Sprousehart oneshots

By buggybutterfly

125K 1.5K 483

some sprousehart oneshots to deliver the feels♥︎ i take requests More

"It's alright baby, I'm here."
Missing you
I'll protect you
But I'm sick
It's all too much
Thank you
I can't resist you
I'm not going to hurt you
The Bet
She's gone
Welcome to the World pt 2
You're the best medicine
A Break?

Welcome to the world

7.7K 81 29
By buggybutterfly

L I L I ' S  P O V 

      I've been pregnant for about 5 months and Cole and I recently found out that we're having a babygirl and we're completely ecstatic! As the pregnancy has progressed, it has gotten a bit harder for me to do things but I've always liked to do things myself so it's a little hard for me to get used to sweet Cole who always wants to help. I'm also in that lovely period where I crave and crave and crave, but I also get sick all the live long day. Speaking of which I'm starting to feel a little nauseous right now. I immediately push myself out of Cole's arms and run to the bathroom, barely making it before I collapse over the toilet and start to puke everything that I've consumed in the last few hours. I hear Cole's footsteps trailing behind me as he tries to wake up and navigate his way to the bathroom to help me. This is one of the things that I completely welcome Cole's assistance to because he is the only thing that brings me comfort right now. He knows how much I hate getting sick so he just comes in a wraps his arms around me. I lazily wipe my quivering bottom lip and let out a soft whimper before beginning to cry as Cole runs his fingers through my hair. "Baby, don't cry." He whispers into my ear, pulling me into his lap. "I promise it's all going to be worth it once we have our precious little angel." At his affectionate words a small smile sneaks it's way onto my face as I bury my head further into Cole's neck, continuing to fiddle with his fingers as I let out a hum of approval. Once he believes that I'm calmed down enough he lifts me up and places my on the kitchen counter. He helps me rinse out my mouth and wash my face. He brushes my hair out just for the sake of it and the kisses my cheek sweetly before helping me back to bed where he insists that I stay. My heart can't help but swell at my sweet boy, I love him way too much.

S E V E N   M O N T H S   I N T O   P R E G N A N C Y

C O L E ' S  P O V

      "Good morning Sunshine, I brought you your donut and the Chinese food is downstairs." I whisper to a half asleep Lili who is still tangled up in out white sheets. She lets out a groan, one that doesn't sound like her usual morning yawn. "Lil?" I question while rubbing her back softly. "Are you alright?" She rolls over her back onto her other side to face me revealing her tear stained face. "Oh my goodness, Lil what's wrong?" I grab her arm and push mine underneath her for support while I gently sit her up on our bed. Her hands immediately clutch her stomach and pain washes over her face. "Lili, you're scaring me." I start, "Should we go t-" I stop in mid sentence when I see a vibrant color out of the corner of my eye. Red, on our clean white sheets. Lili is bleeding and I know that she definitely shouldn't be. Without another word I scoop her up as quickly as I can and carry her to the car. I hold her hand to try to help relieve the pain but I don't think it does much help because her pained groans soon turn into soft sobs, adding to the tears already stained on her cheeks. I set her down in the passenger seat, buckle her seatbelt, and kiss her head. As I'm going to close the door her cries get louder and she reaches her arms out for me. "No, Cole don't leave." she sobs, "Please don't leave me, I need you!" I grasp her hands and kiss them quickly, giving them a quick squeeze as I assure her that I will not leave but I need take her somewhere so she can feel better. She gives me a slight nod so I close the door and jog to the other side, hopping into the driver's seat and immediately offering my hand back to Lili. I lean over to give her a kiss and catch a glimpse of the blood that is still leaking out. She squeezes my hand hard signaling me to drive.

      We arrive at the hospital in record timing and I carry her in, barely getting say anything to her before she is whisked away by the swarming nurses and doctors. My heart breaks when I hear her cry out, "Cole!" Her arms is reaching back for me despite the nurses strapping her down. I grab her hand, "You're gonna be just fine Gorgeous, I promise. Just be the strong girl that I know you are and everything will be okay." I kiss her hand right before her stretcher is pulled into the operating room. I slowly turn around and take in a huge shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves. I sit down in the hospital chair and think about how I should begin the long wait ahead. I decide it's best to wait for an update before getting everyone as worked up as I am. I hear her faint cries for me from the room and my heart aches even more. I would do anything to be holding Lili right now. My sweet girl doesn't deserve this pain.

