๐Ÿ’”Easliy Broken๐Ÿ’”

By FB5430

187K 922 2.6K

After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectf... More

The Embarrassment
Life of a Broken Heart
New Friends
Lost n' Lonely
The Hard Cry
Love Hurts
Change from a Bleeding Heart
Opening My Eyes
Starting Over Again
The Party
A Happy Ending
Author's Note: What's happening now? 5 years Later/Easily Broken 2๐Ÿ’”/ And More
Artist Note: Idea Comfirmed/New Poster

We're Home

5.3K 30 21
By FB5430

Lincoln:(to the viewers)
Previously on 💔Easily Broken💔......

Lincoln:(gets breakfast)
So, are you excited to look around?

Luna: Look around where?

Lincoln: You know, Times Square.
The Boardway.

Leni:(excited) Wait. Were heading to the beach. It's gonna be so cool.

Lincoln:(disgusted) It's not that kind of boardway, Leni.

Leni: Oh.

Lincoln:(happy) Times Square is a boardway where they show lights and advertisements all around the city.
They even have lots of stores.
They get crowded, they have plenty of Taxi, Buses and Tour Buses.

Loud Sisters:(star strucked)

Lola: This is gonna be awesome.
I can't wait to see how pretty all those buildings can be.

Lori: Maybe we can look at all those stores they have.

Leni: I can't wait to check some more of those fancy clothes.

Luan: And plenty of great food.

Lincoln: And there's more.
We can go to either New Jersey,
Central Park Zoo, The Empire State Building, The Chrysler Building, Plenty of Museums, The High Line or to the Rockefeller Center.

Lynn: What's that?

Lincoln: What's what?

Lucy: The Rockefeller Center.

Lincoln: Oh yeah, it sounds kind of fun. It's a place were we can look at all the buildings from the heart of NYC.
It may be a diner. But, the other center is where we can go Ice Skating.

Kids:(except Lincoln)(surpised) What?!!

Bobby: Oh, that's cool! We can try to go skating togther whenever we get a chance, Babe. (To Lori)

Lori:(chuckles) As you wish, Bobby-boo-boo-bear.

Lincoln: So, C'mon! Are you ready to see one of the best populated cities of all times.

Everyone:(except) Yeah!

Lori:(delighted) Lincoln, this is litterally amazing.

Lisa:(squeals in excitement)
I've been waiting to come out here.

Lucy:(delighted) Brother, you didn't have to do this.

Lincoln: What do you mean?
You owe it all to me. But, I owe you more.

Lola: Well, that's the sweetest thing you ever done to us. She looks like she's in style.

Lincoln: Yeah it was. Now let's go upnstairs to the top and look.

(So they all went upstairs to the top of statue of Libery. And they became suprised even more)

Lana:(amazed) Woah!!! Hey, Lisa!
Were even bigger than before.

Lisa:(amazed) I can see that coming.

Clyde:(amazed) Cool!! Now we can see the whole city from here.

Ronnie Anne: This place is so

Luan: Lincoln, where did you find this.

Lincoln: The day before Ronnie Anne and Clyde found me.

Ronnie Anne: Wow.... Your heart skipped a beat.

Lincoln: Yeah. Not much. But, it felt romantic. But, I kept it to myself. It sometimes skips. But, not usually. It sound slow like a calm echo as if I was strong. But, it sound beautiful like as if it's from heaven or something. Maybe something like gold. But, something tells me that it was something it came from a special thing deep inside me..... Love. I even recorded it on my microphone while I was waiting for you to come out of the restroom at the park.

(Lincoln plays the recording)

Ronnie Anne:(surprised)
Wow... It sounds beautiful.
But in the end, it's strange.
And, what's that gargle sound.

Lincoln: That was from having a butterfly and my stomach.

Ronnie Anne: Whatever's in that sound of your's, it's Beautiful.

Lincoln:(stops recording) I know. What about you? What were you feeling?

Ronnie Anne: You know, deep inside me, my heart went like this.
(murmurs heart) Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom- Boom-(murmurs faster)
Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom (back to normal) Boom-Boom

Lincoln: Your heart skipped a beat too?

Ronnie Anne: Almost. But, it did
thumped multiple times.
It came from me being nervous and from my sweats. I felt like I had a butterfly in my stomach too.

Lincoln: Probably because it's the natural feeling of love.

(shows them kissing)

Cody: Oh yeah. I was about ask you.
How's your heart?

Lincoln: About that, I wanted to ask you that. But, I got terrible news.
It's still glowing.

Cody:(shocked) It is? How? That's impossible. Your happy now.

Lincoln: I know. But this time, it was pink. It happened yesterday after we kissed for the second time.
And then while I was asleep, I saw it in my vision. I felt it skipping a beat.
And it's probably going to do it again.
I don't know. I think I have powers or something.

Cody: Maybe you did had powers.
But before you soon tell me anything, you need to experience it yourself more. And keep it in control.

(shows Lincoln and Ronnie Anne on a Rollercoaster)

Clyde: I got a question. Who's gonna be invided invited?

Rita: Well, were already invited because of were his family and friend members. We can invite all of his friends. As a matter a fact, we invited everyone from Royal Woods.
He done so much to everyone, people couldn't of thank him for anything.

Lynn Sr.: That's true. But, can Albert and Myrtle come?

Rita: They're part of the family.
They can come too.

Lucy: So is that everyone?

Lori: For now I guess.

Leni: Alright, now all we need to do, is go shopping for clothes.

Lynn Sr.: Awesome. But, that's going to be discussed tomorrow.

Bobby: Alright, guys. Let's go wrap it up.

Lincoln:(stop blushes) (surprised)
I don't understand. You guys are not laughing.

Lori(neutral): Lincoln, you know that the other night we told you was that we crossed our hearts to not do bad stuff to you anymore. And when we say cross our hearts, we promise.
And, were not laughing at you anymore. Because, after you we first embarassed you, we know how you felt when we first got here.
So for now on, were gonna let it all out and give it some space.

Lana: Yeah, Big Brother. We don't wanna hurt your feelings anymore.

Lucy: Or lose you. But that's what hurts us more.

Lynn: We can't live or be in this world without you.

(The Loud Family became sad at the moment)

Lincoln:(sad smile) (gathers around his family) (heart-felt) Aww.. Guys, your not gonna lose me or hurt me. I know you won't. Were family no matter what. We only live life once. I'm not gonna die or anything. You a know that somewhere deep inside that I'll always be with you. I cared about you guys all my life. After I forgave you guys, I never knew how happy or bless I was to have such a wonderful family like you guys. (tears up and voice breaks) Somewhere inside tells me that I should be happy and thankful for what I have now. Having a big family can sometimes be a hard or sweet . But, sometimes it can be lovely. I loved you guys with all my heart and soul. You guys are my family. Can't blame you. I can't live without you. And, I can deeply feel it right now. I'm gonna make a promise too. (putting his hands on his heart)
I promise not to run away again. (tears streaming cheeks) So far at this point, I made a huge change and after we get back home soon, I might make new friends and be happy for who I am. (sniff) My life is not with me hiding in the shadows anymore.
Now, it's with me moving things forward, pushing things right in, and putting everything like situations into action. (cries soft happily) My life feels better than it usually was before. I know it in my heart. I can really feel it. (sniff) At first, I was always somtimes feeling sad or blue like I was under a rainy cloud. Now, I feel so happy like the sun is up around me with a rainbow on top of me. I can't even see how special I really am. There is no more ups and downs. Because, starting now I'm getting a new chapter. (sniff) (continues to speak as the scene cuts to Lincoln and his family hugging) You guys are my family. And I love you.......

Lincoln(scratching the back of his head): I'm sorry if I became upset on purpose. I'm just fed up with school.
I already graduated from Elementary like you and Clyde. I hope Principal Huggins is not gonna still make me stay there for detention for the rest of the year. You know..... the fight.
I know my little sisters started the fight. But, I hope there not going to still laugh at me when I get back to school or wherever I go to.
I'm too afraid to comeback home.
What if he make me repeat my grade?

Ronnie Anne: Calm down. It's okay. Don't be afraid. Your not gonna repeat your grade. Because, Principal
Huggins just said on the news that he was ashamed for yelling at you and putting you on detention for no reason. Our friends miss you, and the whole town said they're sorry.

Lincoln:(upset) Yeah. But, do they really mean that? Do they admit from what they said? Or do they think it's funny like my family used to act like.

Clyde: Lincoln, don't give your hopes up. I'm sure they're ashamed from what they done. And, I'm sure they meant what they said. They might what you to come home. How do you think they feel if you never comeback or something bad happens to you.

Lincoln:(sad) They'll be feeling sad.
And I can't just leave my friends out like that. That reminds me, I should apologize to everybody.
Especially, for how I caused them to be devastated. (sigh) What about how I felt before they all caused me to runaway on purpose. I almost hurt everyone. But, none of this was my fault. And, I didn't do anything.

(Lincoln looks down sadly and sighed in shame as Ronnie Anne starts to feel bad for him)

Ronnie Anne:(take her arms out to him) Come here.

(Ronnie Anne and Clyde gave Lincoln a hug to calm him down. They break from the hug in 10 seconds)

Ronnie Anne: Don't panic. We'll work on this out together. ..............Okay?

Lincoln:(smirk and frowns) Okay.

