Adopted by Reality (Book 2)

Por unicorn07able

127K 3.9K 1.8K

"Goodbye, Lil Tommo." Anna May Tomlinson has left for University. She left the boys, Audd, Monroe, and her w... Más

Chapter One: Graduation
Chapter Two: Dorm Room 316
Chapter Three: Hi, Roomy!
Chapter Four: Fangirl Attacks and Literal Attacks
Chapter Five: Moving In...and Moving Out?
Chapter Six: Just Needs a Little Love
Chapter Seven: August
Chapter Eight: Hello, Sexy Face!
Chapter Nine: Break-Up's, Make-Up's, When You Gonna Wake Up?
Chapter Ten: Chemicals, Confessions, and Cuddles
Chapter Twelve: Louis Tommo's Birthday Blast
Chapter Thirteen: I'm Dreaming of a Fucking Ape Shit Crazy Christmas
Chapter Fourteen: Surprise?
Chapter Fifteen: Match Maker
Chapter Sixteen: Why Ya Gotta Be So Rude?
Chapter Seventeen: Fancy Seeing You Here?
Chapter Eighteen: Oh Shit...
Chapter Nineteen: Changes
Chapter Twenty: Wedding Planners Suck
Chapter Twenty One: Welcome to Hawaii
Chapter Twenty Two: Shenanigans in the Hotel
Chapter Twenty Three: Blame it on the Chocolate
Chapter Twenty Four: Preparing for the Big Day
Chapter Twenty Five: A Thousand Years
Chapter Twenty Six: Reception
Chapter Twenty Seven: Livin' It Up With 5Sauces
Chapter Twenty Eight: Lucas
Chapter Twenty Nine: Family
Adopted by Larry

Chapter Eleven: Got a Secret Can You Keep It?

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Por unicorn07able

 Elounor shippers out there...please don't kill me for this chapter...I respect Eleanor but I don't ship her and Louis...soo uhh..yeah please don't rampage me for this chapter. I love Eleanor to be honest! Anyways...I'll just let you read now pitchforks! 


Anna's P.O.V 

Buzzing and the smell of paper clouded my mind. Yes, I love my job. No, I do not like this part. I was in my cubicle because I don't get to have an office yet since I'm only an intern. I was reading transcripts and I kept hearing the sound of the paper shredder outside of my cubicle. It was getting very annoying so I put in my headphones and listened to music. It was the only thing keeping me sane right now. 

"Knock knock." I whipped my head up to see August standing in the doorway. I took out one of my headphones. 

"Hey!" I smile, instantly cheering up from my bad mood. 

He shifts a bit, looking uncomfortable. "So, I was wondering...if you maybe want to go out to lunch? Get some coffee and a doughnut maybe?" He asks me with a stutter. This is adorable. Monroe was never this nice. He always demanded stuff and acted like a bad ass. 

"Of course! That sounds lovely." I smile warmly. "Let me just finish up here." He nods, exiting my cubicle and heading back to his office I presume. I got back to my transcript and was reading it thoroughly. It was very good in my opinion. It was about a little girl who got into a car crash and woke up with amnesia and she doesn't know anything about anyone and she must learn and start her life over again. I'm definitely sending this to Mr. Hill to get published. 

As I'm about to clean up and grab my stuff and head over to August's office, my phone rings. I read who's calling and Louis' caller ID shows up along with his contact photo of him doing this face where he sucks in his lips and crosses his eyes. I answer it immediately. 


"Anna, I need to tell you something." 

Audd's P.O.V 


I growl. "Touch me again and I will break your hand." 

He rolls his eyes. "Geez, somebody's on their period!" 

I punch his arm. "No, I'm not. I just don't like you annoying the crap outta me." 

This was my life. Sure, Cormack and Kai I love but they're so freaking annoying that sometimes I considered stabbing myself with a fork. Cormack likes to tease me and I absolutely hate it. Kai just snickers at Cormack's jokes. 

I groan as I slam my dorm room door closed and plop onto my bed in irritation. "What's wrong now?" Taylorie's voice chuckles. Her auburn hair is pulled up into a ponytail, her side bangs covering half of her eye. The other eye is surrounded by eyeliner and her eyelashes are so long, making her green eyes pop out. 

She comes and sits next to me on my bed, stroking my blonde hair as I groan into my dolphin pillow pet. "Cormack sucks!" 

She chuckles. "You know he's teasing you because he likes you, right?" 

I sit up at this and look at her like she's on crack. Then I laugh. "That's funny!" 

She gives me a deadpanned expression. "I'm serious." 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, like he'd like me! Please.." I scoff, opening my laptop to Skype with Anna. 

Taylorie rolls her eyes at me. "You're so blind. He likes you a lot." 

Louis' P.O.V 

We're sitting in our management's office, anxiously waiting for whatever this meeting is about. My heart is pounding. I've always hated Modest! because they're so judgmental. They're practically the reason our band was falling apart in the first place. They ruined everything for us. So, I'm praying we don't have something else ruined for us. 

