The Unintentional Collision

By official3sadiya

225K 8.1K 568

Lillian Livingston (23), is an independent, well mannered, beautiful and an innocent girl who has life planne... More

Prologue: How It All Began...
1. The Stranger
2. Break up
4. New Start
5. The Date
6. Moody Margaret
7. The Abandoned Place
8. Closed book & Open book
9. Lost with him
Author Note
10. Angry Bird
11. Dream?
12. Business Trip
13. Packing
14. California
15. Jacob Returns
16. The Attack
17. The Challenge
18. Miss Pathogen
19. Lillian
20. Kidnapped!
21. Reality
22. The Unforgettable Moment
23. Awkward
24. Evalyn
25. Exposed
26. Sneaking Out

3. Last Encounter?

11.9K 428 19
By official3sadiya


Stock's Architects. I put my blood into making it stand where it stands today. The tallest and most successful architects building there is in America. After my dad passed away recently because of heart attack, the business and everything with it automatically was in my name. I wanted to make my dad's dream come true; the dream of making Stock's Architects the most well known and successful company in the world, and I was going to make that happen no matter what. I wasn't going to let anything, or anyone stop me.

Today was the day that I was interviewing a bunch of applicants for the PA job. I needed a PA for way too long and I didn't want to waste time in choosing the wrong person for the job and going through the whole process again, so I decided to interview them myself. But before that, I had to go to that café again. I needed to see her. There was something about her that caught my eyes, and trust me, no girl has ever caught my eyes before, at least not like she has. I knew better though; I knew that I shouldn't go there to see her. I can not bring her into my life even if I wanted to. No girl would want to be a part of my crazy life, but I can't help it.
The flashback of the first time I saw her came to my mind.
She was so fragile that she fell down when we bumped into each other. I wanted to make sure that she was ok, but I had to rush off to another meeting.
When I said that I won't let anything or anyone get in the way of fulfilling my dad's dream, I actually meant it. But I went back to the café as soon as the meeting had come to an end, hoping she was still there. When I entered the café my eyes immediately scanned the place for her, until they landed on a worker that had her back facing my way. It seemed like her, the same black curly hair. I had to make sure, so I decided to order again. Yes, I had another coffee, but I was going to get a croissant though. When she turned around, our eyes locked for a brief second, almost making me forget I had to order.
A smile made its way towards my lips as I recalled when we were so close. I could tell she was having a bad day by seeing her hit the coffee machine, so I decided to help her out. What? I am helpful. Sometimes.
Our eyes were locked in place while I fixed the machine. Honestly, they were too captivating. I don't know why she had that effect on me, but it wasn't a good sign. I couldn't get involved in love because I knew better. So, I just slid the money on the counter and left without looking back, even though I was tempted to do that.
I had decided that moment that I wouldn't go there again to see her. It was better that way. Well, that was what I thought I was going to do, until this morning.
I'll just go and pay a visit one last time.
One last time.

Blinking out of my thoughts, I grabbed a random watch from the collection and put it around my wrist. I exited my apartment and got inside my black Range rover and drove away.
Today is going to be a long day.

It didn't take me long to drive to the café; approximately 20 minutes' drive. I checked myself one last time through the rear-view mirror before getting out of the car. I could see a munch of people staring at both; me and my car.
Can't they mind their own business.
Actually, it's not their fault. I guess my car stood out from all the other cars parked next to mine. I don't go to any café around the corner, but I had to yesterday as I needed a cup of coffee and I was getting late for a very important meeting.
One last time. This kind of disappointed me, surprisingly. But I stopped letting it get to me by taking longer strides.

I turned to the left. The place we had our unintentional collision. It took me great effort to not make the smile on my face obvious.

I opened the door to the café, making the annoying chiming noise go off and closed it behind me. I scanned the entire place looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found.
I went over to the counter, assuming she might be there. But I was greeted by another person with the same colour hair as her; black. Her back was facing my way, so she didn't see me. This person's hair was only a little below her shoulders, while, her hair was just below her waist.
That was when I realised, I didn't even know her name.
I cursed under my breath, and that was when she turned around. The look on her face gave away the fact that she was shocked when she saw me.
I am sure I am not a celebrity, right? Stop staring woman.
I took out my phone as a way of showing I wasn't interested. "I'll have a cappuccino." I know that it is a bit rude, but you should always remember that, the minute you show some respect or be nice to someone, they would eventually take advantage of it. I learnt that the hard way.

