Be Your Hero - Barry Allen/Th...

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

240K 5.4K 997

Book (1) Ella Peters is just a regular girl. She has always dreamed of becoming a reporter. When she was a ki... More

Going Home
Welcome Home
Meeting Him Again
Walk and Talk
The Favor
Bad Relations
First Encounter
I Dont Know You Anymore
Christmas Feeling
The Kiss
I've Been Tagged!
Meeting The Team.
I Am Heart Broken!
Second Chances
Messed Up
Opening Up
Things Just Got Complicated.
Heart Ache
Last Kiss
Temporary Valentine
The Decision
Last Goodbye
One Chance
Truth and Pain
So Long Central City
Flash Day
Welcome Home!
Two Flashes?
I Want You Back
Moving On
Just A Few Questions
The Date
Fallen Hero
Steps To Recovery
Beleive In Yourself
Failure and Regrets
Earth 2 Part 1
Earth 2 Part 2
Escape From Earth 2
Weight of Worlds
Who Is Zoom
Flashing Back
Working With The Enemy
The Bargain
Powerful Decisions
Meeting Dr. Allen
Becoming the Flash
Lost and Found
Invincible Feeling
The Final Run
Broken In Time

Christmas Blues

1.8K 43 11
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

It was nearly Christmas. Ella had been working with the team all week not to mention working her day job. She hadn't even begun to think about decorating.

Ella had moved out of Barry's apartment after he had healed and barely ever got to spend time with him. He and Patty were getting pretty serious. She was happy for him, but had to admit she was also sad. Ella had finally come up with enough money to buy her old apartment back. She was happy she had been able to get it.

Ella was in her dining room drinking her coffee when she got a call. "Hello?" "Hey, Ella! It's Clark!" Ella smiled hearing her friends voice. "Hey, Clark! How are you? I haven't talked to you in a while." "Yeah I know. I'm great! Me and Lois just got engaged actually, so I'm great." "Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you two!" She exclaimed. She heard him chuckle.

"Thanks. So uh, Lois and I are going to my mom's for Christmas and we were wondering if you and your boyfriend, Barry, would like to come down and join us?" Ella looked down. "Um Barry isn't my boyfriend anymore. We broke up remember?" "Oh no! I'm so sorry. I know you did. I just assumed when my mom told me how he came out to Smallville to get you, that you two had gotten back together. I'm sorry." Ella shook her head, even though she knew he wouldn't see her. "No it's fine. Really."

"Well, the invitations still open to you if you'd just like to come down." "We'll have Christmas dinner with my moms eggnog. Go caroling. I know it would definitely make my mom thrilled if you'd come. You know how much she loves you." Ella smiled. "I know." She sighed. "And it really does sound great, but it's my first Christmas back here and I don't know if I would want to leave my. . .family." Yes Ella thought of the team and the West's as family.

"I understand oaky well, if you change your mind just give me a call. I'll talk to you later." Clark said. "Alright I will. Tell Lois hi for me." "I will. Merry Christmas, Ella." "Merry Christmas, Clark." She smiled.

After she hung up the phone Ella heard a knock at her door. She answered it. "Hey Iris. Hey Barry. What's up?" Iris looked so upset. Ella looked at Barry. "Can we come in?" He asked. "Of course." The two walked in as Ella closed the door.

"So what's going on?" She asked. Iris sat down on the couch as Barry stood. "Uh, Iris told me about. . .Wally." Ella glanced at Iris who had her head in her hands. "I see." "Yeah, well she and I told Joe." Ella's eyes widened. "What?" "Yeah." "Well, what did he say?" She asked.

Barry began to open his mouth, but Iris interrupted him. "He was crushed. I've never seen him so heart broken before." She said, her voice cracking. Ella and Barry looked at each other. Ella sat down next to Iris and put her hand on top of hers. Iris looked up at Ella. Tears were running down her face. "I'm a terrible daughter. I kept him from knowing about his own son! He'll never forgive me."

