Zianourry One Shots

By MLH1993

1.1M 17.4K 7.7K

One shots all about Zianourry.. Requests are Closed till I can finished the request i have :) You might have... More

Zianourry One shots
Request Page
Don't feel good. $^ (N)
Strong Enough @^ (Li)
Strong Enough part 2 @^
Strong Enough part 3 @^
Strong enough part 4 @^
Afraid of the Dark or is it more? $
Wet and Together !! $
Looking out for him $^
Not Needed Anymore $^
Do you all still love us? $^
His Protectors $^
South America. $^
The Missing Piece @^&
I am loved? $#
Never ever $^
Never ever part 2 $^
Shot down $^
Shot down part 2 $^
Kidneys $^
Jail break @^
Not a Problem $^
Let us $^
Not Alone $#&
Not Alone part 2 $#&
I just wanted to help $^
Shots $
Are you cheating? $^
Are you cheating? Part 2 $^
He loves me more $
Falling to pieces $^
Too much? $^
Is It All My Fault? $^
Quick Question!
Surprise.. $^
Coma $^ (N)
Coma pt. 2 $^ (N)
Birthday $^
Family $^
My New Family $^
New Beginnings $
Don't Worry @^
All that matters $^
What is going on? $^
Better Late Than Never $
Just leave. $
He is ours. $
Ignoring me? $
Five plus One $@6
Reassurance $
Mother hens $@6
We are here $
I'm Sorry $ (Li)
Battle of his life $^ (N)
Protecting them $^ (N)
Vampires ^&@ (N)
Protecting them pt. 2 ^$!! (N)
Where are you? (N) $
Jealous? $ (N)
Save Me $6^
Forever $(Z)
Don't cry Love. $ (Z)
Hey Storm, Hey Angel @ (N)
Dancing in the Rain! (N)$^
Horror (N) $
Panic Attack $ (N)
Little One $ (Lo)
Forever be your angel pt. 1 (H) $^
One Little Secret (N) $
Oh my...
Just Leave pt. 2 $ (N)
Quick Questions!
New Book and Note
Nevermind... A poll
Quick, Quick
Final Note...

The Only One... $ (N)

45.5K 671 223
By MLH1993

My first Zianourry Story! Hope you all enjoy it! Edited**


Niall woke up once again on his couch alone in his flat in London. He was the only one in the band that had his own flat, well his own place by himself, due to the other lads being in a four-way relationship they had brought a massive mansion on the other side of London, which had everything imaginable in it. All Niall had in the little flat was only about 4 rooms. The kitchen, den and his bedroom, and bathroom. Of coarse, that didn't bothered him. The thing that bothered him was that he had a crush on not only one of his band members, but all four. Just seeing the four of them together in a relationship had hurt him deeply.

The way their eyes lit up when one of them walking in the room, the way they mess with each other on and off the stage, the way the cuddle and hugged like they didn't want to let go. The way their eyes spark with laughter after a joke was told , or some old story was brought up. The way lust glittered in their eyes when they look at each other. The affection that glowed in each of their eyes as they would sneak a glance on stage or off stage in an interview or even in the changing room. The corners of their lips curved into smile, a bright smile as one just looks at each other, catching each other's eye. It was Love.

Niall wanted all of that, well all of that with them. He longed for cuddles from all of them at night before bed, or even just hanging around waiting for show time, to the laughter that brightened up the day, the way the four lads looked at each other, with such love in their eyes. Niall knew he would never get them to love him. Who would want him? He was just a normal lad. Nothing was special about him. They would joke around with him, but nothing compared to what they do around each other. Niall yearned for it.

Drowning in his own thoughts, Niall didn't hear his band members come into his flat. Tears shimmered in his eyes, falling down his pale cheeks, wiping them away as he heard noise coming from behind him.

"Morning Niall!" Louis said awful loud and cheerfully. Niall squeezed his eyes shut, wiping away the rest of the tears that had fallen, pressing his lips in a straight line. He plastered on a fake smile as he just nodded his hello.

He honestly, didn't feel up to watching them all be extra lovey dovey and cuddly like they were everyday. Looking towards his band mates, he notice they all, somehow were laying on each other on the love seat, which was meant for only two people. With Louis and Harry holding Liam and Zayn, Niall wondered how they all fit. Oh well. Shaking his head, Niall got up and walked into kitchen, but before he did, he couldn't help but notice that Liam was making out with Zayn and Louis doing the same with Harry. Would he ever fit in with them? Would they ever want him?

Sadness filled Niall's blue eyes as he hung his head as he walked quickly to the refrigerator, grabbing a glass of water. Trying to decide if he wanted to head back into the den to face the music or just go to his bedroom and act like they weren't there. Niall wanted to tell them how he felt about them, but he was scared that they wouldn't accept him. Being in a four-way relationship is hard enough, especially now that the fans knew. They came out about several months ago. The fans at first were harsh, but learned to accept it, and saw that the four of them were happy, so they were happy for them and supported them all the way. Of coarse, there were a few who weren't happy, but overall, the fans loved seeing the lads close to each other more than before.

Niall throw out the rest the water in the cup and throwing it down the sink. His hands tightened on the counter top, his knuckles turning white as his grip tightened. Looking out in the window, taking a deep breath, when a raspy voice interrupted his thoughts once more.

"Everything ok Ni?" asked Harry as he and Liam had followed the small blonde into the kitchen. They had seen the blonde glance at nothing, and him taking deep breath as he tried to calm himself. Green and brown eyes were searching the bright blue eyes that they came to know, but Niall just kept looking everywhere but them, his arms dropping down to his sides.