The door opens and the management, Simon, Lou, and a few other business looking people walk in with serious looks. I shift uncomfortably. They sit down at the long table we're sat in and one of the Modest! manager's stares me in the eye with a glare. What the hell? 

"Boys, I'm going to make this short and sweet." Simon starts. We lean in anxiously. "You're getting new management!" 

The boys and I look at each other with huge smiles and fist pump a bit. The Modest! management glares at us but we ignore them and I flip off one of the guys, sticking my tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes. 

"Yes! Finally! Freedom is ours!" I scream. Simon gives me a stern look and I shut up after that. 

"That's enough, boys." Simon strictly tells us. "Now listen. This is your new management and they would like to talk to you privately, okay?" 

We all nod and Simon and the Modest! management crew get up to leave. Then we're left with the new people who instantly smile at us and I feel so welcome here now. 

"Hello, guys!" A guy chirps. He has stubble on his chin, hazel eyes, tan skin, and dark hair. He's got a welcoming and friendly vibe about him. The others around him smile at us as well. Harry nudges my side, grinning at me a bit. 

"Hi." We say in unison. 

"Well, we're your new management and we thought we'd get to know you lads a bit." The main guy says. "We're aware of how Modest! was and so we want to say that we are not like that at all and we will be completely understanding and whatever you guys want to do, go for it." 

I love this guy already!

The guys and I look at each other with surprised and very happy expressions. I speak up first. "Thanks, man. We really appreciate it." 

He nods. "So, I understand that you guys came in third for the X Factor and you were a lot happier back then, may I ask why?" 

Zayn takes the chance to answer this one. "Well, we were all happy because we weren't being told what to do and how to do it. We just sorta did what we wanted and made the best of it." 

We all nod in agreement. "Yes, and Louis," He turns his attention to me and I snap my head to look at him. "I understand you were a lot closer to Harry on the X Factor...any reason why?" 

I cough awkwardly. "Well, umm.." I look at Harry as if to ask if I should tell him the truth and Harry nods. "Harry and I we...we were best friends and lots of people shipped Larry Stylinson...and well...they had no idea that it was actually real.." I trail off. The other boys look at me in shock as if to ask why I'm telling them this. 

You see, Harry and I liked each other on the X Factor. In fact, we grew so attached that Harry moved in with me and the fans went insane about it and before that they created our ship name but little did they know it was really true. When Modest! came into our lives, they told us that Harry and I couldn't be together so they told Harry he must act like he likes girls and flirt with them and date many for the publicity while they got me a beard; Eleanor. I grew to actually like Eleanor, though. Anna doesn't know any of this and I don't want to tell her unless Harry and I can be together again. 

Eleanor and I went on dates and kissed and everything else a couple does for the paparazzi. Soon, the word got out and Modest! made me tweet a fake post about how I hate when people ship Larry because I'm 'dating' El now. The fans were absolutely crushed and Harry and I were, too. This whole time we've been a whole lot more depressed and now that Modest! is out of the picture, I hope we can finally come out and say we like each other. 

The guy leans in a bit, obviously intrigued. "Really? You two are gay?" He points at Harry and I. We both nod shyly. The guy grins brightly. "Wow! That's amazing! Do you realize how many fans are going to go crazy about this!?" 

We both look up in shock and Liam, Niall, and Zayn all widen their eyes. " you're not going to make us keep it a secret any longer?" I ask. 

The guy shakes his head. "Of course not. Why would I do that?" 

My jaw drops. "B-but..Modest!...they made us..and...thank you so much!" I squeal. Harry turns to look at me and I grin, plopping a giant kiss on his lips. I hug him tightly. "I love you, Hazza." 

"I love you, too, Boobear." 

Niall has a tear trickle down his cheek and Zayn and Liam are smiling and trying not to cry. The new management are smiling at us. "Now that's love!" The guy says with a chuckle. 

Now, to tell Anna. 

Anna's P.O.V 

"Can it wait, Lou? I have a date!" I whine. 


Oh crap I forgot Louis doesn't know I broke up with Monroe and am now sorta dating August! Louis' breathing is heard on the line and then he finally speaks up. "You and Monroe broke up?" 

"Yeah..." I mumble. 

"Oh. Well, can you please cancel your date and get on Skype...this is very important." Louis says in all seriousness. I widen my eyes. This can't be good. Something serious that I have to cancel a date? Oh no. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask, worry filled in my voice. 

"No, this is just really important and I can't keep hiding it from you forever." So it's a secret? Hmm. This does seem important. Louis hardly ever has secrets. I sigh. 

"Yeah, I'll go cancel my plans with August." I tell him. 

"Thank you!" 

