Moral Stories

By NicholaSun

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All these stories have morals! More

A True Friend
Cousin Lina
The Naughty Boys
Sick Caroline
Andy and George
The Singing Contest
The Dark Horse and The White Horse
Student Genius
The Great Race
Savannah and Bethany
Rachel's Best Friend
Helpful Sofia
The Fight with Two Best Friends
The Games Club Races
Matt's Dance Class
The Lazy Student
The School Bully
The Book Competition
Mia Mirabelle
Kathryn and Rachel
Watch Out, Laura!
Is this Appropriate?
My Sister Elena
Bad Temper
The Tallest Sandwich
Kirsten's Puppy
Ian and his Promise
A Bookworm
Tommy and Johnny
Pip's Wish
Study or Socialize
Special Guests
The New Girl
Cry Babies
Too Little To Go Hiking?
Amber and the Million Dollars
The Head Boy Candidates
Christopher's Bad Deeds
A Dedicated Artist
True Talents
The Necklace
Hannah and The New Student
Animal Sports Day
Shelf Help
Phoebe Helps Out
Cyber Danger!
Too Many Friends?? Part 1

Turn Taking

155 0 0
By NicholaSun

Ben and Bill were two good friends. But, they had very opposite characters. Ben is very hyper and is always full of energy. He gets very excited about many things. But, Bill is much more calm and scuttle. He is very patient. Bill sometimes feels annoyed with Ben due to his hyperactivities. 

One day, they went to the playground. Ben could not stop squealing. 

"Calm down, Ben." Bill said, "I know it is very exciting to play in the playground. So, where do you want to play first?" 

"I want to play on the slide!! Sliding is fun!" Ben smiled with joy, climbing over and sliding, "Wheee!!" 

Ben went on many times and Bill started to feel tired from waiting. 

"Is it my turn yet?" Bill asked. 

"Nope." Ben replied back. 

Ben finally stopped sliding. He wanted to go on the swing now. 

"Okay, Ben. But make sure I have a go too. Don't take too long." Bill spoke calmly. 

For a very long time, Ben was having so much fun on the swing that he forgot about his friend. 

"Ben," Bill enquired, "I think it's my go now." 

"Not yet." Ben answered straight away. 

Bill sighed. He waited so patiently but really wanted Ben to let him play. 

"I want to play on the roundabout now, since I already played on the slide and swings. This is so much fun!" Ben exclaimed with delightfulness. 

"But Ben," Bill reminded unpleasantly, "it's good that you are enjoying yourself, but I would like to play as well. Also, before you go on the roundabout, don't go too fast or else you get dizzy." 

Ben just did not listen. He spun on the roundabout and went extremely fast. Suddenly, he got very dizzy. 

"Ben," Bill asked with concern, "are you dizzy?" 

"Yes I am." Ben answered wobbly. "But, I feel I need a break. You can play now." 

"Thank you!" Bill smiled, "now I get to play." 

Bill was finally able to play on the slide, swings and roundabout. He noticed that there was a see saw that Ben did not play on. 

"You never went on the see saw, Ben. So I'm going to have a go!" Bill exclaimed. But, the see saw was still and could not move. But Bill had an idea. 

"Ben! Why don't you go on the other side of the see saw so that we can play together instead of just taking turns all the time. I think the see saw will work better if we both sit on it!" 

Ben jumped and felt really happy. He felt bad inside that he did not let Bill have a go in anything after a long time. He suggested to take turns going up and down the see saw!

 In the end, the friends had so much fun, but Ben learns that he should take turns so that others can have a go at something as well. 

Moral: Taking turns is important as well as having fun 

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