Blinded by Perfection

By Crystalclear_Em

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Kirsten Blair ― an extremely stubborn teenage girl that hasn't even had her first kiss. Other than that, her... More

1- Moving Day (Pilot)
2- The Unpleasant Surprise
3- Rough Starts
4- Learning the Basics
5- Operation Party
6- Who Are You And Where Is Kirsten?
7- Dance Battle
8- Something In The Punch
9- That Couldn't Have Gone Worse
10- Verbal Abuse
11- I'm Sorry
12- The Roller Rink
13- Jerks Are Jerks At Heart
14- The Math Tutor
15- Coffee and Cram
16- Expect The Unexpected
17- Secrets?
18- Cat Fight Alert
19- Soap Opera
20- A String of Bad Luck
21- Chance's Alluring Aura
22- I've Always Heard Girls Are Into Older Guys
23- Never Mess With A Girl's Food
24- Seven Minutes In Heaven| Part 1.
25- Seven Minutes In Heaven| Part 2.
26- Bruno Vs. Eminem
27- More Than Childish Games
28- The Living Shadow
29- Guess Who's Back? Back Again . . .
30- A Potential Suspect
31- The Million Dollar Question
32- Saved By the Concussion
34- Confronting the Trouble Maker
35- Dinner Dates
36- Risen Feelings
37- Unfinished Business
38- His Real Feelings Revealed
39- This Is What I Do With Juice
40- A Whole Lot Better
41- Revealing His True Self
42- Tick Tock (Noah's POV)
43- Criminal Minds
44- A Temporary Alliance
45- Anything For You
46- Your Stubborness
47- Everything's Fine
48- Nightly Terrors
49- Let The Day Begin
50- Eyes Speak Better Than The Mouth
51- A Glint of Green

33- The Samurai Missed You

2.9K 119 38
By Crystalclear_Em

Chapter 33 | The Samurai Missed You

About that bio test, it ended up being a fake. Happy and mad at the same time lol. Qotc, what grade are you in?


I'm bombarded as soon as I open the door; before I even get to step inside the prison like room, Mrs. McClarson is on me.

Today, she wears her red hair in a very tight bun, which is pulled in at the center of the back of her head. It looks sort of like a strawberry donut, which causes my stomach to growl. Call me crazy, but I didn't have anything to eat this morning, and I'm hungry because of it.

"Kirsten Blair, you're late," she scolds.

With pride, I hold up the sticky note that contains Noah's teachers signature and wave it so her attention is drawn towards it, and not me.

I state the obvious, soon after walking up to her desk in several long strides to hand it to her. "I have a pass."

She inspects it thoroughly to identify it's not a fake before motioning for me to take a seat with the blue paper still in her hand. "We've already started our lesson on phospholipids. Get the notes from someone."

As I obediently head over to my seat, something catches my eye. My attention is drawn towards Victoria, who gazes at me with a sneer.

How does she have the energy this early in the morning? Do her rich parents buy her ten gallons of coffee every morning or something? Whatever it is, I need it for myself.

When she notices she has my recognition she raises her hand, sticking out her thumb and pointer finger while keeping the remaining digits in a fist. She then giggles silently, mouthing 'loser' after a couple seconds. The few people who witness release a few snickers, but otherwise it remains unseen for the rest.

Battling my will to retaliate in some way, I clench my fists to lessen my valiant anger. That girl knows just how much to push my buttons, but I can't give her the satisfaction of my loss in temper. At least, not here or now.

It takes me only a second to think of a plan that will get her off of my case.

To confuse her I shoot her a tight smile, giggling with them as if I am in on the joke. She gives me a look of disgust and puts her hand down, which I don't miss as I turn to sit down.

All the people seated around me are either idiots or people I don't even know, so I don't bother to ask anyone for notes. I doubt they even copied them anyways. I can probably get them from one of my friends later, that is if they even have Mrs. McClarson for Science.

Mrs. McClarson suddenly snaps me out of my thoughts. Literally. With a snap of her fingers, she orders Victoria's attention.


The previously oblivious girl reluctantly looks up from her nails, which she had been inspecting thoroughly.

"What?" She says, her chilling blue eyes not bothering to hide the glare she sends at our teacher.

I half expect Mrs. McClarson to send her the office. That girl deserves that and more for the disrespect she gives everyone, not just me. She always gets away with it though, probably because her parents can close the school down with only a look of annoyance.

The teacher visibly clenches her jaw, but otherwise ignores Victoria's outburst and continues on. "I asked you a question. Which part of the phosopholipid is polar and which is non-polar?"

"Uh, the phos part is non-polar and the pholipid is polar."

At the ludicrous answer, the whole class bursts into chaotic laughter, and it's hard for me not to join them. I snort, not bothering to secrete my laughter after an unsuccessful three seconds of a failed attempt.

Victoria's mouth falls in a thin line, her demeanor quickly turning infuriated. With a huff, she crosses her arms, sending multiple glares towards everyone who so much as looks at her, as if she's challenging them to continue laughing. 

Mrs. McClarson shuts everyone up with a loud shush, but the damage is done by now. Victoria's face is more pale than usual, whether from the rage or embarrassment, I'm not sure.

Once the class quiets down, the teacher says, "Not quite, but good guess. Anyone else have a guess?"

Someone smart from the back of the room raises their hand, whom she calls on immediately.

"The heads are polar, and the tails are non-polar."

"Correct. Now can someone tell me what they do?"

With conviction, I raise my hand. I remember talking about this Friday, and I'm eager to show off in front of Victoria. I'm not going to lie.

