My Annoying Bodyguard || Kang...

By JadeDome

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What happens when a rich spoiled brat is stuck with a bodyguard who won't put up with her crap? She's out of... More

The Bodyguard
The Art of Seduction
The Big Fight
The Kiss
The Dry Spell
The Misunderstanding
The Confession
The Finale


1.3K 34 18
By JadeDome

"You.... are... so.... loud" he whispered.

Seulgi blinked some more before snapping back to reality. Did this asshole just cock teased her?!

Seulgi quickly shoved him off her then jumped to her feet. She was blushing... hard. So hard she couldn't let him see her this flustered. With that, she ran to the bathroom and locked the door. She stood over the sink and splashed cold water over her face, hoping it'll shock her out from whatever she's currently feeling.

"OK Seulgi, you're drunk. Get it together!" she said then gave herself a little wake up slap. Seulgi stayed in the bathroom until her heart finally calmed itself. Finally, after 20 minutes, Seulgi came back out and was ready to face the asshole who nearly gave her a heart attack.

"Ya...." Seulgi voiced trailed off when she saw the sight of him dead asleep on the sofa.

"UGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Seulgi screamed in frustration as she marched on over to her bed. He did that to her and now he's sleeping soundly?! Seulgi spent the next 30 minutes cursing at him in her head before she eventually fell asleep as well.


That night, Seulgi began to dream about what had happened earlier. Daniel was on top of her, pinning her down, except this time, they weren't fighting. Instead, they are entangled with one another... he was running his hands all over her body and she was breathing heavily from the ecstasy of his touch. He began to kiss her neck, then slowly made his way downward.

"Mmm.... Daniel" she moaned out loud, which woke her up from her dream.

"Shit. I hope he didn't hear though" she thought to herself as she scanned the room. That's when she saw Daniel staring right at her with a smirk on his face.

"What are you looking at?!" Seulgi shouted, flustered that Daniel had caught her dreaming about him.

Daniel smirked, "you were calling my name in your sleep".

"Your name?!?!" Seulgi pretended to play dumb "You wish, bodyguard #23. I was dreaming about you getting mauled by a hoard of zombies" she lied.

"So you admit to dreaming about me" Daniel grinned.

Knowing that she's lost yet again another battle, Seulgi threw the cover over her head and ignored him.

"Please ask for my permission before you dream about me" Daniel taunted, causing Seulgi to kick her sheet in humiliation.

"I will win, just you watch" Seulgi muttered under her breath before pulling out her phone to text someone.

- The next day-

Seulgi has spent the 1 and a half hour getting ready for her date. Apparently, she's been seeing this guy for 2 weeks. Daniel questioned what horrible crime this guy committed in his past life to be dating someone as obnoxious as her.

Though as annoying and obnoxious as she was, Daniel couldn't stop staring at her as she pranced around the room. He watched as she bent down to zip up her thigh high boots that hugged her legs like a glove. He watched as she brushed her hair out of her face and swept it up, pinning it into a pony tail. He watched as she sprayed a fine mist of perfume on her delicate neck.

Daniel thought back to last night when he was on top of her, close enough that he could smell that very perfume on her neck. Daniel loosen his tie as he felt the room getting hotter.

"Let's go, Robot" Seulgi said annoyingly. "Remember, stay 10 meters away." She warned.

Daniel rolled his eyes and followed her begrudgingly.


"Hey beautiful" the guy greeted Seulgi with a hug and a peck of the cheek at the movie theater entrance. He was suited up from hand to toe, clearly from a rich family himself.

"Hey gorgeous" Seulgi greeted back. Daniel felt the urge to vomit.

"Who's this?" the guy asked as he eyed Daniel up and down. "New bodyguard?"

"He's no one" Seulgi said while glaring at Daniel. "Just call him Bodyguard #23"

"Well, nice to meet you, Bodyguard #23" the guy said in a condescending manner before he puts his arm over Seulgi's shoulder and walked her to the theater.

"What a match made in heaven" Daniel thought to himself "one's a brat and the other's an asshole".

Daniel sat 4 rows away from Seulgi and her beau and although he doesn't want to snoop, it's kind of hard not to see what they're doing. The guy had him arm around her the whole time and instead of watching the movie, all he did was sat there and made moves on her. Daniel felt frustrated watching the situation. Sure, she's annoying and loud, but he was a creep and that's obvious. Daniel eventually couldn't take the sight of it anymore that he had to go to the restroom for a break.

