Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

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High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)
Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)

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By Mklng13

Ku rubs his eyes as he goes into his bed. After sending Amy the text and receiving a 'everything is fine,' he decided to finally get some shut eye.

He checked on Alex and Owen to make sure they were asleep and well.

Ku stares up at the ceiling, suddenly not being able to sleep. I miss Vada...I wish things were not like this...Ku sighs, knowing there was no way around it.

Oh I remember all those days...the days I did not worry about what things may be like in the future...oh how I miss those days...

He shuts his eyes for a moment, recalling many words and memories.


"Ku! You took my candy!" Vada stomped her foot angrily.

"You snooze you lose," Ku grinned and popped the last piece of it in his mouth.

"Mamma!!! Dad!!! Ku ate al-" Ku cut her off by covering her mouth.

"Shh!! I don't wanna get in trouble!" Ku hushed his sister.

"Hump. You totally deserve it. Why shouldn't I?" Vada pulled his hand off and crossed her arms.

"Because I'm an amazing brother and there's no way you'd let Mamma and Dad get me in trouble?" Ku tried, smiling brightly.

"How about...no," Vada turns away and opens her mouth to tell.

"Wait! You can't go outside to play with your friends without me! You're only six!" Ku argued.

"Dang it Ku. You're right," Vada pouted. "Okay just this once."

"Yay! Thank you Vada!" Ku hugged his little sister.

"Who said you could give me a hug?" Vada complained but hugged back anyway.


Vada punches the punching bag, her fading black hair tied up in a ponytail, and wearing a simple black jumpsuit. Sweat pours down Vada's face as she starts to feel more and more anxious, as if anxiety came back to remind her,

Your brother is against you...you may not come back...you have lost everything because of them and you hate your brother for not agreeing with you...

He doesn't get me.

Vada punches the bag, imagining her brother as the bag.


Ku tries to sleep again.

Not being able to, he goes out of his room and stretches. He then checks on Alex and Owen again, seeing them sleeping peacefully put him at ease.

Too bad I can not check on everyone...

Ku sighs as he goes back to his bed and attempts to sleep again. His phone buzzes and he quickly accepts the call.

"Hello?" Ku asks, not sure who called him.

"Sensei..? I feel terrible..." Amy's voice answers him.

"What happened?!" Ku becomes alert, his eyes widen as he starts to get out of his bed...just in case.

"Nothing...I just had some thoughts..." Amy starts to sound unsure.

"What do you have on your mind?" Ku asks, his voice softer as he goes back into bed and leans against the bed frame.

"Why is everyone around me suffering so much? Why can't I fix it? Why do mages have to get hurt?! I-I don't know how much longer I can keep seeing mages get hurt Sensei...I can't fix it..." Amy holds back tears.

"Amy, after what I have been through...I had lost the will to continue on living. But then I met you and your siblings and you all gave me a reason to hang on..." Ku pauses.

Why am I being like this? I do not tell mages this...

"You all showed me that no matter how much we lost...there is still hope. There is still a way you can live with those losses," Ku looks down at the covers.

"But you're still suffering! I can tell Sensei I'm not blind! You're in so much pain that...that...I want to fight Vada...no matter what happens...but I can't beat her. I'm not enough for that..." Amy feels some tears fall down her cheeks.

"I am okay Amy. I really am okay. It is hard but no one lives without some sort of challenge...this is my challenge and I accept it so you need to as well. If I can not have you and your siblings accept this...then I do not know if I can really fight Vada.." Ku fights the urge to go over and give her a hug.

My poor child....it is terrible to have these thoughts....

"Sensei...it's because I'm not enough you have to go through this I'm so sorry..! I miss them...I miss them so much...I wanna go back home! I want to go back home!" Amy cries.

"Amy. Breathe. In." Ku instructs.

Amy breathes in.


Amy breathes out.






"Ku?" Vada came up to Ku, with her blanket and sat next to him.

"What's wrong?" Ku looked down, he pulled the blanket over Vada and patted it.

"Are...Mamma and Dad gonna come back?" Vada sniffed as she snuggled up to Ku's side.

"I know it's scary when they have to do this stuff...but don't worry! They'll be back soon," Ku smiled brightly, then patted her head.