Leni:(guilty) Eventually, Luna, Lucy, Lana, Lily and I didn't want to do this.
But sadly, Lori forced us to.
And we should've stand by your side
and helped you out. Were the nicest sisters. Sometimes, we don't know why we always got to join the others as nics as we are. We should be behind you. Not betraying you.

Lola:(guilty) I wish this wouldn't happen in the first place. But, I should've never came in and eavesdropping at your door. And because of this, then this is my fault. Were sorry.

Lincoln:(to Loud sisters) Listen, girls.
You guys are my sisters and I've already forgiven you. You guys are right about what said of what you guys should've done that was best for me. But, you guys shouldn't of done it.
(to Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana, and Lily)
You 5 should of at least left them alone or ignore them. Then, their wouldn't be no problem. (To Lori)
Lori, sure your right that you've should of came with me. But, what you did to Ronnie Anne was a real low. Even for you.

Lincoln: Hey, Clyde?

Clyde: Yeah, Buddy?

Lincoln: Do you think everybody's gonna start liking me when I come back to town?

Clyde: I'm sure they will, Lincoln.
They'll like you. After all, they were regretful for what they've done.
Just don't give your hopes and thoughts up. I'm sure everything will be better and back to normal when
we get back. Just don't think so hard.

Lincoln:(crestfallen) (comfort)
Oh, Clyde.......... (walks up to Clyde and put his hand on his shoulder) I didn't notice you were really lost and scared without me. Look, Clyde. I'm very sorry I hurt you or made you feel this way. I didn't mean to make you cry. But, trust me. I know what it really feels to lose something or something special important to you.

Clyde:(in tears) (sniffs) You do?

Lincoln:(crestfallen) (comfort)
Yes, Buddy. I know how you feel.
It can be healthy to be aware of the grieving process, but don't obsess over when it starts and when it ends. You know it when you suddenly start crying and dont know how to stop, your face remains neutral but tears are flowing all over it. You start to remember the little moments you had with them. You just want to yell so hard but sometimes you cant. This is when you know the real experience of a word called grief. Grief is a small word to describe what one feels when you lost someone special that is very close to your heart..... Grief takes its own time depending on who you are and what you lost. You may feel depressed, angry, anxious, annoyed, or all of the above. Give yourself permission to have those feelings and do good things for yourself. When you have a feeling of sadness and emptiness. Which is completely normally it's the start of the grieving process. When you feel a pit in your stomach ora piece of your heart is missing, you feel like you wanna to talk to them, but know you can't. When you catch yourself consistently thinking of them. Losing a friend is never ever easy. It doesn't matter the circumstance, whether it be by choice or by accident, everyone eventually loses a friend. Everything just feels empty. It is not like you lost a half of yourself, it is like losing your true self. Sun doesn't shine as brighter than guy UI hi hias usual and it feels like it doesn't even exist. Everything slows down and you can feel the physical pain, like your heart is being ripped out. These feelings later turn into anger. You might direct it toward other people, a higher power, or life in general. Grieving process is different for everyone - the important thing is that you try and work through it, stay close to those who love you and stay strong.
And if you keep listening to your heart, you will be alright.
Listen, Clyde. No matter what happens between us, you'll always be friend. Nothing changes between us. And, nothing is important than my friendship. If your mad, then I'm mad.
If your crying, then I'm crying.
If your hurt, then I'm hurt too.
Because we always stick together.
And there's nothing ever to break us apart. Ever.

(shows the scene with Lincoln and Clyde hugging)

Marie: Well, it's been nice meeting you last week. And we hope you enjoy it here.

Cody: We're gonna miss you, Lincoln.

Alex: Yeah, your such a good friend.

Denise: You've been very awesome to us.

Jt: Stay safe.

Lincoln: You guys, maybe sometimes I can ways check on you. Or one day I can come back here again.
I wanted to thank you all for taking care of me before my family found me. You guys were such great friends too. And I mean for everything.
I'll never forget you guys.

Cody: It was a great pleasure.

(They all gave each other a hug)

Lincoln: You know guys, since were all here playing together, I've never felt that much joy in my life.
After we just played a huge game as much of how many kids like us are here, I'm so happy be with my friends and siblings. I meant about what I said. It's really good to be back.
Especially when we come back home,
everything is gonna be back to normal. Trust me. I can't wait to come back home. Not only for me. But, for all of us.

(shows Lincoln hugging his sisters and friends)

Lincoln:(to the viewers) Ahhh......
What a lovely trip. But if your wondering why I'm holding (shows his suitcase) a suit case, it's because I'm going home tomorrow.
And, I can't wait to see all my friends and everybody else again. Ooohh I'm so happy, I can't even say anything else. But anyways, enjoy the next chapter with our journey back to Royal Woods. Chao. (waves good-bye and snaps for the screen time fade black)

(It starts at night in The Hotel Room.
Everybody was already asleep.
The camera zooms to Lincoln sleeping as it soon makes the screen go wavy while Lincoln's voice goes om to the viewers. And it was because he was having a dream)

Lincoln's voice:(narrating)
Dear Diary, my name's Lincoln Loud.
Day 8.Starting today is the last day of me being in New York City. I really can't wait to comeback home anytime soon. But before this, while I was asleep, I had this deep dream, I couldn't even imagine or explain how crazy it was. Because basically, I almost died in my sleep crying from the pain I had a week ago. It was more than something deep. It was something powerful.

(The Beginning of Dream)

(He was all alone. He is wearing a white shirt with gray pants and he was wearing gray lines. So while he took s look at his was wondering where he was)

Lincoln:(confused) Hello?

(Suddenly a white light came as it made a stairs. Then, Lincoln came up stairs the stairs and after he was up the stairs he was in a mysterious place with a black background he. He wonders for more about what's happening to him during his dream)

Lincoln: Where am I?

Unknown:(deep voice) You don't know where you are?

(Lincoln screamed and look up at this mysterious guy with a black robe in a hood and Lincoln gets scared as he starts shakimg)

Lincoln:(scared) Who-wh-who.....
a-a-are..... y-you?

(The mysterious guy takes off his hood and revealed his face. It was Principal Huggins)

Principal Huggins:(deep voice)
(laughs eviliy) Ha Ha Ha Ha......
I'm your nightmare.

Lincoln: Principal Huggins?

Principal Huggins:(deep voice) Even though if you come back to Royal Woods, you still won't go to Junior High and you'll still be a bug loser to the whole city. (laughs evily) Ha Ha Ha....

Lincoln:(scared) What are you gonna do to me?

Principal Huggins: I'm gonna kill you where you'll never wake up again.
(laughs evily) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha........
(takes out his scythe)

Lincoln:(scared) Ahh!!! Please don't hurt me.

Unknown: Let him go!

(Suddenly an Angel appeared and use her powers. Then, The Grim Reaper uses his powers and she avoided them. Soon, grab him flying away from Lincoln and dropped him down and then flys back. Suddenly, the background turns into clouds.
And, soft music plays)

Lincoln: Am I'm in heaven?

Unknown: Your certainly are, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Who are you? And, how do
you know my name?

Unkown: You'll see.

(Lincoln looks around and shrugs until the Angel with nice wings and a beautiful dress. The Angel came closer to reveal herself. It was Great-Grandma Harriet herself. It made Lincoln really surprised)

Lincoln:(surprise) Oh my gosh.
Your.... (gulp) Your....

Harriet: That's right, Lincoln.
I'm Great-Grandma Harriet.

Lincoln:(making cute puppy eyes) Woah. You look so beautiful.

Harriet: Thank you, Love.

Lincoln: You saved me. Is there a reason why I'm up here?

Harriet: I was sent down from heaven to make up this dream. I bought you here to see and talk with me.

Lincoln: About what?

Harriet: I wanna check om you.

Lincoln: Hmm.....

Harriet: Are you okay?

Lincoln: Yes, I'm fine. Thank you.

Harriet: Glad to help. Speaking of which, that reminds me, I am accociated with Lucy.

Lincoln: Lucy? Wait....... My baby sister?

Harriet: She always been talking about me and believing me right?

Lincoln: She does always talks about you. She thinks of you as her bestfriend like a hero or something.

Harriet: Of course she does.
I have the same personality since then when I was a girl like Lucy's age.
But, she remembered me years ago since I first passed away. But she'll always have me by her side.

Lincoln: Wow. That sounds pretty cool.

Harriet: I know. It's kind of a secret origin for her. But it's how she became a Emo. And, i'm the reason why. Because I'm her look alike and she's inspired by me. I'm the only thing she has.

Lincoln: That's really sweet.

Harriet: Yes it is. Speaking of Lucy,
I wanted to say thank you for helping her move from that pass. She needs to see that not everyone can be with her so long. Because, we only live life once. But when you came along, you stood her up by opening her eyes.
And, you helped get prepared for life.
But, she'll always know that deep down in her heart I will always be with her.

Lincoln: But, one question. How do you know who I am?

Harriet: I'm the a Eldest of the Family. while or after I died, I sometimes been looking all over you from above. And your family. I'm like the guardian Angel to the entire family. But I know who you because, you are my Great-Grand Son. And I'm your Great- Grandma. I'll do whatever it takes to keep this family safe.

Lincoln: Wow. So, are your like one of our ancestors or what?

Harriet: I guess you can say that?

Lincoln: For any reason, do you know why I have this weird feeling inside me. Like my vision, my heart glowing, my powers?

