Camp Waters

By dailydosexii

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He looked down, it was so silent the only thing filling my ears was the sound of the fire crackling. "Why are... More

Chapter 1: I Don't Do Pigeon Carriers
Chapter 3: Did somebody burn a Smurf?
Chapter 4: Bree I'm uncomfortable!
Chapter 5: The Taste of Snarky Bitch
Chapter 6: Ready to be a counselor?
Chapter 7: Drunk Thoughts and Mystery Machine
Chapter 8:Puppy with Influenza
Chapter 9: Do You Have A Seahorse?
Chapter 10: Shitty Weddings, Shitty People
Chapter 11: Traffic Light
Chapter Negative 12
Chapter 13: It Was The Bears
Chapter 14: It Was On People's Magazine
Chapter 15: Whiplash
Chapter 16: A Night of Mysteries
Chapter 17: The Stupid Creek
Chapter 18: He Broke Me
Chapter 19: The Odd Ones Out
Chapter 20: A Camp Telenovela
Chapter 21: Soccor skills and New counselors! Yay?
Chapter 22: The Vampire Diaries
Chapter 23: It all makes sense.
Chapter 24: You Owe Me 15 Dollars
Chapter 25: I like someone.
Chapter 26: First Kiss

Chapter 2: 400 Year Long Journey To The Restroom

7.8K 273 143
By dailydosexii

I have to pee.

I squint my eyes at the clock on my nightstand, 2:35 am.

Why do I have the worst bladder in the world?

Last night was exactly my third night at camp, the girls and I all stayed in and played "who can drink the most slurpees from the gas station down the road while Lucy talked about her summer romance goals of the summer."

I wasn't into the whole "summer fling" thing.

We finally met our other two roommates, Abby and Indi. Abby was a tall short haired girl with red locks and freckles all over, while Indi was shorter and had medium cut black hair. I surprisingly enough got a long pretty well with all of the girls, no matter how annoying Lucy got.

Now our counselor.
That's a different story.

Our counselors name was Hilary and she was the definition of "tall, lean, mean green machine." She had long straight hair that for some reason she thought would be cute dyed green. I personally thought she looked like the green lantern, even though I wouldn't dare say that out loud.

I put on my hoodie and slip-ons trying not to make any noise as I opened the cabin's front door. There was a sign outside towards the front that said bring a buddy with you! I knew I was supposed to bring one of the girls with me to the bathhouse just to be safe, but I doubt any of them would be to happy with me if I woke them up at this ungodly hour.

What's the worse that can happy right?

The walk to the bathhouse wasn't that long so I knew I would get there pretty quick, it was chilly and my short pajama pants weren't really helping.

As I was walking my attention turned to sound of one of the girls cabin's swinging open. The boy with curly black hair and deep dimples walked out, he had a satisfied cheeky smile on his face as he buckled his belt.


I tried to be quiet as I hurried to the bathroom, trying not to cause any attention to me. I was stepping over all the branches scattered everywhere and it reminded me of an episode of WipeOut.


He turned his head quickly and made eye contact with me. "Aw look it's my little pukey pie." He said smirking as he walked up to me.

"And it's... the donkey from Shrek right?" I said rolling my eyes.

"If l'm the donkey you're the dragon princess." He said coming closer to me.

"I'd rather not have that girl's sloppy seconds, thanks." I said pushing him away.

"Who? Hilary?" He said biting his lip as he looked back at her cabin.

Double Gross.

"Of course you'd be screwing the incredible hulk." I said about to walk away.

"She could be Yoda's daughter  and I'd still smash, have you seen her ass?" he said rubbing his hands together like he was imagining it in his head. The amount of disgust that filled my body almost made me turn greener than her hair.

"I'm about to puke again."

"Isn't that what you're good at Bree." he said following me close behind.

"So now donkey was fucking Shrek? Wow I don't remember that in the movie."

"Are you jealous Princess?" he said, his smirk was burning through the back of my head.

"Why would I be jealous? I don't even know you." I said turning around and poking him in the chest.

He grabbed the hand I was poking him with and intertwined his fingers with mine.

My stomach did a backflip.

"So this doesn't make you happy?" he said his eyes now centered on my face.

I took a deep breath and looked up at him, "The only thing that would make me happy is if you left so I can take a piss."

"Graceful Bree." He said following me again as I started to walk away.

I could have sworn the bathrooms were closer.

"Don't call me that."

"What? Your name?"

"Yes, in fact don't talk to me at all." I said hissing at him.

His face was more then amused.

"Okay i'll call you by your last name, what is it?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I said shivering as a cold breeze hit my legs.

"No I'd like to know why those nice legs of yours aren't wrapped around me. But your last name would do too."

I looked back at him and hit him square in the chest making him cough loudly.

"Jesus woman are you trying to give me angina?" He said bending over holding his chest.

"Angina?" I said bursting out laughing, even though it was more of a snort laugh.

He looked up from his coughing state and chuckled at me.

"Has anyone ever told you, you laugh like a hyena with pneumonia?"

I stopped laughing.

"You are an ass." I said walking away again.

"Oh come on, you must like me a little." I could hear our footsteps in sync as we walked.

"What would ever give you that impression!" I said stopping for what, the 896 time tonight? If somebody was watching us they would swear there were imaginary stop lights that only we could see.

"Because if you didn't want to talk to me... you still wouldn't be holding my hand."

I looked down to see our hands still intertwined, I quickly retracted my hand and looked away not wanting him to see my now red cheeks.

"That's cute, you're blushing." He said walking in front of me.

"No that's my frostbite." I said pushing past him.

Why was he so annoying?

"No its cute, most girls don't blush around me. They just squeal and cling to me like a leech."