"B-but they only go out because of us! I-I'm not strong enough to protect Mamma and Dad! I wanna protect them Ku! Why can't I protect them?!" Vada demanded, she started to cry.

"Hey. You're strong. By being brave here, you can show Mamma and Dad that they don't have to worry about you...you'll be able to protect them, maybe not right now but I'm sure you will be able to," Ku reassured Vada and held her close to him.

"But I'm not strong Ku! I wanna protect them now! Now is what matters! What if they don't come back?! What if I can't protect them when I'm older?!" Vada started to ramble.

Ku grabbed her shoulders and made her look him in the eye.

"Vada. Breathe. In," Ku instructed.

Vada took a breathe in.


Vada let go of the breath.






With that memory in mind, Vada stops her fist just before she hit the bag. Tears fill her eyes as she backs away from the bag, quickly drinking water.

Ku....you're too good of a brother...

Way too good of a mage....

"Everything good in there?" The Generals ask.

"Oh? I didn't know you scums cared?" Vada smirks.

"Hey! At least we asked," Emily rolls her eyes within her armor.

"Yeah, you seem pretty off," Becky adds.

"Nothing I can't handle. Besides, you two are only here because you need someone to serve," Vada knows that it'll get a nice comment out of them.

"Don't get so high and mighty there Vada," Becky raises an eyebrow through her armor.

"Yeah, we're the baddest bad guys you'll ever find. Been at it since birth, got a whole load of experience," Emily grins and points her thumbs to her and Becky.

"Oh really now? So, it wasn't you two who got their asses handed to them by Amy? Hmm, I recall it being you two," Vada smirks again.

"Hey!!" Both women say at the same time.

"You know what Amy is. She's super strong! Like that girl is scary but I'll beat her," Emily rolls her eyes.

"Emily you're the last mage who could possibly pull that off. Let me do it," Becky turns to Vada.

"Idiots. She beat both of you. At least she can anyway. Join together and fight her and leave the Sensei to me. It's flawless and it'll work," Vada rolls her eyes.

"Are you sure she'll be able to pull it off with the Elemental Masters?" Becky questions. "Because hiding in the shadows is super stupid ya know."

"That girl's a fucking beast," Emily looks at Becky in shock. "If anyone can do it, she'll be able to. Do you even remember what she did?"

"Aw thanks Emily!" The girl steps out of the shadows.

"Hey, I'm stating facts unlike Becky for some reason," Emily leans against the glass and shrugs.

"I think you're too attached to be completely honest. That or they already suspect you," Becky states. "Those are facts. Along with the fact that you are showing off stunts that make you look hella suspicious."

"No. I trust that you'll do it. Now leave my child alone," Vada waves her hand as she comes out of the room.

"Thanks, I'll get it down, don't worry," the girl flips her hair.

"...we can't even see you..." Becky face palms.

"Pfft hahahaha!" Emily laughs.

"Oh brother," Vada shakes her head and laughs.

"Weirdos," the girl rolls her eyes, stepping back into the shadows. "Reminds me of five people..."


Ku rubs his eyes, waking up to the smell of eggs. Confused, he quickly washes up and goes down the stairs to see Alex and Owen cooking breakfast.

He stops himself from revealing that he is standing in the kitchen and watches from a far.

"Alex, dude, it's not like that. Here, you're gonna burn your hand off like that," Owen takes the pan from him and sets the handle towards the counter.

"Oh! That's the safe place to put a handle at, got ya," Alex grins and starts to fry the eggs from there.

"Goodness, anyway, I'll finish the French Toast and put some extras in there for the egg," Owen then puts in bread into the toaster. He then starts to mix the mixture in his bowl then puts bread in there.

After flipping it over, he puts oil on the pan and then puts the bread covered in the mixture on the oil.

"Oh those smell SO good!" Alex gushes, flipping over the eggs.

"They're something I've always wanted to make on my own...although I'm not sure what Sensei's favorite breakfast food is..." Owen flips the breads over.

"And I've been living here longer...whoops," Alex chuckles sheepishly.

"It's all good," Owen shakes his head.