"Ok. By the way," She began while preparing my order, but I continued to pretend typing on my phone. "Lilly doesn't work here anymore."
Why was she telling me this?
Confusion was clear through my expression.
She rolled her eyes.
Wait. Did she just roll her eyes at me!
"I mean, Lillian. The girl that served you yesterday." My anger vanished into the thin air as soon as those words left her mouth. I put my phone away in my pocket while taking the coffee and paying her.
I didn't want to appear as if I was desperate to know her whereabouts. "She got a better job offer?" I sighed, trying to appear as calm as possible. Not bothered whatsoever.
She grabbed a cloth and was cleaning the counter and smile. I could tell she was trying her best to supress it.
"Yeah. She got a job interview today,"
I guess I wouldn't be seeing her then.
The next words made me snap my eyes back up to her from the coffee in my hands. "At Stock's Architects."
Looks like we would be seeing each other more often.

It didn't take long for me to reach my workplace. As I took long strides towards the building, the security guard opened the door for me to enter and I nodded in response. As I entered the cool breeze of the AC hit my face and I took another sip of my coffee.
Yesterday's coffee was better.
I was heading towards the lift when a deafening voice didn't fail to escape my ear. "Good morning, sir." Sasha Morgan. She was the receptionist at the ground floor, which is known as the main reception as well. She would often try to get my attention, which is one of the reasons why she was placed here, instead of the reception at floor where my office was.

I replied a quick, "Morning" her way and entered the elevator. When I reached my floor, which was the 14th floor in the building, I gave a quick smile towards Isabelle and made my way towards my office.
If there was anyone that I was friendly to, it was Isabelle. After her parents passed away, my parents had taken up her responsibility and practically raised her. When my dad passed away the responsibility was passed down to me and I was more than happy to take care of her, she was like a sister to me. I gave her a job as the receptionist at my floor because no one knows me well like she does, and she is responsible.

I took my blazer off and swung it at the back of my chair and sat down. My office contained mainly two colours, it was either black or chestnut brown. The colours sort of highlighted my life.
Dark, Dull and Dangerous.
One of the reasons why I didn't wish to bring Lillian into my life.
Lillian. Just saying her name in my head made me smile like an idiot and this wasn't good.

I took out her file, hoping I would find a flaw in her application and would need to cancel the interview. I read through her application. She had a degree in business; she had no police record; She worked at a café.
Not surprised there. I smiled.
She had a pretty simple life. Lucky her.

I couldn't really find anything against her that could make me cancel the interview with her.
I guess I am going to have to find a flaw at the interview.
But I knew very well that I somewhat lose myself around her.
All I have to do is make her lose her confidence, and she would no longer fit the criteria of being my PA. Simple, right? Wrong.

Avoiding her seems to be getting more harder than I thought.


I woke up extra early to make sure I was not late for the interview. I rushed my way to the bathroom; did my business and had a warm relaxing shower and wrapped my body with a fluffy white towel as soon as I was done. When I say that I was nervous, it's an understatement. My mind kept wondering back to the guy with the blue eyes. I shouldn't be thinking about him. I should be more worried about the interview but for some odd reason I couldn't get him out of my head. Now that I thought about it, I didn't even know his name.
Dang it!

I quickly blow dried my hair. I don't usually blow dry it, but I didn't have time to let it dry naturally. I brushed my hair as neatly as a could while rushing, which was almost impossible, then I applied light make up which consisted of; foundation, mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick to make sure I looked presentable for the interview. After multiple of clothes on my bed and debating what to wear I finally chose a black dress with grey strips on the top part. Since I still had couple of minutes to kill, I quickly did diva curls to my hair, which I was proud of. Hurriedly, I slipped on my black hills and dashed towards the kitchen after grabbing my purse and snatched an apple from the fruit basket.

After yelling, "Bye Sof I'm off!" I looked at myself at the mirror one last time.
Did I forget to mention she decided to move in with me? Oops. Well now you know.
"Good luck!" Thanking her, I rushed out of my door making sure to lock it.

After stepping out of the cab and paying the driver I was just standing there admiring the building standing ahead of me. When I say that the building is huge, it's an understatement. It had glass huge windows, huge automatic glass doors. Once I stepped into the building the soft black carpet automatically comforted my aching feet. Without wasting anymore of my precious time, I stepped towards which looked like the main reception.

"Good morning, I'm here for an interview for a PA job." I said hoping she got the hint that she needs to say the directions, instead, she ranked my body with her venomous eyes and typed away in her computer.

"Name?" She asked rudely.

"Lillian Livingston" I said with equal amount of coldness.

"14th floor" I left without saying thank you. What? If she expected a 'thank you', she should've minded her tone with me first.

