Divine -A Vampire Knight Fanf...

By untaking

60K 1.9K 159

Mika, the first of her kind to survive thus far, is forced to tackle the asperity of Cross Academy, a Pureblo... More

The Monster
The Pureblood Prince
The Dhampyre
A Deadly Thirst
Ice King
Hunter's Blood
My Vampire Knight
Vampires; Killers or Lovers?
Trust or Not To Be Trusted?
The Day Of Love
Bad Friend
The Shirabuki Family


6.4K 160 24
By untaking

Point of View: Zero Kiryu


I flinched, lifting my head from the cushion of my folded arms along my desk, drowsy eyes searching for the soruce of the feminine screech. I leant back in my chair, pushing my hand through my draped, silver hair, clombing it from my eyes.


I yawned, and suddenly a pair of bright, doe eyes greeted me. It was Yuki, bending down in my face, her high-pitched voice ringing through my ears.

"Zero! It's 5:30, class is over and it's time to get to work. The girls are awfully lively today!"

I watched as she stood up straight, that same calm, blithesome smile on her lips and her mitten hands folded behind her back as she lightly swayed back in forth. She was bundled up in a pink winter jacket, reminding me of the snow storm we were expected to recieve tonight.

Out of the classroom windows, which were nearly clouded with already fallen snow, the sky was becoming dim with colors of florescent orange and deep pink. Sunset was among us, and the darkness of the night was only moments from the sky. I found the will to come to my feet, shoving my hands into the pockets of my uniform and following my fellow Prefect into the hallway. Several girls flew past us, their textbooks squeezed to their chests, all running in the same direction.

"I can't wait to see Aidou, he's so cute!"

"No, Wild is even cuter!"

They fussed amongst one another, struggling to zip up their winter jackets as they approached the doors.

"No running, or I'll have all of you report immediately to your dorm rooms."

I warned them, my patiance already thin. Abruptly, they came to a halt, before proceeding with an almost brisk walk. I saw Yuki's brown hues snap back at me, her arms crossed against her chest.

"Zero, don't be so rude! They're only excited to see the Night class."

And so was she, well, to see one scum in particular.

"Yeah, yeah. I was only looking out for their safety. We just had these floors waxed today and they're very slippery."

I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and gave me that same cheerful smile. I knew I was forgiven.

Reporting to the Moon dormitory with Yuki, a crowd of Day class students stood waiting outside of the closed, black steel gates. All of them prancing, shoving and forcing theirselves to the front of the crowd through the shallow snow. I noticed several students without a jacket, probably forgot it because they were too worried they would miss seeing their favorite blood-sucker.

Approaching the back of the crowd, I pulled off my uniform jacket and put it on the shoulders of one of the shivering girls.

"Alright, alright. Everyone, listen up!"

I shouted, making my way through the crowd of fangirls, the winter breeze blowing my hair and tie. Sometimes I wish I could feel the cold or the summer heat, but in this body I felt nothing.

"Let's make this quick. Say hello and get on your way to the dorms."

The gates opened and their screams soared. I pushed the crowd back to make a pathway and they comprehended with their usual glares. Yuki, on the other hand, wasn't so fortunate. She blew into her whistle, but they only shoved harder.

We, the disciplinary committee and guardians of the Night class, have only one sworn duty. To protect the secret that the Night class is actually a bunch of egotistical Vampires, or scum, as I preferred to call them.

The first of the pack was Kaname Kuran. The Pureblood Prince and the leader of the vampires that followed behind him. His crimson eyes were among Yuki. He touched her shoulder and I watched his lips as he mouthed "thank you". Her pale face lit up pink. If it wasn't for the herd of hormonal girls raving against my back, I wouldn't have allowed him to touch her.

Yuki tucked a lock of her brown hair behind her ear and gave the vampire a bow, almost to hide her flushed face. Out of jealousy, the students pushed against her again.

"Not fair Yuki!"

"You're always hogging up Kaname's attention!"

She quickly turned to face her fellow students and ordered them back. Kaname's crimson eyes then fell upon me, cold and banefully and I frowned.