I mumble a goodbye and tell him I love him before hanging up and grabbing my bag, heading down the halls to August's office. I knock on the door before entering and August smiles as he sees me. He's sitting at his desk, typing something on the computer. 

"Hey!" He chirps. 

"'m really sorry for this but a family thing came up and I'm gonna have to cancel our date...again." I apologize, feeling really guilty. Our dates are just not working out. 

His face falls. "Really?" 

I nod, frowning. I go over to his desk and bend over and kiss his cheek. He smiles slightly, a blush tinting his cheeks. "I'm so sorry." 

With that, I exit his office. 


"Guys! I'm home!" I shout, setting my keys down on the kitchen table. I grab some Oreo's from the cabinet and run to my bedroom and open up my laptop, getting onto Skype. Louis is already on and he instantly calls me. I click the answer button and Louis and Harry's faces show up on the screen. 

I smile at them. "Hey!" I wave. "So what's this about?" 

Harry and Louis exchange awkward glances before Louis clears his throat. "Anna...Harry and I have a secret to tell you." 

I hunch a brow, waiting for them to continue. "I broke up with Eleanor." Louis says quickly. 

I widen my eyes. "But..I thought you two loved each other?" I ask, clearly confused. If he's doing this just because I don't want a step-mother than I will whip his ass. He doesn't have to make every decision for me! 

"I broke up with her because I'm gay." 

Woah! Hold the truck up! Did he just say what I thought he just said!? Oh my God...I have a gay dad! Holy crap! This is! I have a gay best friend and now a gay dad! Could life get any better!? 

"And we're dating...well we've been secretly dating this whole time..." Harry adds. 

Yup. Life definitely just got better. Holy mother of Kevin! This is real!? Don't pinch me bitches! I'm grinning as big as Louis' ass. That's pretty damn big. 

Louis and Harry both smile at each other. Louis does that cute eye squint smile and Harry's dimples pop out and he bites his lip. "So...what do you think about this?" 

"I think....HELL YES! Holla! Larry is real! I knew it! That's why you were happier in the video diaries!" I squeal like an obsessed fangirl. What? Can't a girl be proud of her dad and his boyfriend for finally coming out and telling me? What's that? You wanna join the party, too? WELL GET IN HERE BITCH! 

Harry and Louis both grin like idiots. "Thank God you're happy!" 

I grin like a Cheshire cat. "So uh...can I get a little snogging action?" I wink at them. They laugh before Harry cups Louis' face and pulls him in for a kiss. I watch in complete and utter awe. This is beautiful. 

Now everything makes sense. The reason why Harry lived with us, the reason Eleanor just showed up out of nowhere, the reason Harry and Louis acted so affectionate towards each other. My only question is why didn't they tell everyone-- or me specifically--earlier? 

" why are you just telling me this now?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. 

Louis and Harry sigh. "We got new management and well...they're okay with us being openly gay. Modest! wasn't. Eleanor was my beard. Harry pretended to like and flirt with girls so much to cover up that he was gay. So, we basically both had cover ups. The boys already knew but we didn't tell you because we didn't know how you'd react." 

I nod in understanding. I just can't believe I'm going to probably have two dads! We're going to be one big happy family and it will be just like old times but better! I love this. I really do. I could not be happier right now. This is going to be amazing. 

"I love you two." I say happily, blowing them kisses. They blow me kisses back. 

"We love you too!" They say at the same time. They're so perfect for each other. I'm so happy for them. If Louis is happy, I'm happy. 

"So, are you going to tell the fans anytime soon?" I ask. 

Harry and Louis smile. "After this Skype call we're doing a Twitcam about it." 

"That's good. Girls are going to be fangirling everywhere! I just hope the Elounor shippers support you guys..." I smile sadly. It'd be very saddening if the Directioners didn't support them. I'd feel horrible. 

They shrug. "No matter what they think we're still going to love each other." 

I can hear the door slam, indicating Claudio and Jed are home from wherever they've been. "Anna, take-out!" I hear Claudio call. I say goodbye to Louis and Harry, waving and kissing the screen goodbye, then log off. 

I run out of my room and into the kitchen that's only a few feet away from my bedroom door. "Ooo, Chinese!" I grin, letting the aroma of noodles and sweet and sour chicken fill my nostrils. 

Claudio and Jed smile. "What's got you in a good mood?" They say in unison. Okay, this is creeping me out. First Harry and Louis talk at the same time with the same sentences and now Jed and Claudio!? It's too much! I swear, they're robots! 

I smile, humming, "My dad's gay!" Their jaws drop. "That's not even the best part, though. He's dating Harry!" 


Sorry if you don't ship Larry....*que Demi Lovato* But... I REALLY DON'T CARE! OH OH OH! I REALLY DON'T CARE! XD 

Sooooo...for all you Larry shippers...How was the feel attacks? 

Okay well...that was fun to write! 

Book Suggestion of the Week: Detention by TrulyMadlyLarry 






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