"Iris that's not true. Joe will forgive you. Your his daughter and he loves you." Barry sat down next to Iris on her other side. "Ella's right, Iris. Joe loves you more than anything and that will never change. And your not a terrible daughter. You were just trying to protect him." Ella nodded, agreeing with Barry. "And Iris you weren't the one who kept Wally from Joe. Francine was. She's the one who left and never told you or Joe." Iris hung her head down. "He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve any of it." "It's gonna be okay." Barry said as he rubbed her back.

"I'm gonna go make some hot chocolate. Do you want any?" Ella asked thinking it would help cheer Iris up. Iris nodded. Ella looked at Barry who also gave a nod. "Okay. I'll be right back." She told them.

Ella went into the kitchen and began making the hot chocolate. A little bit later Barry came in. "How's she doing?" Ella asked. He shrugged with his hands in his pocket. "I don't know. She's. . .having a rough time right now." Ella nodded and looked back at the pot of hot chocolate.

You redecorated." She heard Barry comment. She looked over her shoulder at him and saw him looking around the kitchen. She remembered that he hadn't been in her apartment since she had moved back in and had redecorated.

The last time he had been in her apartment was when he found out she was leaving and they had a awful fight. The last time he had been in the kitchen. . .he had asked her to marry him. . .and she had said yes.

"Yeah. I guess I did." She answered, trying not to sound saddened. "It's been a while since I've been here." He said. Ella nodded. "It has."

"Hey umm, I just want to uh, thank you for being there for me those two weeks." Ella gave a small smile and shook her head. "It's no big deal. I was happy to do it." She answered as she  walked over to her cupboard and grabbed two red mugs. "But it is a big deal. At least. . .it is to me. I wouldn't be standing here right now if it wasn't for you." He said, now walking over to the counter behind her.

Ella began pouring the steamy hot chocolate out of a ladle and into the two mugs. Ella chuckled lightly. "Barry, don't be over dramatic. Caitlin and the others would have gotten you back on your feet if I hadn't helped. They've been there to save you many more times than I have if you remember." "Yeah, but this time I'm glad it was you." Ella felt a smiled grace her lips. She turned her head  to look at him. "I am too."

There was a moment of silence while Ella finished filling the mugs. Realizing she needed one for herself, Ella turned around and went to the cupboard to get another mug. Barry was standing right next to the cupboard and was looking at her intently. She felt heat come to her cheeks as she opened the cupboard and leaned up on her toes to a mug. She felt Barry watching her.

"Your incredible." Ella froze at what he had whispered. Had she heard him correctly? Ella slowly fell onto the pads of her feet and looked up at him. He was already looking at her. His eyes were steady. Ella felt shivers run down her spine under his gaze. "What do you mean?" She asked quietly. His eyes left hers briefly. "You do so much and you don't even know." "I don't understand." She answered watching him.

He looked up at her. "I wouldn't be the Flash anymore if it wasn't for you. Did you know that?" He asked. Ella scrunched her eyebrows. "Barry I don't-" He interrupted her. "I had lost hope. I was so humiliated after what Zoom did I didn't see the point in trying." He began. "Why would I want to continue being the Flash? The hero everyone had faith in, but who failed them when they needed him most. I had failed. I was done trying, Ella, but then my Dad shows up."

Ella inhaled softly, knowing where this was going. He breathed a laugh. "He just shows up. Right when I needed him. He talked to me. Gave me a reason to keep trying to run again. To never give up. To embrace my failures. So did and I ran. And I've kept running." "All because of your father." She smiled trying to make him see it wasn't her. "No. Not just because of my dad. . . It was you." Ella swallowed hearing the seriousness in his voice.

"Your the one who brought him to Central. I know because I heard him thank you." Ella knew he had heard when Henry had hugged her. "Somehow you knew that having my dad here would give me the reason to run. I don't know how, but you did. I wouldn't be the Flash today if it wasn't for you bringing him." Ella smiled softly. "I just remembered how much I wished that my father could be with me when I was going through hard times and thought you needed yours. That's all." "Well, thank you." She smiled softly. "Your welcome."

After gazing into each others eyes for a bit, the two were interrupted by a buzzing sound. Barry blinked and stepped away from Ella. She blinked as well and slowly walked over to the stove.

