Another World

By althy7

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An ordinary youth is transported to an alternate world..will he survive? What dangers will he have to face an... More

Chapter 1- Transportation
Chapter 2- Special ability
Chapter 3- Enter the crimson knights
Chapter 4- Crimsom rivers
Chapter 5- Facing the crimson captain
Chapter 6- Glimpse of death
Chapter 7- Broken
Chapter 8- Commence training!!
Chapter 9- Increase in skill
Chapter 10- Big bad wolf
Chapter 11- A visitor
Chapter 12- Purple eyes
Chapter 13- Ambush
Chapter 14- Devilgod
Chapter 15- Memories
Chapter 16- Memories 2
Chapter 17- Ancestor
Chapter 18 - Rea tower 1
Chapter 19 - Rea tower 2
Rea Tower - Part 3
Chapter 21 - The one who will kill us all
Chapter 22 - The Miniature Tower
Chapter 23 - Soul Rebirth
Chapter 24 - Advancing in the miniature tower
Chapter 25 - Tournament
Chapter 26 - My Prize
Chapter 27 - Recovery
Chapter 29 - Helios
Chapter 30 - Exploring Floating Cloud
Chapter 31 - Unfortunate Encounter
Not a chapter - Jay's acquired titles, abilities, skills and items
Chapter 32 - Shin

Chapter 28 - Exploring with a monk

31 3 8
By althy7

My sights lay on the priest as I think 'You first'. I turn to the warrior leader with the beard "If a player is pkd does the pker get their levels?" He nods with a smile on his face "Yup, not like you'll even be able to do it". (Pking or Pk is Player Killing, when a player kills another for items and currency. The pker will probably get a red aura or debuff or can normally spam Pk in arenas and duels but not in towns). The bearded leader asks "Huh, are you going mad from fear?". "On the contrary my good sir". I raise my arms "All 5 of you will die by my hands this day". My body shimmers and I reappear on the right side of the priest. 'Hmph!' I punch him at full power on the temple and he instantly dies on the spot. [Gained a level through Pk] The other 4 rush me immediately their healer died. I roll out my shoulders just before a sword attack registers; and its a skill. I jump up evading the attack which decimates the ground that was just beneath me. I register 4 fireballs and wind stars coming at me. I look up as the warrior shouts "Let's see how you escape mid air attacks. *roars with laughter*". I snort as I turn my body slightly upwards and punch at the air in front of me. Im pushed back to the ground dazed as I just narrowly miss the wind and flame attacks. I quickly pounce back up the moment my body connects with the floor. I feel a presence behind me and the warrior fast approaches. I smash my fists on the ground [Monks rage] My arms are enveloped in flames and upon connecting with the ground spread out engulfing the assassin and warrior. The assassin dies immediately and while the leader is temporarily immobile I kill the mages and the revived priest. The boss shouts at me "Hmph, you think small flames like these can kill me that easy". I turn back on him and say "Open menu. Shop. Buy level breaker weapon and armour". I see a purple glow around me and feel lighter as my clothes are changed. I land lightly to see that I now wear white taoist robes with two gauntlets. The gauntlets are silver in colour and cover all of my fingers to forearms. I bend slightly at the knees when the flames disperse and the rogue leader charges again. I step on the ground heavily with my right foot when he is 7 feet from me [Trigram] A yin yang symbol surrounds me with a radius of 7 feet. After a space of 4 feet 2 thin circles extremely close to each other finish off the circle. The ground where I stepped heavily has somewhat broken abit. I stare at my opponent who cant move due to the trigram restriction and smile. His face is extremely unsightly as he shouts "Damn you! You hacker..cheater..shame on you!!" I calmly respond "You forced them to help you so I'll let them go after I get all their money and gear...but you on the other hand. All your gear, money and levels are mine". 'I wonder how many times I'll have to hit him to break his armour...32? 64? 128?' I stay with my right leg forward left leg backwards and arms outstretched for one more second. Then my upper body leans forward striking twice at his chest in quick succession, then 4 times, then 8, 16, 32 and at 64 his armour breaks down and cracks. I keep striking as he attempts to plead "Please, I'll give you all my gear and money, just dont Pk me!". 'Hmph so reality is coming to you eh?'. 128 strikes and the man who thought so much of himself warps back to level one. I deactivate the trigram and take all his equipment and gold leaving him with noob cloth armour. The rest of his crew havent moved but I see a pile of gear and gold on the ground which I swipe up. I walk to the nearest forest to grind and hear the sound of a familiar voice shouting in pain and despair as teammates beat him up. I see that my level has risen to 15, after a few minutes I see the forest stretch for leagues, my eyes cant penetrate its end no matter how much I strain. I start venturing into the forest and, unlike what I originally planned I walk further into the dense foliage instead of staying at the clearing. I hear a scream which rustles the leaves and trees, it also sends the birds away. I start running as I hear a growl also ahead of me. After a few seconds of running at full speed I see that 4 people are attempting to, and failing to hold back a large panther which stands at 7 feet tall at the shoulder. 

