
By Auroriana_h

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❝It wasn't that I wanted to die; no. It was that I was so desperate to live.❞ - Valentinia Morelli. She is ca... More

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Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
Quarantotto - Past
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ᴄɪɴQᴜᴀɴᴛᴀ ꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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ᴄɪɴQᴜᴀɴᴛᴏᴛᴛᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴜɴᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴀᴅᴜᴇ : ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴀᴛʀᴇ : ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ

ᴠᴇɴᴛɪᴅᴜᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

5.9K 206 24
By Auroriana_h


Past (3 years ago).

My heart was pounding within my chest.

What is he going to do? I thought, panicking.

Turning around to face him, I dare to ask.

"What do those foreign words mean?"

"Shut the fuck up Valentinia, I don't want to hear another word leave your defiant mouth." He sneered in my face.

"Calm down." I muttered under my breath, hoping that he didn't hear me.

"Speak up, Valentinia. If you mutter that just means that you don't have the courage of your conviction to say it out loud. Therefore, that usually means that you shouldn't be saying at all." He stated sarcastically, but with a dark look in his eyes.

"And no. I will not calm the fuck down, you have defied me, again. I'm fucking sick of repeating myself, so I am going to punish you. And this time I'm going to make sure that you know who you fucking belong too." He condemned.


"Don't you think for a second that I didn't see you grinding on that inferior man, I have been watching you for a while now. Watching you press your body up close against his and grind your hips when I should be the only man you do that with. I saw you get a drink with him and laugh and joke like you were in love.

Well, Valentinia the only man you will ever love is me. Me! I will never allow you to get close to any other man, and if by some way that you do. I will kill him and hurt you critically. You belong to me, Valentinia and I am going to show you just what happens when you insult the power that I have over you. That pathetic little boy is going to pay too, don't you worry.

But, just so you know, his blood will be on your hands. You chose to defy me; therefore, you will suffer the consequences and everybody else will too who was involved in your defiance." He once again sneered in my face. His face has gone red, as if he is attempting to hold himself back.

What have I done? I thought, shuddering.

"What have you done? Well, you have fucked up, Leonessa. Big fucking time. And I am going to put you in your place and prevent you from making that mistake ever again." He sneered in my face, grabbing my neck in a harsh grip.

Shit, I said that out loud.

"Awh, is the little Bambina scared? Well if you are scared now, you will be fucking petrified soon. I promise you." He mocked.

"Shut up!" I demanded.

"You are in no place to start making demands, Cagna. I've warned you to shut the fuck up!" He spat.

"Oh, and what makes you think that I will listen to a man like you?" I questioned, tipping my head to the side.

"I think you've already demonstrated continuously that you are incapable of complying to demands. And that's exactly why I am going to resolve that very soon. Then you will not even think of speaking me to the way that you do, you will be contaminated with fear and submissiveness for me." He growled, his face pulled back in a snarl.

"I have told you before that I will never become submissive to you, you aren't even worth my hate. I feel nothing for you, you are so irrelevant." I replied, determinedly.

"You will regret saying that, you will be begging me for mercy, just you wait." He stated, sternly.

Turning to one of the guards he brought with him he ordered, harshly.

"Vai e trova quello stronzo con cui è stata e mettilo nel seminterrato. Mi occuperò di lui più tardi. Non fargli del male, inizierò tutte le torture."

I don't have a clue what he ordered as it was all spoken in Italian. However, I did recognise the word 'torture'. Who are they talking about? Is it me or is it somebody else? I hope nobody gets hurt because of me. Acer. Shit! I thought, worriedly chewing upon my bottom lip.

After ordering his men, he attempts to drag me outside to what I am presuming his car. But, I stick my heels into the ground trying to prevent him from doing so. However, that action is proven useless when he bends down and tosses me over his shoulder.

Screeching I begin to pound and scream,

"Put me down!"

"Put me down this fucking instant!"

"Nah, I'm liking the view too much. Oh, did I forget to say how fucking beautiful and sexy you look tonight. Too fucking bad you chose to look this way for a little boy. But, don't worry baby, I'll make sure that I am the only man that you will dress this way for." He stated, sarcastically.

"Put me down! Now!" I continue to demand.

"No. Now shut up!" He demanded back.

"Stop fucking manhandling me! Put me the fuck down!"

"ENOUGH!" He shouted, furiously.

"Don't forget who you are speaking to Valentinia and stop cursing. I expect to never hear those words leave your mouth again; no woman should speak such foul language. That's rule number eleven. Obey it." He ordered.

"Don't tell what to fucking do!" I defied.

"I'll show you just how much control I have over you, just you wait little one." He says unlocking his car door and throwing me inside the passenger side, aggressively.

"Careful, you idiot that hurt." I said, whilst rubbing my head.

"That won't be the only thing that hurts tonight." He states, blowing the hair out of his face.

"You won't touch me." I reply, sternly.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He shouts, venomously.

Causing me to jump, startled. I decide to remain silent and to not push him any further, he looks like he has got steam coming out of his ears.


We pull up outside of the mansion and he is still fuming, I don't move. He, however, does slamming the door aggressively shut when exiting the car. Opening my door fiercely he grabs me by my waist and throws me over his shoulder again, causing my head to slam against his back. My head throbbed painfully, the alcohol didn't help.

