monsters | riverdale

By slushei

462K 10.9K 3.5K

"We're all on the edge of madness; deep down, darkness is within all of us and we're on guard constantly tryi... More

The River's Edge
A Touch of Evil
Body Double
The Last Picture Show
Heart of Darkness
Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
In a Lonely Place
The Outsiders
La Grande Illusion
The Lost Weekend
To Riverdale and Back Again
Anatomy of a Murderer
The Anatomy of a Murderer ii.
The Sweet Hereafter
A Kiss Before Dying
The Watcher in the Woods
The Town That Dreaded Sundown
When a Stranger Calls
Death Proof
Tales from the Darkside
House of the Devil
Silent Night, Deadly Night
The Blackboard Jungle
The Wrestler
The Wicked and the Divine
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Hills Have Eyes
There Will Be Blood
Primary Colors
The Noose Tightens
A Night to Remember
Shadow of a Doubt
Judgement Night
Labor Day
Fortune and Men's Eyes
As Above, So Below
The Midnight Club
The Great Escape
The Man in Black
No Exit
The Stranger
The Red Dahlia
Requiem For A Welterweight
Fire Walk With Me
American Dreams
Big Fun
The Raid
Fear the Reaper
Prom Night
The Dark Secret of the Harvest House
Survive the Night
In Memoriam
Fast Times at Riverdale High
Dog Day Afternoon
Witness for Prosecution
The Ice Storm
In Treatment
Varsity Blues
Quiz Show
Men of Honor
The Ides of March
How to Get Away With Murder
To Die For
The Locked Room
Wicked Little Town
Killing Mr. Honey
The Preppy Murders
The Homecoming
Back to School
Fire in the Sky
Lock & Key
The Pincushion Man
Strange Bedfellows
Citizen Lodge
Reservoir Dogs
The Night Gallery
The Pussycats
Band of Brothers
Dance of Death
Next to Normal
Riverdale: RIP (?)
Death at a Funeral
The Town
The Serpent Queen's Gambit
Folk Heroes
Angels in America
The Fog
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Blue Collar
American Psychos
The Witches of Riverdale
Return to Riverdale
The Stand
Night of the Comet

Brave New World

6.6K 145 156
By slushei

We're all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.

The dim lights of Jughead's hospital room is equivalent to the overall atmosphere in Riverdale. Even the open window fails to provide illumination to the room because of the gloomy weather.

All of his friends visited him together the first couple of times. They all knew how much they needed to lean on each other during such a fragile time. Unfortunately, the group visits stopped the day Betty asked about Jughead's phone call to Mickey the night he was left for dead. Things became awkward after that and Mickey definitely didn't want to endure the uncomfortable vibes coming from Betty—or put anyone else through it.

"Why did he call you?" Betty's big blue eyes go from Jughead's face to Mickey's. "You told FP it sounded like he was saying goodbye, but why would he call you?"

"Let's not do this now," Veronica interjects from by window. "This isn't the time."

"I think it is," Betty stands up. "I want to know why my boyfriend called your sister."

Mickey wraps her arms around herself, glancing at an unconscious Jughead. She silently swears at him for putting her in this position. Then she looks back at Betty and lifts her shoulders to shrug. "You would have to ask him that. I'm going to get some air or something."

Kevin and Veronica share a look before following Mickey out of the room. The three of them don't stop until they're outside of the hospital.

Mickey leans against the railing and releases a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding.

"Why did Jughead call you?" Kevin breaks the moment of silence.

Mickey spins around to face the two of them. She shrugs just like she did in the room. "We were fighting and he felt bad about leaving things the way we did, I guess."

"What were you fighting about?" Veronica quirks her brow. "Daddy?"

"I have been hanging out with Sweet Pea and Jughead was not a fan of that."

"'Hanging out?'" A mischievous smirk spreads on Kevin's lips. "Wait. Why would Jughead be upset about that?"

Mickey rubs her eyes tiredly, sick of this conversation. "I think things have been crap all around, so everyone's looking for someone to be mad at. That night Fangs was shot, he was on edge and he let it out on me."

Veronica hums apprehensively. "Why Sweet Pea?"

"Why not? He was a friend and I needed to see what other fish were in the sea."

Kevin snorts, "You don't spark me as the type to be into fish. You're more of a shark kind of girl."

