Ours (Bts ABO)

By I-am-bts-trash

201K 7.8K 1.2K

"I'm sorry for upsetting you," Jimin says. He presses himself closer to Jungkook, as if to offer himself up a... More

I'm Sorry
Heat (X-Rated)
Love You
Definition of Love Making (X-Rated)
Good Boy (X-Rated)
Jungkook's Rut
Anything For You
Check Up Dreams
Your Forever
You Have No Idea
Hi There
Let Go
Never Again
Without a Doubt
I'll Take Care of You
The Arms Around Me
New Story!
Next Story!

No Alphas

19K 607 62
By I-am-bts-trash

Hi, so, I'm finally editing this. Enjoy.

To say Jimin was in pain would be an understatement. He managed to fight off some of the harsh cold by pulling his jacket over his naked body, but he didn't have the strength to dress himself or move. It's easier to lay still when his thighs are bloody and bruised and his neck stings from fresh bite marks. Pain becomes so widespread that is numbs every fiber in him as he lays on the rough concrete shivering and crying silently.

The strangers had hurt him. Used him. No one could have fought off so many alphas, but Jimin still feels weak. Alone. He knew he had no one that would come looking for him. He knew he was going to freeze to death in the street. He just hoped that the pain would be over soon.

The pain is familiar. The abandonment, however, is a new torture.

Usually, Jimin knew the people who hurt him. It was easier that way, somehow. It was easier when it wasn't strangers. When he knew what they would do to him. This time it was different. He didn't know if they would kill him or leave him to die or keep him for later. The fear was paralyzing and real. Luckily, they left him after they were done. He could die alone in some semblance of peace.

Jimin's entire body ached from abuse, but at least he couldn't feel his legs anymore. His right eye was swollen shut and his lip was split open, but most noticeable were the bruises on his cheek bone. His neck was stiff and his rib cage stung with every inhale. He could only close his eyes and wait for darkness to overtake him.

The sound of footsteps and muffled voices barely reach his ears. He curled into himself as if to protect himself from anyone else trying to hurt him. He deserves to be alone. They'd all told him that. It seems fair that it stay that way.

"Hey, do you see that?" a voice says. Jimin's body continues to shiver despite his instinct to freeze.

"I think that's a person, hyung," another says with concern.

"Oh my god." The footsteps were getting closer now. Jimin's tears came faster. No, no, no. He can't survive this again. He can't take the pain and the abandonment.

The scent of alpha grows stronger and Jimin tries to squirm back. He attempts to tighten the jacket around him but he's too weak to manage that or an escape. It's always alphas. Betas don't pay him much mind and omegas give him sympathy at least. But alphas... the alphas always want something Jimin doesn't want to give. Jimin isn't a good enough omega for anyone. Never has been. He always makes them angry.

He starts to hyperventilate when someone kneels in front of him. They were going to hurt him again. Jimin tries to curl in on himself but it sends a wave of pain through him. He can only pray that he's left alone.

"Hey, can you hear me?" a soft voice says. The alpha's scent is strong in his nose, and it makes him duck his head deeper into his chest. He can protect his softer parts that way and be a smaller target. Jimin doesn't even realize he whimpers in response. "Are you okay?"

"Joon," a voice says. "I think you're scaring him."

"Yoongi-hyung, will you try?" Joon asks. Jimin can't look up to see how many people are in the street or who's being addressed. He doesn't really want to know. It's easier if he doesn't know, so he keeps his eyes closed and tries to focus on the pain instead of the fear. Always the pain.

"Me? I'm not-"

"You're an omega," someone cuts him off. "That's more than us."

Jimin registers the alpha moving back from him so that someone else can take his place. The scent of an omega reaches Jimin and encourages him to crack open his non-swollen eye. Another boy looks down on him with soft, worried eyes. It's the first time Jimin has seen softness in a long time. He's surprised the alpha moved away already and that this omega is here at all. Perhaps they won't him yet? He's never been hurt by an omega after all.

"Hey," the omega whispers kindly when he sees Jimin's gaze. The boy's gummy smile lets Jimin breath again, although not very well. Yoongi is unsure of what to say, but he wants to help. "I know you don't know us, but we want to help you. Can you move?"

Jimin shakes his head slightly. He doesn't trust these wolves. He doesn't want them to be anywhere near him. He just wants to be left to suffer in peace. No more unfamiliar scents to remind him that his pack is gone. No new pain.

