Lost Hope.

By xoshylahh

60.9K 2.2K 89


Lost Hope.
Four part Two;
Eleven part Two;
Fourteen part Two;
The Final Chapter.


1.5K 65 2
By xoshylahh


"Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it! Just 'cause you heard it...RUMOUR HAS IT."

She put her hand up and shifted her weight from foot to foot. She was starting to turn bright red, the color of her short shorts. "What does this have to do with you kissing another girl Christian?"

I rolled my eyes, she obviously wasn't listening to the lyrics. "Let me start over. She-"

"Oh my goodness Christian, just get the h*ll out."

I shrugged, "I'll call you later."

"Bite me."

I smirked, "Don't give me ideas." I slipped out of the door before she could hit me in the face with something. I guess we were over...or so she said. I wasn't even sure what her name was, but I was almost positive that it started with a J. Almost positive.

I quickly made it across campus and took the shortcut through the woods to the apartment I had around the corner. I took a quick shower and wrapped a black towel around my waist, admiring myself in the bathroom mirror. "Why am I not in GQ yet? I should've been on the cover by now." I shook my head and exited the bathroom, getting dressed in a pair of sweats and a Disney World t-shirt. Don't. Ask.

College life on Sunday was pretty boring, all I ever did was wind down from Saturday. And Saturday's were usually pretty crazy. I played 2K on my XBOX until I got a call from Gabi.

"Christian's on the line. What it do?" I answered the phone.

"Is that really how you greet people Chris?"

"Blah blah, whaddaya want Kid?"

She sighed, "I just wanted to talk to you, shouldn't you be doing homework?"

"Who says I'm not doing homework?"

"You never do homework."

"Touché." I hadn't done homework a day in my life, but I had a decent GPA. I wasn't as dumb as some people liked to think I was. "How's my niece?"

"The baby is fine, tap dancing in my uterus as we speak."

"How's Carnell coping with your pregnant lady tantrums?"

"We're not really on speaking terms. I left...again."

I paused the game, remembering what happened the last time I'd seen Gabi; she'd almost killed Jorelys with a butcher knife. "Gab?...I'm really sorry. I don't know if I ever apologized but-"

"Can you keep a secret?"

I stumbled on my words a bit, kinda surprised that she interrupted me in the middle of my apology. "Two can keep a secret if one is dead."

"Well, I'll kill you if you don't keep it." She took a deep breath. And then another. And then another. "Jorelys has a baby...she's four."

I shrugged, "That's technically not a baby Gab."

"Maybe you didn't understand. She has a CHILD."

I rolled my eyes, "Do you realize who you're talking about? She's CRAZY! I wouldn't be surprised if she breeded camels or something."

"So what am I supposed to do?"
" I don't know. Tell Carnell, I guess. "
" Just like ... tell him? How do I just TELL him? "
" ... With your mouth. You know, that hole in your face? "
She sucked her teeth. " Must you be so annoying? "
" I'm sorry, but I don't really know what to tell you. I haven't had any experience with babymommas, so... "
" Good. Don't. Not until you're married. As a matter of fact, no sex until marriage either. "
" Pffffttt! Have you seen me? I crossed that bridge a long time ago. "
" If you cross it again, I'll burn you AND the bridge. Don't make the mistakes I've made. "
" Gab, look. About you and Carnell... "
" Not now, Chris. Please? Not now. "
" I feel like this is my fault. "
" It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. "
" Well its not yours either. "
" Yeah. Okay. Anyway.. "
" How are you feeling?"
" I'm in pain. It hurts to walk. Sneeze. Cough. Pee. Move. Everything hurts. My shoes don't even fit anymore. "
I smiled. " You'll get through this. You're strong. But for now, I have a game to play and a notebook full of females waiting to be ravished. Catch you later? "
She chuckled. " Goodbye, Christian. Thanks for listening. And uh, be good, okay? I love you. "
" I love you too, ugly. Bye, "
She giggled again. " Bye, "

I sat back in my seat with my hands on my eyes. She doesn't deserve any of this.
I reached under my bed and pulled out a huge scrapbook of me and Gabrielle's childhood. Not surprisingly, Carnell was in almost every picture.
Baby Gabrielle and Little Carnell at Gabi's 4th birthday.
Fourteen year old Carnell and twelve year old Gabrielle at my mothers wedding.
Gabrielle straightening Carnell's tie for his Senior Prom, since she didn't go.
Carnell and Gabrielle at the beach four summers ago.
I scoffed. They're more pictures of Carnell in this "family album" than there is of me, yet my mother still insists everyone has a copy. I sighed, and continued to flip the pages.
It was a history book. A whole book full of their life stories together and they're not smart enough to pursue it. I mean, sure the whole "relationship" thing isn't for me; but I'm not stupid. I know love when I see it, and it's written all over the both of them.

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