended up having to wait 10 whole minutes until we can finally hear the footsteps of our new teacher behind us. I turn to give him or her a disapproving look for making us wait in a cramped hallway with germs and diseases floating through the air. A handsome young man was walking down the coridoor towards the class like a Calvin Klein model working the strip of the catwalk. Hair bouncing, shoulders swaying, his black formal suit jacket hung loosely over them with no hand support. His hands were otherwise occupied, gently placed in the pockets of his black Capri bottoms. Stopping roughly two feet away from me, he glanced left and right across the students of this class, checking them out before stopping at me. He's probably wondering why I am looking at him with a seriously annoyed expression on my face.

Dark green eyes stare back at me. This man is seriously tall, maybe 6'4 or something! He looks pretty buff and strong. In my opinion, the sexiest thing about a guy is his back. A perfect smooth, muscular back with a big groove in the middle. Hmm *shudder*. Crysti's dirty mind is rubbing off on me! Sadly, the image of a glossy male back blurrs away from me where I am met with a quirky grin and a raised eyebrow. Oh hehe! whoops, those images are only for dreams Liv!

Sometimes you just can't help but dream about guys though. What? i'm a teenage girl, I have an excuse!  Besides i'm not really a sexually comfortable, put-it-out-there type of girl, so I can get away with it this time. I bet I look absolutely ridiculous right now, but trailing back to my earlier thoughts, I wonder if this teacher has a nice back? He has a nice face, so why not? Also his caramel skin looks really soft and nice to touch. W-Wait, he's a teacher! Ew Liv! Serious Ew! I hope it isn't obvious that I am stunned by this guys awesome looks because excuse the stereotyping, but we all know what comes with great looks. An even greater ego!!!

He looks at me like I am a mental patient, clears his throat and shuffles through the class of roughly twenty to reach the door. I have a little OCD, so being squished in a small space breathing in other people's methane doesn't go down well. Actually, so much that I have to retain myself from doing a little joy dance when I enter the airy classroom! Making sure I chose a seat furthest away from everyone right at the back near a window, I set me and my things down and then calmed my nerves about those gross thoughts earlier.

"Alright! Ladies and Gents settle down please the holidays are over! Now, I am Mr Smith and I will be your teacher for the next year. I fully expect you to meet the course outlines, get excedingly good grades, tell your parents that i'm awesome and make me look like the fabulous, handsome teacher that i am" He said in his slightly annoying posh accent smirking.

Confirming my earlier judgment I scoff out loud and roll my eyes.

"Just as I thought "

The class goes dead silent, wondering why, I look up and every single pair of eyes in the class are on me. God! I didn't say it that loud did i?! I detest full attention on myself! It makes me feel all awkward and squirmy! I feeling myself starting to blush like a plump red tomato just about ready to explode. Quickly, I divert my gaze to my lap hoping no one will see.

But then I thought. I'm not gonna let this idiot humiliate me! Why the hell should I? He should be the one blushing, not me!. Right, deep breath Liv. Calming my nerves to exterminate the blush and thinking of my answer to his probable question coming anytime soon, I look back up and meet his green piercing glare and evil lopsided smirk, ready for my comeback. Where has this sudden confidence come from?

"Is there a problem Miss?"

"Er yeah! It's just, I don't think that it's our job to make you look like a good teacher. That's your job, but it shouldn't be your main focus! Your main focus should be to help your students achieve the best possible grade. I think your in the wrong profession if you want to be given all the glory. I mean that is just some pure selfish shit! Did you fall off the catwalk and bump heads with Karl Lagerfeld?"

I am absolutely raging with anger now!!!!! I can't look at this man anymore! Not without imagining his floppy, gelled back, fat Mahican styled hair burning! How unreal can you get? What a self obsessed, know-it all little prick! I am actually disgusted, which is rare! It seems as though my future plans are becoming more and more out of reach, they are waving at me in the distance holding a 'come and get me' sign. How am I supposed to get my grades up with this creature for a teacher?

Amusement covers his face and shock covers everyone else's by my outburst. Damn! I over reacted didn't I? Raising my voice is something that rarely happens, especially in school! I've always been the quiet girl at the back, even in primary school, so everyone questions Crysti as to why she is my best friend because admittedly it's an unlikely match! Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about it. But still, not my fault guys! After about 40 seconds of deafening silence he finally gave his cliche reply.

"Perhaps we should have a little chat outside then? Follow me please!"

I drag my self out of my chair and down the aisle to the classroom door which Mr Smith is holding open for me. I try my best to ignore the harsh glares radiating all around, especially the glares from the girls who obviously think he is hot. The amount of cleavage showing on all of their orange chests proves that.

I stand out in the cold breezy hallway impatiently staring at my shoes with my arms wrapped around my chest, waiting for him to decide on my punishment. I probably look like a little kid with a red face and an attitude problem, but really inside I am terrified. Getting any bad permanent record on my CV could ruin my future chances. Why did i have to do that? Now I hate myself!

"Okay. I don't want to give out detentions on the first day of school so i'm just going to ask you to keep your insults to yourself in the future" Thank holy mother!

"O-Of course Sir!!!" I say very enthusiastically with a large cheesy grin. He looks surprised at my relief and a gentle smile stretches on his mouth.

"Good! What's your name young lady?"


"Nice to meet you Olivia. I'm Mr Smith" He says boldy, holding his hand out for me to shake. I slide my hand into his shaking it up and down, giving him 100% eye contact.

"Nice to meet you. It's Liv though"

"Likewise Olivia!"

"Really, It's Liv, just Liv, only Liv, really!" He smirks at me releasing his hand from my shake.