"Say...isn't your hair a safety violation?" Alex looks from the corner of his eye at Owen's long hair that is messily put up into a ponytail but his bang still out.

"Let's not talk about that," Owen turns his back towards Alex and puts the bread on a plate with Bounty on it.

"Oh Owen," Alex laughs as he puts the eggs onto a plate.

"Honesty you all are annoying," Owen grumbles, putting more pieces on bread on the pan.

"The rest of us aren't even here?" Alex raises his eyebrow at Owen.

"Still. You all are really annoying," Owen repeats himself.

"You know you love us," Alex nudges Owen playfully with a grin. "We're the color to your world because without us it's just black and white...aka life is lame without us!"

"That was a weird mix between a pick up line and an insult," Owen raises his eyebrow at Alex this time then goes back to making breakfast.

"Mmmm all of this smells so good," Ku walks into the kitchen, his hands behind his back.

Alex drops the hot spatula in surprise and Ku swiftly comes through and grabs it and the other hot spatula that Owen dropped.

"Oh gosh you scared us," Owen breathes out in relief.

"That was scary!" Alex gasps, a hand on his heart.

"Haha you two are very faint of the heart, do you know what I mean?" Ku asks, giving them back the spatulas.

"I get it," Alex and Owen nod in understanding.

"Although it's not entirely true," Owen puts the French Toast on a pate and arranges them to spell out 'Ku'.

"Wow! Not only are you smart but creative too! ....what was I even expecting? Of course you are," Alex says, completely amazed. The teens then hold out the plate with eggs and French Toast to Ku.

"Aw, thank you so much you two...I hope you made some for yourselves," Ku takes the plate of eggs and French Toast that Alex and Owen give him.

"Of course we did! I'm a hungry kid at breakfast time," Alex grins, taking his own plate.

"Yeah, I wasn't about to starve myself," Owen adds, grabbing his plate. The three of them sit down around the island.

Ku smiles as he eats his breakfast, he watches as Alex and Owen pour the different kinds of juices into their cups. He pours himself some mango juice, same as Owen.


"Woah what is burning?" Ku asked, coming into the kitchen as he flapped his hand to get rid of the smoke.

"You. Leave. Now," Vada's voice called from somewhere.

"What? Why? You're gonna burn down the kitchen Vada!" Ku questions, walking towards Vada at the stove.

"Am not! Have a little faith in your sister will ya? I'm almost done anyway...jeez you just had to love the one thing I don't know how to make," Vada sighed. Ku eventually found his way over and flapped his hand harder.

"Honestly Vada...what ARE you making?" Ku questions again, a cough coming from his throat. He coughed into his elbow and then looked over to see Vada holding out a plate full of French Toast.

"I tried but honestly this Nobit food is kinda hard to make...good thing I know how cook their food too...just take it," Vada held it out towards him.

"Awwww Vada! It's okay, I'm gonna eat them all!" Ku grinned, he felt so happy. "Thank you." He then took the plate and started to eat them. They were burnt but he didn't care.

It came from his sister after all.

"KU! Go eat on the table! You're dropping crumbs EVERYWHERE!" Vada pushed Ku towards the kitchen table.

"Hey! Hey! I'm going, I'm going!" Ku tried to keep the French Toast on the plate.


Ku smiles again as he bites into the soft bread. The warm, chewy feeling warming him up inside. The sweetness of the toast floods his taste buds and Ku takes another bite to keep the flavor.

"How did you make these? They seem so rich in flavor!" Ku asks.

"It was all Owen," Alex points to the dark-haired teen.

"It's some family recipe thing I learned," Owen shrugs.

"It's wonderful," Ku gushes. He then eats the eggs. "Alex these are wonderfully cooked." Ku felt the warmth of the egg and toast that he ate. It starts to feel like the perfect breakfast. Ku then drinks the mango juice.

Now it's the perfect breakfast, in terms of food.


Vada watches as the Generals and Captains train together. The Generals in their full armor. The Captains covered in their cloak.

Protecting our identities is most important. Too late for me but whatever. As long as their identities is secret it will be fine.

Vada thinks to herself, her index finger on her chin and her other arm supporting the other arm up.

Here's hoping I can find that mage once I leave...that mage will not be shown mercy.

