Death Proof

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"Why are you telling me this?"

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"Why are you telling me this?"

Mickey steps into Pop's early one morning after waking up with a text from Jughead. He's been wanting to spend more time with her lately and she doesn't mind.

When she sees him at a table with Toni, she makes her way over to the pair. "Morning, you two. What's up?" Mickey slides in next to Toni and sees Jughead's face. "Holy hell. Look at your face."

Toni smiles proudly at Jughead's Initiation bruises and cuts. "It's part of initiation."

Jughead slides his plate of food toward Mickey. "Toni was just thanking me for letting her sleepover."

"And for the late night groping," Toni adds.

Mickey keeps her eyes trained on Toni as she spills about her and Jughead's eventful night.

"It was PG-13," she brushes it off. "Nothing to run and tell Betty about. Well, they're broken up anyway."

"Toni," Jughead tries to stop her.

She knits her eyebrows together, "What? Look, cards on the table. You're not over Betty, and I'm not interested in being anybody's rebound."

Jughead follows with dread as his friend continues on. "Mickey—"

"Wait," Toni points between the two of them. "Am I, like, the third-party rebound?"

Mickey's phone chimes, alerting her of several messages. She opens it to see her parents blowing up her phone and telling her to get to the Coopers' home immediately.

"I have to go."

Mickey is surprised when she enters the Coopers' living room and finds friends and parents present. Her family, the Mantles, McCoys, Kellers, Andrews, and, of course, the Coopers. "What's going on?" She knows it's serious.

"Sit down," Sheriff Keller commands.

Mickey sits on the arm of the couch on Archie's side.

"Riverdale's best and brightest, huh?" Mrs.
Cooper sets down a tray of coffee and cups.

Mayor McCoy smiles with gratitude, "Alice, thank you for hosting."

Mrs. Cooper nods, "Of course, Mayor McCoy. When I heard what happened at Nick's party, I decided that we should come together to deal with this motley crew of liars, dope-fiends, and fornicators. Except for my Betty," she glances at her daughter, "who was smart enough to leave the party before it descended into a bacchanalian free for all."

Betty grunts, "Oh, my God. Mom, please don't."

"Oh great, here we go Saint Betty and Succubus Veronica," Veronica whispers to Archie and her sister. Still, it's loud enough for all of their peers to hear, including Betty.

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