Barry reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. Ella looked back at him. "Uh hey, . . .Patty." He answered awkwardly. She turned away and began to fill her mug. "What's up?" He asked. "Oh okay. Well, actually I already have plans for Christmas." She heard Barry tell his girlfriend.

Ella grabbed her mug and began sipping the delicious hot chocolate. She picked up Iris's mug and headed towards the living room. Ella handed it to Iris who gave a small smile in return. She went back into the kitchen to get Barry's mug, passing him on the way. When she came back into the living room she set the mug down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch next to Iris. She and Iris watched as Barry passed back and forth, talking on the phone.

"Yeah. I know, Patty. I know it's our first- Yeah okay. Well, w-wait. Hold on." He brought his cellphone down from his ear and put his left hand over the speaker. "Hey, Iris?" "Hmm?" She responded. "Do you think it would be a problem if I invited Patty over for Christmas? She's all alone in Central City and it's our first Christmas together. . ." Iris nodded. "Of course, Bare. We'd be happy to have her." Barry smiled. "Thanks, Iris." "Hey Patty?. . ." Barry began as he walked into the kitchen to finish his conversation.

Ella looked down as she thought of Patty and Barry at Christmas. Could she handle seeing them together that much? "Hey? You okay?" Iris asked her. "Yeah. I'm fine." She lied. Realization soon hit Iris. "Oh no! I'm an idiot! Ella, I'm so sorry. I didn't even think about. . ." Ella interrupted her. "No. No, Iris it's fine, really. I was actually planning on going away for Christmas anyway." She told her. "Oh okay, well I was hoping you would stay here with us." Ella looked at Iris and then looked down. "I still may. I haven't made up my mind yet." Iris smiled. "Okay."

A couple days later Iris, Ella and Barry all went out Christmas shopping. Iris was in a much better mood since her dad had talked to her. Barry had also decided to invite Patty to come along. She was going to be an hour late which didn't bother Ella in the least.

While they were shopping she and Barry spent a lot of time together. At one point they were standing outside on the sidewalk drinking coffee and listening to the distant Christmas music. The Christmas lights were shining around them and snow was falling in the air. It was so cold Ella could see her warm breath in the air. She regretted not wearing a heavier coat and scarf, but was incredibly thankful for the warm, steamy, latte in her hands.

Barry and Ella were waiting outside of a store waiting for Iris who was purchasing something. As the two stood there, Ella stared off into the snow thinking. Could she stand seeing Barry with Patty?

"Ella?" She heard Barry ask. She tore her eyes away from the snow covered sidewalk. "Hmm? Yeah Bare?" "Are you cold?" Ella shrugged. "No. I'm fine." Barry looked at her skeptically and began pulling off his scarf. Ella backed away and smiled. "Barry no. It's okay you really don't-"

Cutting her off, Barry took off his scarf and placed it around Ella's neck. She paused as he moved her hair out of the way and laid his red scarf around her neck. One end hung loosely down her chest and the other wrapped around and draped down her back. "Thanks." She smiled shyly at the contact. Barry smiled back, still holding onto the front end of the scarf. "No problem." 

"Excuse me?" Both Barry and Ella turned their heads to see and older woman come up beside them, carrying bags full of presents. "May I just say that you two are maybe the sweetest couple I've ever seen. Especially during this time of year. It's just so refreshing seeing a young man selflessly, take care of the woman he loves. You don't see that kind of thing anymore these days."

Barry and Ella looked at each other and then between one another, realizing just how much space had disappeared between them. Immediately Barry key go of the scarf he gave Ella and stepped back, while Ella stepped away from him as well.

"Oh no. No. You see we aren't. . ." Ella began, pointing between them both. . "Oh no. We're not. . ." Barry continued. "Yeah no, no, no. That's uh not. . .yeah." Ella finished. The woman looked between the two of them skeptically and nodded. "I see. Well then, I'm so sorry I. . .misjudged the situation." She said with a raised eyebrow. She seemed amused by the two.

