Silent Assassin

By HyperPiper247

143K 5.8K 786

She rose her dainty eyebrows in surprise at my answer, her small lips slightly opening in shock. "I never too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

2.2K 123 40
By HyperPiper247

I sheathed the sword I borrowed from the guard before attempting to open the window. The window in my room was huge, almost twice my height, and strangely couldn't be open.

My hands twitched in irritation as I felt my body pulse with it. I wanted to throw a punch at the window so that it would break, or even jump through with my body. The anger caused the beast to rattle the cage once more, and in fear of what might happen should it escape, I calmed myself.

With deep breaths, I felt myself slowly relax. Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair.

The beast had calmed down enough that it laid down, but its eyes were still open. Its eyes, slit and dark, caused a shiver to run down my spine. I needed Sam. He was the only one who could help me with this. These idle guards and rich snobs could do nothing to help me. For all I know, they were the one to cause me to suddenly have a hunger for blood.

An image of blood sliding from the guard's throat mere minutes ago caused the beast to shift in the cage.

I clenched my fist, pushing aside the image. Sam. Now.

Since the window doesn't have an opening, I'd have to make one myself. I could just jump through and make a run for it, but the residents here might not approve of my abrupt leave.

Sighing once more, I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me. I didn't want to risk drawing attention to myself. The guard was still slumped unceremoniously on the floor as I walked by him, keeping my eyes from the small drop of blood that covered the floor, and preventing myself from breathing in the metallic aroma that still clung in the air.

I walked pass the library and the other rooms, taking care to look for windows with a latch and more guards at the same time. The hall was clear of cameras, something I was thankful for, but a guard or two might come up the stairs to drop by the guard I had left behind. They would then eventually  find out that I not in my room and immediately suspect me.

My hearing had been tuned up when I heard a distinct yet familiar ring. The sound was loud, considering how high I had tuned my hearing, but I ignored the possibility that it might be in the hands of someone and started to sprint quietly after the sound.

After a few turns and running up the stairs, taking great measure to stay clear from cameras, I stopped in front of a large door. Strangely, I didn't meet a guard as I bounded through the mansion, but I didn't think much about it when I heard voices beyond the door.

"I can't decrypt it." A male voice sounded.

"Just try again." Another male voice said, his tone exasperated. "We need to find out if she's an agent of the Society of not. The phone could answer our question."

The voices sounded familiar as I listened. Without much more thought, I concluded that the former was Alex, and the latter was Allen.

"I know A. I'm as desperate as you. I don't wan't Lilac to be in any harm and if she is, you know what to do right?"

A sigh sounded. "Of course, Alex. I've sworn to my father to protect you and Lilac. I don't care about the woman, so terminating her wouldn't be a problem."

"Can you defeat her?"

There was a pause before Allen replied, "The poison will help me."

Poison. So they were the reason why I'm feeling this sudden hunger for blood. Anger coursed through my blood, fueling me with adrenaline and power. The beast had jumped up from where it laid and started to rattle the cage once more, feeling my anger as if it was its own. It made my blood boil, thinking that they had given me this beast from a poison far different from the one that injured me days ago.

I felt the sudden urge to tear open the doors and rip the two men inside with my bare hands. Before I could do such however, a sound of wood slamming into concrete sounded from inside.

"We found him. We found Sam." A new voice said from inside the room, sounding excited and proud.

Sam. I stilled. The beast stopped his raging inside the cage and seemed to still along with me. Sam had been found by these people and who knows what they would do with him. What horror they would inject him with. Knowing Sam, he would panic and kill himself before he could so much as harm another person without reason. I had to find him first and hide him far away from Allen and his squad, and from the Society. Sam first and then I'll kill them all after.

Footsteps from within the room rushed and faded away. I listened further for anyone else inside the room, but hearing none, I opened the door and slipped inside before closing it behind me.

The room I had entered was huge and similar to the private lab Sam had in the society. Instead of the glass computer though, the room had multiple ordinary laptops and computers. My eyes glanced around the room, barely looking at the interior of the room, but glanced intently for any object resembling the phone I had borrowed from Sam.

Finally finding the edge of it peeking out from a pile of files, I approached it quickly. I hardly looked at the pile as I tugged the phone out and turned it on. It thankfully still had battery and with a quick estimation, I knew that it would last until I track Sam down.

I was about to move away when my eyes skimmed over a picture on a piece of paper halfway peeking out from the brown folder. Stilling, my eyes returned to the picture and I stared at it intently.

A man with blond hair, sharp cheek bones, and small dark blue eyes. I felt like the ground was shaking below me and I clutched the table for balance. In a haze, I tore open the file. Written there, at the very top of the paper, in a messy and jumbled up handwriting was the man's title.