Harriet: It's because of your pure soul, Lincoln. Whenever you feel down, strange, happy, or anything emotional in your mind or deep inside you.
Your heart glows depending on the way you feel. Especially when you feel any emotion like happy or sad your emotions show a glowimg color in your chest. And your vision in your eyes glows depending of what you hear and what you see. It's in your brain, Lincoln. You just gotta keep remembering and thinking. And, if it's ever a problem, you will see something.

Lincoln: Are they temporary?

Harriet: Not as usual. And speaking of which, I saw what you done. And I think you did the right thing. Which is the reason why I bought this dream up. I wanna talk with you about what you done.

Lincoln: You think?

Harriet: Yes. And, I don't blame you.
Not because they made you or they ask you to do it. It may be a bad choice but you did what you had to do. I see you cry a lot from you feeling so hurt but when your emotionally happy, you took part of it. You still kept intelligence because you were you were very brave. You weren't scared of any thing. But your only scared because you don't want anybody to hurt you. And, what I saw inside you was more than just the truth. It was you keep believing in yourself. And, you were following your instincts. Just keep staying strong and don't be afraid. I'm really proud of you, Lincoln. You have survived on your own. That's makes me very happy. No matter what or who you are you stand up to yourself. At the same time, you didn't have to do that, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Why do you think me running away was a good thing?

Harriet: I didn't think it was a good thing. But, I said that it was good for what you did because not only you were staying strong, believeing, and kept being brave. I know you ran away because you have to embrace yourself and you were not coming back until they come to you first. But, what I was surprised to see is that you took a risk. You've find your way out. While you were along the way to New York, I kept you safe like a hero. And, I knew that you know in your heart that no matter how fed up you are with your family, you still love them.I know how you felt and I know what you want. You just want them to change and you know you that you want to have a normal life. You just wanna have a better life. And, you found your way out through the situation you gone through these years. There was nowhere to escape life. But that never stopped you. You just kept going. I'm really dang proud of you.

Lincoln: How did you know what I was feeling?

Harriet: Because I can see you from above remember? It made me frown to see everyone down there treating like an outcast. Especially since I watched you tun away from home, nothing was your fault. You were trying to find your own way to have all your trust, love, and respect yet. You've barely needed some space. I cared for you since I saw the video tape incident happen. I was very frightened to see you like this. Just because your life is hard, doesn't mean you have to runaway. I'm not trying to say that your hurting yourself but, I'm saying that you've tried your best to prove who you are. While sadly everybody pushed you away to far from the memories, hopes, and dreams you you've been wishing for. You almost hurt me when you said that everyone in the world hates you.

(Lincoln suddenly starts to tear up from what she said)

Lincoln:(tears up) (sniff) I know.
And, I didn't mean to do what I have to do. I ran away because I keep thinking everything's my fault like
I was a mistake to everyone in Royal Woods. They be picking on me, laughing at me, saying bad things about me..... Look okay, I just want to be treated fair like everybody else.
Sure I want a normal life. But, I did this for their own good. At first when I left, I felt homesick. Then, I felt worse. I felt too guilty leaving out all my family like that. I felt terrible. They argued with me 5 times. At first they hurted me and back to back, I hurt even more. Even that one where I almost killed myself. So then, I told them how I felt and apologized. I've gone through so much, I knew what I had to do. (sniff) It hurted me for a long time.

Harriet: Oh poor dear, come here.
(Pulls her arms)

(Great- Grandma Harriet gave Lincoln a hug as he cries)

Harriet: Oh. I know, sugar. Let it all how.

Lincoln:(crying) I was just tired of feeling so unwanted.

Harriet: Oh poor, Baby. I feel you.
Bless your heart.

Lincoln:(crying) I felt it with all my gut and my mind. (sniff) But, mostly with all my soul. Everytime I feel this way or I'm lost and alone, my heart keeps pounding to them. I can feel it right down here. It's something that I felt was missing. I'm so sorry.

Harriet: You dear, it's not your fault.
I don't blame you from running away.
You were just angry and you were just scared.

Lincoln:(crying) I know and I should of told them how I felt.

(Lincoln cries heavily as Harriet hugged him tight. He let the past out and calmed down. So he breaks from the hug began to talk)

Lincoln:(in tears) But later, after I got along with them. I told them how I felt. It was really heavy. Then, I kept om thinking I'm a huge mistake to everyone. It really broken my heart at first. But when I stand up to my strong
emotions, I told it with all the truth I had. I told the truth within my spirit.
(sniff) And then soon, it hurted them from hearing about my true feelings.
They told me the real truth about me never running away. And, that's what I should've before I even thought that this is was huge mistake. I almost made them cry. But they comfort me.
(tears pouring and wipes them) And, when I took that hug of their's, I felt like I was home. And then the next day, I spend time with them in New York. Had a date. And later, I became very happy to have such a big lovely family like them. (sad smile) I don't know what to do without them if they're gone just the don't know what to do with me. And I promise to never make the same mistake ever again. I'll never stay mad at them like I use to. Because, they are my family. And, I love them with my own heart. Every beat of it, every piece of, every type of love inside of it. At first I felt it like it was broken. Now, it was full. (sniff) Because, of all my sacrifices that I just had from all these years, I survived. I didn't know what to say (pauses for a minute) I finally felt like I was part of this family and never left out for the first time. I felt real love. It really got me in tears. And, there's nothing I would ever do without somebody like them. (smile) And, no matter what happens to them I always got their back.

(Great- Grandma Harriet began to smile and gave him another hug)

Harriet: Oh, Lincoln. Forgiving is a good choice. But I want you to know that I'm very proud of you. And, I love you. You keep on being who you are. And you'll do just fine. I know you will. Just keep listening, Lincoln. Your gonna be alright. Your such a good kid.

Lincoln:(smile) Thanks, Great- Grandma Harriet.

Harriet: Anything I can do with you,

Lincoln:(average) Okay, so what's gonna happen in this dream am I gonna die?

Harriet: Your not gonna die.
I just came to talk with you. And, another why I wanna talk to you is because, for all the good things you've done, Im gonna grant you one special wish.

Lincoln:(surprised) Wait. Your gonna grant me a wish?

Harriet: What can I say? I owe you one.

Lincoln: Oh Cool.

Harriet: Now, Lincoln. Before I grant this wish, you will choose wisely.
So Listen to me carefully as I begin the grant of your wish. It's all within my poem I made when I was your age.
"Before your wish is granted with your choice, you must listen to the sound of my voice. Try to stay silent and close your eyes, and before you speak you must choose something wise. A dream so big, a dream so far A special wish from a shooting star. As this wish belongs to you, let this special wish come true. A wish your hope, A wish your way, A wish to brighten up your day. To get this wish to a very start, say those words within your heart.

(Lincoln eyes were closed after he listen to Harriet's poem. He was thinking the words from is head.
And, he's ready for his wish to be granted as he opened his eyes)

Harriet: Your ready to grant your wish?

Lincoln: Yes, Great-Grandma-Harriet.

Harriet: Now, say what you wish for.
And, your wish will be granted.

Lincoln: Great-Grandma-Harriet,
I wish I have a normal life better than ever. Where everyone cares about me, there for me, concern about, love me, get help whenever a person's need, with respect, and a personality just like my sisters. My wish is a better life.

(As the wish was said, their were some stars thst came down and flown around him and heads out back to the sky which his wish was just granted)

Harriet: Well Lincoln, before you go,
I want you to know if anyone asks you about your wish, don't tell anybody.
This wish is not temporary but, it's a secret. You need to keep it to yourself. If you do, your wish can stop working. Unless once then you have your wish, then you can tell them Understand?

Lincoln: Yes, Ma'am.

Harriet: You take care now and enjoy life and I might see you in future dreams or soon in heaven. I love you. And say hi to Lucy for me.

Lincoln: I love you too, Great-Grandma-Harriet. And I sure will.

Harriet: Bye, Lincoln. I hope to see you soon. (waves bye)

Lincoln:(waves bye) Goodbye. And, thank you. (heads down from the stairs)

(Lincoln walks down the white stairs
and got back to the black background.
Then, the White stairs fated away after he go off the stairs and he crossed his arms with a big smile. The Dream gets wavy again as the dreak ends. When the dream ends it was showing the next morning with all the kids in there worried and Luna and Leni trying to wake up for the Lincoln last time after they try to wake him up lots of times seeing him sleeping with tears streaming on his face. They were worried thinking something's wrong with him)

Luna:(waking Lincoln up) Wake up dude, Wake up!

(Lincoln wakes up as the tears still stream in his eyes. And the sisters took a breath)

Leni: Linky, we were so worried about you.

Luna: We thought you stopped breathing, Dude.

Lori: Is everything okay, Lincoln?

Lincoln:(in tears) Oh guys!
(gives Luna and Leni a hug and begins to cry)

Luna: Why are you crying, Dude?

Leni: Yeah Linky, is there something
going on?

Lincoln:(in tears) Oh guys, I just had this crazy mysterious dream....(sniff)
And I almost died!

Kids: What!?

Lincoln:(tears streaming) Yes!
I didn't know where I was because,
I was all alone. Then, when I walk up that white stairs, I didn't see nothing until I got scared of this guy in a black robe with a hood. And then, it's face revealed to be Prinicipal Huggins.
He tried to take his scythe out and kill me which I would of been dead in my sleep! But thankfully, Great-Grandma-Harriet saved me!

(Luna and Leni gives Lincoln a hug)

Luna:(shock) (comforting) (pats Lincoln's back) Woah. Really Deep Dude! No wonder why you wouldn't wake up.

