My True Love!!! Gohan and Me...

By JanaeH

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BOOK ONE: Tania is a normal eighth grade teen, never had fallen in love since most guys her age just bullies... More

Chapter 1: Meet Tania Ayame
Chapter 2: School Life
Chapter 3: Devastated Emotions
Chapter 5: Lost
Chapter 6: Learn To Control Energy
Chapter 7: Overcoming Fear
Chapter 8: The Return Of An Old Foe
Chapter 9: The Kids Who Will One Day Become Heroes
Chapter 10: Cell's Revenge
Chapter 11: Caring For Another
Chapter 12: Tania's Connection To Eternal
Chapter 13: Meeting The Champ And His Daughter
Chapter 14: A Gift For Gohan
Chapter 15: A Tragic Love Story Part One
Chapter 16: A Tragic Love Story Part Two
Chapter 17: A Tragic Love Story Part Three
Chapter 18: A Tragic Love Story Part Four
Chapter 19: A Tragic Love Story Part Five
Chapter 20: A Tragic Love Story Part Six
Chapter 21: A Tragic Love Story Part Seven
Chapter 22: Fading Energy
Chapter 23: Tania Possessed?
Chapter 24: Into The Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Chapter 25: Tania vs Vegeta
Chapter 26: Memory Lost
Chapter 27: Death Of Two Warriors
Chapter 28: Attempt Of Purifying A Evil Heart- Gohan vs Tania
Chapter 29: Search For The Seven Magical Dragonballs Part One
Chapter 30: Search For The Seven Magical Dragonballs Part Two
Chapter 31: Which Z Fighter Will Wield The Ancient Sword, Wisheater?
Chapter 32: Gohan's Heart Tested- Courage/Bravery
Chapter 33: Gohan's Heart Tested- Honor/Honesty/Wisdom
Chapter 34: Gohan's Final Test- Strength/Love
Chapter 35: The Final Battle Begins
Chapter 36: A Hero's Return And Tania's True Feelings Revealed
Chapter 37: Hope? I Love it!
Chapter 38: Danger For Everyone
Chapter 39: Gohan's Suffering, Tania's Decision
Chapter 40: Gohan Cries
Chapter 41: The Imperishable Bond Between Tania and Gohan
Chapter 42: All That Matters
Chapter 43: First Date- Light in a Pendant Necklace
Chapter 44: Gohan's Animal Friends
Chapter 45: Happy Birthday Gohan!
Chapter 46: Until Tomorrow...
To Every One Of My Supporters
Fictional Crushes
Most Inspirational Characters
Origin Of My 2 Gohan Story Titles
Most Inspirational Quotes Part 1
Origin Of My Story Titles Part 2
Hottest Anime Guys
Q&A - 1
Q&A - 2
Most Difficult Characters For Me To Write A Romance About
Shippers: Gonia vs NaruNia 😂
DBZ Guys: Date Or Pass
Yaoi and Yuri - My Thoughts (SPOILERS)
Nia/Tania With Their Feelings (Gonia vs NaruNia)
Best Cosplays
Netflix Or Chill - Anime Guys
Q&A - 4
Rest In Peace, Akira Toriyama 😭🙏🏽🕊️

Chapter 4: The Day My Life Changed Forever

7.8K 187 86
By JanaeH

Chapter 4: The Day My Life Changed Forever

Awakening from my slumber, I realized I was not in the room I was familiar with.

Where am I? I feel so groggy. Following that shadow was probably not the smart thing to do...

"You're awake!" A voice says from somewhere inside the room.

I remove the covers off me and sit up, back against the wall. I watch as a boy with black spiky hair made his way to me. His eyes, equally sharing the color of his hair, seemed really innocent. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was too. He looked around the same age as me...

No! Now is not the time to be thinking about things like that! He could've been the one that kidnapped me here!

"Who are you? Where am I?" I blurt, preparing to defend myself if necessary.

"My name is Gohan. Lis-" He answers before I interrupt him, blaming him for what happened to me at school.

"S-So it was you then, right? Why did you kidnap me like that?!" I snap at the one named Gohan.

He gave me a confused expression that read: "What are you talking about?"

As innocent as he may seem, he's not gonna fool me with that nice guy attitude. I need to know his reasoning behind all of this mess!

"You got it all wrong! I only brought you here cause I saw you were unconcious out in the woods."

I clench the blanket, only listening to half of what he said.

"You admit it then! Making me chase after a shadow then- Wait, what?" I question him, remembering what he really said in his defense.