Daniel sat on the toilet for the next 10 minutes, questioning his life decision and how it led him to this miserable situation. Just 1 month ago, he was getting recognized for his commendable work in the police force and now he's stuck here... babysitting a spoiled princess.

"Hey babe" he heard a voice from outside the restroom stall. A familiar voice. "I'm still stuck at work. I'll be at your place in about 3 hours. Put on something sexy for me" the voice continued. Daniel's curiously got the best of him as he peeked through the slit between the stalls. It was the jackass who is currently on a date with Seulgi. He wasn't at all surprised. Of course the guy is two timing; he looks exactly like the asshole type that cheats.

After the guy left the restroom, Daniel followed suit and went back into the theater. There, he saw that the guy has returned to his spot next to Seulgi, continuing his two-timing way as he brushed against her arms and caresses her skin.

"Hang in there Seulgi... you got to show that a-hole you're very much desired by every single man walking this earth" Seulgi told herself in order to restrain herself from slapping the hell out of the dude.

Once the movie ended, Daniel followed them as they walked down the street, hand in hand. Daniel overheard as the guy said "I don't want to leave you babe, I'll be thinking about you all night" and couldn't help but roll his eyes. This guy got some nerves and Daniel feels his blood boiling by the minute. Sure, she's a brat, but she doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

"oh god... he's trying to kiss me" Seulgi groaned in her head as she squinted her eyes and prepare for what's next to come. She doesn't want to kiss him but she's here to prove a point.

Daniel watched as the guy leaned in for a kiss and at that moment, it's as if his body has a mind of its own.

"What the hell?!" Seulgi yelled as Daniel suddenly came and pushed the guy off her and onto the floor.

"Stay away from her" Daniel warned.

"Dude, what the fuck is your problem?" The guy stood up and shoved Daniel.

"My problem is you. Don't let me see you again or you won't be able to get up next time" Daniel threatened.

"What is going on?!" Seulgi questioned, puzzled by the random situation.

"I heard him talking to another girl on the phone while we were in the restroom. He's cheating on you" Daniel informed her. He watched as the confused look on Seulgi's face turned to anger.

"Is that true?" Seulgi asked.

"Babe, why would I do that? Don't believe this jackass over me. I've been going after you for over a year, why would I work so hard for you only to cheat on you" he pleaded.

Seulgi was stoic. She looked at the guy then looked at Daniel, who was staring right back at her. She could tell Daniel was telling the truth...

"Goodbye" Seulgi said coolly then walked away as tears welled in her eyes. They weren't tears of sadness or heartbreak; hell, she could barely remember the guy's name. No, the tears were forming because she was angry. Her pride was hurt and she felt embarrassed. Embarrassed that Daniel saw it and embarrassed that she was cheated on. Seulgi bit her lips to contain her tears as she entered her car.

"Back to the mansion" she instructed her personal chauffeur, Mr. Hwan.

"Babe... wait!!!" the guy screamed as he tried to run after her, however, the car already took off.

Daniel quickly hailed a cab to go after her.

-At the mansion-

Daniel returned to the room to see Seulgi laying on the bed and listening to music with her eyes closed.

"Ahem" Daniel cleared his throat. He wanted to say something comforting to her but didn't know where and how to start. "You deserve better" he muttered under his breath.

"Don't" Seulgi cautioned as she sat up. "Don't you take pity on me. I'm Kang Seulgi, I don't need anyone's pity. And don't think for a second you have something to hold over my head just because of what happened today. I was going to dump him anyways" she said coldly.

Daniel stayed quiet, knowing that everything he says now would just further upset her, so with that, he left for the kitchen.

-In the kitchen-

"Ms. Kim, do we have any ramen?" Daniel asked.

"Ramen? Sure... how many bags would you like?"

"How many bags does she tend to eat?" Daniel asked.

"Ms. Seulgi?" Ms. Kim lets out a little chuckle "Ms. Seulgi doesn't eat ramen... she doesn't eat anything that costs less than $50."

"Wow... she's even a brat with what she eats" Daniel thought out loud.

"She's a sweet girl under that tough exterior" Ms. Kim explained. "You know, she watched her mom died in front of her and blames herself for it. And well, her father, Mr. Kang, is very busy with work so Ms. Seulgi practically grew up by herself. She had to learn to be tough... even if she isn't."