The Phoenix.

I forced my gaze from the name and tore through the jumbled up papers as gently as I could to avoid tearing it. Finally coming across the picture, I picked it up. I felt the urge to rip it to shreds, along with the entire file, but I restrained myself. After so many years of searching for as much information as I could about him, luck brought me to find this. I would not risk this chance.

Grabbing the entire file and making sure that the papers were tucked tightly inside, I scanned around the room once again for an exit. There was another door in the room aside from the one I had entered through but I let my gaze skim pass. I didn't want to be caught by Allen and Alex, considering they had poisoned me and could now be possible allies with the Phoenix.

Other thoughts and possibilities swam in my mind concerning why they have the file of the Phoenix, but I ignored it. I had to find the exit and think it through later.

My eyes finally focused on the window. Seeing the latch on it, I hurried forward. I opened the latch and sat on rail, professionally moving my feet over it to face outside. Rolling the file, I slipped it along with the phone in my thigh band, making sure that it wouldn't accidentally fall. I scanned quickly across the garden below for anyone present, but there was strangely no one there. Perhaps most of the guards had been killed by the woman who had poisoned me, and those who survived had been moved inside.

Thinking none of it, I simply jumped from the third floor, leaving the window open behind me. The wind rushed pass my ears as the wind ruffled my hair harshly. The ground dangerously became closer and at the last minute, I rolled into a ball to decrease the impact. As soon as I had touched the ground I jumped and ran. My eyes were strained on the wall, but my hearing was tuned up to hear if anyone was after me. Reaching the wall, I jumped as high as I could and scaled up the concrete before quickly jumping over.

Breaking into a run, I rushed through the street, taking care to remain in the shadows and to listen for any pursuers. The wind continued to rush by, harshly whipping at my face, but I savored it, feeling as if this was one of those times where I had finished a mission.

After a few minutes, I slowed down into a stop. My lungs felt uncomfortable as I struggled to draw air into my lungs. I closed my eyes for a moment to calm down before opening them.

A gate loomed in front of me, looking familiar with its rusted metal nets and hinges. I hadn't realized that I had ran here in my haze, and I had almost forgotten about the bike I had hidden here. Sure that the bike hadn't been stolen by any trespassers and thieves because it wouldn't unlock without the phone, I walked forward.

Swinging the gate open with one hand, I quietly made my way to where I had hiden the bike.

"The fuck?"

A male voice sounded not far away.

"Just... Just get the bike!"

Another male voice said, sounding angry.

"And the cat?"

"Fuck the cat. Hit it with a stick or something!"

There was a hissing sound and then a thump.

I quickened my pace, sure that the bike they meant was mine. But I was unsure about what cat they were talking about.

Finally rounding a corner, I saw what cat they meant. Thomas was on all fours on the seat of the bike, his hair standing and his claws peeking out. A metallic scent came from their direction, and I paused for a moment to settle the beast that had awoken from its slumber.

Two men were surrounding Thomas, one of them holding a large stick and was swinging it around as the other clutched one of his own hand, blood pouring from it.

A sound of pumping drifted into my ears, quiet at first but was slowly becoming louder. The beast growled and rattled the cage once more as the metallic scent became too intoxicating to ignore.

Hearing a hiss brought me back. I blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to draw out of the haze I was in. The beast was still growling and the pumping sound was still present, but I was thankfully still in control.

Thomas was now on the floor, struggling to stand up as the man with the stick walked closer to him. Without hesitation, I drew my blade and rushed forward. Turning as I crouch, I swung my weapon through the man's leg, easily cutting through the soft flesh. The man shouted in pain as he tumbled next to the ground. As I stood, the man forced himself to the side, but stopped when he saw his amputated leg. His face paled as his eyes stared at it in horror. A gurgled scream erupted from his mouth as he tried to clutch the leg.

A sound of foosteps ran towards me and a sound of the wind tearing had me quickly ducking. The smell of the blood made me falter and almost made me trip on my feet as I moved. Turning swiftly, I brought my blade up and stared with wide captivated eyes as the sharp point went through his neck and portruded from the top of his head. Blood started to drip from his neck, most of them sliding down the metal.

The smell almost knocked me over my feet, the aroma so sweet that it made my mouth water. The pumping sound was still present, although a bit faded. It was enough to make the beast bang forcefully on the cage, as it tried its best to get to the blood. I realized full out that if the beast would be released, it would consume me and I'd be forced, if not willing, to kill for blood. The thought had me step back and tear the sword from the man's head.