Leni: Then, we've would've lost you.

Ronnie Anne: It's just a nightmare.

Clyde: Everything's going to be okay, Lincoln.

Bobby: There's nothing to be afraid of, Bro.

Lola: Were here for you.

Lincoln:(sniff) Thanks, guys.

Lucy: Wait. What did you just say?

Lincoln: Thanks.

Lucy: No. On the dream.

Lincoln: I would've been dead in my sleep?

Lucy: After that.

Lincoln: Thankfully, Great-Grandma Harriet saved me?

(Lucy gathers around Lincoln to talk with him)

Lucy: Wait. She saved you?

Lincoln: Yes. She was a Angel saving me from a grim raping version of Principal Huggins.

Lucy: And, what did she do next?

Lincoln: She spoke with me.

Lucy: About what?

Lincoln: Me running away from home. And she think it was a good thing.

Lucy: How?

Lincoln: Because, she knew how I felt and what I did. So all this time, she's been looking out for me from above in heaven. When she asked me about it, she may me cry hard more than ever when I was the explaining it to her. She wasn't even mad at me or anything. But, she was feeling pitiful to me. And, so then she tries to comfort me. Soon, I began to smile as she comfort. She said that she saw the special good in me. When she looked at me through my eyes, she sees that I'm pure of heart. And, she sees that I'm filled with convenience.

Lucy: Woah.

Lincoln: I know. And, she told me to say hi for you.

Lucy: Well, I'll say hi to her back.
But what else did she say?

Lincoln: She said that she like to thank me for that one time I help you
move on from the past so you won't feel lonely from her.

Lucy: Oh yeah. I... I remember that time. Your the reason why I always
express myself. But letting the past
go always try to help me. (in tears)
And even though I let go of the past,
I'll never forget her. Ever. (tears stream) Because, to me in my spirit, she was my best friend. And she'll always be inside me. After all that day was in dedicated to you, my Big Brother. (wipes tears and kiss Lincoln's cheek)

(Lincoln gave Lucy a hug and then breaks out)

Lisa: What else did she do Lincoln?

Lincoln:(neutral) Before she sent me back to my body, she grant with a special wish.

Lola: What was it, Lincoln?

Lana: Yeah, what is it?

Lincoln: Now guys, I would love to tell you what i wish for but, I can't tell you what is?

Clyde: Why not?

Lincoln: Because, it's a secret and she said if I tell you what I wish for, it might not work anymore.

Luan: Was she serious?

Lincoln: She was serious.

Ronnie Anne: Are you okay?

Lincoln: I'm alright now. But, I can't stop crying or shaking. That dream almost scared me to death. But, I didn't see that coming having a dream with me having a conversation with her in heaven giving me a special compliment and thought things about me. She was really sweet. But, that part with Principal Huggins as a Grim Reaper trying to kill me, I almost died in my sleep. I almost felt my heart stop beating. I was really scared from that and it was deep. Luckily, I didn't die. But, I happy to see another day with you guys.

Lana: We know. You so lucky we
were about to call 911.

Luan: But were glad your still alive.

(The Loud Sisters and Friends gave Lincoln a hug. Then, the Loud Parents came in to see what's happening.
But he was still shocked and upset)

Lynn Sr.: What's going on in here, Kids?

Rita: Is everything okay? (notices Lincoln's up) Lincoln! (her and her husband gathers around Lincoln and kneel their knees) (put a hand on Lincoln's shoulder) Oh, Sweetheart! Thank heavens your okay. (Kisses Lincoln's cheek) We thought you were gonna die. You weren't waking up for 3 hours ahead.

Lori: I guess they need a moment.

(All the kids except Lincoln left the room so they can talk)

Lynn Sr.: What's going on, Son?

Lincoln:(in tears) (sniff) Mom, Dad,
I'm sorry if I didn't wake up.
I was in deep sleep. I had this mysterious dream and I almost died.

Loud Parents: What!?

Lincoln:(in tears) Oh Yes! Here's what

(The camera shows the outside of the Hotel and fades back to the Hotel Room and Lincoln was done telling his dream)

Lincoln:(in tears) (sniff) And that's how I couldn't wake up. Because, with me being stuck in my dream that deep, I would've been gone. My heart almost stopped and I became weak and anxious when I woke up. It was terrifying. I felt it within my spirit.

Rita:(in tears) That's the mysterious dream I ever heard, Sweetie. (gives Lincoln a hug) But, I'm glad your alright. (wipes her tears) I would go crazy and upset if I ever loose my sweet Son. (Kisses Lincoln's head) You had such a bit of a deep nightmare. But your still alive. It's a good thing Great-Grandma Harriet saved you.

Lynn Sr.:(neutral) Me too, Champ.
I would be very hurt to lose my only Son. The rest of my life would nothing more I can do without you. Your like a friend to me. No matter what happens to you, you'll always be our Son. And we know you'll never leave us. You'll always be by our side.

Lincoln:(wipes tears) (smile)
Of Course I will, Mom and Dad.
And, I'll always be. But, I will tell you one thing.

Rita:(a tear stream down her face)
What is it, Baby?

Lincoln:(smile) (sniff) Listen, just because if whatever happens to me, doesn't mean you would always be loosing me in fear. You know I've been telling you all many times that deep down inside you I'll always be here with you. It was my promise. I already got rid of Clyde's fear of loosing me. Now it's your turn to get rid of yours. And, even I'f I'm gone, that's okay. Just don't be too upset about me. But, if you guys think I can't make it on my own then, I'll be here with you. Always. Just stay strong and try to move on. But, you'll never forget me. And, I want you to know that, you can't always be afraid of loosing something or someone special. You just gotta believe to yourself and keep moving forward. Speaking of you, I'm so glad to have special parents like you guys. Especially, since that time where you told me my Birth Story. (Not a Loud) You guys are more than that. You guys are like my best friends. I'm glad that your always here with me, you'll be there for me, you thoughtful about me, but mostly you care about me. You guys are my parents. Maybe one day, we might have something special in our new lives. College, New Jobs, New Dates, New Families.... Just new chapters that can happen special in our lives.
I want more than just a personality like my sisters. When I grow up, enjoy my own life. I wanna get Married.
And, I wanna have some kids just like you have us. Not only it's gonna make me happy. But, if you ever had future grandkids, you guys can be happy too.
Even for my sisters as future aunties, it can make them happy. But, were not there yet. The point is that one day you guys might be getting old. And, I might be losing on or the both of you.
And, life doesn't for people like that, you know. If anything ever happen to you guys I'll always remember you guys one day. So with that being said, I want you to know that........you'll be alright.

(Lincoln gaves gives parents of hug to comfort them. But, the hug gave them no fear in their hearts at all. It gave them love to share. And because of it, they're not afraid of loosing him or anyone else anymore. They were filled with bravery and pride. And as that hug was given, his parents paused and they began to tear up)

Loud Parents: Awww.....

(The Loud Parents hugged Lincoln back and so they break out and wipe their tears from the expression they just had)

Lincoln: Mom? Dad?

Lynn Sr.: Yes, son?

Lincoln: Is it okay if you keep me calm for a while? I can't get the dream out of my head.

(Lynn Sr. and Rita gave each other a look then turns back to Lincoln)

Rita: Come here, Sweetheart.
(Pull her hands out for a hug)

(The parents gave Lincoln a few minutes for comfort. He was all quiet.
Soon, he began to smile and he wasn't shaking anymore as much as he was before. He's all better)

Lynn Sr.: Well, son. Let's go and get ready for the beach.

Lincoln: You know it.

(Lincoln heads straight to the restroom and grabs a towel. It zooms into the towel and zoom out from the towel where Lincoln is in the shade in his bathing suit under an umbrella sitting with Ronnie Anne on the towel for which he is at the beach. It plays "Surfin USA by The Beach Boys" As Lincoln's voice goes on for the viewers, the camera shows everyone in the beach having fun. Lori and Leni, are taking selfies, Lynn is volleyball with Luan, Clyde, and Bobby, Luna is playing on her ukulele, Lana and Lola are both making sandcastles, Lily is collecting seashells with Lucy, Lisa is checking the temperature from the Ocean, and the Loud Parents are in their chairs talking to each other)

Lincoln's voice:(narrating) It's a really great time to be at the beach today. Not to mention about doing this on a peaceful day. But, is also the last day for me to be here. After all, I am going home tomorrow to give away my guilt in sorrows. But, nothing is better than having a day like this. Because, this summer time to me has been a ball. And this summer, was becoming a party.

(It shows Lori and Leni taking photos)

Lori and Leni: Selfie! (laughing with joy)

(Then, shows Lynn playing volleyball with the other 3 kids. Lynn hits the ball and Luan hit it back. Clyde hits the ball and Bobby huts it but it didn't make it to the other side. So, Lynn and Clyde both won the game)

Lynn: Yes!! Clydesdale, we did it!!

Clyde: I know that's right! Hah!!

Lynn:(does a victory dance)
Whoop-Whoop!!! Lynner Winner Chicken Dinner, Lynner Winner
Chicken Dinner!!!

(Luan and Bobby look disgusted about Lynn's victory dance)

Luan and Bobby:(disgusted) Right.

(It next shows Lana and Lola making sandcastles)

Lana: Well, since Lincoln gave us
the time to go to the beach today,
why don't we make something more creative for our and sandcastles?