However, I don't complain this time, I just remain quiet. He storms into the house and makes a beeline for the stairs. Once we ascend to the top of the staircase, he turns down an unfamiliar hallway. It immediately drops in temperature and darkens drastically.

Where is he taking me? I thought, scared.

He continues down the hallway until we come across a sinister pair of black doors. It causes me to shudder. He unlocks the door and walks ahead. I notice that this is the same room as I woke up in when I had first arrived here. When he was sat in the armchair over in the corner, smoking. He throws me onto the bed, causing my body to bounce upon it.

"W- Why have you brought me here?" I question, stuttering.

"To teach you and to show you who you fucking belong too." He states, simply.

"What are you going to do to me?" I question, comprehensively.

"I am going to hurt you so, so bad Valentinia. So much, that you will wish you never even thought about leaving this mansion. So much, that you will not even be able to look in my direction when I enter your vicinity." He states, darkly.

"No, you will not." I state, becoming more confident.

"Yes, I will. Now sit tight." He demands, walking into one of the doors occupying his room.

He returns within thirty seconds holding a sharp dagger in his right hand. He begins to come closer to me, causing me to scramble towards the back of his grand bed.

"Get away from me!" I demand, fearfully.

"Just co-operate, Valentinia. Otherwise, I will be forced to restrain you, you brought this upon yourself." He says, with an evil glint in his emerald eyes.

"Back the fuck away!" I continue to demand.

"Fine. Have it your way then." He says, walking back into the room he went into to gather the dagger.

He walks back out and dashes towards me. Before I can even have the chance to protest, he begins to bind rope around my wrists, then attaching them to the headboard.

"What are you doing? Release me, now!" I order, panicking.

"I warned you, Valentinia. Now you just have to sit there and take it like a good girl." He mocked, his eyes gleaming sinisterly.

Climbing up on the bed so that he was hovering above me, he leans down and captures my lips with his. I shake my head immediately, mumbling incoherent curse words at him. He finally releases my lips, causing me to take in a deep breath.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck off of me now!" I demand, angrily.

"No, you will take your punishment. Now shut up." He orders.

He brings the knife closer to my chest and rips the fabric of my dress down the centre. I being to struggle against him furiously.

"Please, just let me go. I promise I won't defy you." I plead, helplessly.

"I have given you plenty of chances, Bambina. But, you have taken my generosity for weakness. Therefore, now I have to show you just what happens when you disrespect and defy me. You need to learn your lesson." He said, his emerald green eyes were completely clouded over with black. It was if he had been possessed. He was right, the darkness is within him. He is the darkness. No light remains.

He holds the knife over my ribs, pressing it down into my flesh, drawing blood. I scream. However, he ignores my calls of pain and continues to carve the blade deeper into my flesh. Thick, hot liquid floods down my side and gathers in a pool on the sheets. I continue to scream; the pain is unbearable. It feels as if he is removing my skin, layer by layer. Tears begin to drip down my face. He is so cruel.

I am not going to plead for him to stop, because I know that he will not. He is heartless. I am not going to 'plead for mercy' as he stated that I would. I refuse to submit to this monster. I'm not going to let a little meaningless incision break me and make me weak.


It has been fifteen minutes since he had started cutting into my skin. By now all of my tears had dried up, so that my face feels sticky. He is moving the blade precisely as if he is giving me a tattoo. However, it is much more painful than any tattoo could be.

"I could have made this less painful for you, by numbing the area. But, I concluded that you didn't deserve that, due to your indecent behaviour this evening. You. Are. Mine. Valentinia. The quicker you learn that, the easier it will be for you. I wouldn't have to hurt you. As much." He said, pressing the blade deeper into my flesh, causing me to cry out.

About five minutes later he removes the blade from within my flesh and wipes my blood off of it onto his shirt.

"Now everybody will know that you belong to me." He states, possessively.

My breath gets caught in my throat as he leans down and whispers in my face,

"Now you are officially mine. Mine to love. Mine to control. Mine to keep. My Bella, puro Angelo. Tutto Mio. Now I will go and deal with that little boy you were with." And then he just walks away, leaves the room. Without another word. Just like that. Before I could even protest.

Leaving me to finally shed my tears of anguish and weakness, I finally let myself release my pain. My breathing is coming out in pants. My head starts to become dizzy and my vision starts to become distorted. I want to look at what he has carved into my once, smooth flesh. But, I can't as the darkness drowns my being.

Emerald green used to be my favourite colour, I just found it to be so beautiful. The same colour of his eyes. But, now he has made it an ugly colour. However, his eyes deceive everyone around him, because they are not green. Not really. They are just a pool of darkness, bringing darkness wherever he goes.


Leonessa:. lioness

Bambino:. Baby

Cagna:. Bitch

"Vai e trovaquellostronzo con cuièstata e mettilonelseminterrato. Mi occuperò di luipiùtardi. Non fargli del male, inizieròtutte le torture.":. Go and find that fucker that she was with and put him in the basement. I will deal with him later. Do not harm him, I will be initiatingall of the torture.

Mio bella, puro Angelo:. My beautiful, pure Angel.

Puro:. Pure

Angelo:. Angel

Tutto mio:. All mine.

Word Count:. 2155

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