The corpse fell to the ground as blood started to slowly pool around him. But I ignored this, as well as the blood that was sliding down the blade. I only focused on the man with the cut off leg who had not stopped screaming. His painful scream made me smile darkly, but I was otherwise thankful that it had managed to drown out the pumping sound. Deciding to put him out of his misery, I stepped towards him, swing my blade lazily as I approached. The man was still staring at his his leg though, crying and screaming and looking at it with wide eyes as if he couldn't believe he lost it.

The man's face continued to look horror stricken as I stabbed him between his eyes. The abandoned building became quiet once more. Even the pumping sound had strangely disappeared, as if it had never been present. The smell, however, had unfortunately not vanished and continued to smell so blissfully sweet that I groaned again.

Fuck. I never knew that blood smelled so sinfully sweet.

The beast was still in a rampage in its cage, growling at me to drop and sip the blood from the man below me. With much effort, I ignored him and removed my gaze from the blood pooling around the amputated man to Thomas.

Thomas was staring at me with his large green eyes, slit and unwavering as if he knew how affected I was by the blood. He was lying on his stomach but was favoring his right side. A small puddle of blood was underneath him.

His blood had a different effect on me. It didn't make me crave to lick it, no pumping sound was heard, and the beast had shockingly laid back down as it growled under its breath.

I blinked. I needed to find Sam. Everything was slowly making no sense and it wouldn't be long before I go insane and kill everyone until someone could stop me. Sam would help me. He'd know what to do.

Slowly, I eased off the frustration of me. The questions, ideas and theories still swirled in my mind but was too far at the back to distract and anger me.

Thomas meowed at me from the ground and started to slowly stand up. His hands wavered and I heard him hiss but was otherwise quiet. He slowly walked to the bike and sat next to it. He glanced back at me and flickered his tail before meowing.

Getting the message, I sheathed the sword and started to approach him. I crouched down and with gentle hands, slowly wrapped my hands around him and lifted him on the seat.

"How the hell did you escape the Society and find me?", I mumbled under my breath. I was thankful that he was safe; that he had somehow found his way back to me. He had protected my bike from those thieves, regardless that they would be unable to use it, and that made me somehow protective of him.

The cat meowed at me before twisting to lick the wound on his side. One of his paws lifted in the air and I stared at the blood on it.

"Nevermind." I mumbled. The cat couldn't talk so I couldn't get an answer from him.

Sam, I reminded myself.

I pulled the phone from my thigh, leaving the file as is. Turning it on, I swiped through all the apps and files it had before I found the one I was looking for. With a press of a finger, a map of the city appeared, but there was no red dot.

With a slight frown, I maximized the screen and then minimized it again when I saw nothing. Thinking that it probably needed to refresh, I exited the app before pressing it again. Nothing.

Realization that Sam had probably found the tracker in the coat he never took off, made me see red. In fury, I swiped all over the screen, forcing the red dot to appear. Finally, I placed it harshly on the seat of the bike, surprising Thomas and almost making him jump. I felt the cat's eyes on me as I brushed my hair back in frustration.

Damn. How was I supposed to find him now? He could be anywhere in this big city. For all I knew, he was dead, or is being killed and I couldn't do anything to protect him.

A meow had me look down at Thomas. He had one paw on the screen as he stared me unwaveringly. With the other paw, he waved it in the air, as if he was motioning me to come closer.

I blinked at him, before crouching down. With his paw, he swiped over the upright screen, moving the map until he stopped and seem to point at the center. I pursed my lips, unsure whether he was telling me Sam's location or was just playing around with the phone. Thomas seemed to narrow his eyes at me before he stood up on his hind legs and slid his paw on my lips, as if telling me to drop the expression and just believe him.

My jaw clenched in irritation as I pushed his paw back. The action he made was unexpected and was utterly unnecessary. I swiped my tongue over my lips, my brows twitching. A metallic and sour flavor swirled in my mouth as I blinked in surprise, barely noticing Thomas' eyes turn into full orbs. He looked at me innocently as I waited for the beast to stand and rattle the cage again, demanding for blood, but the it did no such thing. It only closed its eyes and slept.

A small sigh of relief escaped from my breath. I had thought that I would lose it and unintentionally hurt Thomas just for his blood. He only stared at me with wide eyes however, as if he was asking me why I was relieved.

"I got no time for this. I don't know how you escaped and found me, and I don't care. I need to find Sam so you better play nice or play dead." I clenched my fist to restrain myself from really hitting the cat.

With no time for his games, I pulled him off the seat and placed him non too gently on the ground.


A male voice said, sounding mildly angry. I glanced around the building, looking for the male who had somehow snuck up on us but saw none.

What's she looking for now?