[Bane of Beginners Panther. Lv: 30. Field boss] 'Shit, a normal one would be better..a field boss has far more hp and will rage longer. How did these dumbasses even draw its attention?'. I sigh before logging out marking this position. I sit up properly ignoring both sisters as I make my own character. I say "Some noobs are in trouble, I'm gonna make my own character to help them out. Kate log on with your assassin, sis you with your monk. When you log on you're old levels will be added to the monk so I dont owe you anymore leveling". I make the Unspecialised class resemble me as much as possible before customizing the avatar with shinobi shizoku (Ninja outfit) and a lower face mask. As usual the hair is white and I keep it spiky and short. Once satisfied I logon and transfer my consciousness to the game. 


I grin as I'm pulled through the blue tunnel once more. Kate and Zoe are on my right and left side respectively. I turn southeast and see a notification [Please choose a username:..] I say outloud "Lord Grim". [Username selected]. I lean forward and start running towards the location where those morons fight a monster they cant hope to beat. 4 people, 2 females and 2 males and all are blademasters. I buy a spear as I run, cant be without a weapon now can I ;).

I clear through the forest and reach my destination. The bosses hp is at 90% while the party's hp is at 10% and decreasing. The sisters appear behind me and I tell them to quickly remove the 4 people, and to not object or complain when I go down there alone. Their bodies shimmer as they move quickly down the uneven slope that goes down by a hundred steps. In a flash they return and I jump up high as the panther moves it head from side to side searching. It catches a whiff of me and snarls as it looks upwards. 'Too late doggy'. I deliver a large thwack with my spear covered in wood looking like a staff. The blow makes the panther stagger back and blood dribbles from its mouth. [Bane of Beginners Panther. Lv: 30. Field boss. Hp: 89%/100]. I grin as I rip the casing of the spear away and immediately feel a resonance with the weapon. It feels even stronger this time, and I can almost feel the spear sing with joy in my hand. I spread my legs wide as the panther charges with fangs bared. I dont give it any ground and that seems to infuriate the beast further. '4 weaklings dared provoke you and not only were they taken from one seemingly even weaker being stands before you. Whats more he doesnt even evade your attacks...hahaha you think too highly of yourself lowly creature Hmph!'. 10 feet, 9, 8, 7 and 6 feet I take a step forward and throw my spear forward. The spear glows with a bloody crimson light as it closes the gap in an instant and pierces the creature's eye, in that same moment the spear flies back..literally spearing the cats head on a tree trunk. The loud thwack echoes for dozens of metres. I walk over to the corpse putting my left hand in front of me. The spear dislodges itself and comes back to my hand, I rest the spear on my shoulder before coming within 10 feet of the large cat. The cat twitches as blood runs from the left slit that used to be an eye. [Bosses hp is at 15%, boss has entered rage mode]. The panther sends out a blood curdling scream which can be heard for miles. Its sleek black fur becomes red as it slams a paw down on the earth. I tell Kate and Zoe to flee so they can treat the wanderers, they run away leaving me and the boss together. A dark grin settles over my face as I look into the panthers eye. 