Yoongi reaches for Jimin slowly, but Jimin flinches away before he can even touch him. Jimin is shaking his head again. "Please no," he says hoarsely. His eyes clench shut again. "Please no more."

"We have to get you out of the cold," the omega explains. He doesn't reach for Jimin again although he could easily force the boy to let him carry him. He doesn't want to scare Jimin anymore than he already is. The poor kid looks terrified and bloody. Yoongi doesn't want to imagine what happened to him. "If you can't move yourself, we have to help you. Can I carry you or would rather my alpha do it?"

"No alphas, please," Jimin whispers. It's a weak request and Jimin knows it. He knows he really doesn't get to decide what these people do with him. And maybe the alphas won't like hearing Jimin say such a thing, but he can't let them close. Not now. Even if that makes him a poor excuse of an omega. After all, what kind of omega finds no comfort in an alpha?

"Okay. No alphas," Yoongi assures him calmly. He seems unsurprised by Jimin's answer. "Then can I carry you?"

Jimin looks up at the omega again. He looks older than himself, but he's an omega too. It could easily have been this boy in Jimin's place instead. Any omega could make a mistake. Most of them do. If Jimin had found someone in this state, wouldn't he try to help too? Wouldn't he try to do everything he was allowed to? Jimin nods hesitantly. Only other omegas understand him.

"Okay," Yoongi says, returning a nod. He tries to look as reassuring as possible. "I'll be gentle."

Jimin tenses when he feels Yoongi's hands move underneath his body, but he doesn't fight him. He's learned it's best not to. The older omega holds Jimin close to his chest to keep him warmer. Yoongi adjusts Jimin's jacket to cover the omega's body. It's a comforting gesture. Jimin flinches when he catches sight of the two alphas that follow the omega closely. Jimin focuses on Yoongi's scent, trying to find comfort that it's a fellow omega. Yoongi would protect him right? If these alphas wanted to hurt him? Surely he'd explain that Jimin is too close to death for anything harsh? Yoongi doesn't look like he's being hurt, he doesn't have any scars or healing scratches. Not that Jimin can see at least. Jimin thinks that Yoongi must be a good omega to be so untouched. That he must be a true treasure. Or perhaps his scars are well hidden.

"What are we going to do?" the second alpha asks.

"I don't know, Hoseok. Take him back to the pack for now," says Joon. "Try to talk to him. Help him at least."

Yoongi nods and looks down at the boy in his arms. "We're going to take you to our home, okay? It's warm there and we can give you a bed or whatever you want."

"Are al-alphas there?" Jimin asks quietly. He doesn't want to go to another pack. He doesn't want to be an omega anymore. Not if he can't do it right. Not if it means being cast out and hurt over and over.

"There are, but they won't hurt you. They won't even be in the same room if you don't want them there," Yoongi assures. Jimin simply buries himself deeper into the elder's warm chest, focusing on the way that he rocks in the omega's arms as he walks. "Was it alphas that did this to you?"

Jimin nods as fresh tears spring to his eyes. "They-they-"

"You don't have to talk about it. I'm Yoongi."


Yoongi reaches their car and let Namjoon open the back door for him before gently sitting Jimin inside. Jimin shudders from the contact of the leather seats against his bare skin. He is very aware of how exposed he is in front of these strangers even with his jacket draped over his front. At this point, he wasn't sure how much his nakedness mattered.

Yoongi reaches to grab a blanket from under the seat and lays in over Jimin. The young omega curls up underneath the blanket with a wince. Yoongi closes the door softly and walks around the car to sit on the other side of the back seat. He keeps some distance between himself and Jimin, unsure if the other is comfortable with close proximity.

Hoseok sits in the passenger seat and immediately begins going through the glove box until he finds the first aid kit. Namjoon starts the car and turns up the heat as he pulls into traffic and heads for home.

Yoongi takes the first aid kit from Hoseok, not bothering to put on his seat belt. He takes out wet wipes first. "May I?" he asks Jimin as he gestures to his bloody lip. Jimin nods slightly and lets Yoongi clean the blood from his face. Usually he has to do this himself in small bathrooms.

"Hoseok, call Jin-hyung," Namjoon orders. Hoseok already has his phone in his hand and his finger over Jin's name.