There it was again. The voice was loud and deep but I couldn't seem to find the person who spoke.

A sigh sounded. I'm hungry. What's a cat got to do to find some fish in this joint? Maybe I could ask her.

Not long after, Thomas meowed as if he was asking for something.

Food woman. Give me food.

I blinked at him. With wide eyes, I watched him incredulously. I must be dreaming. The bloodlust must have gotten to me and Allen had hit me unconscious. I'm dreaming. There's no way I heard Thomas speak.

What's she blinking at me for? I asked for food not for her to wink at me.

I lifted a hand and pinched myself. Not dreaming. It finally dawn to me that Thomas had indeed spoken and I stared at him with wide eyes.

Her mouth just opened. What in Bast is wrong with her?

I closed my mouth, not realizing that it fell open. He's speaking to me. No, not speaking because I couldn't hear anything outwardly. I had heard his voice inwardly. Somehow, I was able to hear his thoughts.

How did this happen? A moment ago, I haven't been able to hear his thoughts, until I... tasted the blood he had placed on my lips. I was able to read his thoughts because of his blood.

Now that I thought about it, I remembered hearing the guard in the hall speak without opening his mouth. I had thought that it had been nothing but my logic and subconscious speaking to me. But my subconscious had never spoken before, and my logic never spoke in third person before.

What's she thinking hard about? Food?

"No." I replied unconsciously.

Was it just me or did she just answer me. Nah, that would probably never happen. Maybe she's talking to someone invisible.

I scowled, "No I'm not. I don't have psychic powers."

Woah. She's talking to herself!

Having enough, I grabbed the cat from the ground.

Hey! That hurts! What in Bast is wrong with you?

"Shut up, Thomas. I can hear you." I placed the cat back on the seat, gently this time.

Thomas stared at me with wide eyes. What did she just say?

"I'm not gonna repeat myself, Thomas." I felt my jaw clench. This was slowly irritating me. Other than irritation, I was otherwise calm with being able to listen to the cat's mind. It was probably because most of my attention was focused on Sam and where he might possible be.

Woah! You must be joking! No wait. You don't look like someone who jokes.

My fist clenched as I restrained myself once more. Thomas started to meow at me frantically as he sat and stared at me with his wide eyes, but I only stared at him in return.

"I can't understand you when you speak."

Thomas paused. So you can only read my thoughts?

I gave him a slight nod.

How about my entire mind? What did I eat for breakfast yesterday?

"Fish." I said without hesitation.

Thomas' jaw dropped. That is amazing! So you can read my entire mind! Just don't... um... dig deeper though. You might read something else. Just a head's up.

I scowled at him again. "No, I can't read your entire mind. I just made a guess."

Oh. Well, thank Bast for that.

A headache was starting to form and I lifted a hand to tub my temples. It did nothing to soothe the pain. "I have no time for this. I have to find Sam."

The idiot who gave me a can of sardines to eat without opening it? The one with a curly mop on his head? 'Cause if you mean him, I know where he is.

I ignored his remarks about Sam and immediately focused on the fact that he knows where he is. "How? Where?"

Well I know this cat down town who knows a friend who knows this rat that knows this cow who said "Moo" and it was funny because she told this joke-

"Stop. Just tell me where." I didn't care about the story now. It was possibly very long and I didn't have enough patience and time to listen. I needed Sam now.

Alright alright. I'm still gonna tell you the joke some other time though. The man you're looking for is... He lifted a paw to touch the screen on the phone. Moving the map, he made some groaning noise in his head as if in deep thought until he stopped. With the paw, he pointed at a place in the city. There. In that square thing with the outline of broccoli. Speaking of broccoli, a cat dared me to eat it one time and damn did it taste awful! I thought I was going to die!

The park. But why was he there? Unless...

"Are you absolutely sure that this is it?" I grabbed the phone and stared at the outline of the park intensely, as if I could see the secret tunnels with the main one leading to the Society underneath it.

Hey! The cow is trustworthy! I udderly trust her. Hey did you see what I did there? Udderly... utterly?  Man I crack myself up.

I made no sign that I heard the joke as I quickly grabbed the phone and swung my leg over the seat. Straddling the bike, I ignored Thomas who was seated in front of me, as I placed the phone on its holder and grabbed the helmet. In only a few seconds, the bike purred to life and I felt Thomas clutch my thigh with his paws.

Do you have a helmet for me too? Or atleast a sticker that says 'Cat on Board'?

"Hold on tight." I replied to him before gunning out of the building.


A long chapter for all of you because I love you.😘

Hope you guys like it!

Comment and vote a chapter and I promise you that I'll update faster. 😊

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