"You were unconscious; I brought you here so that when you awakened, you would be able to return to your home." He explains while rubbing the back of his head, a small smile forming on his lips, "Why would I wanna kidnap you?"

I turn my eyes to the pillow beneath me.

Yeah right. Nice story...

"You're lying!" I growl, proceeding to throw a pillow at him.

The boy dodged the pillow with ease then looks at me seriously.

"I'm not lying," He lowers his voice, "It's the truth. Cross my heart."

I blink a few times.

Cross my heart...? I say that too when i'm serious.

"So, what's your name?" He asks continuing to grin.

"Why should I tell you?"

"I told you mine."

I frown, "So?"

"Please?" Gohan begs.

"You're not gonna give up on asking, are you?"

Gohan shook his head, "Nope."

I sigh deeply, "Fine! My name is Tani-"

All of a sudden, we hear a rather loud voice coming from downstairs.


Gohan and I cover our ears, hoping we wouldn't go deaf! The door slams open, burying the door handle inside the wall immediately as it did.

A young woman who looked similar to Gohan, barged in hands on hips. Her hair was black and was in a bun with hair lying off both sides of her head. She shared the same eyes as Gohan also, only her's was giving him the death glare I was all too familiar with.

"Gohan! What are you doing messing around? You should be studying!" She shouts.

I felt a quiver run down my spine as I stare at the door knob that had completely broken off from the door. It continued to roll over until it stopped right beside the bed. I gently pick it up wide-eyed from what just happened. The wall had the most largest hole I have ever seen anyone make! I then notice as the woman took note of me in Gohan's room.

"Who are you young lady?" She glares straight into my soul, "Why are you in my son's room?! Don't tell me you're trying to woo him!"


"Mom, you know that's not true..." Gohan responds.

Did he just say Mom?

"Hi, my name is Tania!" I introduce myself quickly to avoid anymore awkwardness.

The woman then looks at Gohan, a displeased expression plastered on her face, "Who is she?"

"I found her unconscious out in the woods; I brought her here until she awakened so that she can go back home." Gohan explains to his mother as a smile once again formed on his lips.

"Is that so? Sorry for all those questions Tania. However, don't think I'll let you try something behind my back. By the way, i'm his mother, but you can call me ChiChi!" She introduces herself.

ChiChi... That shouldn't be hard to remember. Especially since i've seen you bust off that knob. Your name should come to my mind very very quickly!

"Oh, you don't have to apologize. Really!" I reply nervous while looking around Gohan's room.

Wow... He has a lot of books in here! All stacked so neatly and organized. Gohan must read an awful lot or something.

"Thanks," ChiChi says. A knock was then heard, "Listen up Tania, don't try to do anything questionable to my son. I'm going to go answer the door but i'll be right back."

Anything questionable to her son? What?

"What does your mom mean by that, Gohan?" I ask, getting out of the sheets and sitting on the side of the bed.

"Mother... Why did you have to say that to her?" Gohan says to himself, ignoring my question. His face looked so red I thought he was going to explode any second now!

He then turned and looked at me. "Uhh... Tania?"

"Yes? What is it?"

"Why were you in the woods all by yourself?"

"I don't know... All I can remember is getting pulled into a bright light."

"A light?"

"Yes." I nod.

I decided to explain to him about how I ended up here. I made sure not to spill out my personal life. I mean, I just met the guy! He seemed a little clueless about everything I said. He even asked me if that was all just in my imagination.

"That's what my friend asked me. Anyways, when I was in the locker room, someone whispered my name. I turned around but no one was there; Only a shadow. I followed it to my school's entrance doors and wallah! Here I am with you." I further explain, ending my side of the story.

The next few seconds was silent. Gohan sat down next to me a little too close.

"Um Gohan, do you mind?" I ask pretty uncomfortable.

He saw how close he was to me and scootched to the other end of the bed.

"Whoops, my bad." He apologizes. The spiky-haired boy then began to laugh.

He's awkward but besides that... This is the first time a boy was ever nice to me...

I immediately closed my eyes and shook my head.

No, he's faking it! I already know if he knew me a little better he'll probably end up like the rest. I grew up having to believe this! What I need to do now is find my way home now! School is probably over by now and my family must be worried sick about me. Speaking of family...

"Gohan, where's you dad? Is he at work or something?"

Gohan stopped laughing and looked a little sadden.

"He's gone..." He says as his eyes lowers to the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry; I should've just kept quiet!" I place my hands over my mouth all while feeling sorry for him.