"Jughead was no shark. More like a dolphin." Veronica's eyes widen when she realizes what she said, "I mean—too soon?"

Then they all burst into laughter. Inappropriate laughter, but still, it felt good to feel something other than negativity and darkness.

Ever since that day, Mickey went to see Jughead at night when nobody else was there. It's pretty easy to sneak into his room after visiting hours because the receptionists leaves her desk at the same time every night for a snack, a smoke, or a coffee. The night time is the most convenient time to visit Jughead anyway, considering Mickey hasn't been able to sleep. If she did close her eyes, she'd just have reoccurring nightmares about Jughead or the man who tried to kill her, Veronica, and their mother.

One thing Mickey is very clear on: none of this would be happening if it wasn't for her father. As long as he's in their lives and in Riverdale, hell will follow.

"Mickey!" FP stands outside of Jughead's room with a cup of coffee.

"Is he awake? How is he feeling?" When FP sent her a message about Jughead being conscious, she dropped everything and made her way to the hospital as fast as possible.

FP places a hand on one of her shoulders to stop her from going into the room. "He's in there with Betty. Maybe...give them some time."

Mickey walks past him to look through the glass window on the door to see Jughead and Betty cuddled up in his hospital bed. "Oh."

"Do you want me to tell him you stopped by?" FP's eyes are filled with pity. He can tell she's hurting.

Mickey blinks away her tears and straightens up. "Uh, no. It's okay. I have to get out of here anyway."

Mickey places her bag on the Andrews' kitchen table. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing," Veronica says. "Just getting started. Here's your schedule for the next three days, Mr. Andrews." She hands Fred the piece of paper and continues. "My Mom's doing an Eva Peron-like rainbow tour. Shaking the trees one last time before election night. I took the liberty of booking you right behind her, so that people know they have a choice."

Mickey goes to their fridge to search for something to curb her needs. She listens to Fred express his doubts.

"Well, I-I appreciate that, Veronica, for what it's worth, but..." Fred sighs, "everybody's already saying that your parents saved Riverdale after the riot, that it was their guy, Minetta, who put out the fires and rounded up the guilty parties."

Mickey whirls around to look at him, "We know the truth, Fred. Our father doesn't want to save the town, he wants to take it over."

Veronica pipes up, "Luckily, I won't rest until you're elected mayor, Mr. Andrews. Even if it means I have to put my own political missions aside."

Fred asks, "In what respect?"

"I'm no longer running for student council with Archie. Conspiring against our parents is proving to be a full-time job."

Mickey moves over to the table and smirks at Veronica. "At least we're doing it together."

"Hey, Eddie, any news?" Archie's face grows serious as he listens to the guy on the other line. No one even noticed him pick up the phone. Then he hangs up and the corners of his mouth curl, "Jughead's awake."

"What? That's great," Veronica grins.

"I know," Mickey says at the same time.

"I'll go warm up the car," Fred takes his jacket off the back of his chair and leaves.

"I know," she repeats. "I was just there before I came here."

"And why didn't you say anything?"

"Veronica," Mickey deadpans petulantly. "Can we not do this? Let's just go to the hospital."

"I'll be out of here first thing tomorrow." Jughead slips his gray crown-themed beanie on his head. Locks of his raven hair peek out through the front—his signature look.

The first thing Mickey notices is Betty sitting on the bed with her arm around Jughead.

Betty notices her notice.

"That's good, Jug. Because we still need your brain. There's another mystery to solve," Archie sighs. "Mr. Cooper was at the town hall when some other Black Hood took shots at the candidates. And he was at home with Betty and Mrs. Cooper when another Black Hood, probably the same as the one at the town hall, came after me and my Dad."

"Well, a second Black Hood's attacks at the town hall and on your Dad seem to indicate a political motive." Jughead's eyes land on the Lodges, "Which to me suggests—"

"That our father's behind them?" Veronica folds her arms and shrugs, "I don't disagree. With Fred out of the way, my mother's path to victory is that much more assured."

Archie's face becomes grave. "So, if we're gonna stop Hiram, we've got to do it now. Once the Lodges are in control of the mayor's office, they'll be untouchable."

Rhetorically, Jughead asks, "Yeah, but do you think Hiram would really put on a black hood and start shooting at people for a mayorship?"