      After hours of waiting I'm called back into Lili's room and am met with her sobbing on the bed. She looks up at me through her teary eyes and frantically reaches for me. I walk faster to reach her. I wipe her tears with the pad of my thumb, not that it helps anyways because Lili's nonstop crying but I'll try anything to comfort her. As of right though, it seems that she only wants to be coddled and feel protected because she pulls me closer as soon as she can, wraps her arms securely around me and continues to sob into my chest. I turn a bit so I can hold her as close as possible and start to rub her upper back with one hand and use the other to run my fingers through her hair while continuously kissing her head. We stay like that for a good 20 minutes before for she has started to control her breathing again. I pull away from her bringing my hands to her face so I can rub her cheeks softly. I put my finger underneath her chin and tilt her head up forcing her eyes to met mine. As soon as I look at her red swollen eyes, my heart breaks. I can practically see the pain in them. "Baby," I whisper, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. At that, she starts to cry again so I pull her back into my chest. Just then, the doctor walks in flashing me a soluem smile. "Mr. Sprouse," he starts, "Why don't you sit down." Oh boy, this can't be good. I turn around to go sit in the chair next to the bed but Lili sniffles and holds me tighter. I rub her arm softly and scoot her over so I can fit on the bed with her. She lies down and buries her face in the crook of my neck. I can still feel her shaking when the doctor starts to explain what happened.

      Now I don't remember all of the exact details but I do remember one very important thing. Whatever caused Lili to bleed has somehow blocked the view of the baby in the sonogram so we can't see the baby and they currently can't find the heartbeat so there is a chance that the baby is dead. Good news is, well better news is that the heartbeat thing could be a mistake so we'll come back tomorrow to get that checked out and then we'll know for sure. After the doctor told us this, he left us alone and Lili began to cry some more. I look down at her and kiss her forehead sympathetically. "I'm s-so sorr-y." she sobs. "Hey, Lovely, this is not your fault at all so why on earth do you feel the need to apologize?" I asked softly. "I killed our b-abyy." she hiccuped quietly. "No! No you did not. I promise, this wasn't your fault whatsoever." She looks like she doesn't really agree with me but she nods a bit and then whispers, "Can we please go home Cole?" I nod yes in response and pick her up off the bed, knowing that she won't want to let go of me until we find out about what happened to our baby. She rests her head on my chest and clutches the front of my shirt with her hands like she's desperately trying to keep me with her. I reach my head down and kiss right above her ear, "I'm not going anywhere, Love." she nuzzles further into my chest at these words and I tighten my grip on her torso and legs, keeping her as close as possible. We get a few sympathetic smiles on our walk out to the car but it doesn't help Lili at all. We get to the car and I open the door placing her in her seat. "Babygirl, you're gonna need to let go so I can get us home. It'll only be a few seconds then I'll be back, okay?" I feel her grip loosen so I slide out of her arms, buckle her seatbelt and kiss her her before closing the door and heading to my side. As soon as I get in I give Lili another kiss and rub her thigh, leaving my hand there as I start ti drive back to our house. She clutches my arm the entire ride home which allows me to feel all of her shaky breaths. Once we're back home a pick her up out of the car and carry her inside. "Do you want anything to eat Love?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head, "I just want to be near you." She whispers softly. So I sit us down on the couch, Lili in my lap not saying a word but also not crying which is good. My phone which I left on the table in the kitchen start to ring so I quickly untangle myself from a now sleeping Lili and run to get my phone so it doesn't wake her. I see that it's my boss so I answer and walk into our backyard. About five minutes later I walk back into the house and I'm met with Lili's sobs. I quickly rush back into the living room. Lili looks up at me and then starts to cry some more, "I thought I lost you too." she sobbed. I sit down on the couch and pull her into my arms so that she feels a bit more comforted. "Baby," I coo softly, "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere and you definitely won't lose me." Her tears soak through my shirt and eventually I feel her breathing even out so I pick her up, carry her to our room, get her changed and put her to bed. I quickly take off my overclothes so that I'm just in boxers and I climb into bed with Lili. I pull her closer to me, her back pressed against my chest and lean over to whisper in to her ear, "I love you so much baby and you have no idea how blessed I feel every single day." Lili turns over sleepily, "Of course I know Nugget, because I feel the exact same way."I smile at her nickname. She called my "Nugget" while we were watching friends once and it just stuck. I kiss her head and she snuggle further into me, as we both drift off to sleep.

      I wake up to Lili sitting on the edge of our bed, looking out the window. I sit up and slowly start to rub her back. She scoots back a bit so she can lean on me and that's when I notice her tear stained face. I pull her completely into my lap. I bury my head into the crook of her neck and kiss her shoulder a few times, deciding that's the best way to show support. "I'm so, so scared." she finally whispered. "I promise you, everything will work out. Okay Love?" She looked down and nodded. I kissed her cheek and then pulled both of us out of bed so that we could get ready for this life changing doctor's appointment.

Word Count//2279 


Hello my darlings!! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this! There will be a part 2 soon because I felt like the length of this was getting out of hand so I wanted to split it up. Anyways, thank you guys for 1k reads and all of your support, you have no idea how much it means to me. Leave any suggestions in the comment or dm me! I didn't have the time to proof read this because I wanted to update before I went to dance today but I'll go back later and fix any errors so please just cut me some slack)

(Also I know nothing about the pregnancy problem that I had them have I just kinda made it up so just go with it.)

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