"I don't know what you were planning on gaining from this conversation, but you made me look stupid. Are you happy? Now can you leave me alone because right now my urge to pee is turning into a urge to kick your balls." I said throwing my hands in the air.

"You don't expect me to take you serious right? You're like 4 inches tall." He said looking down at me.

I scowled at him aggressively. I knew I was shorter then most girls at 5 "2 but I've always been self conscious about my height.

My mom says it's because I'm a gymnast but I've always hated it. In gym the girls would always pick the taller people, everyone would always see me as the weaker person just because my height. I remember when I was fourteen I wanted to be a model with long legs and smooth blonde hair.

Instead I'm stuck with this brown wavy piece of crap.

"Can you leave me alone?" I said making his eyebrows furrow.


I sighed at his response and finally started back on my now 400 year long journey to the restroom.

"I hope you know I'll find out your last name, someone will tell me one way or another." he said with an amused tone in his voice.

I didn't turn around but rather flip him off while I walked farther and farther away from him.

And I still didn't know his name.

I walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Why did I let him hold my hand?
I came here to forget guys.

All guys wanna do is hurt you.

I finished up my tinkle business and walked back to the cabin a hell of a lot faster seeing as how I didn't have dimple boy breathing down my neck.

The girls were still sound asleep and I crawled into bed finally feeling warmth to my legs. I tried to clear my thoughts and think about the activities we had tomorrow.

This was gonna be a long summer.

• • •
"You know what I just realized last night?" Jackson said as he sat down at our table with his other counselor friend.

"That you're secretly in love with Dylan O Brian and that's why you have a teen wolf poster hanging above your bed?" I said starting to laugh when he flicked my head.

"First of all that poster is for Holland Roden..." he said taking a sip of his gatorade. "Second of all, I realized that the reason I haven't been getting my hops is because of my cleats."

"Why do I care again?" I said stealing his fry's before he practically yanked them out of my hands.

"I have to hear about your stupid gymnastics and your dumb push hand stands or whatever."

"Press hand stands?" I said chuckling.


Me and my brother were always really supportive of each other, I went to his soccer games and he went to my gym meets.

Every brother and sister fight though, right?

"Yo Max, pass me the ketchup." Jackson said to the boy with glasses beside him.

The girls were ogling at the boys and at one point Lucy dropped the fry that was in her mouth making me almost choke on my laughter.

"I'm so tired." Max said leaning his head on the table. " I don't get why counselors have to bunk with other counselors, why don't the counselors just bunk with people there... I don't know counseling."

"Do you really want to be in the same Cabin as Goober Gabriel?" Jackson said shivering, "Why you don't like your roommates?"

"They're cool, it's just Car woke me up at like 3:10 to talk about the girl he just smashed." He said rolling his eyes.

Car? Is that a nickname?

That's like someone calling me Bicycle.

"You're roommates with Carson Parker?!" Lucy said practically yelling at him.

"Yeah..." Max said obviously confused.

"That's like being roommates with Ashton Kutcher!"

"Lucy has anyone ever told you you'd be good at drama club?" I said making everyone chuckle.

"Yeah actually I was part of this acting group down town where we put on plays of Les- hey wait!" she said finally realizing the joke.

I laughed and patted her on the back as I took a deep bite of my burger, I was not one to be embarrassed of how I ate.

Food was life.

"Oh look speak of the devil." Jackson said looking behind me.

"Hey pukester."

I turned around to see the absolute pain of my existence. He was wearing a white shirt with brown khaki joggers and white vans. His hair was extra curly today and the dimples in his smirk made my heart flutter.

"What are you doing here Donkey?" I said swallowing my burger and grabbing my soda.

"I was about to give my friend Jack a pair of my cleats since he's been having problems with his own, seems like you know him?" He said pointing to the cleats in his hand.

"He's my brother." I said squinting my eyes at him.

"Really?" His eyes grew wide as if this was new information to him. He looked at me then to Jackson and then looked back at me. "So Jones is your last name?"

"Wow you found out, want a cookie?" I said turning around in my seat so I was no longer facing him.

I felt his presence bend down over me as his breath was warm on my neck, his breath smelled like mint chocolate. Not the kind from Olive Garden but the kind that comes in Christmas tins. "I want your cookie." he said whispering in my ear.

I choked on my soda almost spitting it out as I covered my mouth trying to regain myself.

Very graceful Bree.

He started laughing behind me and handed his cleats to my brother. "Here you go Jack, hopefully these ones will actually make you a decent player."

"I can still play your mom, Parker." My brother said laughing putting the cleats on his lap.

"You're Carson?" I said turning around to look at him.

"That's my name babe, don't wear it out." He said grabbing my soda and taking a drink from it.

"I wouldn't even wear it in."

He raised his eyebrow at me before turning around to walk out, "Later"

"Later." Jackson said standing up from the table.

"I'd love to stay here and chat with you ladies but we have things to do, fresh meat to torture."

"Bye cuties." Max said as they also left the dining hall, leaving me and the girls again.

"You have some explaining to do!" Lucy yelled staring at me.


"You are friends with Carson freaking Parker and you didn't seem like it would be something to mention to us?"

"I wouldn't call us friends."

"You could be his fucking dog walker and you'd still have some connection with him. Where did you guys meet?" Lucy was extremely interested in knowing everything about Carson and I was extremely interested in stopping our conversation about him.

"I think we should start heading to Archery." I said to Abby getting up from my seat.

"I'm with you." Abby said linking her arms with mine as we were about to walk away.

I'd known Abby less then the rest of the girls but we automatically clicked right away.

"Wait!" I said turning back to the table.

"What?" Sam said confused staring at me from her spot at the table.

"The little fucker stole my soda."

chapter 2!!!!!!!
the picture up at the top would probably be jackson but you can imagine him however you want.
What do you think of Carson so far?

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