So Many Doctors, So Many Fears

By DemonWolfEyes

19.4K 235 26

Evan hates doctors... ...But when his mom leaves him so she could go to a job interview... ...She leaves him... More

Chapter 1-"Really?"
Chapter 2-"I'm not Nervous"
Chapter 3-"No Thanks..."
Chapter 4-"Okay,"
Chapter 5-"He'll Want to Hurt Me."
Chapter 6-(I'm done with these dialogue things....)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Sequel Coming Out Tomorrow(9/3/19)

Chapter 15

509 6 0
By DemonWolfEyes

We left to go to the office around eight like Alex said, and I brought my books with me. I couldn't wait to read them, so I peeked at two of them. 

Albi smiled as her brother passed her hiding spot in the dense hay of the barn. Inferni seemed interesting. 

Luna, the goddess of evil was fighting against her mentor, Athena, The Evil Goddess Mission seemed cool too. I didn't know which one to read first.  

As we went inside I sat down on a chair near the entrance and opened a book. 

"Ev?" Called a voice. I had asked only one person here to call me 'Ev,' and that was Alex. Some time had passed since we first arrived, and it was ten a.m. now. I looked up. "You can go outside if you want," he was standing near the hallway to the rooms. "I know you don't entirely like this place." I nodded and got up, excited for a burst of fresh air. "Just stay on this street, and if you want to cross the street..." His voice faltered and I didn't know why. "Just be safe," I nodded and walked out the door, holding it open for a mother and her toddler. 

I walked and crossed the street quickly, finding something that caught my eye. 


There were kids on a stage who looked about my age. One girl had long black hair and a boy that she was talking to had shocking dyed bright red hair. Once in a while, the boy would gesture to three other boys his age (my age) and they would all laugh. 

I knew it wasn't my business to know whats going on, but I really wanted to meet new people of who I could call my friends, so I walked up to them. 

"Hey," I said as I waved. "Um, I'm Evan Shaffner." The boys and girl looked at me. Then, a taller and broader looking boy came up to me.

"So...Evan, can you tell me why it smells so bad?" He said. "Like, where did the people put the trash?" At first, I didn't understand, but when a smaller boy spoke up I knew. 

"On you, bitch!" I was shot down by what he said. 

"No, I was thinking they dropped it right in front of the stage, right where you are..." The third said. I was pushed off the stage and on to the ground, which was at least a four-foot fall. I landed hard on my elbows and winced as the pain came flooding to them. The boys laughed, well, all except for the red-haired one and the girl. 

The girl left, turning her back on me and the boy stood and hesitated, then he jumped off the stage. "You okay?" He asked, pulling me up. I nodded, still shaking. Then he turned to the other boys. "Hey dumbass!" He yelled to the one who pushed me down. "What were you thinking?" 

"Uhm," The boy responded as if it was obvious. "He was trying to eavesdrop, duh."

"I don't care, duh!" he yelled back. "You just pushed him down a stage Jordan, you're an idiot, don't you know what people can do when they find out you've been pushing people off stages and onto cement?" Jordan hesitated. "They'll send you to jail! Fucking jail Jordan, do you want to go to jail?" Jordan hesitated once again and it was at this time when the red-haired boy turned me around to face the other direction and walked with me.

"They're idiots," he said. "Are you okay?" I nodded, hiding my bloody arm behind my back. The boy unfortunately noticed. "oh, that's an easy fix, I thought you broke something," He said, heaving a sigh of relief. I laughed a little.

"So you said your name was Evan?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded. "Well, I'm London Rodger, or L.R, whatever is easier, some people even call me London, just plain London," I laughed, and to my hope, London did too. "So, the hospital is over there if you want to get fixed." London said, gesturning over to where I came from. 

"Okay," I said, hoping he wouldn't want to come with me. To my luck he waved. 

"Well, see ya Evan!" He yelled, walking away.

All I could do was smile. 

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