Vada's fist tightens as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She rubs her fingers together then places her hands on the stand.

This broken down palace is good for a hideout if you weren't permanently stuck here. Most of the marble faded and the metal rusted. The wallpaper peeling and it looks as if hell had came through this palace.

Well hell really did come through here...and I'm about to throw hell at the mage once I leave...Vada how do you plan on doing that without even knowing the mage?

Her eyes drift over to the shadows, seeing it move in unnatural positions, but it's normal to see that with the shadow having the Elemental Master of Darkness in it.

Yeah it was a good idea to take her. But...I don't want to lose her...she's my child...

Vada watches the girl from the shadows fight against the Captains and Generals.


Vada had blood on her hands, of the parents of the Elemental Master of Darkness.

She ran through the woods, carrying the baby in her arms.

The baby cried out, its eyes wide open to reveal beautiful, violet eyes. It started to squirm and Vada stopped.

She gently rocked the baby and spoke to it softly.

"Shhh...don't worry, I'm going to take care of you," Vada hummed. "You have nothing to worry about."

The baby stopped crying and started to fall asleep to the lullaby that Vada had hummed.


"Hush little baby...

Don't you worry

I'm here to protect you

So dry your tears

And let me hold you dear

I will never let go of you..."


"Mamma?" Teen Vada looked up from her bed, watching as her mom walked by. Her long black hair flowed behind her.

"Yes? Did something happen?" Her mom came over and sat on the edge of the bed. Her voice soothed Vada and reassured her.

"No...I'm just scared of...of you guys not coming back..." Vada mumbled.

"Oh sweetie," her mom held her hand, then went over to gently stroke her head.

"We would never leave you. I know I can't promise anything but I can promise that your Dad and I will try. We will always try to come back..." her mom spoke softly. Her brown eyes shined down on her.

"Where's Dad?" Vada questioned.

"I'm right here, Ku is asleep now," her dad came and sat at the other end. He fluffed his black hair.

"Don't ever leave me....please," Vada hugged both their arms.

"Vada, we'll try our best. You know we will always try our best. But you don't have to worry, Ku will be with you," her dad reassured her and gave her a light kiss on her head.

"And promise us one thing: you'll watch over Ku too, that you'll stay with him," her mom kissed Vada's forehead.

"And another thing, don't let negative emotions take over you...that's the worst thing you can do for yourself, and those that love you," her dad added. His brown eyes shone with wisdom.

"I'll become strong enough to protect him and you guys! So don't...don't leave before I can show you..." Vada hugged their arms tighter.

Her parents glanced at each other and smiled softly.

"Before you go...can you please sing me the lullaby..?" Vada turned red.

"Pffft hahahaha!!!" Her Dad started to laugh hard at his daughter.

"Honestly..." her mom shakes her head with a chuckle.

"We'll sing it..." they both said and started to sing. Their voices syncing together melodically. The harmony brought peace to Vada's mind.


Ku looks at his staff and taps the pendant. It's a small gold pendant that has their family symbol on it. He taps it and a hologram shows up.

He closes the pendant and places it back in his staff.

"Sensei!! Me and Owen are going to tree house now!" Alex knocks on the bedroom door.

"Ah, go on ahead I will catch up in a moment!" Ku calls out and hears the footsteps of Alex leaving.


Teen Ku sighed deeply. He couldn't sleep. Not tonight. He watched as his dad came to check on him. He saw his parents walk into Vada's room and then come out.

He followed them down into the living room where they started to gear up. Putting gadgets and all sorts of spell books and potions into their pockets.

"This'll be the fight of the century, well it'll at least be key at getting closer to that strange organization," his dad pulled out his mask. It was too dark to tell what it was. "We're gonna come back."

"Yeah...they disappear without a trace...and whatever is going to happen, we've got to come back," his mom also pulled out her mask.

Just before they put on the masks, Ku stepped into the room and cried.

"You both really are going..." sadness shone in Ku's mud brown eyes as he tried to wipe them away.

"I thought you were asleep," his dad came over.

"Ku, it's not good to stay up this late you know. You have school," His mom followed closely.

"Do you have to leave? Well you do...it's for the sake of the world...but I figured I'd at least see you both off," Ku tried to stop crying.

