Her Guardian Angel

By littleredd123

120K 1.8K 104

Kaylee Little is a normal La Push High School graduate. Except she was just diagnosed with a serious illness... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.

Chapter 2.

8.7K 147 4
By littleredd123

Kaylee was extremely nervous about the bonfire tonight. She assumed that Embry would be there, but Jacob invited her personally, which she was excited about. She stood in front of her mirror, brushing out her long black locks. Her hair stopped right above her butt. She wondered how long it would take until it started to fall out?

She grabbed a jacket off of the hook behind her door and slid it on, practically bouncing down the stairs. "Be careful, honey." Her mom said, her voice quiet. Kaylee kissed the top of her head before walking out the door.

Embry was walking out of his door as well. "Where are you going, LeeLee?" He asked, giving her a grin.

"Jacob invited me to a bonfire tonight on the beach." Kaylee's cheeks burned hot. Thank goodness for her naturally tan Quilette skin tone.

"Oh yeah? I can give you a ride, that's where I'm heading off too now." Embry was scowling now, and she could see tremors shaking his form. She didn't say anything about his shaking, but she did accept his offer and sat down in the passenger seat of his truck. "When did Jacob invite you to the bonfire?" Embry asked, his voice rough.

"He came through my line today at work. I thought it would be good for me to get out of the house. I don't want to just sit at home and be miserable." Her voice was quiet. Embry placed his hand on hers comfortingly.

"I know, LeeLee. You can get through this." Kaylee smiled at him, her eyes watery. The ride to the beach was short, and she pulled her jacket tighter to her body when she jumped out of the truck. The wind was already picking up, and it was barely six o'clock. There was a tall man standing near the fire, which was beginning to spark and smolder. A small Quilette woman standing beside him, his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulder.

"Kaylee!" A voice rang out. Jacob came sprinting in her direction, a huge smile spread across his handsome face. He looked so happy to see her, and it made her heart swell with joy. He hugged Kaylee tightly, picking herup slightly off the ground.

"Hi Jacob, thanks for inviting me." She hugged his large body in return to the best of her ability, but it was hard for her to wrap her small arms around his frame.

"I'm so glad that you came! I have to introduce you to everyone, and then Emily is going to start cooking. Speaking of Emily, don't stare at her. Please." She was confused as to why he would warn her about staring. Did he think that she was rude? She knew not to stare.

Emily was the small woman being held by the fire. She had long beautiful black hair, and her skin was a little darker than Kaylee's. She turned around to face us when they got close, and she quickly learned why Jacob told me not to stare. Three long, angry, scars stretched down the side of her face, giving her a mean demeanor. But she smiled at the pair widely and placed her hand on the man's arm around her, making him turn.

"Emily, Sam, this is Kaylee. Kaylee, this is Sam and his fiancée, Emily." Kaylee shook both their hands, smiling shyly.

"Thank you for allowing me to join you all tonight, I didn't want to intrude." Emily shook her head quickly.

"You're not intruding at all! You're welcome anytime. We always have plenty of food. Speaking of food, I need to start getting everything set up. It's almost time to eat." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Sam on the lips. He looked at her adoringly, and Kaylee felt like she was intruding on something very intimate and romantic. She looked at Jacob through her lashes, and he was smiling softly at her in return.

He took her over to another group of people. They were all very large, shirtless men, and two women. She recognized Quil, and she offered him a nice wave. "Kaylee, you already know Quil and Embry. But this is Paul, Jared, Kim, Seth, and Leah. Everyone, this is Kaylee."

Kaylee felt very overwhelmed by all of the new faces, but they all seemed very welcoming. Well, except for Paul and Leah. They looked like they could've cared less that she was there. Jacob sat down on a log, pulling Kaylee down beside him. "So, you graduated from high school last year? What are you going to college for?" He asked.

I smiled. "I want to be a pediatric nurse. I've always wanted to be a nurse, and I love kids." Jacob looked very happy with that answer, and he gave her sort of a dreamy look. "Are you planning on going to college after you graduate?"

He shrugged. "School has never been my number one priority. My dad would probably love it if I went to college, but he understands that it's not my thing." Kaylee nodded.

"My mom is so intent on me going to college. Neither of my parents went to college, so she was ecstatic when I told her what my plan was." Hopefully being sick wouldn't get in the way of that. Not too long after the two had sat down and started talking, Sam announced that the food was ready.

Everyone rushed towards the food table, grabbing plates and loading them up ridiculously full. The only ones that stood back were Kim, Emily, and Kaylee. Jacob saw her standing back and gestured her forward, but she shook her head. She didn't mind waiting. When she finally got her plate, she only grabbed a hamburger and some baked beans.

She sat down beside Jacob on the log, and he began to dig into his very full plate. "Is that all you're going to eat?" He exclaimed, looking at Kaylee's miniscule amount of food.

"I'm fine, this will be enough. How do you plan on eating all of that?" He laughed, smiling at her through a mouth full of food. All the men here were eating a ton of food, and surprisingly, Leah had an extremely full plate.

Kaylee took a bite of her hamburger, trying to chew it up as best as possible. The tumor in her throat made food get stuck, and she normally ended up throwing it up. She swallowed carefully, and when it went down successfully, she took another bite. Sadly, the next few bites didn't go down as smoothly, and she had to excuse myself from the group. She ran as far away as she could before she fell to her knees and emptied the contents of her stomach onto the ground.

She heard footsteps behind her, and glanced over her shoulder to see not only Embry, but Jacob as well. "I'm fine guys. Really." Kaylee's voice was scratchy, and she felt close to tears. Jacob looked worried, but Embry looked at her knowingly.

"Kaylee, do you need me to take you home?" He asked, calling her by her actual name. She shook her head. "You need to go home and rest. Your mom won't be happy if she finds out." She sighed and hung her head. Jacob bent down beside her.

"Kaylee, I'll take you home. Em, just stay here and enjoy the stories. Dad will be here soon, and I've already heard them a million times." Embry looked torn, but he eventually decided to let Jacob take Kaylee home. She stood up but wobbled, still feeling a little woozy. He scooped her up in his large arms, making her squeal.

"Jacob! I can walk!" She struggled for a minute, but decided that it was pointless. She could never break free from his tight grip. He carried her all the way to his car, and he even helped buckle her in. "This is a nice car." She complimented.

"Thanks, I built her all by myself." He said. His shirtless chest seemed to puff up a bit due to compliment. He looked so proud of himself. She didn't have to give him directions to her house, because she just told him that she lived next door to Embry. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again, looking at her worriedly.

"I'm fine, I mean it." She promised. "Thanks for bringing me home, I really appreciate it." She kissed his cheek gently before opening the car door and stepping out. He looked shocked that she did that, and he placed his large hand on the spot where she kissed him.

Kaylee waved as she opened the door to her house, and he waved back before slowly driving off. It looked like he regretted leaving her behind. She smiled widely to herself and slid down the house door, with her back pressed against it. Jacob Black made her feel something special, that was for damn sure.

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