"No." Veronica moves away from Mickey and closer to Jughead's bed. "But he would hire someone to do it."

The fire in the pit of Mickey's stomach makes her feel like she's going to burst. She feels pissed because Jughead and Betty are cuddling, and she wants nothing more for everyone to leave her alone with him. Biting her tongue just fuels the fire.

Archie takes her out of her thoughts when he continues, "We were thinking it could be a Serpent, Jug. Or a Ghoulie."

"Or, even more insidiously, the man that Hiram put in charge of restoring peace and harmony," Jughead suggests.

"Sheriff Minetta."

"He was supposedly guarding the town hall, but no one saw him," Veronica states.

Archie adds, "And he was MIA most of the riot night."

"Let's start there." Jughead yawns.

"Will do," the redhead nods. "I have to go down to the sheriff's station tomorrow anyway."

Betty inclines her head, "Why, Arch?"

"Let's talk outside, Betty. I think Jughead needs to rest." Archie gestures for Betty to follow him into the hallway.

The quietness makes it possible for the remaining three to hear the light humming.

"You're quiet," Jughead says. He keeps his eyes trained on the blanket covering his legs and feet.

The fire roars inside of Mickey and it almost makes her yell at him. She starts to. "Maybe because—"

Veronica places her hand on Mickey's arm, "He needs rest."

Mickey's on her way to the student lounge when she notices Toni pacing outside of the Serpents' club room. She swallows down her pride and approaches her friend. "Hey, Topaz. Do you have a minute?"

Toni holds up the piece of paper in her hand. "Weatherbee is transferring all of us. He delivered the memos during first period."

"What?" Mickey takes the paper and reads it over, "Overcrowding? That's—"

"I bet you're happy about that," she snatches the paper back.

"She definitely is," Sweet Pea appears beside them. "Weatherbee blames us for trashing the school during the riot. That's why he wants to get rid of us."

Mickey doesn't want to give him any energy, especially after what he did, but she can't control how telling her face is or how rigid her body language becomes. "Well, you did trash it," she says with her iciest tone. Then she places a hand on Toni's arm and offers a friendly smile. "And I'm not happy that you're leaving. Hell, things get heated between friends, but we're still friends. You going to Seaside means we'll never see each other."

Toni returns the warm smile before wrapping her arms around Mickey for a tight hug. "I'm so sorry for everything I said."

"Does this mean you want to see me around, too?" Sweet Pea's mouth twists when Mickey looks at him. "I mean, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry for being a dick? It's one of my best, and worst, qualities."

Toni nudges her slightly. "We've all been through too much to turn against each other now."

"Fine," Mickey surrenders bitterly. "I...forgive you."

Sweet Pea scoops her in for a hug, frame towering over her as always. "You're one of us, Lodge. You're the epitome for being raised on the wrong side of the tracks."

"No more touching for you two though," Toni pushes the two of them apart with a playful laugh.

"Hey," Jughead walks up to their little circle. "What're we talking about?"

"We need a plan," Sweet Pea slaps the memo into his chest and follows Toni into the classroom.

Without looking at Jughead, Mickey tells him, "I have to get to class." Then she moves past him to walk in the direction she was going before. Instead of going to the lounge though, she slips into the bathroom.

Veronica is inside, leaning over a sink to check herself out in the mirror. She swivels around to look at her sister. Her black hair moves animatedly with her head. "Who are you running from?"

Mickey moves to the sink beside Veronica's, quickly checking herself out. "Jug."

"Oh?" Veronica begins to stare aimlessly as she searches for the right words to say.

"Say it."

"You're playing a dangerous game. Both of you are, Mickey. It's not right. Whatever you two are playing at. I saw the way he looked at you in that hospital room. He wanted me to leave to say whatever he wanted."

Mickey scrunches up her nose. "What's wrong with that?"

Veronica says, "I just want everyone to have clear minds before saying or doing things that might change our dynamics."

Mickey begins to reapply her lipgloss only to stop when she hears clacking heels and Cheryl's voice.

"Buenos dias, Lodge Ladies," Cheryl takes three small steps closer to them. "I thought you'd wanna know I saw your strapping, conquistador father holding a summit with Mummy and Uncle Claudius at one of Thornhill's barns of all places. It looked like collusion to me."

