Gone an mgk story

By noone121600

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Kells finds out that he has an 18 year old sister that his mother gave up for adoption a year after she left... More

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By noone121600

                                                                                                    Rooks pov
"Rook what to you means." Meg's voice sounded worried.
"They think I cheated on my ex But that is not what happened,"
"Then what did happen,"
"Well. Idk how to start but, We had just started the tour and I had asked her to come with us. When we were like 3 mouths in to the tour. We were in our room and in the middle of the night she just left. She stole money and a bracelet my aunt had given me. Kells and dub tried to find her but everything she told me was a lie. She was a good girlfriend till she left or that is what I thought. After she left people started texting me telling me she was cheating. So after it all happened. Kells and the guys thought it would be a good idea to just get over her so we went out and parted. I had sex with a fan and the fans thought I cheated on her because the fans didn't know that she had vanished. So that is what really happened. We never said what happened I just deleted all pictures of her." I finished telling meg.
"Why don't you just tell the fans." Meg asked
"Because I don't think it is worth it. The guys and my family knows the truth. So." Meg kissed my cheek
"Ok Rook."
Meg sat there and looked at me and smiled. I kissed her. When someone knocked on the door. Slim was there and asked if we would want to go out I looked at meg she said no. It was her first day on tour so I stayed with her. Slim left and I went to talk a shower. When I got out Meg was sitting there on her phone. I changed and put on shorts and stayed shirtless. Meg didn't realize I was out of the shower so I looked at what she was doing. She was on a Twitter group chat. They were talking about meg and I. They didn't realize that she was in the group chat.
"Meg what are you doing."
"On a group chat."
"Yah don't the people in the group chat know that it's you."
"No I don't really want them to."
"Why don't you want them to?"
"I don't want them asking me questions and only one girl knows it me."
"Oh ok babe."
Meg locked her phone and watched tv. I sat next to her and she put her head on my shoulder. She soon fell asleep on me. I picked her up and put her on the bed. I changed and got in the bed next to her. I put the tv on. After a little I turned the tv off and feel asleep.

Hey guys sorry for not updating but I started school and may have more time hope you enjoy

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