Percy Jackson meets the Aveng...

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[IMPORTANT - UPDATES WILL BE SPORADIC, PLEASE DONT COMMENT FOR UPDATES] Ever since those odd energy flare ups... Більше

Authors Note
Chapter 1 (Unedited)
Chapter 2 (Unedited)
Chapter 3 (unedited)
Chapter 4 (unedited)
Chapter 5 (unedited)
Chapter 6 (Unedited)
Chapter 7 (unedited)
Chapter 9 (Unedited)
Chapter 10 (Unedited)
Chapter 11 (Unedited)
Chapter 12 (Unedited)
Chapter 13 (Unedited)
Chapter 14 (Unedited)
Chapter 15 (Unedited)
Chapter 16 (Unedited)
Chapter 17 (Unedited)
Chapter 18 (Unedited)
Chapter 19 (Unedited)
Chapter 20 (Unedited)
Chapter 21 (Unedited)
Chapter 22 (Unedited)
Chapter 23 (Unedited)
Chapter 24 (Unedited)
Chapter 25 (Unedited)
Chapter 26 (Unedited) + AN

Chapter 8 (Unedited)

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Annabeth's POV

Percy and I made it till break before we addressed the people that had been following us again; as hard as they had tried to stay out of sight we'd seen them tailing us this morning, from the moment we had left Percy's apartment. I had wanted to discuss it with Percy earlier, but he had sat through Algebra and English Literature, trying his best to stay still and pay attention, and I hadn't wanted to disturb him. I was grateful for the strings that Paul had pulled to get Percy and me in almost all the same classes together. Whilst my dyslexia wasn't great, I could still just about make out what would be written on the board, and in our textbooks. Percy's dyslexia however was at the point that in exams he was allowed someone to read the questions out to him, and teachers had been told to not mark him lower just because of his poor grammar - something that was largely responsible for all his past low grades. In the classes we had together I could usually tell when he was struggling, and would write down notes in Ancient Greek for him. Thankfully our only timetable difference was that I took Graphic Design instead of Home Ec. - it was the closest thing that Goode offered to Architecture, and would look good on college applications.

As we left our English classroom, we automatically headed outside towards the edge of the school campus. The conversation we were about to have would be best not overheard, by either classmates, or our new best friends. Sitting on a bench, I curled up on Percy's lap, trying to make us look just like another PDA loving couple. "Percy, what are we going to do about the people following us?" I asked, pressing my cheek against his. After a moments hesitation Percy wrapped his arms around me and rested his forehead against mine.

"We don't have many options. If they haven't figured it out already, they're going to realise that we know they're there soon, and we don't know what they'll do when that happens. Monster attacks haven't been too regular recently, so we might be able to get away without any fights being spotted for a few days more at least." Percy stopped speaking as a group of girls walked part, audibly cooing at us. He briefly grimaced, likely remembering the time when the entire Aphrodite cabin followed him around camp for a day, letting out aww's any time that we had interacted. "At lunch, before we come back out here to eat I'll send a few quick Iris Messages to Chiron, and Nico, to make sure they know what's happening, and to contact us in person, by phone,  and only over IM if it can't be avoided. There isn't much more that we can do till we find out a little more about the people following us. We can try to research the man and woman that we've seen at the library later, before we head over to see Nico and Will. Is there anything that I've missed?" I smiled, leaning up a little to kiss my boyfriend briefly. "Nope, you covered everything, as usual." I said, switching back to English. "It cant be far off next lesson so we should head back to the main building so you can get to Home Ec. and I can get to Graphic Design." 

With a sign, I clambered off of Percy and offered a hand to pull him up. He accepted, flashing me a cheeky grin, and before I knew it I had been pulled into his muscular chest. "You know Percy," I mumbled into his chest, smiling slightly. "Anyone would think that you hate Miss Cetaer with how often you are late to her lesson's, and if she thinks you don't like how, then she definitely wont help you learn to make blue cookies." Propping my chin on his chest, I gazed up into his  sea green eyes, and watched him pout out his lower lip. "Miss Cetaer is a great teacher, I just don't like having to be alone in her lessons. You could always ditch Graphic Design to come make cookies with me," he joked, reluctantly letting go of me.

