Internet Friends | Dan Howell...

By Calybear7

101K 2.9K 5.2K

Meet over the internet. Become close friend. Become more than that? What will happen when you meet in real li... More

The Meet Up
Fixing Our Hair
Another Kitchen Utensil?
Lose You
Pacify Her
Woman With a Plan
Blind to What Never Existed
The Old (y/n)
Who You Used To Be
The Last...
Who Is He?
She's Back?
Why Had I Gone And Done That?
Pancakes and Confrontation
He'll Never Know
Wish I Knew
Please Don't Do This
Girls vs Boys
Everyone Knows
I Want to Scream
I Want
Missed You
The Tour
Play it Cool
I Don't Know
End the Pain
Dang it
The Eiffel Tower
Au revoir
Lead Me On
Talk to Me
I Don't Care
Come Back
Cafe Corner
Warm My Heart
They Just Had to Come Now
Punch Him

Mrs. Howell

944 23 65
By Calybear7

Hey bbs

wots good


(y/n)'s POV

"Yeah, that one," I said, pointing to Lola's workbook. I had been commissioned to watch her and help her with homework for the afternoon.

"But why?"

"Because remember the blue triangle is worth 2," I said and she stared at the page, writing a 2 underneath the triangle. I watched her work and the door opened, Dan walking in with lunch.

"What about this one?" Lola questioned and I pointed to a different part of the paper.

"What does the orange square mean?"


"Right, so if 2 squares are added together, how much is the red circle?" I asked. I waited as she stared intently at the page.

"8!" she said, writing it in underneath the red circle. I could see a sense of pride in her eyes as she filled in the empty space below with her pencil mark.

"Lunch," Dan called out and I picked up Lola from my lap, putting her pencil on the workbook to finish it afterwards. I led her to the kitchen and onto a chair, going to help unpack lunch. "Your apple juice little lady," Dan said, bowing and placing the juice on the table for Lola. She giggled as did I.

"Where's my apple juice?" I asked and Dan approached me, shrugging.

"I'm not sure, you'll have to earn yours. I didn't see you doing any math in there," Dan said. I chuckled, giving him a sweet kiss. As I pulled away I noticed he had a second bottle held out for me. I laughed taking it.


We all sat down for a moment when Dan nudged me.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, but my mum heard about Lola and she likes kids and was planning on coming here anyway," Dan said.

"Yeah sure, you could've warned me though," I said, laughing.

"Sorry, I just didn't know and I procrastinated and--"

"Dan chill," I said, placing a hand on his arm.

"You guys talk a lot," Lola commented to which a snorted.

"Yeah I know," I commented and Dan just shrugged. Was he okay? "Hey Lola, you keep eating and stay here." I said, pulling Dan out into the hall. "What's up?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Oh really?" he just swallowed.

"Well, it's just that my mum is really invested in--" he trailed off, gesturing between us. I suddenly realized that I hadn't exactly met his mother before. 

"She is?"

"Yeah, and I don't want her to offend you or anything," he said.

"Dan, she's not going to offend me," I said, "I'll be fine."

"Yeah but--"

"But nothing, you can calm down," I reassured, "I'm a big girl."

"You're drinking apple juice,"

"That's besides the point," I said, "I love you and we'll be fine." I said, taking him into a hug.

"Thanks," he said and I glanced over his shoulder at Lola who was walking into the doorway.

"Oh jeez more talking," she commented and I heard Dan laugh past my ear as he pulled away. He glanced down at her before picking her up.

"Yes more talking and not enough eating. I'm starving I could eat the whole cake," he said, referencing the small cake I had picked up earlier.


"I don't know, it might just happen," he said, and she gasped, struggling to get back to her food.

"I can't let it happen!" she called and he put her down, letting her dash to her food. I laughed, following after her.

"Not too fast!" I called, making sure she wouldn't choke on her meal. As I reached the table with Dan there was a knock on the door.

"Holy moly Dan you didn't say she'd be here in like 5 minutes," I said, going to answer the door. Before he could protest me answering the door rather than him, I ran to the knock. I opened the door with a wide smile at the woman there. She had hair like Dan's color and eyes like his. Lucky kid got gorgeous eyes from his mom.

"Hi!! You must be (y/n)," she said, opening her arms for a hug.

"Yes, it's so nice to meet you Mrs. Howell," I said, accepting the hug.

"It's so nice to meet you too," she said, squeezing me tight. It was extremely nice to have such a motherly hug, "Now, I don't mean to seem pushy, but where's the beautiful young lady?"

"I mean, I'm right here whatever do you mean?" I joked letting her in. "Or are we talking about you, I get confused."

"Oh stop," she stopped and gasped, coming into the kitchen where Dan had a rather large piece of lettuce in his head and Lola was giggling wildly.

"I leave you 2 children alone for 2 minutes and this is what happens?" I ask as Dan took the vegetable off his head. 

"Sorry, hey mum," he said, giving her a side hug.

"Is this Lola?" she asked and I nodded.

"Lola this is Dan's mum," I said, sitting in the chair beside her.

"But...he's a giant," Lola commented and Mrs. Howell laughed.

"I know, I question why everyday. He's taller than his father you know," she said, taking the seat next to her.

"Woah," she said, glancing up at Dan who was obviously towering over all of us sat at the table.

"I know, and trust me, he was quite the kid," she said, now going into depth about Dan as a kid which honestly made me laugh. "Before his 'cool' phase, he was a die hard Spice Girls fan,"

"Oh my God," I said, giggling at the thought of that one video in his childhood video. 

"Mum," he said, his face slightly red.

"Okay, Lola needs to finish homework," I interrupted. She glared at me and I just shrugged. "Just following orders babe," I said, placing the book in front of her. "And I think Dan needs to do math with you now,"

"Oh thanks,"

"You're welcome," I said, sitting back next to his mum.

"It is really a pleasure to meet you," Mrs. Howell said.

"You too," I replied.

"It's so great to put a face to the name," she said, "And you're quite a girl I can see why he likes you." I glanced over at Dan who was in depth with Lola over the simple math problems. I smiled.

"Well, he's quite a guy," I said, "Good job on making that."

"I try," she replied and I laughed.

"You're quite good with kids too," she hinted and I glanced up at Dan who's cheeks were tinted pink.

"Oh, that's a long way off," I said, mentally noting there was no chance for kids yet considering we hadn't even done anything.

"I know, just saying you're suited for it, and I'd just like to add my condolences with everything that happened with your coma," she said.

How much did she know?

"Ah, yeah, thank you," I said. She probably thought I was a lunatic, how could she be so nice right now.

"I'm just glad everything worked out. Every time he talks about you, he gets so excited and happy," she added, her voice low as to not disturb the pair.

"Me too,"



Stay awesome!


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