I arrived near the lift, pressed the button and took a deep breath while waiting for it to arrive. While waiting, I noticed couple of girls that were probably here for the same interview caking their faces up with make-up. I do love make up, and I do put make up on myself, but I don't put a lot on; only enough to look presentable.
We all soon stepped into the same lift and someone pressed the 14th button in the lift.
This lift is taking longer than necessary.

After what seemed like hours the elevators finally opened, and I let out a huge breath feeling less suffocated.

I arrived at another reception desk. The girl behind the desk seemed more friendly.
"Hello. I'm here for an interview and my name is Lillian Livingston." I smiled.

"Hello Miss Livingston. Please take a sit at the waiting area. You will be called in shortly." Yep, she was a friendly one.

"Thank you and please call me Lillian." I said with a smile which she returned with the equal amount of happiness.

"No problem, call me Isabelle."

I smiled in response and turned around to go the waiting area.

As time went passed and as I saw each woman coming out with sulked faces my heart began to race.

"Miss Livingston" someone called out. I was too lost in my own thoughts to realise who called but hesitantly I stood up and made my way the huge wooden, expensive and strong looking door. I knocked three times and when I heard 'come in' I slowly turned the handle and entered the room. The door behind me closed on its own, but that was least of my problem right now. The person sitting on the chair shocked me to the core. He was the last person I thought about when it came to this interview.

I stood there in the middle of the office with my eyes glued to him. He didn't look up; he was still staring at the file in his hands. It was most likely my application.
He was in his office attire; white shirt with a navy-blue suit; dark blue tie; his jet-black hair neatly combed.

I was torn out of my dream land when he slowly lifted his gaze and leaned back in his chair.
Lilly, you are overreacting. Meeting him at the café and here probably just a coincidence.

"Miss Livingston. Please take a sit." He said gesturing towards a chair opposite him.

Reluctantly, I made my way to the chair and sat down and started to fiddle my fingers. It's a habit of mine when I'm nervous.
Chin up! Confidence is the key. I corrected my gesture by sitting up and looking straight at him with confidence.

"Miss Livingston," I mentally thanked him for breaking the silence. He closed my file and looked up, locking our eyes.
Damn it! He's making it harder than it's necessary.
Just Great!
"You've had your degree for quite some time now, what made you apply now?" Curiosity was clear in his eyes.
"It is true that I had the degree for a long time but due to some personal circumstances I was unable to apply for jobs at any company. But when I heard about this company and position, I thought why not give it a go and try it." I tried to stay as calm and composed as I possibly could.

"Do I make you nervous, Miss Livingston?" He said which made me look up to him and noticed that he had a glint of amusement in his eyes.
What was so amusing?

"No Sir." I lied.

"I see. Well, Miss Livingston I am happy to let you know that you are hired. I expect you to arrive to work starting from tomorrow at exactly 9, I don't accept tardiness when it comes to work. The rest will be explained tomorrow when you arrive in the morning."

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I didn't expect in my wildest dreams that I would be accepted in a company like this. Sure, I applied but I didn't really think that I'll be able to get the position in the company. It was a dream come true!

"Thank you, sir. I wouldn't let you down. Have a good day sir."

"Good day to you too." He replied while staring at his computer. Rude. But I didn't think much of it, I was in a good mood to bother about that.
I turned my heels and walked out of the room with a smile on my face. I let the door to his office close behind me and made my way towards Isabelle.

"Looks like we would be seeing each other more often." I beamed at her and she returned the same energy.

"That is great! It's great to have a friend at the workplace."

"It certainly is. I am so happy I met you here, otherwise I would've been so nervous."

"I will walk you through everything so you will be fine, don't worry." She was so sweet.

I exited the building and Got my phone out, texted the one person that I know was waiting for the good news.

OMG! What is it??

It's going to have to wait until I see you!



I was walking towards the cab that was waiting for me across the other side of the road. I was so focused on walking towards the road and texting her that I didn't realise when I bumped into someone. What's it with me bumping into strangers.

"I'm so sorry." At least he wasn't rude and apologised.

"It was my fault, I wasn't looking." I picked up my phone which had a little crack on the screen now.

"No, it was my fault. Please let me make it up to you."

"That's not necessary." I protested and tried to walk past but I guess he was persistent.

"I would feel bad. Let me offer you a ride." He sent a friendly smile.

"Thanks, but I've got a cab waiting for me." I gave an apologetic look.

"I understand. Can I get your number, gorgeous?" He was flirting. I mentally rolled my eyes. But he seemed like a sweet guy. There was no harm in just giving my number, right?

"Sure." I typed in my name and number in his phone and returned it back to him.

"See you soon?"

"See you." I smiled and made my way towards the cab. Heels are a killer!

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