"Daddykins," Veronica throws her bag on the chair, "care to comment on the rumors that you've been having secret meetings with Claudius and Penelope Blossom in their barn?"

Hermione and Hiram are on their laptops at the dining room table, per usual. "Certainly," Hiram closes his laptop slightly. "I'm looking to diversify Lodge Industries' holdings by possibly getting into the maple trade."

The look on Hermione's face tells a different story. Something isn't right about his apparent truth.

"So, it's not that you enlisted Claudius to impersonate the Black Hood and take potshots at Mom during the town hall debate?" Mickey inquires.

Hermione forces out a chuckle, "Mickey, have you lost your mind?"

Hiram concurs, "Your imagination is getting the better of you, Mickey."

"Maybe. Maybe not," Mickey shrugs. "After Sunnyside burned down and the coincidental lie about Fangs dying, can you blame me?"

Finding out Fangs was really alive and that a deputy lied was a relief. Still, there's no doubt in Mickey's mind that her father had something to do with that.

Veronica narrows her eyes at her father. "But I don't think any of us in this room can deny that it's not at least possible that you'd put Mom in the crosshairs to pursue some personal political agenda. Come on, Mickey. Let's leave them to it."

Mickey looks away from the exterior of Riverdale High and faces Jughead, who is holding out a leather jacket for her.

"Ready?" Jughead asks.

"You know," Mickey grins as she slips into the leather, "I've always wanted to wear one of these. I kind of feel like a badass."

Jughead fixes her collar and gives her that boyish smirk. "It fits you."

She spins around slowly, showing it off. "How do I look?"

"You look good as always."

She opens her mouth to say something, but then Kevin bumps into her on his way into the school. She notices Moose a few feet away, checking out Kevin. Her arm slinks around Kevin's torso from beside him, "Is there a reason Moose keeps staring at you?"

"We might have shared a spontaneous makeout session in the bathroom," Kevin indulges. "He was crying and I was trying to be there for him."

"With your tongue in his mouth?" Mickey snorts. "I guess that's one way to be there for someone during their five stages of grief."

Jughead walks along with them and says, "You two do have history."

"You guys know as much as me," Kevin mumbles.

The bell rings just as the three of them make it in front of Weatherbee's office—where everyone else is.

"This should be fun," Kevin whispers.

Weatherbee walks out of his office and looks at the crowd of students on both sides in their leather jackets. "What's the meaning of this?"

Archie steps forward on to the school's crescent. "It's a show of support, sir. For the Southsiders who are being wrongly transferred out of our school. Everyone's ready to walk out, Principal Weatherbee."

Weatherbee clears his throat. "Any student who walks out better keep walking, because they'll be expelled."

"You're a good man, Principal Weatherbee. You're not the kind of person who discriminates. And if you are, then expel me. Because I don't want to be a part of that."

The older man squares his shoulder, but he gives in. "Everyone, get to class."

As everyone makes their way to their classes, Mickey grabs Jughead and pulls him into the lounge where she knows Veronica's waiting.

Jughead looks at her confusedly, "What—"

"Veronica and I have to talk to you."

Veronica created this genius plan to manipulate their father into giving them back their million dollars. Also, she managed to get Josie's mother to represent them in the discussion. One mention of their father's dirty laundry being aired and the plan was a success.

"Veronica and I had a plan because she found out our Dad wants to buy the Wyrm. It makes sense now why he raided it last night."

Jughead called Mickey this morning and told her all about Serpents fleeing the Wyrm, which was their shelter after the trailer parks had been set ablaze, and then the Southside. Now, all the Serpents are crashing at the Andrews' home. Jughead scoffs, "He's gobbling up Riverdale establishment by establishment. He fired my Dad, Mickey."

"What?" Veronica's mouth makes an 'o.'

Mickey nods, "He fired FP from Pop's."

"I won't be eating there anymore," Jughead turns to walk out of the lounge. He has every right to be upset because of all this mess and his Dad started drinking again after he was fired.

Mickey takes his hand into hers and squeezes it. "Wait, Jug. Just listen. Both of you."

Veronica gives her a questioning look. "Are we not buying the Wyrm to torpedo Daddy's monopolization of the Southside?"

"There's a better, smarter play here. Do you guys trust me?"