"Kiddo, you're such a good mage...so can you promise us one thing?" His dad asked, looking at his son in the eye.

"What is it?" Ku sniffed, looking at his parents.

"Protect Vada and do not leave her you hear me? Stay in this house and run if something even remotely seems off," his dad looked at him intensely.

Ku nodded quickly.

"And promise us one more thing...Ku, never stop being you. Make us proud honey," His mom smiled. "Protect those you cherish."

"I will," Ku swallowed some tears. He ended up crying anyway.

His parents then hold his hands and touch foreheads with him.

"I wish we could do it with Vada...but time is of the essence," His dad looked sadly at Ku.

"Vada! What are you doing?" Her mom called out to Vada taking snacks from the fridge.

"Sorry...I got hungry..." Vada mumbled coming over. "And I wanted to say bye."

Smiling at each other, the four of them hold each other hands and touch foreheads. Backing away, their parents let go. A magic swirl had surrounded the family for a bit.

"Vada, this is for you," her mom handed her a velvet dress, neatly folded. "It's been passed down to the eldest daughter."

Vada's eyes widen as she takes the dress. "Mamma..." her eyes teared up again.

"I want you to have it now," her mom hugged her.

"And this is the belt that passes down with the eldest daughter," her dad handed her a gold belt with swirls and a red ruby in the middle.

"Dad..." Vada cried out.

"You need it now, it's yours," her dad hugged her.

"I will cherish these forever," Vada hugged them again, then was rushed back upstairs. "The Dress of Family and the Belt of Heart..."

Their parents then turn to Ku.

"And you, Ku, get the Pendant of Family," his dad placed the golden pendant in his palm.


"No. You're ready. It's passed down to the eldest and that is you," His dad stopped him. "I know you're ready."

"Which means that also you're ready for the Cloak of Uniqueness," His mom gave him a neatly folded dark cloak.

"I'm no-"

"Don't doubt yourself Ku, you are capable of having this passed down to, as the eldest child," His mom interrupted him.

Ku held the items closer to him, letting the smell flood his senses.

"I will make you both proud," Ku nodded.

"We know," they both said.

Ku watched as they put on their masks and then waved as they left the house. Ku waved back.

"Come home safely!" He called out, his eyes flooded with tears.


Vada taps the ruby on the belt and runs her hand over the velvet dress.

"Worthy? Probably not. Anyone to pass it on to? Maybe. But I will wear it," Vada promises herself, tears coming to her eyes.

Did they go knowing that day they wouldn't come back? Knowing that it was the last chance they had to pass on the Family Relics?

Vada holds the items closer to her, drawing in a huge breath. She sits on the bed, anger filling her.

That mage will SUFFER!

Then looking at the items, she fills up with sadness and shakes her head.

"Ku...my dear older brother...why doesn't he understand? Why didn't he join me? Why...just why are you trying to stop me?" Vada questions, punching the wall next to her.

It starts to crumble. The old bricks slowly withering down.

"Hey!" Came from the bottom floor as the pebbles hit them.

"You all deserve it," Vada jokes, looking down at them. She chuckles, setting the items aside, she goes down to join them.


Ku messes with the clock and then starts to tap the golden pendant on his staff.

"You're on edge," Amy notices, watching all the teens train.

"It is just...just feels like I am responsible for Vada and putting these kids in danger. And putting you into situations..." Ku sighs, holding his staff closer to him.

"Well you shouldn't be feeling responsible. Different mages react to different things differently," Amy replies.

"I know but it is there sadly. Also...have you been able to talk to your siblings?" Ku asks.

"Nah, I can't call from here into another planet Sensei. I sent a lot of messages like I'm sure you did too," Amy answers.

"I did, I did, also, I have a feeling that Vada will make her move soon," Ku drops.

"Heh? Why are you so calm? And why now?" Amy questions.

"Because...we are both remembering the same thing right now..." Ku looks down and closes his eyes.


Ku ran around, looking for Vada. She had picked up and left when Ku told her that their parents were fighting someone near their house.

He cursed at himself for telling her, tears flooded his eyes yet again.