'No need to hold back now'. I unleash my aura - one that speaks of madness locked deep within, but now being unleashed. One that gives the opponent a feeling of inferiority and despair as they feel my inhuman craving for battle and destruction. I hold my spear horizontally as the panther, blind with rage comes charging at me. Its paw is upon me so I roll to the right. The paw smashes down causing a depression in the earth as the rubble carelessly flies awry. The panthers one good eye locks onto me for a fraction of a second as I jump up and out of the panthers sight...In the real world my head snaps back up as I put my fingers on the keyboard and start typing slowly. Kate snorts saying my apm (Actions per minute) is slow. When I land on the ground the big cat tries to pounce on me. My fingers fly over the keyboard as I think 'Oh hell no bitch'. I roar as my shaft comes up in a brutal arc with my full force behind it. The boss is thrown dozens of feet into the air and I dont intent on letting it drop down alive. I crouch down slowly, with a superhero air about me like Superman. I shoot up into the air and stop 4 feet below the panther which is where I start my assault. I jab at its exposed belly and spin my body around dodging its swipe before my speartip slashes above its left eye creating a heavy gash. The third strike is a hard blow that causes both of the panthers back leg to crack and shatter uselessly. After that I jump on its back before lifting my feet slightly drawing the speartip over the cats back diagonally and moving with haste to the rest of its body. 2 things come is a human male garbed in black clothes while the other is a deformed bloody mess of meat, gristle, blood and bones jutting out of the wrong places. Soon after hitting the ground a pool of blood surrounds the corpse and expands slowly. I lean back from the computer putting my hands behind my head as I relax in the chair. Both sisters are looking at me with their mouths wide open and with pure shock in their eyes. Then they grab me---

I get pulled and dragged back and forth like I'm some object for what feels like 2 very long minutes. Finally they look at me after arguing and Zoe says "Teach me how to do that", her eyes have a very unnerving look, like shes...obsessed and completely enthralled with this topic. I carefully say "Its something you have to practice and with time you'll acquire be honest high apm isnt really that necessary". She frowns and her eyes regain their light brown clarity, she looks at me for 2 seconds before walking out of the door slowly. Kate tells me "She's gonna go rest". I look at Kate and she pats me on the back "Wait here I'll be back in about 20 minutes". I sit and start leveling her assassin while she does whatever her goal is. After she comes back I'll go train in the Dao, the constructs and gear I'll make gives me a giddy feeling just thinking about the ridiculous amount of knowledge I soaked in. 15 minutes go by and Kate returns sitting to my left. I tell her "I'm gonna go train and make some stuff. If any of you need me just call". I go to the fields in front of the miniature tower.


It is said that Achilles was invulnerable but for his heels. Legends say he was dipped in the River Styx, others say dipped in ambrosia and put over a flame. After acquiring said ambrosia the drink of the gods I will attempt to create that feat by using flames. After much persuasion, I got Aradon to pass over a few ambrosia fruits. I crush them after stripping and apply the liquid over all of my body while levitating. After that I bring forth the deep grey horizontal furnace I've been crafting. I move towards it and blackfyre streams out of my body in  mighty waves, actually seeing this amount of flame I wouldve never thought Id be able to control it. I condense the flames and lay them inside the furnace which I go into. I see nothing but black for 2 seconds before I feel intense heat blasting over every inch of my body. After 2 minutes of tempering the flames decrease in intensity and size then they disperse. The furnace explodes and I don black trousers and a shirt before going into the lotus position. I breathe in, then out before clearing my mind. I think of the spear in all its glory, slashing, perforating, clubbing with the shaft, thrusting. Then I think of the saber and sword as I go through their grand Daos as well. The simple movements becoming more difficult and complex until the end.