Daniel recalled that night when Seulgi shot up from her bed and screamed for her mom. He thought about how her father, other than lecturing her, has shown her zero affection. For the first time since he's been here, he found her relatable.

"My mom would always make me ramen whenever I'm down. It was like comfort food for me" Daniel shared.

"you have a good heart" Ms. Kim said as she handed him two packets of instant ramen "Ms. Seulgi... give her a chance and you'll see her good heart as well".


Seulgi was laying on bed, listening to music with her eyes closed when she smelled an unusual aroma. She opened her eyes to find Daniel carrying in two bowls of ramen. He quickly dashed to set it on the coffee table before pressing his fingers against his earlobes to sooth the heat.

"Oh hey...." Daniel greeted her "want some ramen?"

"I don't eat those cheap foods" Seulgi said curtly then laid back down on her bed and continued listening to her music.

Daniel walked over and pulled the earbuds out of her ears "Come on, try some. You haven't eaten all day, right?" he insisted as he held a spoon of ramen to her and motioned for her to open her mouth.

"I eat caviar and steaks, not some food that's been processed, dehydrated, then stuffed in a cheap plastic bag" Seulgi responded in a snarky then pushed the spoon away.

"If you try this, I promise I'll leave you alone to do whatever you want for a day" Daniel persuaded.

Seulgi's ears perked up "for a whole day? You'll stay here and I have freedom???" she questioned.

Daniel nodded.

With that, Seulgi opened her mouth hesitantly and Daniel shoved the spoonful of ramen in it. At first, Seulgi had the urge to spit it out, however, the taste slowly developed for her. It was quite delicious.

"Well???? How is it?" Daniel probed, looking like an adorable puppy waiting for his master's approval.

"It's... not bad" Seulgi said, hesitantly. "Is that one mine?" she pointed to the bowl on the coffee table.

"Come on" Daniel said as he pulled her off the bed and towards to coffee table.

"I swear if I get a stomachache after this... I'm coming for you" Seulgi said as she carefully took a bite of the noodles.

"I've eaten ramen my whole life; my body is 50% ramen. And look at me, strong as a bull" Daniel smiled as he slurped down his bowl of ramen.

"AH!" Daniel screamed as a droplet of the broth made its way into his eyes.

"AHHAHAAHHAAHAH!" Seulgi laughed obnoxiously. "I didn't know a robot could get hurt."

Daniel smiled back. He was happy to see her smile... even if it's at his expense.

"Wow, the robot can also laugh" Seulgi teased.

"Don't get used to it" Daniel retaliated. "I try not to smile so you won't fall for my charms" he joked.

"HA!!!" Seulgi snorted. "Your charms? Is being a rock considering charming these days?"

Daniel glared at Seulgi then grabbed the bowl of ramen away from her.

"Yaaaaaa" Seulgi pouted "I was just kidding"

Daniel laughed then pushed Seulgi's head back playfully "next time, don't bite the hand that's literally feeding you".

"Hey, I just got cheated on. You're really going to take away my food as well?" Seulgi guilt tripped him.

"Wow... that's low, even for you" Daniel sighed then returned the ramen back to her.

Seulgi quickly inhaled all the ramen then crashed on the floor.

"I am so full" she groaned.

Daniel laid down beside her "I can probably eat another one"

"Actually.... I don't mind another bowl" Seulgi grinned.

Daniel lets out a groan "this is why my mom told me not to feed stray animal, they'll keep coming back for more" he said as he walked out the door and back to the kitchen.


Daniel came back to find Seulgi on the bed, watching a horror movie.

"Finalllllyyyyy" Seulgi whined as she quickly ran over to grab a bowl of ramen in his hand then leaped back in bed. "Insidious is playing. Let's watch it together!" She motioned for him to join her on the bed.

"I.... I....... don't like horror movie" Daniel whimpered.

Seulgi burst out laughing "Don't tell me a huge guy like you is scared?!?!".

"I'm not "scared" Daniel air quoted the word scared "I just don't like them".

"Well, too bad. I got cheated on so now we're watching a scary movie" Seulgi guilt trip him once again.

"You can't use that excuse for everything, you know" Daniel rolled his eyes as he joined her on the bed.

They laid on the bed and watched the movie together, Daniel would jump or pull the cover over his face everytime a scary scene comes up while Seulgi would burst out laughing. Once they finished Insidious, they went on to watch Nightmare on Elm's Street, then finally, The Exorcist. Eventually, without knowing, they both fell asleep. 

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