Ku looked through all the alleyways and backyards. He ran through the woods and eventually turned to see someone engulfed in the darkness, stabbing his parents.

The knife sliced through their hearts. Their limp bodies hung on the knife before the mage lifted their hands then brought them down quickly, dropping the limp bodies onto the ground.

Horrified, Ku covered his mouth. The mage disappeared into the night as Ku ran over to their parents.

"This can't be happening...this can't be happening...wake up, please, wake up!" Ku cried out, in a desperate attempt to do something, Ku held out his hands over their torn hearts.

"Mend the broken...mend what has been broken! Reverse the damage! Restore what has been lost!" Ku tried all sorts of spells, his hands glowed but nothing happened.

Hesitant, Ku reached for his phone and called the emergency number and then took his parents communicator.

Sobbing, he anxiously waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello? What is your emergency?" His phone spoke, a male's voice asked.

"M-my parents have been murdered...we're in the forest behind the Power's residence" Ku's voice cracked as he told the man on the phone.

"Just hold on, we're coming," the male's voice said, the call cut off as the Magic Council spoke.

"Hello? Aria? Aaron? What happened?" A female voice called out.

"I-it's Ku...they've been murdered...we're at the forest behind the Power's residence," Ku cried out. He wiped his tears multiple times.

"Ku, are you okay? The mage didn't harm you or your sister right? Is the mage still around?" The voice asked.

"I-I'm as fine as I can be...the mage didn't harm me and they are not around here. They disappeared into the shadows and I could not see what they look like," Ku answered as he bit his lip.

The communicator is held up to Ku's ear as he clutched the cold, dead hands of his parents.

"Wake up...just wake up already! You said you would come back!" Ku sobbed, he dropped the communicator and lifted both of the hands to his cheeks. He held them close and rocked back and forth.

He then tried to stop the bleeding from their chests. Sobbing, he pushed his hand into the wound. All it did was cover his hand in blood.

Ku then took off his night shirt, split in into two separate pieces, then tried to wrap the cloth onto the wound and around the bodies.

"They're not dead...they're not dead...they're gonna wake up! They're gonna wake up! Oh who am I trying to fool..? They are gone Ku...you need to take care of Vada. Get a hold of yourself!" Ku shook his head and held his parents' hands again.

"I am sorry...I am so sorry I could not be here alongside you...I am sorry that I was not brave enough to protect you...to jump out of those shadows and stop that mage..." Ku cried, his tears fell onto the cold hands.

"Please...just open your eyes...tell me it is okay just one last time...please, Mamma, Dad," Ku sobbed, holding the hands to his heart.

"I do not know what to do now..." Ku wiped his tears once again. "Tell me what to do..."

"What am I supposed to tell Vada..? How am I supposed to tell her...? She will be so devastated and I do not think I can make her feel better..." Ku talked to his parents.

He set their hands down besides them and started to clean up the blood with the cloth he wrapped the wound in.

He turned around and saw the Emergency Responders flood in along with the entire Magic Council but Ku didn't care. He ran off to find Vada.

Ku ran around the entire premises of the area, then ran around it again in order to make sure he wasn't missing anything.

Ku then came running towards a place somewhat close to the death scene. He saw Vada standing in the moonlight, her hair glimmering.

Vada was facing the dead bodies from a far, her face not visible to the running Ku.

A feeling of relief washed over Ku as he saw his sister standing there. Then immediate worry took over as he realized that maybe...she saw what happened.

Ku ran up to Vada, still being a good distance away. He picked up his pace in order to reach her sooner.

He couldn't imagine what was going through her head. If she saw them get killed then Ku had no idea what Vada would be thinking.

Ku finally reached Vada and hugged her tightly from behind, as he breathed heavily.

Vada didn't let him stay for a moment, she immediately pushed Ku off and shoved him back, her fists tight.

Ku looked surprised, worry shone in his mud brown eyes as he cautiously took steps towards her.

"Vada..?" Ku questioned, afraid of what his sister might have to say. He felt a different aura around her...

A darker aura...

"I am going to avenge Mamma and Dad. The mage who killed them will SUFFER!" Vada yelled into the night sky.

Ku's eyes widened with more surprise and worry than he had ever felt in his entire life...

She's not the same.

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