"Yes," Jughead says with no hesitation.

Veronica grins, "More than anything."

"Then we have to move fast."

"You know, I never noticed how cool this place actually is," Veronica notes. The heavy metal music is still playing even though the place is deserted.

The door downstairs opens and Hiram walks in. "Hello? Hog Eye?"

"Up here," Mickey announces from the top of the stairs. "Welcome to the bar we just bought from Mr. Hoggins two hours ago."

Veronica follows behind her sister and they make their way down the wooden stairs. "Here's the deed, looked over by our attorney, Sierra McCoy. All legal, of course." She gives their father the binder to look over. "But we're willing to sell the Whyte Wyrm to you. Or, rather, trade it. In exchange for Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe."

"How did you even know I was after the Wyrm?" he inquiries.

"It was the hot gossip amongst all the Serpents who escaped to Fred Andrews' house on the night of your misbegotten raid," Mickey puts her hands on her hips.

Hiram holds out his arms and lets them drop to his sides in frustration. "You're risking war with me over Pop's? Why?"

"Because once we learned how you so callously fired Mr. Jones," Veronica says accusingly, "I realized that Pop's is one of the only places left in this town that my friends and I can call our own."

The three of them gather around a small wooden bar table under dim lights. They take their seats, Hiram sitting in front of his girls. He sighs. "All of this for the Jones boy? You'd turn your back on family for a troublemaker like Jughead?"

Mickey shakes her head in disgust, "This is the real you. Trying to make me feel bad for doing what's right. Cut the crap. Look, this is an even trade here."

"You want to barter? Let's barter." Hiram unbuttons his suit jacket and leans on he table. "But to be clear, if I make this deal with you, that's it. That's the last thing you two will ever get from me. No more allowance, no more trust funds, no more credit cards. You'll also sign over your quarters of Lodge Industries to me. You'll relinquish your votes, your seats on the board, your legacies."

Veronica and Mickey share a look, having a mute discussion with their eyes. Mickey can't help but to smile proudly when she realizes their decision is final.

"Fine. That's all blood money anyway."

The next afternoon is one for celebration at the school. Weatherbee announced earlier that Archie will be the new Riverdale High President. Following the cheers and pats on the back, everyone listened to Weatherbee announce that all of the Southside students will remain at Riverdale High.

Mickey squeezes through the crowd of celebratory students and teachers to get to Jughead, who is wearing a wide grin. "I'm so happy all of you get to stay!"

Jughead watches the few students passing before saying, "I'm happy I get to see all of my friends in the same place every day. I'm happy I get to see you."

Mickey pauses for a second. It's moments moments like these with him looking at her the way he's currently looking at her that makes her heart flutter. She loves him. There's no doubt about that. She loves the way he looks at her and she couldn't honestly stare into his eyes all day, as cheesy as it sounds. She doesn't want to push these feelings away anymore. "We should talk," she says impulsively.

"We should," he stands up from his seat. "But for now, lets just go to the Riverbank."

Mickey gets off the back of Jughead's motorcycle. She'll never get over the rush the speed gives her—and holding on to him. When she spots, Fangs, she immediately runs over to the fire. "I'd tackle you if you hadn't been shot." She wraps him up in a hug. "You look good. New accessories," she gestures to the crutches.

Fangs laughs. "I think it'll give me some wanted attention from possible admirers." He nods at Jughead when he joins us, "Hey, brother."

"Am I allowed to be here?" Mickey looks between the two of them, plus Sweet Pea.

"Has that ever stopped you?" Fangs holds out his fist. "You belong here."

Mickey bumps her fist with his.

Jughead nudges her shoulder, "He's right, you know?"

Sweet Pea hands her a can of soda and starts laughing deviously. "You're family and you're stuck with us now."

Whistling from the makeshift stage causes the four of them and everyone else to look in FP's direction. "Listen up now! Hey, listen up!" He waits for the music to be cut off and for everyone to be looking at him to begin. "Some sixty years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same riverbanks. And it makes sense that is where we gather now, where I...where I say my goodbye. Jughead, would you step up here, son?"

Murmurs fill the crowd.

Jughead squeezes Mickey shoulder before moving over to his father's side hesitantly. The two of them whisper something to each other before FP begins again.