I know what he must be feeling though; My dad died too.

Gohan then stood up while flashing a smile at me.

"That's okay. Father's in a better place now. He told me that himself!"

Oh Gohan..

"I'm sure he is!" I stand up too with a smile.

We then hear Chi-Chi's voice from downstairs, "Gohaaan! Your friends are here!"

"Hey Tania, let's go! I want you to meet some friends of mine." Gohan grabs my hand without warning; leading me out of the house. I couldn't help but blush at how tightly he was holding onto my hand.

He's really strong!

As soon as we step out the door, I saw three men waiting patiently outside in a field of just grass.

These people must live on the country side or something! I never seen so many grass before! There's no buildings near here either!

The thing that stood out about the three people was the clothing they wore. I never seen them before.

One of the men was a short man who was bold and wearing a orange gi with a blue shirt underneath. Another was wearing a indigo jacket that read capsule corp; He had a black vest on with grey pants and short purple hair. The man had a sword that was in its sheathe, on his back. Lastly, there was a guy with green-

WAIT, GREEN SKIN?! I never seen someone with that skin color. Cool!

Anyways, this guy had on a white turban and cape and was wearing a purple gi with brown shoes, like Gohan.

They all stared at me with a curious look.

"Everyone, this is Tania!" Gohan introduces me.

"H-Hi, nice to meet you all!" I say very shyly since they were all men.

"Hey, nice to meet you too; I'm Krillin!The one with the sword is Trunks and over there is Piccolo." The short man, Krillin, introduces the others and himself. I hear as him and Trunks begin to snicker.

"What's so funny?" Gohan asks defensively.

"Look who has a new girlfriend!" Krillin teases as him and Trunks continue to laugh. Gohan and I went a little red which made them laugh even harder!

I'm not his girlfriend and I sure as heck don't want to be either! Hmph!

"It's not like that! We're just friends!" Gohan denies completely, "Right Tania?"

I just met him yet he already considers me his friend?

I nod anyways and smile.

Soon, his friends stop their laughing when Chi-Chi came outside with a laundry bin.

"Gohan, I need to wash your clothes. I need you to take them off!" She demands.

"MOM!" Gohan replies embarrassed.

Once again, everyone starts laughing except this time, me and Piccolo joined in as well. And so, he began to discard his gi and for some reason my face was beginning to feel a little warm.

I had no idea he had abs! He looks so muscular.

I caught what I was thinking and watching then brought my hands up over my eyes, covering them from seeing anymore.

"Are you blushing?" Krillin asks, nudging me in the arm while raising his eyebrows. I brought my hands down then looked at my nose and saw that I WAS blushing! I turned my head quickly away from him.

"No! Of course not!"

There's no way that I could be blushing! I don't even know Gohan that well and he'll probably turn out to be a jerk anytime soon! I still remember the vow I made a while back! I won't EVER fall in love with anyone! The damage has already been made, i'm not going back on my word.

"Sure.." Krillin says sarcastically.

"How old are you Tania?" Trunks asks.

"Fourteen." I answer.

"Same age as Gohan.. Ah, a couple of teenagers, I remember those days." Krillin says looking into the sky.

Hehe, okay...

I look over at Piccolo who had magically changed Gohan into the same purple gi he had on earlier with just using the palm of his hand.

How did he-

I looked at my clothing I had on and saw that it was all muddy.

Whatever! I don't care how that guy did that. I just need some new clothes!

I walk over to the clothes-changing guy, "Hey uh, Piccolo was it? Can you change my outfit too? It's really dirty."

I just had to get these dirty clothes off! It was starting to smell. Piccolo looks at Gohan, who then had nodded.

"Sure kid, why not?" He says, putting his hand over my head, unleashing some sort of light. I look down at the new outfit I had on. It was a grey school girl uniform. I personally never worn or liked a uniform before but this one was so pretty!

"Thanks a lot um... Piccolo!"

He nods and looks at the others, "Listen up everyone! We have to go train if we want to be prepared for any other enemies that might appear in the future!"

"Enemy that might appear in the future?" I repeat what the green man exclaimed.

"Sorry Tania, but we got to go!" Gohan says.

"Wait! You're just gonna leave me here all by myself?!"

"You have my mom. I'll be back later!Bye!" The boy waves before him and his friends ascend in the air and take off faster than a jet plane.

I was amazed beyond belief. I rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't just seeing things.

Okay, the fact that Piccolo could change others clothes with just the palm of his hands was already shocking, but is it only me or did they just fly?

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