"Oh no. It's quite alright." Ella smiled, as heat cane to her face. "Yeah no. It's fine. Don't worry about it." Barry rambled on. "Alright, well have a merry Christmas you two!" She smiled. They both smiled back. "Thank you! Merry Christmas!"

After she had gone Barry and Ella looked at each other and laughed softly. Both were embarrassed by what had occurred. "Well, that was. . ." Ella began. "Yeah." Barry breathed a laugh.

Just then Iris cane out of the store. "Alright, so where to next?" She asked excitedly. "Well, how about we go-" Ella began, but wasn't able to finish when someone interrupted her.

"Barry?" The theee turned around to see a smiling, Patty Spivott walking towards them. Barry smiled. "Hey, Patty!" The couple hugged and soon gave each other a long kiss. Ella's mood quickly changed. She looked down at the sidewalk feeling sadness wash over her.

Iris smiled at Patty. "Patty, hi! I'm glad you could make it!" Patty nodded happily and glanced at Barry. "I am too! It's been a long time since I've spent Christmas just relaxing and having fun. Usually on Christmas I would be working on graduating from the academy." She explained. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around her. "Patty graduated from the police academy last year." Ella smiled tightly and nodded.

"Oh! Hey, Patty this is my good friend Ella." Patty smiled and offered her hand to shake. Ella took it, while giving a smile and a nod. "Oh yeah. I remember you!" Patty smiled. "Barry talks about you non-stop." She laughed. Ella glanced back at Barry, who immediately averted his gaze to the ground awkwardly.

Ella turned back to Patty. "Well, not as much as he's talked about you! Patty said this or Patty did that is about all I hear from him." Ella laughed, trying to hide her hurt. Patty giggled and put an arm around Barry's waist. Iris looked between Patty and Ella and cleared her throat. "Alright, well. . .um lets go walk down here. I'm sure there's more stores down there." Everyone agreed and followed Iris.

The rest of the day was hard for Ella. After Patty came Barry barely talked to Ella and spent the rest of the time flirting constantly with Patty. At one point they even went off on their own and left Iris and Ella alone. They joined them later for dinner, but soon it was time to head home. Seeing Barry with Patty all day was something Ella thought she could handle, but she found out the hard way that she just couldn't.

Once she got home, Ella made her decision. After taking a shower and getting ready for bed she picked up her phone and called her friend Clark Kent. "Hey Ella! What's up?" "Hey, Clark! So I've been thinking about your invitation and. . .I've decided to accept." She could hear Clark smiling through the phone.

"Okay awesome! I'll let my mom know. So what made you change your mind?" He asked. "Umm. . .I just. . .my plans changed and I really do miss Martha, so I thought why not?" She answered. "Okay, well that's great! I'm glad you changed your mind." Ella nodded. "Me too." "Okay so when will you be coming down?" He asked. "Probably. . .this Saturday." "Oaky! I will let her know." "Okay. Thanks Clark." She smiled. "No problem. See you soon." With that she hung up the phone.

The next day Ella went to work. She stayed until five in the afternoon then went home to pack. She had already called  Iris and explained to her that she would be going away for Christmas. Iris of course understood, but was disappointed that she wouldn't be spending Christmas with them. Ella told Iris to let Barry know, because she wasn't sure if she would see him before she left the next day.

After Ella finished packing she set her suitcase next to the door, so it would be ready to take in the morning. Ella put on her pajamas and made herself a cup of hot chocolate. As Ella sat down she noticed her balcony curtains were open and decided to close them. She set her mug on the coffee table and got up off the couch.

As she walked over to her glass sliding door and began closing her curtains she saw a glimpse of a bright yellow light streaming through the city. Ella's hand froze on the curtains.

Just four years ago the Flash would visit her to talk. Back then she hadn't even known it was Barry who was pouring his heart out to her during her late night rendezvous with the masked hero.

Now. . .a lot had changed. She knew about Barry being the Flash and he had stopped coming to see her. She didn't blame him though. It made sense. Why would he come see the woman who broke his heart and left him? She didn't deserve him. She never did. Barry deserved a girl just as amazing as he was. Just as good and brave as he was.

A girl like Patty.

Ella closed her eyes and looked down at the floor, before shutting the curtains.

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