Wrapping my arm around his waist instead I started walking us back towards the building's, only a little tempted by Percy's offer. "We both know that I'm a terrible cook Perce, you're the one that has the talent in that area. I can just about manage helping Sally to prepare dinner, but you know that I abandon the kitchen before anything has to be put in the oven. No you can be the house husband, who cooks delicious meals, and does the laundry, and I'll be the breadwinner with all my multi-million dollar houses that I'll build," I lightheartedly joked back. "Okay, I'd be happy with that." He replied with a serious expression. "I really do love bread." I exploded with laughter, unable to stop myself at his terrible joke. Without realising it, we had made it to the point where I would have to split off to get to my classroom, and come to a standstill.

"Okay Percy, that was the worst joke I've ever heard and I know Leo Valdez. I do really need to go to Graphic Design now, so I'll see you in Gym in an hour." I rose on y tiptoes and briefly touched my lips to his, before turning to walk into the art department, still chuckling slightly. As soon as I reached my class I slid into a seat next to my friend Jess and pulled out the graphic drawing tablet that I'd had to buy for this class. I didn't like having to use technology, but after letting Leo mess about with the tablet for a few hours he had stated that it'd be fine for me to use in short bursts, as long as it wasn't for more than a few hours.

"What do we have to do today Jess?" I asked, not surprised to see that our teacher wasn't in the classroom. He usually sent an email discussing what he would expect from us that lesson, before rocking up late to the lesson, a Starbucks coffee in hand. As I powered on my tablet, Jess described our set task - we had to draw a three dimensional building to go on a business' promotional poster. Although I preferred making blueprints, or drawing an elegant building, this task wouldn't be a challenge for me. Whilst I sketched the base of my building, Jess and I chatted about places we'd love to go in the future. Greece and Italy were high up on her list, whereas Paris was at the top of mine. I was tempted to mention that I'd been to both places before, but wasn't sure I would be able to make up a non-incriminating story on the spot. Instead I kept my mouth shut whilst Jess chatted about the gap year she was going to take when she graduated, and how she was going to work the summer, and travel during the school year. Before we knew it the lesson was almost over, our sketches hurriedly saved and sent to our teacher - who had surprisingly not turned up at all today. I rushed to shut off my tablet, and crammed it back into my bag, needing to go and get my Gym bag out of my locker before my next lesson. "I'll see you tomorrow Jess," I said as I pulled my bag up onto my shoulder. "I hope you ace your Maths test next!" With that I turned and walked out of the class room, speed walking towards my locker. Thankfully it was on the way to the changing rooms so hopefully if I hurried I would be able to get to class on time.

By practically jogging down the corridor to the changing rooms I was able to make it before the late bell rang. Hurriedly I wriggled into a sports bra, and exercise top before pulling on a plain pair of leggings. The changing room was almost empty by now, with only a few stragglers left so I quickly pulled on my sneakers and loosely tied the laces. I was able to walk out into the gym alongside a friend Louisa, and make my way over to Percy. "How was Home Ec?" I asked, crouching down to retie my shoelaces. Percy shrugged noncommittally, before noticing Louisa hovering awkwardly by my side. "Oh hey Louisa, how are you?"

After a few minutes of conversation about how unprepared we all felt for finals Coach Hallard made his way into the gym, stopping just in front of the cluster of people. "Alright people," He called out, a sudden silencing falling over the crowd. Coach Hallard was a popular teacher, known for letting the class vote on sports and games every week. "Unfortunately today I need everyone to run the mile so that I can put some official data on our system. However we can play a game of dodge ball after, so that there's something for you to look forward to," He joked, fiddling with his stop watch. After the usual playful booing our class quietened down, and Coach led us outside to warm up. After some stretches and a quick jog round the track to warm up the first group - including me, Percy and Louisa - were set off from the starting line. 

After the run Percy and I had gone on this morning, a mile was nothing, but for the first lap or so we silently agreed to run in the middle of the pack, along with Louisa. By the end of the second lap we allowed ourselves to pick up the speed slightly, drawing towards the main group of jocks and track athletes. Louisa kept pace with us, till halfway through the third lap when she started to slow down, having gone too fast at the beginning in order to keep up with us. I glanced over at Percy, and raised one eyebrow, mentally asking if we should up our pace to allow us to overtake the group at the front. He responded with a grin upping his run to a complete sprint. I let out a laugh, adjusting my speed to match his, and by the start of the final lap we were well ahead of all the jocks - who glared at us as we sped past them, presumably annoyed by how much energy we still had.