Lola:(pleased) Of course. Why not?
I was just about to go out there and look for some shells. Then, I will go make me a lake. My sandcastles will be in perfect style.

Lana:(excited) Oh yeah? Well, my sandcastle is gonna better than yours when I put seaweed, a lake, a few of my small toy alligators that I can use for add-ons, and I could try to make my castle look like a sphinx that can look just like me.

Lola:(mad) Well, not after I put some flowers around it.

Lana:(mad) Maybe Not after I put out my toy palm trees.

Lola:(mad) I think my castle is gonna be better than yours because mines is gonna be mature and prettier than yours. Your style is ways gotta be so yucky! Ugh! For such a twin sister to be a Tomboy.

Lana:(mad) I don't think so, Ms. Queen of Fashion. I like how I make my things. So, do be judging me behind my back just because your all that, Little Ms. Thang. When you see my castle, it's gonna be awesome than yours. I may be a bit filthy, but that doesn't mean I'm always nasty. It's who I am and I love myself. I rather enjoy being in the wild than just designing with you.

Lola:(mad) Oh, yeah!? Well news flash, Mother Nature! If I ever make my castle look nice, it will be better than yours!

Lana:(mad) Oh, mine's will be better as soon as possible when I soon show the peace of my mind!

(The twins pant for a minute until they continue to argue)

Lola:(mad) Alright. Since were gonna argue, then this cause for a competition.

Lana(mad) Challenge accepted.

(They turned away from each other crossing their arms)

Twins: Hmph!

(They walked away as they began creating their sand castles. Lana uses her sparkle knife as she was in the middle of working on her castle. Lola was making windows with her spackle knife to make windows on her castle. Later, they were almost done working on their figures. They began to decorate their castles. Using their fingers, the twins dug a small lakes. And, they came back to their castles with their bucketd of water from the sea. The poor some water on the circled line they drew on the sand. Next, they began to put attachments on their castle. Like trees, flowers,and so much more. And, for Lola she used kineric sand for her waterfall she built in the castle and some for her design. She even put Hawaiian flowers, star fishes to make it look pretty. Lana uses her sticks and put them together side by side so it can look like a bridge through the lake. She added some of her small toyed palm trees, alligators for her lake, cactus, and some small pyramids. Once they were done, they out their flags on top and showed each other their castles)

Lana & Lola: Finish! (gets shocked and starts arguing) What? Your done already? I was finish first! Not you weren't! Yes I was!

Lola:(mad) Mines are better than yours!

Lana:(mad) Not it's not!

Lola:(mad) Is too!

Lana:(mad) Is not!

Lola:(mad) Is Too!

Lana: Is Not!

Lola:(mad) Is Too!!

Lana: Is Not!!

(The Twins continued agruing as they some of the gang starts hearing them argue. It was starting to irritate them)

Lori:(disgusted) Great! The twins are at it again.

Rita:(annoyed) They never stop fighting all the time.

Luna:(complaint) Just when will those two ever get along?

Lincoln: Don't worry, Guys
Just leave it to me. I'll take care of this.

(Lincoln went to where the twins are at fighting around each other. When he came, he back them away from arguing to each other)

Lincoln: Alright, you two. What seems to be the problem?

Lana:(angry) Lola thinks her fancy sandcastle is better mine.

Lola:(angry) And Lana thinks her yucky sandcastle is better than my sandcastle.

Lana:(angry) Lincoln, which one do you think is the bestest sandcastle?
Me or Her?

Lola:(angry) Well, I think he likes my castle cause it's way prettier than yours.

Lana:(angry) And, I think he likes my castle cause it's way wilderness than yours.

Lola:(angry) I think he likes my castle!

Lana:(angry) No my castle!

Lola:(angry) No my castle!

Lana:(angry) No my castle!!

Lola:(angry) No my castle!!

Lincoln: Enough!!!

(The Twins stopped fighting as Lincoln yelled)

Lincoln: Now, I think each castle is very nice in it's own way.

Lana: Golly. You think?

Lincoln: Yes. It doesn't matter who's stuff is better or not. It's just a little sandcastle. I get you guys don't come up with anything. But, you don't need to fight over something stupid.
Here's what I would do if I were you guys. Why don't you guys build your castle together?

Lola: That could be a great idea. (scratches her head) What do you think, Lana?

Lana:(finger on her chin) I guess were gonna have to share. After all, were twins and if anything, then it doesn't matter who's castle's the best or not and we shouldn't be fighting. So, with that being said, Let's do it.

Lincoln: Here. I'll help you guys out.

(Lincoln, Lana and Lola take out their shovels and dig as the sand went in front of the screen. The sand sweeps away to cut to the next scene where
they were done with Lana and Lola's new sand castle. They were the same style from the way they made it.
But this time, they were put together)

Lincoln: What do you guys think?

Lana and Lola: We.... We.......... We love it! Thanks, Lincoln! (hugs Lincoln)

Lincoln: My pleasure.

(Lincoln walks back the shade under the umbrella and sat back down)

Lincoln:(to the viewers) Looks like my work is done.

(It cuts to Lucy and Lily walking around finding seashells and collecting them into their pals and buckets. Lily has plenty of seashells in her basket while Lucy found nothing but pearls and starfishes)

Lucy:(grumpy) Groan. I have been looking everywhere and all I found is just pearls and starfishes. I guess this is the best I can do if i ever done a scavenger hunt.

(When Lucy took her next step, she stopped walking as her foot felt something mysterious under the ground. And, that's when her metal detector starts beeping to her attention)

Lucy: Hey, what's this?

(Lucy takes out her shovel and digs out the thing she steps on under the ground. Once she was finish digging,
she found some Black Quartz Crystals)

Lucy: Woah. These are Black Crystals.
Maybe I should soon ask Lola to help me make jewelry at out them.

(Lucy walks for a second and already found another object underground when her metal detector starts beeping again. When she digs up the ground, she found a lost object that made her suprised. It was nothing more than just a nice and round cleared Crystal Ball)

Lucy:(gasp) Gasp..... It's a Crystal Ball.
What's a Crystal Ball doing under the sand in the middle of the beach?
(shrugs) Oh well. It dosent matter now. I'm gonna to keep it.

(Lily then comes to Lucy for her attention)

Lily: Hey, Wucy. I fwound something.

Lucy: What is it, Lily?

(Lily takes her hand out to Lucy and opens it showing moonstones inside)

Lucy: Wow, Lily. You found some moomstones.

(Lily giggles)

Lucy: Lucy you. (smiles) But I'm still great full the most special thing I found. (kisses the Crystal Ball)

(It cuts to Lori and Leni taking selfies.
And just then, Lori is now going to post her photo to her friends on social)

Lori: You know what, this is litteraly the best day for a selfie.

Leni: Tell me about it. Going to the beach on the last day of being in N.Y.C is totally legit.

Lori: To tell you the truth, I really enjoyed being here.

Leni: I know. It's been such a ball here. The Mall was totes outstanding, Times Square was magnificent, The Hotel was fun, And the Liberty was the amazing thing I ever saw in my life. To my opinion, I think New York is the best place I been once on this planet.

Lori: I think so too. But, you know what I really enjoyed the most?

Leni: What?

Lori: Getting our favorite one and only brother back. And, I can't wait to see back home us. I'm really happy we got our Lincoln back. No matter who he is, he'll always bs a Loud.

Leni:(delighted) You know, that's one of the amazing things you would ever say to him.

Lori: What else can I say? He's my-I mean, our baby brother. And, he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Leni: After all, I am exciting to have Linky come home. I think of him more than our brother. Our best friend. There's nothing we can ever do without him.

Lori: I know. That's what I thought about too. Soon, when were back to Royal Woods. This family will be back together again.

Leni: On Second thought, I'm really glad he exist. He's the best thing that happens to us. Especially with him being the only boy of the house who dosent have a talent.

Lori: True. Just to notify that even though we have talents and he don't.
Then, we love each other equally.
But, don't worry. No matter who Lincoln is, he's gonna be like us one day. Trust me. I know he will.

Leni: Me too. Not to mention he's the best brother we ever have. And he's our little hero too. He's really special.

Lori: He is actually.

Leni: For a reminder to remember this trip, have you posted any photos we did from the past few days?

Lori: Heck, I did. I even made a collage post using pictures of me, you, and Lola from when we were doing our Girly Gurl Sister Day Out at the Mall.

Leni: Okay. Just asking so we can remember that this is the best trip ever.

Lori: I can try making an album of it.
Which I can do later.

Leni: Ok. So, what are you gonna put in our picture?

Lori: For today's pictures, I think I know what to write.

(Lori puts "Me and Sis at the beach
😎🏖👧👧🌞🏐😘 ❤‍#summertime
#beach #NewYork #selfiesunday
#sisters #family #Lol" for her picture and then she posted it)

Lori: Oh. And for reminder, try looking on my previous post for my pictures mall. I even did one after me and Bobby kissed in the ice skating rink.

Leni: I will. But, I sure am gonna miss being here.

Lori: Same here, Leni. Same here.

(It cuts to Lynn Sr. and Rita already asleep. Then, the camera moves to Luna eating an Ice Cream Cone. Then, it cuts back to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne talking to each other)

Ronnie Anne: You know, I'm gonna miss it here. It was a blast. Especially for our date.

Lincoln: I know. It's was such an adventure here.

Ronnie Anne: Do you know what I wanna thank you for?