"Hyung," Hoseok says as Jin picks up. "Yea we're on our way home and we're bringing an omega. It's a long story but it looks like... it looks like some alphas-"

Jimin stops listening to the phone call, instead turning his attention to Yoongi. His hair is white as sugar and so is his pale skin. His eyes are cold, and yet, filled with kindness. Even after the night he's had, Jimin has the slightest trust Yoongi. Jimin slowly adjusts himself so that he can lean against the older omega's shoulder. Yoongi instinctively reaches out to wrap his arm around Jimin but thinks better of it.

Jimin closes his eyes as he begins to feel warmer and safer than he has all night. Maybe it's instinct that calms him next to this omega. Maybe he's too tired to care about what happens to him anymore. He doesn't fight the sleep that overtakes him.

Jimin's eyes fly open when the scent of alpha suddenly doubles. There's panic in his veins as he tries to sit up, but his body is too weak to manage it. He cries out when pain shoots through his back. The eyes of a stranger are the first thing he sees before he quickly looks around to see he's now on a couch in someone's living room.

There's nothing but unfamiliar scents around him. Alphas live here. A pack is here. And Jimin is stuck here with them no matter what.

The alpha jumps back from Jimin's sudden stirring. "Yoongi-hyung!" he shouts.

Jimin presses himself into the couch, trying to make himself small under the blanket, until he smells omega. Yoongi shoves the alpha aside with a glare.

"I told you not to be close to him, Jungkook," Yoongi hisses. It surprises Jimin to hear Yoongi using such a tone with his alpha, but he's still too panicked to think much of it. He can smell alpha scents all around him and it terrifies him. Every part of him is telling him that he shouldn't be here, that he should run or hide.

"I'm sorry! He was whining. I just wanted to make sure he was okay," Jungkook argues. Yoongi sends him a death stare and the alpha shuts his mouth quickly. He looks guilty.

Yoongi's expression softens as he turns to Jimin. "How are you doing?"

"Hurts," Jimin whimpers. He aches all over, especially after trying to move so quickly when he awoke. He can feel the finger shaped bruises on his skin and his lower half stings from abuse.

"I know. I know," Yoongi says. He gestures calmly with his hands, obviously wanting to soothe the omega physically but knowing it might make him uncomfortable. "We brought you some pain killers and some water. Jin-hyung's making some soup right now. We didn't want to dress you while you were still asleep but we did bring you some of my clothes. They should fit the best. And Jin-hyung wants to take a look at you as soon as possible. He's our beta."

Jimin makes a small nod to show that he's heard. His eyes drop. "I don't know if I can dress myself," he admits quietly.

"Do you want my help?" Yoongi asks. Jimin nods again. "Jungkook. Out. And tell Tae to stay out of here too. Only Jin-hyung is allowed in here until Jimin says so."

Jungkook looks over Jimin one more time before giving the omega a small, apologetic smile and leaving the living room. Jimin tries to sit up again. Yoongi gently helps him when he sees the other struggling, but Jimin can't help but flinch at the feeling of his hand on his skin.

"Sorry," Yoongi says quickly.

Jimin shakes his head as he leans his back against the couch. Sitting up makes his lower half hurt worse but he feels less vulnerable like this. "I shouldn't be afraid of you. You've been nothing but kind."

"No. You've been through a lot. You need time. Don't force yourself to do something you aren't ready for. That includes letting me touch you and letting the others in the room. I'll try to give you space but you need help too."

Jimin nods and Yoongi reaches for the clothes on the table. He retrieves underwear first and holds them up so Jimin can see. Jimin almost chuckles when he sees they're boxers with cartoon bears on them. "Is it okay if I put these on you?"

Jimin nods again. He does his best not to flinch when Yoongi touches his legs and hips, but every touch sends him back to the alleyway. He feels less exposed with boxers on, less weak, but that doesn't mean the pain fades.

Yoongi asks Jimin every time he offers him another piece of clothing. Jimin assures him it's fine every time. The omega is asking him if he's okay and that's more than Jimin usually gets. It's comforting. Better than the usually shushing and scolding when he complains of hurting. The sweatpants put on him are warm, the tee-shirt is tight, and they both smell like Yoongi. It's soothing to be surrounded by the scent of another omega even with so much alpha scent in the air.