"I'm retiring from the Serpents," FP announces. "For real this time." When the groaning and talking start up again, FP holds out his hand to calm everyone down, "Whoa. But my boy," he pats Jughead's chest, "my boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell, he almost died for it. That's why I'm giving you the mantle," he says to Jughead.

The disdain about his retirement turns into applause to congratulate and celebrate Jughead's new position. Mickey looks up at Sweet Pea and Fangs. "Can he do that?"

Fangs wears a proud grin. "He just did." Then he winces when Sweet Pea slaps his back.

"And now, as your first official duty as Serpent King," FP waves over Toni, who pulls out a red leather jacket from her duffel bag and hands it to him.

When Jughead takes the red jacket from his father, everyone begins to cheers again and raising their cups. "All right. All right," Jughead smirks. "All I can say is I love you, Dad. And the Serpents will not die out. Not on my watch." He holds out his hand for Cheryl to join him on stage.

Cheryl slips out of her own jacket and walks over to Jughead confidently with a beaming smile. She takes his assistance in helping her get into the jacket.

Mickey's in pure shock at what's going on in front of her.

Cheryl Blossom is becoming a Serpent.

After that, Mickey chats and jokes around with Fangs and Sweet Pea for a few minutes until Jughead comes up behind her.

He grabs the crook of her elbow. "Come."

The two of them walk over to the edge of the waters in silence. "Some retirement party, huh?" Mickey nudges him.

Jughead chuckles. "Yeah, but I think we have something important to talk about now, don't you?"

"Is this about Betty?" She raises her chin.

"I'm worried about her. Everything with Mr. Cooper and her Mom...her life is in shambles. I can't just abandon her."

"I'm worried too," she admits. Mickey hasn't spoken to her since their confrontation at the hospital, but she wishes Betty well. She's sympathetic to the Coopers' situation. "But that doesn't mean we owe her any obligations."

Jughead says, "There's a darkness in her that I understand and vice versa. I want to be there for her."

"We all have something going on, Jug. I'm scared all of the time especially with all the shootings, the gang rivalries, and my father's shady business associates. You know, I can barely sleep at night, but I push through. We all have to."

"You're scared?" He asks, "Why have you never said anything?"

"Because I don't need a knight in shining armor. I want you to be there because you want to be there." She breathes deeply, "Why did you call me that night?"

His face flushes red. "You know why."

"I know what you said. But you could've died and you knew that. Why didn't you call Betty?" When he doesn't respond, she continues, "I think you know, but I can't say it for you, Jug."

He looks down at his feet.

It gives her that heartbreaking feeling. She knows there's something on the tip of his tongue and the anticipation is eating her alive. She's sure it's something that will crush her.

Then Jughead finally says, "That's why I broke up with Betty. I knew that no matter what I did, what I said, or who I chose, things would change for all of us. I'm ready for that change." He places his hand on the side of her neck and pulls her closer to him with an ear-to-ear smile. "Mickey, it's you."

"Well, here's a fun fact about our newest acquisition," Veronica slides her milkshake to Archie. "According to Pop Tate, the basement of this very diner used to be a secret speakeasy, back in the days of flapper dresses and cigarette girls. So..."

"Yes?" Jughead puts his burger down, waiting for Veronica to spit it out.

"I want to reopen that speakeasy. A cabaret space for world-class entertainment and the most decadent cocktails. A place for North and Southsiders alike. In fact, Jughead, I was hoping your Dad might want to manage it. To make sure the Serpents feel welcome and at home." She turns to Mickey, "If that's okay with you, partner?"

Mickey gives a thumbs up. "That's an amazing idea, Ronnie."

Jughead asks, "What about your Dad?"

She rolls her eyes at the mention of him. "Knowing Daddy, he's probably plotting some sort of revenge."

Veronica claps her hands excitedly, "I can't wait to tell Bee. Speaking of," she raises a brow, "where is my BFF?"

"She's at home." Jughead shifts uncomfortably beside Mickey, "We broke up."

Archie points his finger between him and Mickey, "So are you two...?"

"Friends?" Mickey nods, "We're friends."

A few seconds later, Jughead relaxes and mumbles a co-sign, "Friends."

"What made you book this room, Jug?" Mickey asks when she steps out of the hotel bathroom with his black tee on. "It's pretty spontaneous."