Lincoln: No. What for?

Ronnie Anne: Not only for a vacation, but to let us have times to ourselves.
Just you and me.

(Lincoln blushes at the moment)

Ronnie Anne: Talk about vacation, maybe next time in another, we can. get real smooth when we get on down in that Jacuzzi. What do you say?

Lincoln: Girl, you crazy.

Ronnie Anne: No, you Crazy.

Lincoln: No, your too crazy, you would've been riding with me to the jungle.

(The two love birds paused for a minute and then they were staring at each other)

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne: The Jungle! (imitates the monkeys and then starts laughing)

(After, they had their laughter, they were about to kiss. Until, it was interrupted because there was an emergency and everybody came to the ocean to see what's going on)

Lincoln: Hey, why do you think everyone is going up there?

Luna: Dude, what's going on?

Lynn Sr.: I don't know. Let's go see what's happening.

(The whole gang came to see what's
going on infront of the crowd.
They heard a familiar someone screaming help. Lincoln takes out his binoculars out and took a look.
He sees Lisa trying to sacrifice swimming back up.. But, she kept going down, she was about to drown)

Lincoln:(shocked) Guys, Lisa's in trouble!

Loud Family:(shocked) What!?

(Rita takes this binoculars from Lincoln and inside there. She see's Lisa struggling to get out that water but they waves keeps pushing her back. But, she still gets back up swimming. Rita gets out of the binoculars and calls for help)

Rita:(worried) Oh my God......
(calls out lifeguards for help)
Help! Help! My daughter's drowning!
Somebody please help else!

(The lifeguard comes to the emergency and talks with the family)

Lifeguard#1: Excuse me, are you guys this young child's family?

Lynn Sr.:(worried) Yes, Sir. Is there anything you can do?

Lifeguard#2: We can't, Sir.

Rita:(shocked) What do you mean you can't?

Lifeguard#1: Ma'am, we would love to help but, the problem is that our work hours is over.

Lori:(worried) Well, there's gotta be someone out here to rescue her!

(Lincoln couldn't take it seeing his younger sister drown. Lincoln had no choice. But he made his mind. He was starting to get independent. He starts refusing to let go of her. He wants to go out there and save her before it's too late)

Lincoln:(determined) Mom, Dad, I can't take this. I'm gonna go out there and get Lisa right now. (walks away and Lynn Sr. stops him)

(Suspense music plays)

Lynn Sr.:(shocked) (obsinate)
Woah, Son! You know your only 12. Your insane! Your gonna stay here until someone come and get her.

Lincoln:(determined) Over my dead body. I'm not gonna afford to just stand there and let her go! I refuse seeing her from drowning!

Rita: Lincoln, don't do it.

Lincoln:(determined) Mom! I'm not gonna be stupid here seeing her die like that infront of everbody! First, that happened with me almost dying from falling on down that stupid tree and I'm not going to be dumb letting it happen again between anything else! If nobody's gonna help my baby sister, then maybe I should!

Ronnie Anne:(worried) Don't Go!

Clyde:(worried) Don't do it, Buddy!

Bobby:(worried) Dude, Stop!

Lori:(worried) Please don't!

Twins:(worried) No!

Lucy:(worried) Brother!

Leni:(worried) No, Linky!

Luan:(worried) Please!

Lynn:(worried) Lincoln!

Ronnie Anne: Please....

Lincoln:(determined) Guys, nothing's gonna happen to me, okay? I'm not afraid of anything. I can handle this on my own! I'm not leaving this beach or going until I go out there and save my sister!

Luna:(worried) But Dude, it's dangerous!

Lincoln:(determined) I don't care!
Nothing is gonna stop me from saving a young life! I'm not falling for it. And, I'm not giving up on anything! I'm going to go and get her immediately!

Lifeguard#1: What do you think?

Lifeguard#2: I don't know about this.
But, this kid I brave enough to go out there. He's not giving up on her.
I think he can do it.

Lifeguard#1: Are you sure. I mean he's sounds intelligent but, he's just a kid

Lifeguard#2: He just said nothing can stop him. Just let him do what he has to do.

Lifeguard:#1 Oh well, we all have no choice.

(The Gang except Lincoln gets worried and The parents hug each other. Even Lori and Bobby hug each other. Lincoln turned to the lifeguards and they released him with one word)

Lifeguards: Go!

(Lincoln shook his head in agreement.
Lincoln ran, ran and ran as fast as he can. He began to swim and swim.
But, he became surprised as hs kept swimming that he was not drowning
. Everyone became surprised)

Lifeguard#1:(surprised) Impossible!
He's still swimming and he's not drowning.

Lifeguard#2: That's strange. That kid might of got something going on with him.

(It cuts back to Lincoln still swimming)

Lincoln: I think this happened because of my powers. And, it came from my mind. I didn't know I can actually do that. Wait! I see something.

(It zooms inside Lincoln's eye and he sees Lisa still swimming up and then he zooms out and he realizes he's almost there as he kept swimming and by the time he came in Lisa's area she got tired from her energy and begins to drown. Then, it cuts Ronnie Anne hoping for Lincoln)

Ronnie Anne:(worried) C'mon, Lincoln. You can do it.

(It cuts back to Lincoln on Lisa's area starting to inhale his breath and go deep down in the ocean. In the ocean, it shows Lisa drowning with the beat of her heart slowing down from suffercation making it stop and as it goes on until Lincoln saved her, he swam quickly and grabbed her)

(It cuts back to the beach and everyone is more shocked and suprised of what they saw)

Lincoln runs away from the crowd and put Lisa down beside him as he sat and tries to push her chest down and water comes out from her mouth)

Lincoln: C'mon, Lisa Loud. Wake up.

(The water still comes out from her mouth as Lincoln still pushes the water out of her lungs. Then, he put a hand on her and felt a heartbeat in her chest imeaning that Lisa is still alive)

Lincoln:(shock) She's Alive.... She's Alive!

Lynn Sr. and Rita: She's alive!?

Kids: She's alive!?

Lifeguards: She's alive!?

(Lisa starts waking up and looks uo at Lincoln)

Lisa:(weakly) (coughs) L-L-.....Lincoln.
You saved my life.

Lincoln:(smile) A brother never leaves a sibling behind.

Lisa:(tears up) (gives Lincoln a hug)
Thank you...

Lincoln:(smile) No problem, Lisa.
(To everyone) It's all clear, guys!
She's alive!

(Everyone starts cheering for Lincoln whistling and clapping. Then, the lifeguards came to Lincoln to congraduate him for what he did)

Lifeguard#1: Well kid, we owe you one.

Lifeguard#2: Yeah, were impressed.
Good work, kiddo.

Lincoln: Thanks. Do i earn something?

Lifeguard#1: Acuatlly, you earn a safety medal for saving a kids life.
For now, we can make a new rule for parents on the ocean.

Lincoln: And, that is?

Lifeguard#2: Look out for the reach of children.

Lincoln: Ok. (Puts a the metal in his pocket)

(The lifeguards left and Lincoln felt mighty, fierce, brave, and pride)

(He turned back to his family as Lincoln and Lisa starts walking back. When he looks at them the whole family except Lisa, Ronnie Anne, Clyde, and Bobby were shocked of what Lincoln did with Lisa starring)

(It cuts back to the Hotel room and everyone is back in they're normal clothes having a conversation about what happened at the beach. And, Lisa was cold in a blanket from all that water)

Luna:(concern) You alright, Luv?
(Gives Lisa a strawed glass of Lemonade)

Lisa:(freezing and shaking) Grrrrr........ C-c-certainly am, E-Elder Sister.
(Takes a sip of her Lemonade)

Lynn Sr.: Son, that was amazing.

Luan: Yeah, Lincoln. You saved Lisa from drowning.

Luna:(amazed) Real Smooth, Dude.

Lincoln: I know right. Isn't this great?

Lisa: More than great, Elder Brother.
You saved  me from almost dying.

(Everyone talks at once and everyone makes Lincoln blushing)

Lincoln:(chuckles) (stops blushing)
Please... Not now guys.

Lynn Sr.: Okay. And with that being said, your mother and I are very proud you for helping Lisa at the beach for your concern. That was really thoughtful and brave of you.

Lincoln: It's the least I can do.

Rita:(serious) Well, good for you, Lincoln. (To Lisa) And, as for you, Lisa.
Don't be to close to the water.
That's why we don't want to get near the ocean. You don't have to be that close. It's dangerous.

Lori:(mad) Yeah, Lisa. You literally almost lost you life.

Lynn Sr.:(mad) What do youthink have to say to yourself? Huh, young lady?

Lisa:(sighs in guilt) Sorry and I won't do it again. But, all I know is that if it weren't for Lincoln, I would've been dead.

Lynn:(mad) Exactly! So, what where you thinking, Lisa?

(Everyone except for Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, and Bobby were fusding at her. Which made her and sad a-bit but softly. A tear almost came out her eye and Lincoln came to her snd gave her a hug)

Lincoln:(concern) Guys, don't be too hard on Lisa. She made be a smart kid. But she's only 4 and she didn't know any better. Sure she knows well but, you guys don't need to fuss at her like that.

Lynn Sr.: Well, sorry for fussing at you, Lisa. But, you know now that you don't get too close to the water.

Lisa: I know. I'm sorry. I'll pay attention next time.

Rita: I know you will, Sweetie.

Lincoln: Well, what do you guys wanna do now?