Far, far away where the Prime Essences are located in the empty void the Prime Essences of the spear, sword and saber pulse furiously and send down waves of power to a specific location.


I turn to focus on the Dao of the Claw thinking of slashing, attempting to parry, dodging...moving. I feel immense pressure descend upon me in the form of waves. I see the image of an ebony spear caved with glyphs, wards and runes which glow with an eerie violet light, of a single edged sword with runes engraved onto it, and of a saber..a single bladed strong weapon which obliterates all in its way. I create 40 clones sending most out to create weapons and armour and the rest will focus on research. Later I feel more waves press down on me, the image this time is of a mighty claw which strikes fear into the hearts of its enemies. Its blades gleaming with an unnerving silver light. I open my eyes slowly and feel light flash behind them. I teleport back to the house before wandering a little to find Pa. 3 minutes later I find him in the tech room prepping some pistols. I walk over to him and ask "I need some skin for a skin graft". He looks at me with some horror before his eyes quickly show understanding, he hands me a grey metal case 3 feet in length 1 foot in length and 1 in width. I nod in thanks before teleporting to the research room and handing the case to a clone in my estate world. I move to the world which holds Rea tower and levitate upwards to the 7th level of the miniature tower. I wait for a few seconds as the clones craft a couple more swords and sabers. After 6 seconds I draw out a saber from my inventory, the metal is a sleek silver and is engraved with red characters. 'Open'. The seventh level slowly opens showing a silver skinned being, a male of 5"8 inches with an ordinary face. I drop back down to ground level and see that the area is in perfect condition 'Cool'. I move the saber back to my inventory after some thought and change to black capris and chinese style flats along with a long sleeved shirt. The silver figure attacks after the clothes change with dual daggers in hand. I brace myself spreading my legs and putting my arms upward. 2 seconds before impact my hands change to claws and as the dagger descends my left claw comes to meet it. A loud clang sings out as the silver man's left hand comes at a horizontal angle to my waist. My right hand moves forward aiming to rip off his face and he violently jerks back 5 feet before I hit him, 'So they arent immune to physical damage..'. His body flashes as he teleports to my left. His blade comes down in an arc to cut of my left arm from the shoulder and in response I lessen the bone density and resistance to that of a human's level. The pain is fleeting and I see sheer shock and surprise in the mans eyes before his eyes harden and he continues his assault. Phantom pain lances through my shoulder where my former limb used to be due to the nerves trying to contact something that isnt there. The reason I just lost an arm was to increase the proficiency with which I use my right arm, I'll be forced to react faster, my attacks will also become stronger and my coordination in general will be more effective. My eyes harden as I stop the blood flow and cover up the wound. I breathe in then out [Olamide - Voice of the Street], dodge a slash to my left shoulder by backstepping and roll away from a thrust to my heart. The muscles in my right arm ripple and the bones shift before cracking loudly. I grin before taking one step forward with my left foot... My pursuer stops suddenly sensing something wrong. The space around me distorts slightly then returns to normal. My body shimmers and I reappear behind him and an instant later my fist is in his face breaking skin and bone. 'Just sheer strength, speed and skill'. He staggers once to the left before turning and assuming an offensive stance. I snort before leaning forward slightly, I run forward and 2 blades slash in arcs; one coming for my head and the other for my left leg. I stop changing my momentum by spinning and turning my feet upwards and my head near the ground. My leg comes down with the force of the world and a thunderous crack is heard. He staggers back heavily before sitting on his butt and with blood streaming heavily from his face he says "I concede defeat". I smile before turning my gaze to the eighth level which slowly opens revealing a golden skinned figure who wields a large hammer. The figure himself stands at higher than six feet and has quite the imposing figure. From the last foot of his chamber his gaze slowly travels down landing upon my face and when our eyes meet he looks at me disdain and anger..

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