Summer Love

By Matthiasfan01

2.6K 3 0

Found this story on tumblr a few days ago thought that i should put it on here for anyone who would want to r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

88 0 0
By Matthiasfan01

Blake opened his eyes and smiled at the sprawled out figure on his chest. He had wanted to have some fun in bed with Miranda, but Sadie was unsure of her new surrounding and had passed out in their bed before they even had a chance to put her in by herself. Blake didn't have the heart to move her, so they had let her stay with them. Next to him, his wife was asleep on her stomach, her hair sprawled out everywhere like it always was in her sleep.

Sadie moaned as Blake moved her in to a more comfortable position and dug her fingers in to the hairy skin of her Fathers chest.

"No, Daddy. Stop!" She whined sleepily and Blake rubbed her back under her pyjama shirt, trying not to laugh at how similar she was to her Mother.

"We need to go to the supermarket Baby. Do you want to come with me or stay here with Momma?" He whispered as her face popped out of his chest and she thought it over.

"With you." She murmured and Blake smiled and nodded, sitting up slowly and very gently sitting Sadie up so that she could rub her eyes and yawn.

"Let's get you dressed then Sweetie."

Blake stood up and carried a still sleepy little girl in to the next room, where he deposited her on the bed and opened up the suitcase. When Sadie had pulled her pyjamas off, Blake put her in new underwear and helped her in blue shorts and a white t-shirt. When her hair was brushed out and in a ponytail, the only hairstyle Blake could manage, Blake helped her brush her teeth and let her play with her dolls while he went back to his room.

Blake smiled at his sleeping wife and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, before he quickly brushed his teeth and wrote a note for Miranda.

'Took Sadie to get some groceries. Enjoy your sleep in. We Love you! x'

Blake left it on the pillow next to her head and quietly left the room. When he had collected Sadie, he grabbed his wallet and the keys, before locking the door and taking Sadie out to the truck. Once she was strapped in, Blake jumped in the drivers seat and made the short trip to the main street to the only supermarket he knew the location of.

When he had pulled up, he lifted Sadie out of her car seat and took her little hand in his as they made their way over to the entrance and grabbed a cart. Sadie was still tired, so Blake smiled when she held her arms out and he lifted her in to the seat at the front, threading her legs throughout the holes so she was secure.

As they wondered down the isles, Blake threw a few essentials in the cart and allowed Sadie to pick out a few treats. When he heard Sadie's tummy rumble, Blake let her eat a banana as he finished up and took all their items to the checkout.

When he had paid, he wheeled the cart back to the car and deposited Sadie in her car seat, before fitting all the bags around her feet. Blake jumped back in the truck and quickly drove them home. It was still before 10, so he hoped Miranda was still asleep so he could make some breakfast before she got up.

When he had pulled up in the driveway, Blake let Sadie out and carried the bags to the door. When it was unlocked, he stumbled in and smiled when he saw Miranda sitting on a stool at the counter, in nothing but a singlet and pyjama shorts, fiddling with her phone to entertain herself.

"Momma! We got food!" Sadie announced as soon as she was inside and Miranda caught her as she ran towards her and sat her in her lap, kissing her cheek as she snuggled her little one in to her chest.

"Morning Babe." Blake said quietly, before giving her a peck on the lips and Miranda smiled and returned the sentiment, before turning her attention back to Sadie, who was beginning a long rant about their trip to the grocery store.

Blake quickly found places for the groceries and made Miranda a coffee, before he got to work finding all the utensils he needed to make pancakes. While Blake mixed the batter and made a pile of pancakes, Miranda got up and put 3 plates on the table, finding knives and forks and grabbing the orange juice Blake had bought.

When Blake put the pancakes on the table, they all sat down and Sadie grinned as a pancake was placed on her plate, along with a little bit of syrup. She normally ate pretty healthy, getting cereals, fruits or eggs for breakfast, but she loved when her Dad made her pancakes.

As they ate, Miranda turned to Sadie and swallowed the piece of pancake in her mouth.

"What do you wanna do today Honey?" She asked curiously and Sadie's eyes opened up real wide.

"Go to the beach!" She insisted as she sat up straighter and grinned and Blake laughed at her enthusiasm, he knew she was going to say that.

"Well, go put your plate on the counter and find your swimsuit." She said with a smile and Sadie finished her pancake and jumped up, dumping the plate and running to her room.

"Do you want to take her?" Miranda asked after a few minutes of silence and Blake raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You don't want to come?" He asked in confusion and Miranda sighed and stood up to put her plate in the sink.

"No, you two go." She said quietly before walking down the hall and in to their bedroom and Blake sat in confusion for a few moments, not understanding her reluctance. They hadn't really argued, although he knew it was coming, but he didn't think that was why she was so hesitant.

Blake ran his hand over his face, before he got up to do the dishes and wondered back down the hall. He peeked in on Sadie and saw her climbing in to her swimsuit, so he let her be and knocked lightly on his bedroom door. When Miranda didn't answer, he opened it and heard the shower running. As he walked closer, he noticed the clothing sprawled out on the bed and he sighed when he saw her bathing suit on top. He realised that was the problem.

At home, when it was just him and Sadie, he knew Miranda felt comfortable, but since having Sadie she was more self conscious of her body in front of other people. He should have known this would be an issue. He really didn't know what she was self conscious about. Sure, she had more curve, but he couldn't care less what shape she was. She had lost the baby weight, but Blake knew she wasn't comfortable with the way her hips had widened and her thighs had gotten a little bigger.

Blake quickly changed in to his swim trunks and a t-shirt, before he sat on the bed and waited for the shower to turn off. Miranda eventually opened the bathroom door and stepped back in to the room in her robe, her hair thrown in to a messy bun. When she saw Blake sitting on the bed, she noticed he had her bathing suit on his lap and she sighed, not wanting to delve in to that topic.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said quietly as she dug through her suitcase and Blake sighed and ignored her.

"Is this why you don't want to come to the beach?" Blake asked carefully, lifting the swimsuit a little and Miranda sighed, but nodded her head, not looking at him.

Blake put it down and held his hand out to her.

"Sit down Honey." He said in a soft voice and Miranda sighed, knowing he wouldn't give up until she listened to whatever he had to say. She put down the clothes she was sorting through and reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed, next to her Husband. Blake knew she was uncomfortable, she was always reluctant to open up, so he tried to start off slow.

"You don't want to wear a swimsuit?" He asked gently and Miranda looked down at her lap and shook her head.

Blake reached over and placed his hand on her thigh. He gently squeezed her through the robe.

"Sweetheart, you have nothing to feel self conscious about. You're beautiful. Please, come with us." He encouraged gently and Miranda groaned a little. When she didn't reply, Blake got worried that this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere, so he took a different approach, knowing how stubborn she could be.

"What if you wear a cover up too?" He suggested after a few moments of silence and Miranda finally looked up. Blake held his breath and smiled when Miranda sighed, knowing she would do it. Blake took the opportunity to turn his body a little and push his hands under her robe so that they were gripping her hips. Miranda leaned in to him and Blake knew she wasn't in the mood, so he kissed her face lightly and breathed her in.

"I love you." He whispered as he rubbed up and down her back and Miranda surprised him by kissing his collarbone with wet lips and Blake grinned as he held her.

"Daddy! Come on!" Sadie interrupted from somewhere down the hallway and Blake laughed against Miranda's neck.

"Come on Sweetie, let's get that bathing suit on and get that kid to the beach before she explodes!"

Miranda laughed and pulled her face back from Blake's shoulder. She really didn't want to wear that bathing suit, but if it meant she got to spend the day on the beach with her family, she could suck it up. 

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