Lola: I don't know. Maybe go out some places for fun?

Ronnie Anne: Hmm.... Maybe go shopping.

Bobby: I don't know, Nie Nie.
Probably, we should do more exploring.

Clyde: I think of time to relaxing.

(Lincoln's stomach begans to rumble.
He starts to get hungry. But, he still don't know what one thing to do next before goes home the next day)

Lincoln: Those are all good choices.
But, I don't know what to decide.
And, I'm starting to get really hungry.

Rita: What do you say if we enjoy on fast food?

Everyone: Sure/Okay/Yes/Alright then/

Lincoln: Well, what type of food are you guys in the mood for?

Lynn: I may love sub sandwiches.
But, I'm in the mood for Mexican food.

Ronnie Anne: Really? That's what's
diggin. For such an inspired Americano.

Bobby: We like Mexican food too.

Ronnie Anne: What kind of them do you like?

Lynn: I'm used to Tacos, Burritos,
Taquitos with the side of Salsa, Avacado (Guacamole), Jalapenos or Sour Cream, Enchiladas, Paquitos, Quesadillas, Nachos, Tostadas, and My favorite, Tamales with my favorite hot sauce, Tapatio.

Ronnie Anne: Your truly Mexican for life.

Lynn: I'm sure am, Amigos.

Bobby: Alright, man!

(Ronnie Anne and Bobby gave Lynn a high five)

Lori: I'm literally in the mood for Italian Food. I can enjoy myaeld eating glorious Pasta. Some Spaghetti with Chile Shrimp.

Lisa: Well said. I would rather enjoy myself with a spare of time eating
Fettuccine Alfredo.

Lola: Ooooh!! That's my favorite.

Leni: Mmm-hmmm. That pasta is totes amazing. No other pasta can get better then Penne Pasta.

Lori: Right on.

Lana: The heck with it. I'm in the mood for Burgers.

Luan: With some fries.

Lily: And, swom Chwicken Nuggets.

Clyde: Especially some Cola.

Lynn Sr.: You guys are over here wasting your time while I'm going to eat my favorite food from back in the day where I come from back at home.
British food.

Luna: I'm with you, Popstar.

Rita: Ugh.... I guess I'm alone.
But, I'll eat Chinese food.

Lana: So Lincoln, what do you think?

Lincoln:(stomach rumbles) I can't decide unless if I think from my head. Because, with all that talking of different kind of food, you made me
more hungry. But, I am thinking of French Fries....

Lana: Yes?

Lincoln: Hamburgers....

Luan:(shakes head in agreement)

Lincoln: Something really tasty than chicken nuggets.

Lily: Uh-Huh?

Lincoln: And for drink, I might be in the mood for soda.

Lana, Luan, and Lily: Yes?

(Everyone paused looking at Lincoln)

Lisa: Well......

Lincoln: I made up my mind!
I'm going eat Hamburger for lunch.

Lana, Luan, Clyde, and Lily: Yay!!

Lynn Sr., Rita, Lori, Bobby, Leni, Luna, Lynn, Ronnie Anne, Lucy, Lola, and Lisa: Boooo!!!

Lola: Oh well, we have to enjoy what to enjoy what he wants.

Leni: Yeah. At least we owe Linky one.

Ronnie Anne: Were still grateful.

Clyde: If that's what he want, that's what he want.

Lynn Sr.: Alright then, let's just stick with it.

(It cuts to a Fast Food place, Lucky's Famous Burgers. They all in a table together eating Hamburgers, French Fries, Chicken Nuggets, and the were drinking different kinds of soda)

Lincoln: Ahhh.... I think I'm full ,you Guys. But, that was delicious.

Luan: Well, said. (puts up her cup of soda) It was sooooodalicious. (laughing) Get it?

(Everyone groans except Lincoln.
He was laughing which impressed Luan)

Lincoln:(stops laughing) Good one, Luan. Whew.... I think I'm ready to go somewhere fun.

Lori: Where do you think we should go to next?

Lincoln: How about in 1 hour after we take a break outside, we can go to-

(It jumpcuts to The Whole Gang are back in their swimming suits where they were at CamelBack Mountain WaterPark for more fun. And, all the kids except Lincoln blew and jumped in excitement)

Kids:(except Lincoln) A Water Park!?
(screaming running at the park)

Lynn Sr.: Woah. Calm Down, Kids.

Lincoln: No. Let them. This is the our
new beginning of more fun time.
(Calls out the others) Hey, Guys!
Wait up!

Rita:(to the viewers) (sigh) Kids will be Kids.

(It plays a song "Wipe out by Surfaris"
As the more part of fun begins, the kids start getting in the waterslides. Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, and Clyde got on some tube waterslides. Lori, Bobby, Luna, Luan, and Lynn got on into some very fast waterslides. It was a thrill. Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily were all getting on the Loophole Rides. They were all riding on their Loopholes surfing down the stream.
The Loud Parents were getting on the bigger waterslide rides. Some of them were fast and some of were so high.
Some of the Louds were splashed by the Giant Bucket. The Louds had a lot of fun. It became the best day ever for all the kids. And, they enjoyed it.
The music stopped playing. Later, it fade to another scene where where Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne was back in his normal clothes and he was walking at the sidewalk where they met with Cody, Alex, and Marie)

Lincoln: Hey, guys. (waving his hand)

Cody, Alex, and Marie: Hey, Guys.

(The 3 kids walks up to them)

Clyde: How you guys been?

Alex: We been cool. You guys?

Ronnie Anne: Great. So, what are we gonna do today?

Franiese: I don't know. But, all I can think about is exploring.

Cody: I guess I had the thinking as Marie does.

Alex: Same here. You think we should go back to the park?

(Lincoln gasp as the camera zoomed into his eye giving him a vision to a week ago where he was at the Bear Mountain State National Park from the day he was injured from falling down from a 35 mph Large Redwood
Tree. And, he was shaking and starts slipping down the twigs and all the branches)

Lincoln:(anxious) (shaking) Help!!!!
It's not gonna work!!!! (Ronnie Anne, Clyde, and Bobby shocked) I might not make it!!(It zooms to the Sisters terrified) Oh No!!!!(zooms to Cody, Alex and Marie Gasp with fear)
I'm still stuck!!! (zooms to his parents shocked and scared) I think about to fall!!!! (slips of the tree) (screams)

Everyone: Lincoln!!!!!!!

(Lincoln continues to scream in fear.
But he grunts when he got hit by branch by branch by branch.
Then, he fell inside the whole of the
tree and stop falling into the nest.
Lincoln was put into a coma)

Ronnie Anne:(worried) Lincoln!?

(Ronnie Anne came towards the tree to check on Lincoln. She felt something on the middle of the tree when she touched it. It was Lincoln that was stuck inside this large tree)

Clyde:(shock) Oh my gosh.

Ronnie Anne:(worried) Oh no! Lincoln!! He's inside the tree!!!
And he's stuck!

Everyone:(scared) (screams)

(Lola passes out. The camera then zooms out from Lincoln's eye.
And, he continue to talk with his friends)

Lincoln:(chuckles nervously)
Um... No.

Cody: Why not?

Lincoln: I don't wanna fall from another tree again from last time.
That day was really scary remember?

Franiese: Oh yeah! You did fall from that tree.

Lincoln: Right. So, I don't want it to happen ever again.

Ronnie Anne: So, what you wanna do now?

Clyde: I think I know.

(It plays the song "Dynamite by Taio Cruz" They all went riding on their bikes to somewhere fun. They went to a indoor fun place called The Indoor Extreme Sports Paintball and Lazer tag. They parked their bikes and went inside to start playing around. They first went Lazer Tagging. Then, they went Paintball shooting. Next, they jumped on the trampolines. Soon, they ate pizza and drank soda. Later, they did Archery. And Afterwards they went to the toy store to get them lots of stuff quick before they leave and head back they went back to the area where they were close to the hotel. The music stops playing. They were about to say get ready to say Goodbye and start getting ready to leave)

Lincoln: Well, that was a blast.

Clyde: I know. It was pretty cool.
I don't think I can even have dinner by now.

Cody: Yeah. It was great.

(Everyone talked at once agreeing om what they said and agreed about the fun time they had. They suddenly paused and started to say good-bye)

(Emotional Music starts playing)

Lincoln: Well, this is it. I guess this is good-bye.

Cody: Yeah. Same here.

Alex: It's been fun having you around.
And, it was nice to meet you.

Franiese: Were really gonna miss you.

Lincoln: I'm gonna miss you too, Guys.

Ronnie Anne: Same thing here, Guys.

Clyde: We wanted to thank you for trying to look after him and protect him as we were on our way to come here and look for him.

Cody: It was our pleasure.

(The all gave each other a hug. And, they break out. So on, they began to
leave. Lincoln stopped and turned around and so Cody)

Lincoln: Bye.....

Cody: Bye.....

(They both had back with their friends to go where they belong)

Lincoln:(to Clyde and Ronnie Anne)
Guys, Wait up!

(It cuts to the Hotel showing day time.
The Sun sets down and the Moon comes up. It was night time. Everyone sat on the couch to hear the Parent's announcement)

Lynn Sr.: Alright guys, remember
that tomorrow were going to the Airport so we can head back home
starting by tomorrow Morning.

Rita: So make sure remember all the things we said about this yesterday.

(The kids all nod or shook their heads in agreement)

Luna: Well, Dude. Your ready to come back home?