"I just felt like we deserved a night away from everything, everyone." He sits up in the bed and leans his back against the headboard, "To be friends."

She laughs gently at his obvious remark. "I don't want anyone to think I'm just your rebound. Of course we're more than friends, Jug, but I want to take things slow."

"How slow? I'm only asking because I don't think Archie and your sister bought the whole friends thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Archie's my best friend. We talk and sometimes we talk about you. He knows a little bit about what's going on." Jughead reaches for her.

She climbs into the bed and lies down underneath the blanket beside him. "You talk about me with Archie?"

He moves to hover over her with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

She traces a finger along the cuts, bruises, and freckles on his face. "I never really looked at what they did to you. The damage..."

"I'll be fine. I am fine," he tries to stop her from worrying. "A few cuts and bruises can't tear me down."

"Or a sliced off tattoo," she shudders slightly when her gaze falls on the bandage covering his upper arm.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. At least not tonight. You can get some sleep because I'm here."

"Sleep?" Mickey pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth, waiting for him to catch on to her suggestive tone.

He slides one of his hands up the side of her thigh and tucks it underneath her lower back. "Can friends kiss? Because I really want to kiss you."

She props herself up on her elbows, keeping her eyes on his. They've been flirting with danger on and off for a while, so she's never gotten the chance to enjoy the moment.

The corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles down at her. His eyes flicker to her lips, the black pupils dilating.

They both move enclose the space between them. When their lips begin to brush slightly, their noses collide because they both forget to turn their heads.

Then they're bursting out in giggles.

Jughead wipes his palms on the blanket. "I'm nervous," he admits with a wobbly sound.

"It's just me," she presses her palm against his cheek, "and you. Like the first time at the drive-in. Kiss me, Jug."

Then they're kissing.

As he kisses her slow and deep, his warm hand pushes past her hair to cradle the back of her neck.

Her mind become hazy as his other hand runs across the planes of her body. A pleased sigh escapes through the kiss. Now she could really burst. She moves one of her hands to his shoulder blade and pulls him down so that all of his weight crashes on top of her.

Jughead gives her a confused look when she pulls away.

"Tell me again," she whispers.

He balances himself on his knees to search her eyes for what she's talking about. It clicks instantly. He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and plants a kiss on the corner of her mouth. "I love you."

She smiles contently.

"I actually wanted to ask you something. Now that I am the Serpent King, I was wondering how you felt about being my queen?"

Mickey can't help the laugh that escapes. "Are you asking me to join the Serpents, Jug?"

"Sort of," he smiles. "You heard Fangs and Sweet Pea. You're one of us."


"You don't have to answer right now. You can take your time. Let me know. Like, tomorrow at lunch," he chuckles and kisses her shoulder. "If not, just promise me that you'll always be by my side. You'll always be with me."

"I'm with you."

Weatherbee stands behind the podium with a smile that lights up his entire face. "Students, faculty and staff, before we inaugurate Archie Andrews as our new student council president, please rise for our national anthem."

Everything's starting to feel right again. All the pieces are moving where they should be.

Josie moves to the center to do what she does best, which is sing. The smile on her face is telling of this being her passion.

Archie smiles up at Jughead and Mickey. The two boys share a brotherly look.

Then doors to the gymnasium open abruptly and Sheriff Minetta and his deputies stride in with determined looks on their faces.

To everyone's surprise, one of the deputies puts Archie in handcuffs.

Josie's singing cuts short as she watches the horrifying scene happening only a few feet away from her.

Minetta states, loud enough for most of the gymnasium to hear, "Archie Andrews, you're under arrest for the murder of Shadow Lake resident, Cassidy Bullick."

Shadow Lake. The night Archie went chasing after one of the cabin's robbers and where they ran into Andre, who had a gun on him. Mickey remembers that night and how pale and frightened Archie looked even after him, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead returned to Riverdale.

"What?" Archie looks back at the deputy. "I didn't kill him—"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney—"

"Ronnie," Mickey grabs her sister's arm.

"Oh my God," Veronica covers her mouth with her hand as her eyes glass over.

Archie's eyes land on all of his friends, but then he turns to look toward the other end of the gymnasium.

Mickey follows his gaze to see her father slipping out.

The Devil strikes again.

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