"You okay?" Yoongi asks. "You're shaking."

"Just cold," Jimin says.

Yoongi sits on the couch but gives Jimin some room. "You can lean on me if you want. For body heat until Jin brings something warm for you to eat."

Jimin nods shyly and carefully sets his head in Yoongi's lap. Yoongi reaches over and pulls the blanket higher on Jimin. Yoongi pets Jimin's hair and Jimin surprisingly leans towards the tender touch. The gentleness doesn't frighten him. Yoongi doesn't frighten him. The touches don't frighten him. And the omega is warm. Jimin relaxes into the secure presence of a kind omega.

Jimin likes touch. Most omegas crave physical affection and attention. However, Jimin was used to being scolded for seeking it out. He was annoying. Too clingy to his pack... well, ex-pack.

"Is there anyone we can call?" Yoongi asks gently, pulling Jimin from his thoughts. "Do you have a pack or family?"

Jimin's throat tightens. He shakes his head in a small motion. "No."

Guilt wells in Yoongi's chest. He wants to ask how Jimin ended up in that alley. He wants to ask what happened. But he doesn't. He knows that's the last thing Jimin wants to talk about or think about. Besides, Yoongi saw the bruises. He saw the blood between Jimin's thighs and the bite marks on his shoulder. He can guess what happened.

Jimin sighs and shifts. "You must be a good omega."

"Why do you say that?" Yoongi pauses his movements, hand coming to rest on Jimin's shoulder. Touch is meant to be a comfort to omegas, not invoke fear in them.

"You don't have any scars or anything." Jimin peaks up at Yoongi's face as if to make sure. Yoongi didn't see any scars on Jimin before, not in the dark and underneath fresh bruises and blood, but he's willing to guess that Jimin's got a few if the omega is bringing it up.

"I'm not a good omega. They're good alphas."

"They're good to you?" Jimin suddenly asks, his voice quiet yet heavy. He doesn't really know what that means. Maybe they let more things slide? They don't yell as loud as they could?

"I'm their hyung, they have too be." Yoongi gives him a gummy smile, trying to ease the tension as he works his fingers through Jimin's hair. "Seriously though, this pack is a family. We take care of each other and we'll take of you for as long as you want us to. I promise no one here would ever hurt you or put their hands on you if you didn't want them to."

"They don't... do things to you?" Jimin asks slowly. Yoongi shakes his head.


Jimin looks up again, skeptically. He seems so small in Yoongi's lap. Too innocent and pure for everything that's happened to him. "Not even when you're in heat?"

"I ask for them to help me through my heats because I prefer it that way. But, if I asked them to leave me alone, they would," Yoongi explains. He lets silence fill the room before a thought occurs to him. He speaks up softly, "Jimin? Has something like this happened to you before?"

Jimin makes himself smaller, but eventually he nods. "My-my alphas-" his voice cracks and he has to take deep breaths. His tears begin to soak into Yoongi's jeans. "My pack-"

"Shh," Yoongi soothes him. "You don't have to talk about it right now. I'm sorry I asked."

"Okay," Jimin whispers. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry you had to go through this."

"I deserve it," Jimin whimpers. That what his alphas had told him. He was useless, even for an omega. That's what everyone told him.

"No one deserves this," Yoongi growls. The sound makes Jimin tense again, but Yoongi's hand continues to calm him. Jimin doesn't know if he believes Yoongi. If he didn't deserve it, then why would they treat him that way?

"Yoongi?" a voice comes. The two omegas look at the beta standing in the doorway. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah hyung," Yoongi says. Jin treads carefully towards the two with a bowl in his hand. Steam rises in the air and disappears in curls.

"Hi there," Jin says to Jimin. He keeps his voice soft and kind. "I'm Jin."

"Hi," Jimin says slowly. The scent of beta isn't as soothing as omega, but it isn't alarming either. Jimin doesn't have particularly bad experiences with betas.

Jin sets the bowl of soup and a spoon on the table. "This is for you. Maybe after you eat I can look at where it hurts, yeah?"

"Okay," Jimin says softly. Yoongi helps Jimin sit up and start eating. The soup is the best tasting thing Jimin's ever eaten in his life. Beef seaweed, Jimin guesses. It's easy on his stomach and warms him up from the inside. He tries to make it last as long he can.