Lincoln: I'm sure am. I had a blast and got alot of stuff. But, right now, I'm ready to be home sweet home. I'm ready to see my friends. I'm ready to head back at the house and be in my room. I'm ready to see the pets. I'm just can't wait to be back.

Lynn Sr.: Of course you are, Son.
(walks to Lincoln and rubbed his hair)

(It cuts back to the outside front of the hotel. The Moon goes down and the Sun Rises up. It was the next Morning. Everyone woke up and got dressed, brush their teeth, fixed up their hair, cleaned the beds, It showed everyone dressed in casual clothes and their stuff is already packed up which there are nothing left behind and they were all ready to go)

Rita: C'mon, Kids. Put your shoes on, Grab your jackets, and Get your bags.
Were gonna have breakfast on the way to the plane.

Lori: Coming, Mom!

(All the Kids did like Rita said and they all left. But, Lincoln stopped walking for a minute and looked at the room all cleared up nice and neat with the beds cleaned, the TV off, Everything is back in it's place. And so, Clyde came up to Lincoln to check up on him)

Clyde: You okay, Buddy?

Lincoln:(turns to Clyde) Yeah, Clyde.
I'm alright. I'm just feeling abit you know....... Nervous.

Clyde: Ahhhh.... Shucks! Your just a little shy to see how everything's changed. Your gonna be fine.

Lincoln: I guess.

Clyde: C'mon, Lincoln. Let's move.

(Lincoln paused for a minute and gave himself a smile on his face.
He grabbed his bag and his suitcase and lastly left room. The scene fades into another scene where a Plane to Michigan begins to take off and starts heading to the sky. Everyone is sitting together. Lynn Sr. and Rita are on their phones reading blogs on social media. Lori and Leni are reading magazines of fashion, entertainment, photography, and celebrities. Luna is listening to music and reading a book.
And, Luan is reading a book of puns and jokes. Lynn is playing a sports game on her phone quietly. Lucy is writing poems. Lana is watching Animal Documentaries. Lola is quitely playing with her dolls. Lisa is still reading books. Lily is asleep. Bobby is asleep. Ronnie Anne is alseep listening to music. And, Lincoln and Clyde are reading comics)

Lincoln: Clyde?

Clyde: Yes, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Can I ask you something?

Clyde: Sure. What is it?

Lincoln: Clyde, when we get a back home? Do you think they'll still laugh at me? We'll they still make fun of me?
Are they're gonna still say unkind words to me?

Clyde: Lincoln, Relax. I told you the other day I'm sure they won't do it again after what happened. Just don't worry about it. We'll help you.

Lincoln: Thanks....

(Lincoln looks at the window and he's all average. It plays the song "Don't you (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds" It shows the plane in the day time. Then, it shows Lincoln, Ronnie Anne and Clyde watching a movie from the tip screen on the roof inside the plane. They were watching a Comedy Movie. When they really saw something funny, they began to laugh. Lincoln's phone vibrate and when he looked up on his phone, it was a text from Lori. She asks him how he's doing over there. And, he texted a message saying he's fine. Then, it shows Lola and Lana playing Pat a Cake. Next it shows Lisa reading a biography. And, Lily's coloring in a colorimg book. Then, shows Lynn Sr. and Rita watching a romance movie together on a laptop. The scene heads to Luna and Luan with cards for a game of Goldfish. The scene cuts to Bobby covering Lori to make her warm. And, Leni is putting lipstick on.
Lynn is reading Sports Psychology for DUMMIES and she's chewing gum. And, Lucy is eating cookies. The scene fades back to ths plane flying in the clouds in the sunset. Then, later it soon shows the plane flying in the night. In the plane, everyone is now asleep except for Lincoln. He was up by himself trying to write on his journal. He was satisfied for all the changes he had after all the things he gone through. When he was finished, he put his journal away and go looked at the clouds until he took some shut-eye. The music fades off and the scene fades back to the plane flying in the next Morning. They were already almost on their way back home)

Detroit, Michigan

(It cuts to the Airport Van gking across streets and valleys. Soon, they were already in Royal Woods and they are almost home)

Royal Woods, Michigan

(The Van is going in miles along the way. Finally, they were already home.
Everyone got their stuff and came in the house. Lincoln came in and felt like he was alive. He was happy to be back to where he really belong)

Lincoln:(sarified) (walks in the house) Oh Golly! I'm home! It's really great to be back home. I can't even wait to go upstairs right now.

(Suddenly, they heard some noises that sound like some animals. Once they revealed theirselves, it was the pets. Charles, Cliff, Walt, and Geo all came out in excitement. And, they were happy to see Lincoln back)

Lincoln:(surprised) Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo!!!

(Lincoln comes and hugs them)

Lincoln: It's really great to see you guys again.

(The pets made their sounds again and they left the room)

Lincoln: Ahhh..... Home Sweet Home.
I guess it's really nice to be home.
Good thing everything's is back to normal.

Lynn Sr.: Well, welcome back, Son.

Lana: Make yourself welcome like you're already home, Brother.

Lucy: We're really glad to have you back.

Lincoln: Thanks. It's really great to be back with you guys too. Infact, I really needed you guys all back. You guys really important to me.

Lori: Why haven't you thought about it first?

Lincoln: Because, after I felt homesick
missing you guys, I found out was really missing than making me happy.
My family. I just wanted to have quality time and some relationship with you. And, I want us to stay really close to our very lives.

Rita: We wanted to have relationship with you too. It's really great to have you back, Sweetie.

(The Loud Family gave Lincoln a warm hug)

Lori: We love you, Lincoln.

Lincoln: I love you guys too.

(They all break from the hug)

Lynn: Watcha wanna do now, Bro?

Lincoln: Now, that I'm home and I'm all worned out, I think can help to sit on the couch for a minute. And, I'm really hungry.

Leni: I can tell. We'll go make us some sandwiches.

Rita: Clyde? Ronnie Anne? You need us to call your parents so they can go
pick you up.

Clyde: Sure, Ms. Loud. Whenever were ready. Were really tired.

(Everyone seperated each other to go upstairs, the kitchen, or their rooms while Lincoln sits with his friends)

Ronnie Anne: You wanna watch Tv?

Lincoln: Sure.

(Lincoln grabs the remote and turns on the Tv. As the Tv came on, it showed the news)

Kevin Jones:(On Tv) Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Kevin Jones on live reporting that the 11 year old runaway boy, Lincoln Loud has officially returned back home. (The whole gang came in as the news continued) With the help of his disgraced family who actually found him in New York where he ran off last week. The boy said he was safe by 3 kids who help and kept him safe while his family and the Royal Woods local Police Department was locating him along the way. Join us back in the next 5 minutes where we have a report of an 18 year-old saving a risk of a cat's life from a large tree.

(Lincoln turns off the Tv)

Lincoln: Well, there's nothing to worry about now. All we need woory about is that this family is back together again.

(Everyone smiled on what Lincoln said. And, everyone gave him a grip hug. It cuts to the night at Lincoln's room. He was in his pjs writing back in his journal. And, the his voice from his mind spoke to the viewers)

Lincoln's voice:(to the viewers)
Well, I'm back home. Where I truly belong. And, where me are my family is loved the most from sticking here together like a team. But, now that the past is passed, then I believed my days of misery, abuse, depression, hate, fear, suffering, and pain is over with.
Now, I feel like I'm part of them.
I am family. I'm where I belong.
Nothing wouldn't be better with me beimg alone. Because, then I felt like a lost stone. Now, that my family found me and we felt like birds together that had been flown. I'm happy to know that with all desire, it's great to be back home.

(Lincoln closes his journal and puts it away. He looks up at the stars. And,
he said a few words to the sky)

Lincoln:(sighs happily) Thanks, Great-Grandma Harriet. I know my wish will be true enough for you to believe on what I should be happy for. But, thank you for understanding me. I really, really, appreciate that. (He leaves his room)

(As Lincoln left, the scene heads out of Lincoln's windows showing the stars shaping Great-Grandma Harriet's head. As rhe shape was glowing, she made a blink to the viewers and the screen fades into black)

To be Continued........

A/N: Hey, guys. Franiese here and I hope you enjoy this wonderful chapter. But, if your confused on why I put my real name for Marie is because it is my real name. And, I wanted to look like it's character. But, other than that, I got plenty of announcements to share with you. Okay, I should've announced this weeks ago on the message board but,
I have reached 100 followers! And, I wanted to say thank you. You guys have been really awesome to me.
And to tell you the truth, you guys have been special to me. And, no matter what happens to me or what's happening in my life, yiu guys will always be in my heart. I really, really love you guys. You guys are the best thing that ever happen to me. And, you guys really make me happy. But, I appreciate this. Let's continue to go up to 500 followers. Also, if you seen yesterday's message on my board or not, then I announced that I had a surprise for you. Since you guys really appreciate this book so much, I have officially planned to make a second on the series. Which if it weren't for you, I would've made it. And, that means I'm officially planning to make an 💔Easily Broken 2💔. Which I decided make it come out this fall or winter of 2018/2019. But, if you guys are really excited for this, than hang in there. It will not come out next year, it will come out as soon as I have my break after the end of the story which I will make 2 extra chapters. So, hang on guys, because books will be boomimg.
But, I'mma get out of here, Guys.
Have a nice day and Happy 4th of July.
We'll be right back on part 11. See you guys soon. And remember you guys, Happy Reading!

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