"Yea, Why?" He gave a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Just wondering, you seem a bit down," Liam spoke, moving closer to Niall, watching the blonde move away from him.

Yea, I am down. I am sad. I am tired of being the one left out, thought Niall. He push that aside. He wasn't going to tell them. They obviously didn't want him.

"No, I am fine. Just tired. Seems like I can't get enought sleep lately." Wrong thing to say.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" There came Liam's protective, motherhen side.  Liam had came to lay his hand on Niall's forehead.

Don't lean into it, Niall told himself, but he couldn't help it. Liam's hands were smooth and warm. He felt safe. He felt wanted in just that moment.

Shaking his head, Niall told them again he was fine, giving them a dismissive wave once more, as he moved back into the den, just to see Zayn and Louis cuddling, while watching something on the TV.

"Don't forget about Me and Liam, loves!" yelled Harry as he ran and jumped on Louis. Liam soon follow suit.

Rolling his eyes at his band mates, Niall sat once more on the couch, the farthest away from the lads. Regreting lettting them have a key, Niall started to focusing on the TV, but saw that nothing was on. He rubbed his hands together, his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he watched the lovebirds make out. He blew out his cheeks as they turn a bit pink.

"Soooo... what are you'll doing today?" Trying to start a conversation with his band mates, but was soon drowned out by Louis and Zayn talking about tatooes they wanted to get, and Harry and Liam was talking about random stuff. Trying once again. Nope. Nothing. Left out once more, Niall started to have tears well up in the corners of his eyes, his eyes glistening. Nothing stopping the tears from falling.

Sighing once more, wondering why they all came over if they were just going to ignore him. Unhappy tearful, sad blue eyes glanced once more at the four, then closing tight before he suddenly jolted off the couch and ran to his bathroom, leaving his four bandmates in wonder and shock on what just happened.

Niall had locked the bathroom door as tears that had formed eariler had started to race down his cheeks. Tear turned into silent sobs. All Niall had wonder was, why? Why did the boys have to be like that in front of him. Did they want to show to him that he wasn't needed? The fans thought he shouldn't be in the band anymore becuase he wasn't in the relationship anyways. Did the Lads think that too? Did they want him gone?

"T-They dont c-care about m-me.. They d-don't want m-me" Sobs continued unaware of four pairs of ears leaning against the door listening in, hearing every word falling from the blonde's mouth. Four pairs of eyes met each other. They knew they wanted Niall in the relationship, but thought he didn't want to. All four of them had fallen in love with the little Irish snowflake.  They loved how he would just laugh at anything and was so care free. They hadn't heard that truthful laugh in forever, all they ever heard was the force laugh. They loved how his blue eyes shined when he was happy, but they also haven't seen that in ages. They saw the hurt in the blonde's eyes, they saw the sadness there too.

Managing to open the door without drawing blonde's attention, four hearts broke when they saw their little blonde sobbing on the floor huddled in a small ball, holding him. They immediately knew they had to fix this, somehow, someway.

Liam took charge and walked slowly into the bathroom, trying not to alarm the little blonde.


Not a sound was heard, except for sobs. Liam tried again but also reaching out to touch Niall's shoulder.

Feeling a hand rubbing his shoulder, Niall knew that the lads had found him. Shaking off the hand, Niall tried his hardest to get away from them, but was push into strong arms. Glancing over his shoulder, Niall avoided all of their gazes. He didn't want to lock at them. He wanted to get away. They didn't want him.

"Niall.. Love.."

Niall quickly glanced at Liam. He had called him Love. Hope and concern rising into Liam's eyes, just to see if Niall would explain why he was crying. He had a good idea what was wrong, but wanted the blonde to say it.

"Why are you crying Ni? Talk to me! Talk to us!"

"You wouldn't under-understand.." Niall choked out. He fought back more tears that were threatening to fall.

"Try us." Louis said as he and the other three traded sad, concern glances. All worried about their little blonde. Also a little hope to Niall telling them that he loved them all as much as they loved him.

NIall hesitated before telling them all the truth, might as well he thought. He knew they what they were going to say, but oh well. He was done, He wanted to get it out. He hate the feeling of burdening it in his heart. "I love you! I love you all! All four of you! But that's never going to happened, Is it? Seeing you four love each other hurts me so much, knowing that you all would never love me as much as you all love each other!"

Seeing his four band mates shocked faces, not knowing what to say Niall started to get up, but was pulled into a four-way crushing hug. He was surprised by the hug, he thought they would just let him go. Did they love him as much as him loved them? Was this a dream or real life?

"We do love you, Niall!" Spoke Zayn, tears shimmered in his eyes as he watch the blonde battle his thoughts.

"We love you so much, Nialler. We just though you didn't want to be with all four of us. You don't know how much it hurt to see you by yourself. It hurt knowing that you might not love us, the way we love you," said Harry.

"You really do?" asked Niall as he leaned into Harry's arms. This must be a dream!

All four lads looked at Niall, and moved closer to him.

"Would we do this if we loved you?"

As the question had finished, each boy leaned closer to Niall and laid as many kisses all over him as they could.

Giggling like crazy, the lads picked up their little blonde and moved into the den to watch a movie.

For the first time, Niall felt loved but not by one person, but by the four people who had his heart forever and ever.


Hope you all like this, Sorry if it was crap, I wanted to updated quickly for you all

Anyways Leave prompts below or inbox me!! Thanks!!


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