"Going okay?" Namjoon says as he sticks his head through the doorway. He doesn't step foot into the room, but his concern for his pack is evident. His brows are furrowed slightly, like they always do when he's worried about something. The pheromones in the air are unconsciously showing how protective the pack alpha feels.

"We're okay Joonie," Jin answers warmly. Jimin turns around with small movements to look at the alpha watching him. His face is gentle but his scent is enough to make Jimin's breath hitch.

"Hi Jimin. I'm Namjoon, the Bangtan pack leader," Namjoon explains. A shy smile shows off Namjoon's dimples. Jimin gives a nervous smile back.

"I told you to stay out of here," Jin scolds.

"We just wanna help." Jungkook appears behind Namjoon with a protest on his tongue. Namjoon shoves the younger for his persistence.

"You can help by giving him space," Yoongi growls. "He doesn't want you in here."

"They-they can come in if-if they want to," Jimin stutters. He can't believe that a beta and omega would try to defy their alphas. He certainly doesn't want anyone getting hurt trying to defend him. Jimin isn't ready for... He isn't ready for alphas again, his body isn't healed. Yoongi said his alphas weren't like that, but he was probably just trying to comfort Jimin.

"No," Namjoon quickly says. "We're sorry for bothering you. I hope you're doing okay."

Namjoon drags the distressed Jungkook away from the living room. Jimin watches them leave slightly surprised.

"Why don't they come in? They want to right?" Jimin asks hoarsely.

"Namjoon doesn't want them overwhelming you. He knows you don't like alphas," Jin explains. He's already started going through his first aid supplies. "Jungkook knows that too. He's just not very good at reining himself in and he wants to help."

"But why does it matter what I think?" Jimin asks. Alphas don't care about that sort of thing. Good omegas shouldn't make alphas worry about them.

"Because we respect you," Yoongi says. "We want you to feel safe."

"And don't worry about Jungkook. He just wants a new friend," Jin adds with a reassuring smile.

Jimin only nods as he empties the bowl in his hands. Jin sets it back on the table. "Can I take care of the cuts in your face?"

"Yes," Jimin says, shaking away his confusion towards the alphas. Jin moves so that he can sit beside Jimin while Yoongi shifts over so that they don't crowd the timid omega. Jimin closes his eyes contently while Jin tends to him. It's comforting to be surrounded by gentle scents and caring voices for once. It's nice to be taken care of.

When Jin finally finishes Jimin's eyes are half shut. "Can- can I sleep here?"

"You can sleep in my bed if you'd like," Yoongi offers. Jimin nods with a hum, but Yoongi pauses. "I don't know if I can get you up the stairs by myself."

"'t's okay," Jimin replies nervously. He'd rather sleep in a room. He'd be less exposed there and he'd be close to Yoongi. "Alpha can help."

"You sure?" Jin asks. When Jimin nods again he sighs. "Joonie!"

Namjoon appears in a second and pants. "Yeah?"

"Can you help me take Jimin upstairs?" Yoongi asks.

Namjoon looks at Jimin cautiously and takes a step into the room slowly. "Of course I'll help. Are you okay with that?"

"Just wanna sleep," Jimin mumbles. "I'm so tired."

"That's expected," Jin says. He brushes back a strand of hair from Jimin's forehead. "Sleep will make you feel a lot better."

Namjoon pauses in front of the couch. Yoongi still watches Jimin protectively while Jin smiles at Namjoon. Yoongi stands and watches as Namjoon slowly lifts Jimin into his arms. Jimin is tense, but Namjoon is gentle and calm which lets Jimin relax slightly. Namjoon has a broad chest that Jimin would curl against if not for the alpha scent clogging his nose.

Jimin is already half asleep by the time Namjoon gets him to Yoongi room. Yoongi doesn't plan to stay until Jimin whispers to him.

"Please don't leave me alone, hyung."

Yoongi waves Namjoon out of the room before crawling into bed with Jimin. Jimin doesn't hesitate to curl against the warm elder's chest. Tender physical contact isn't something he's used to, but he needs it. He needs to heal mentally.

"Thank you," Jimin whispers. Yoongi only hums in response. The urge to protect Jimin is intense in his chest. He can't let himself rest until he hears Jimin's breathing even out. The omega looks peaceful in his sleep, less broken apart. Yoongi sighs softly and closes his eyes. 

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