Broken Path [] Error

By TheoEvelyn

62.7K 2.4K 2.9K

"Just because your path are right, Doesn't mean that my path are wrong. You just haven't see it from my way."... More

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Cracks 2
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Melancholic Musical (Melody X Error)
[] C h a p t e r 2 1 [] Nightmare
LOVE DarkBlueSoul012

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3.9K 143 139
By TheoEvelyn

Dedicated to : harrish6
Original book :
• Healing What Has Been Broken
• Become Mine and Mine Alone

Check the books out!

Warning : Contains suicidal thoughts, Cursing words, Emotional trigger and Bloods trigger

A gush of winds flowed by the voice. Hoping that the words will change the dark skeleton mind to never ever do the self harm again because it's useless.

His mind was full of mess. Voices yelled at him, His body tired because of fighting with the Creator, Ink. His magics drained because the job he must do and the fight with the creator.

He is Error, The Forced God Of Destruction.

After all, This is his Fate. Nothing can change it. He slumped down to the floor, Tired out his bone. He breathed sharply, Observing all the white space around him that called home.

He rolled his body so his face faced the ceiling. The ceiling hung lots of human's soul which is the trait of Determination. Not only the souls, He hung a few puppets that he made in his spare time.

He sighed and took a ball of yarn that he stole. He smiled a little, He grabbed a needle from his pocket and started making a scarf.

After a few minutes, He finished it and was happy of the outcome. The scarf was nicely done and made. It had a soft texture and was warm. He wrapped the scarf around him.


"HuH...?" The dark skeleton turned around in the confusion when he heard someone called his name.

He saw nothing and heard nothing. He sighed, Knowing everything he did was a broken yet complicated path. At least he didn't have to face the sweet lies. He prefer bitter truth than sweet lies.

Somewhere, Someone was watching him through a big screen. Actually not someone, You can say more than someone.

Error felt the chill ran down his spine, Everytime he was being watched he would always have chills somehow. But he always shrugged it off.

He opened a portal to Outertale. Looking at the night sky from the Void. He sighed and entered, Closing the portal behind him. He sat at the top of Waterfall. His legs inside the water while his whole body laid on the ground.

He stared at the gorgeous sparkling stars above him. He raised his hands to the sky as if he could grab the star and keep it for himself. He loved the stars so much, He couldn't get bored for staring at it too long.

He loved it here, Because of the cool breeze, warm sensation, such a peaceful sound of water flowing, the night day and the small lights from the star. It was perfect. Hence why he stayed here in his spare time.

He looked there is a shooting star. He wasn't a ridiculous person that would wish something upon the shooting star, But he wished something anyway. He wished that he could finally sleep, Forever... And never wake up.

"Error...?" Outer asked looking at Error. Error nodded, Didn't look away from the stars. Outer sat next to Error, But isn't close enough to break Error's comfort.

Outer was one of Error's partner, If Error could describe to himself. He didn't believe words such as friend, The voices taught him destroyers like him couldn't have friends. No one will ever want to befriend with a monster.

Before Outer had any chance to speak, Error started to speaking. "THe tImE for mE tO RElAx iS wHEn I dOn't hAve tiMe fOR It." Outer stayed silent and just stared at the sky with Error.

There's a lot of noises around InkTale. Almost every sanses were here to attending the meeting. The meeting was as usual, About the god of destruction.

Ink sighed, Rubbing his temple in frustration. Today was another day for him to discuss about his enemy, Error. Dream, Ink's friend, Patted his back comfortingly and telling him everything is going to be alright.

Ink slammed the table, Getting everyone's attention. "Is everyone here?" Ink asked across the room. Everyone looked at Ink before answering that not all sanses here because some of them were dealing with their AU which was in genocide routes.

"Okay... Let's start the businesses." Ink spoke up.

"It hurts, But it's ok... I'm used to it." - E

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