Percy and I crossed the line just a second apart, with Percy getting 6 minutes and 3 seconds, and me getting 6 minutes and 4 seconds. Coach Hallard looked surprised by the speed at which we had crossed the line - especially considering that Percy and I had never had to run the mile at school before, and had never been part of a track team before. His surprise might also have been at our relatively energetic actions as we remained standing whilst our classmates trickled over the line, flopping onto the floor as soon as they were done. Louisa finished with a very respectable time of 7 minutes 36 seconds, flopping onto the floor next to Percy and I. "How .. on earth .. do you not ... look tired?" She exclaimed, heavy breathing puncturing her sentence. I let out a quiet chuckle before sinking too the floor next to her, and stretching out my leg muscles. 

"Percy and I met at a summer camp where there were a lot of physical activities, like running and horse riding and canoeing, and we've kept up the habit of regular runs and exercise. It's just a lot of practice - I've been going to this summer camp since I was seven, and Percy since he was twelve. Percy could barely run 100m without getting out of breath when he first joined the camp but now he'll happily do a 5k or 10k." As I spoke a water bottle was dangled in front of my face and I happily took it, taking a large gulp of water. I was about to offer the rest of my bottle to Louisa, but Percy sat down between us, handing over a full bottle of water to Louisa. Not feeling too tired I offered the rest of mine to Percy who gladly downed it. We were left to relax for a few more minutes before we were called to return to the Gym. 

Although the other half of the class was still completing the mile we were put into teams and told to play dodgeball for the rest of the lesson. I opted out of dodgeball, offering to act as referee, not particularly wanting to get hit in the face. Some of the basketball players would fling balls at people with such force that it could break your nose, and I didn't particularly want to have to explain how I had managed to avoid a broken bone at the last minute, because blaming it on demigod reflexes may be the truth, but it would create more questions than it answered. Thankfully after about fifteen minutes of watching people throw rubber projectiles about Coach Hallard came into the gym with the rest of the class, who looked similarly red faced and sweaty.

"Alright everyone, you can all head into the changing rooms to get showered and changed. Can Percy and Annabeth help me to put away the equipment quickly first please." Coach Hallard picked up the three rubber balls closest to him, and Percy and I followed suite. "I don't know what you guys do outside of school to effortlessly run that mile in 6 minutes, but have either of you considered pursuing track after graduation?" He questioned as we put all the equipment in the store cupboard. "No, Coach," I answered for both of us. "We're going to be taking a gap year to earn money, and then I've always wanted to train as an architect and -" Percy chimed in with "I'm probably going to pursue Marine Biology, or something else around animals. We're going to apply next year for our courses." 

"That's a shame," Coach frowned. "Neither of you looked like you were going at your top speed either, you could both be extremely successful athletes if you pursued the sport. Maybe think about joining our track team? I know you only have a month or so left till you graduate, but we have two track meets in that time - one after school on Friday next week, and one the week after that. Consider it for me? If nothing else it would look great on college application forms, that even though you were only at this school for a year, you were able to join an extra curricular. With how you ran today I would not be surprised if you could place in the finals." With that he turned around and walked towards his office, leaving  Percy and I to dash into our respective changing rooms to change back in the five minutes left before the bell.

Ive been trying my best to use american words and stuff, so it may be a surprise to some of you guys that I am not American. Therefore I have no clue about the layout of your average american high school/ day, so im basing the day off of my own school and its old timings, which is school from 8:30 - 3/4pm depending on if you have an extra (6th) lesson which usually only juniors/seniors do. My average school day was homeroom(which is called form) or assembly from 8:30- 9am, period one 9-10am, period two 10-11am, 15 minute recess/break, period 3 and 4 (11:15-12:15-1:15), 45 min lunch, and then period 5 2-3pm. then if anyone has a period 6 its 3-4pm. Hopefully that makes sense :)

EDIT: I'm publishing this on a Friday (an extra upload) to as a thank you for breaking 100 reads. And a massive thank you to my sister HungryGremlin2003  who has voted on every chapter that has been published, and given me (mostly) great feedback on the yet-to-be-published chapters. If you're enjoying the story so far please comment and let me know what you like in particular about this fan fiction, and what you'd like to see in upcoming chapters. I would really appreciate that :)

Finished (07/06/2018)

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