As the vampires made their way into the main school building, the crowd gradually began to disappear. A girl, with my jacket in hand, came to my side and nervously held it out.

"Uhm, thank you so much, Zero!"

Taking the garmet, I shoved my arms through and watched her deliver a light bow before joining a group of students to the dorms. I felt Yuki punch my shoulder repeatedly.

"You can try saying you're welcome next time! She was only trying to thank you! You know, you should start being more approachable!"

I pulled the hood of her winter jacket up and over her face. She quickly pushed it back off and brushed her short, straight brown hair with her fingers.

"Come on, Headmaster should be cooking dinner right about now and I'm starving."

I said and she didn't argue as we walked side by side through the snow, early flutteres sprinkling down upon us, as nightfall began. The blizzard was here.

Opening the front door, smells of fresh, stewed tomatos made my mouth water. I slipped out of my shoes and headed for the stairs.

"Tell Kaien I'll be down in a little bit, I'm going to take a shower."

"I think he's making your favorite Zero! Hurry up!"

Closing the bathoom door behind me, I laid a change of clothes along the vanity, cutting the shower on, setting the water hot. I stared hard at my reflection in the mirror and I could only frown. Why? Why did I have to be the very thing I despised. I slammed my fist down on the sink, the ivory porcelain immediately shattering onto the checkered tile floor.


I mumbled, leaning down to pick up the pieces.

"Zero! What was that?"

I heard Yuki call from the bottom of the stairs. I opened the bathroom door and walked out until I could see her, her brown eyes searching my face.

"Relax. I just dropped my phone. I'm almost done, go eat."

I assured her, but I could see that she knew I was lying. Slowly, she retreated, and I walked back into the bathroom. I unbottoned my shirt, looking at the mirror again, the glass almost fully fogged up.


A light was left on, dimly illuminating the hallway as I approached the kitchen. Rubbing a bath towel thoroughly through my wet hair, I met an unusually composed look from Kaien, who sat at the kitchen table with an old newspaper in his hand. Normally he was bouncing around me and attempting to smother me with weird affection - I was very thankful right now.

"I need you to go into town with me."

"Right now? It's storming outside."

I asked, my back to him, searching the inside of the fridge for a drink.

"Oh pretty please?!"

Great, here we go. The chairman was beside me, perked up on one leg, the other behind him like a lop sided ballerina. His hands clasped together, and his lip puckered out to me. I furrowed my face with a scoff, shutting the door to the refridgerator and walking far away from him. He bent over in a sulk.

"Aw Zero! Why are you always so mean?"

Was he pretending to cry again? What a good actor. I chugged a small glass of water and sat the cup down.

"Have you been using the pills?"

Again, with the awkward, composed look, Kaien questioned me. I ignored him and left the kitchen with a motioning wave.

"Let's get this over and done with."

I sighed. Why would anyone in their right mind need to go out into town in the middle of a blizzard? Oh, right, stupid question.

I slid back into my shoes and grabbed my jacket, looking to the stairs. Yuki must have already went to bed. Kaien was already attired in his long, sandy brown winter trench coat and a scarf of the academy's school colors; red and gold.

Kaien Cross, the chairman here at Cross Academy, has this unreasonable dream that vampires and humans can co-exsist.

A huge load of bullshit, really. But if it wasn't for Kaien, I wouldn't be alive.

Despite this absurd theory, and the occasional bursts of dramatics and mockery, Cross was a very honest, and potent man. There was a lot I didn't know about him, which made me weary at times, but as a fellow Vampire hunter, I idolized Kaien.

A harsh gust blew in as Kaien opened the front door, snow was already piling up along the frame of the door and the steps.

"What store do you think would be open right now?"

I shouted, the howling wind nearly overpowering my voice, as I shut the door behind me. Pulling on a black beanie to keep my hair from my eyes, I followed Kaien into the thick snow, my hands buried into my pockets.


He turned to face me.

"Someone needs our help.."

I furrowed my face in perplexity, following him off schoolgrounds. What did he mean? Who?

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