
By Auroriana_h

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❝It wasn't that I wanted to die; no. It was that I was so desperate to live.❞ - Valentinia Morelli. She is ca... More

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ᴅɪᴇᴄɪ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

8.6K 289 41
By Auroriana_h

A father is a man who expects his son to be as evil a man as he meant to be ~ Vincenzo Morelli.


(Past 3 years ago)


A man with dark, greying hair appeared in front of us, his slight stubble made him appear more intimidating. He looked strangely familiar to Mr Morelli. Wait hold on a minute, is he...


Oh, my lord, he is. He has the same brooding figure as Mr Morelli's, however, Mr Morelli is slightly taller by an inch or two. Both have green eyes; however, Mr Morelli's are much darker, holding much more pain and anguish within them. Their hair is both a silky, caramel dark brown, but the man has mostly silver in it due to age. Finally, they both had identical, sinister smirks. Both men held a type of darkness within their souls.

That man was his father. I confirmed.

"Am I interrupting?" The man asked, politely.

"Yes, Vincenzo you are." Mr Morelli replied, coldly. Why isn't he addressing him as his father? I thought, intrigued.

"Son, that's no way to treat your father, the one who raised you." He replied, emotionless.

"Well you didn't do a very good job, did you? You raised a monstrosity of a man." I cut in.

"Did I ask you to praise me with your opinion, Puttana?" He asked me, coldly.

"How dare yo-

I didn't know what 'Puttana' meant but what I did know was that it meant something derogatory.

"Vincenzo, you will not speak to my wife that way!" Mr Morelli ordered. I am not your wife.

"Wife? If I didn't know any better, you don't do commitment, Valentin. Just whores."

"People change." Mr Morelli replied.

"Men like you don't." His father stated.

"Don't you mean me like you, father. You were the one who couldn't stay committed to mother." Spitting out 'father' with disgust.

"You know that the relationship with your mother and I was complicated. She couldn't accept my way of providing for our family."

"So, you are still using that excuse for your of acts unfaithfulness towards her? Do you know what you are? You're a coward!" Mr Morelli stated, coldly.

Deciding that this is none of my concern, nor my business. I said,

"Seeing as I don't want to intrude in this intriguing conversation that you are having. Please excuse me, I am going to get a beverage."

Before one of them could reply I dashed towards the bar, but not before Mr Morelli sent me an intense glare, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

Arriving at the bar, a young man who looked a few years older than me greeted me and asked what I wanted to order.

Ignoring what he said about drinking no alcohol I asked,

"A Strawberry Martini, please?"

"Coming right up, beautiful." He answered, cheerily.

About one minute later he placed a long glass in front of me, filled with a red liquid. Slowly sipping the alcoholic beverage my instant opinion was that it tasted sweet, very sweet indeed. Observing the people around me I noticed that the woman all wore expensive dresses and jewellery and that they were all hanging off of a man's arm, desperate to gain their attention. Desperate hoes. I shouldn't judge, they might be in the same predicament as me.

My eyes halted when they connected with two captivating blue eyes, which were already staring immensely into my own. The man for which they belonged too immediately started advancing in my direction. Wait is he coming over here?

Quickly looking behind me to check if there was somebody else, I noticed that no one was sat at the bar other than me and the bartender. Turning back around the man was stood directly in front of me, smiling kindly.

He had platinum blonde locks that made his eyes stand out even more than they already did, with a slight tan. His body was clad in a suit and you could see the slight bulge around his arms and chest, giving me the impression that he went to the gym often.

He stared at me as if waiting for an answer.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked.

Chuckling, he repeated, "I said, what is your name, Bella?

"M-My name?" I replied, stupidly.

"Yes, the thing that your parents give you when you are born so that people know what to address you by." He stated, humorously.

Flushing, I say, "Oh, it's Valentinia." Holding my hand to greet him.

Grasping my hand in his rough, but comforting hand. He asks, "Luigi Alfonsi. Valentinia what?

Replying, I say, "Luigi as in Mario Kart Luigi? It's Valentinia Capo."

Letting out a small laugh at my comment he says, "Not quite, but it is spelt that way. Hmm, Valentinia Capo, it has a nice ring to it. But, it does sound strangely familiar."

From where? He has probably heard from my parents. I confirmed with my thoughts.

"You've probably heard it in the news Alfonsi, seeing as she is my wife." Mr Morelli cut in, possessively.

Since when did he get here and for the last time I am not his wife?

"Oh well look who it is, the almighty Valentin Morelli." Giving him a manly hug.

"How long has it been man? I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages" He continued.

"Brother, it's been two days." Mr Morelli stated, amused but still guarded.

Brother. He's his brother, they don't look anything alike and they don't share the last surname. I thought, confused.

Noticing my confused expression Luigi says smirking, "We're half-brothers if that's what you are thinking, and I took my father's surname."

"Oh, that makes more sense." I mumbled, intimidated by him glaring at the side of my face.

"Luigi" Mr Morelli states. "Please give me a moment alone with my girl?"

Nodding, still, with that stupid smirk on his face he replies, "You bet I can Bro." Then he leaves.

Turning to me Mr Morelli demands, "What did I tell you about drinking, baby girl?

"Erm, it was a martini, therefore it doesn't class as alcohol that much." I replied, nervously.

"It's still alcohol and I am sure that I specifically told you not to touch it. Am I right?"

"I don't remember." I replied, acting stupid.

"Oh, I think you do Bambino, but if you insist I'll be glad to help in reminding you. Physically." He threatened.

My eyes widened.

"Oh yeah, it was the third rule, wasn't it?" I questioned, quickly remembering.

"Hmm, and how many strikes did you have left, baby?" He questioned, smartly.

"One." I answered, carefully.

"And you just lost your last strike by drinking alcohol. So, what does that mean, Leonessa?"

"That I am going to get punished." I stated, comprehensively.

"That's right. But, you broke five rules tonight and you only had three, Orsetto. Other than the ones I have pointed out to you. Do you know what the other two rules you broke were?" He asked.


"Are you sure?"


"Well, let me tell you. One, you broke the first rule when you excused yourself from my father and I and decided to take yourself off to this very bar. So, you didn't abide by the rule where you were supposed to stay by my side for the entire evening. Also, you broke a rule that I didn't mention tonight, but it applies at all times, even at home.

You flirted with not only the bartender but with my brother as well. Valentinia, I don't know if I have made this clear enough to you, but I rest assure you that I will now. I don't share, especially what's mine and especially you. Do you understand, Neonata?" He said.

"No, I don't understand. For one, I excused myself because I thought that I was intruding in an intense conversation between a father and his son. So, sorry for trying to respect you and be polite. Which you are always demanding from me, am I correct? Also, I didn't flirt with the bartender, nor did I with your brother, I was just conversing with them. That's also a polite and respectful thing to do if I may say so myself. Oh, and I don't know how many times I have to tell you, I am not yours." I finished, breathlessly.

"I only demand you to respect me, not anyone else. Also, if I wanted you to leave me and my father to chat, I would have told you to leave myself. Don't just presume things baby, you only do what I tell you to do, not make your own decisions. And you are mine, you were since I laid my eyes on you when I was fourteen years of age and you were nine."


Puttana:. Whore

Leonessa:. Lioness

Orsetto:. Baby Bear

Bambino:. Baby

Neonata:. Baby Girl

Word Count:. 1519

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