"I guess it's true what they say about redheads and tempers then" Say what? I raise one eyebrow and shoot him an annoyed look, whilst he stands across from me smiling like a proud man.

"You...I...Come on! Really? Like I don't get enough of that from the students!"

"You can't exactly moan, I could so make it worse and call you ginge or flame brains, but i'm nice so i won't. Well, in class anyway flame brains. Let's go back in shall we?" He pokes his tongue out walking backwards towards the classroom entrance.

"Hey?!...You little!....I'm not...Wait!...Hey!...HEY!" I say stomping a foot on the ground, holding my arms outwards. He disappears through the classroom doorway with a cheeky smirk plastered on his mouth. His eyes playful and kind. I take it back, he is a jerk! Even if he was joking! His confidence and cockiness is annoying and reminds me of the popular guys a school, he's a teacher!


Walking towards the school gates after class to meet Crysti, when out of the corner of my eye I spot Mr Smith walk in to the student reception and ask the school secretary for something. Teachers only use the student reception when they want a students personal records or if they're sending detention slips to parents. He wouldn't lie to me right? He wouldn't stitch me up behind my back and tell my mum? He seems really engrossed in the file that was just handed to him by the flirtatious receptionist. His face is tight and concentrated as he scans the papers. I was paying so much attention to him that I walked straight in to Quinn, the main school bitch, accidentally stepping on her shoe.

"Watch it dweeb! These shoes cost more than your house!" I just step back, roll my eyes and walk round her, shooting her a glare whilst I do. Even though I can hear her talking about me to her little posse behind me.

"Who does she think she is. She's such an ugly loser, look at that hair! This school would be so much better without people like her here" Girlish giggles fill the air causing more people to stop and turn. I just bow my head down, speed walking away as quickly as possible.

"Hey, your ducking your head whats wrong?" Crysti asked as she pushes herself off of the wall she was leaning against. Crysti and I are complete opposites. She is about 5"6 with brown hair, a heart shaped face, brown eyes and pink plump lips. I am very envious of her natural beauty. Unlike her I am 5"8 and a half with long horrid dark red hair, dull dark blue eyes, red lips and a boring square face. I would die for her cheek bones! Literally! Coming out of my trance, I answer her quickly.

"Ah. One word...Quinn. But mainly it's just been a bad first day is all" Smiling weakly.

"Awww. That sucks really! Cos mine was super fab! Except, I envy all the girls who have the hot new History teacher. I saw him in the hallway and you could just have an orgy from looking at him!"

"Serious Ew Cryst! Big ew!! But I actually had him last lesson and lemme' tell you now... He's a complete tosser!" I turn towards the school gates to start my journey home. She quickly caught up beside me linking her arm into mine.

"Wait what!!! You have him? You never said!! Is he as charming up close?"

I laugh "Crysti! Yeah sure he looks like a Disney prince, but his personality is gross! Like...like........like rotten milk!" Her face scrunched up and she honestly looked too cute.

"Nice.........description. Well, he can treat me badly any day he wants. Just think about that naked butt!" She squealed with her mouth closed and widened her eyes.

Her facial expression is hilarious. But urgh! She can be filthy minded sometimes "There's really no persuading you is there?"

"Haha nope"

"He said that it's our job to make him look like a good teacher! Our job!"

"Pfft! He was probably just being sarcastic!"

"Why are you sticking up for him?" I say with my hands held out in a questioning jesture.

"I am not!" 

"Are too!" Crysti left my side to quickly go into the small shop at the bottom of the road to get herself some sweets. She came out holding one of the old red and white striped paper bags full with aniseed twists.

 "Oh-My-God! I cannot wait until my new Manolo Blahniks get delivered!"

"Manolo what?"

"B-l-a-h-n-i-k-s. Shoes Liv, shoes" She said, relinking our arms together and re-beginning to walk.

"What's the point in spending so much money on something your purposely rubbing dirt into all day?"

"Oh i'm not going to wear them!" 


"I'm going to stare at them! I would only wear them, if i one day were to finally meet the Queen!"

"Nobody meets her. Aww poor shoes, never get to see the world"

"Or Tom Cruise..." You should see her bucket list, its hilarious!

"Yep, a shelf life"

 She nudges me with her shoulder "Hey, have hope!"

"Haha. If I were to meet someone in real life i would choose Harry Potter, so he could wave his wand and make my grades go up"

She stops in her tracks tilting her head back to laugh at my comment, i don't think she got the sarcasm. "Hahahahahaha! I think you have to choose a non-fictional character Liv!"

"I'm just messing!"

"You know my Mum's offer still stands!" She said beginning to walk again.

"I know, but i don't want her to spend her own money on private tutoring for me. It would make me feel like a charity case!"

"You know she doesn't see you like that! Your the second daughter she never had!" She said whilst holding her bag of sweets out for me to pick at.

"Or I could ask Harry Potter to just give me your Mum"

Cryst bumps her shoulder into mine and sticks out her tongue "No! Mine! It's the start of school! You have plenty of time to get them back up! Plus Mrs Wright is giving you an excellent recommendation letter for your Uni application! Don't worry" 

She smiles at me encouragingly, I smile back not as convinced.

"Here's my street. See you tomorrow!" That ended to quick. It's way to early to go home, but it's really cold! I suppose I could just say that school ended early today.

"Yeah. See ya!"

I continue down the street watching the posh Oxford slowly drift away. I live about 20 minutes away from Crysti in the run down part of town. She is lucky to have rich parents who love her sincerely, mine just always think the worst of me.



This is my first ever story attempt. Literally ever!!! For some reason secondary school made me detest literature lol.  :( So please give feedback. Good and bad. Everything helps.



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