She points to me, and I confidently answer.  "The head is attracted to water while the tail repels."

Clearly satisfied with the answer, Mrs. McClarson nods her head.
"Good job."

Once the topic shifts into something about bilayers, I divert myself towards Victoria's seat. With a mock sweetness, I deliver a bright smile her way, regally inclining the position of my head.

Unable to stop myself, I bring my hand to my forehead, making a L with my fingers as I mouth the first thing I can think of.



"Hey, Clumsy," welcomes Axel as he strolls up behind me.

I shift to the right, giving him enough room so he can walk next to me without hindering the space of the walkway for people coming from the other direction.

"Hey, Stupid," I greet teasingly.

His profound green eyes snap towards me, narrowing at my smaller form. "I don't think I'm feeling that nickname. Why don't you give me a different one?"

"Like what?"

He looks up, pretending to be in deep thought as if this decision is worth his life. During the period of time he isn't looking in front of him, I manage to almost run into the corner of the wall as we turn, even though I'm the one who can actually see fowards. Explain that, Universe.

"Something that shows how much you love me. How about Pumpkin, Honey Baby, SweetyPants-"

"SweetyPants? Really?" I interrupt, forcing his gaze back down to me.

He shrugs, a mischevious smirk present on his lineaments. "It shows your love and devotion for me."

I scoff heavily and shake my head in disbelief before answering, "I think the nickname I made is better."

We both pause the conversation to slide through the entryway of the lunchroom, him going first. He has to shift his body sideways in order to fit his bulky frame through, and yet I don't need to move an inch and there's still multiple inches to spare beside me.

"You didn't deny that you care for me!" He continues as he falls in step with me, usual long strides cut in half to equal mine.

"Whatever Axel," I snort vehemently, soon after taking my common seat next to Taylor.

Well, where she usually sits. The seat currently remains empty.

The owner of the seat, Taylor, is stationed across the table. Sam and her both sit in the same seat, sharing it by splitting it so they each get half.

I can't help but notice that her face appears flushed and hairs are loose from her voluminous ponytail, as if she had been exercising a great amount.

Axel clearly sees the hints too.
"Did we interrupt something?" He teases, nudging Sam on the shoulder. The force generated from his big arm is mostly blocked by Sam, but Taylor gets her share as she almost falls off of their shared chair.

With a faux calmness and despite Sam's disappointed look, Taylor separates herself from the two guys, walking over to her original seat and brushing herself off before sitting down.

"Way to ruin the mood," Sam grumbles.

"No kidding," adds Taylor, who's face finally seems to be coming of her normal color.

Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, I shift awkwardly in my seat. It's going to take a while to get used to two of my closest friends being in a relationship.

"Does anyone have Mrs.McClarson for Science?" I blurt, newly eager to change the subject.

Taylor and Axel shake their heads no, but Sam remains still. "I do," he answers, "Why?"

I stick out my lip, widening my eyes in a pleading expression."Can I please copy the notes? Your girlfriend, Taylor, made me late this morning, so I missed them."

Taylor interrupts our exchange, chipping in from beside me.
"You were late? I thought you made it in time."

"I would've, but I ran into Noah."

If she only knew the truth of that statement.

"Well then she's not the one who made you late," pipes in Axel, who raises up a single finger as if it's going to prove his point more.

"Thanks for the clarification, Axel," I say in monotone, making my own point by shooting him a clearly unamused expression.

Sam chuckles slightly at my reaction. "Chill, you can use them. I'll give them to Taylor and she can give them to you after school."

"Cool beans. Thanks."

Without any warning, a hand taps my shoulder. I almost lash out to protect myself, but I shift back into my original position when I hear Carolynn's voice saying, "Hey."

As we all voice our short greetings, Noah and Victoria stroll up to their usual seats. To be honest, I'm confused on their relationship. When I first met Taylor, she told me that they were unofficial but together, and yet every day at lunch they sit there and make out. Someone explain.

Like everyday, I see Victoria sneak a revolted look towards Taylor and I, but today it's more prominent.

She's probably infuriated I made her look dumb in front of the whole class this morning, but I can care aless. She can take her sassy attitude elsewhere.

"Wattup guys," Noah acknowledges, completely oblivious to Victoria's hostile behavior brought forth towards me and Taylor five seconds ago.

His demeanor is no different from this morning. He still bears bags under his eyes, which are a bit red-rimmed, but they do little to affect his ruthless looking, 'don't mess with me' appearance. In fact, they add to it.

Other than that, there's one other weird thing I notice about him. He sits on the edge of his chair, as far away from Victoria as he can get. This isn't usual for him by any means, because when I first met him all he did was scootch closer make out with her. Scratch that, she was on top of him.

It gets even more weird when he pushes her away when she leans in for attention. Clearly angry, her eyes blaze as she trains her attention to her food. The little action by Noah for some reason makes me feel very smug at the moment, amusement and affection also adding to the mixture.

After everyone takes a moment to take in the odd occurrence, Axel directs everyone back to the previous conversation. "The s―"

"If you say, 'the sky' Axel, I'm going to slap you. We've heard that joke enough," threatens Noah, who cracks his knuckles with a ghost of a playful smile.

Axel visibly gulps, emerald visionaries popping out as he widens them in panic. "I was going to say the s...amurai missed you."


He brings up his hand, checking a nonexistent watch on his wrist. "Oh, look at the time. Gotta go get some food!"

He scurries away from us and towards the lunch line, leaving all of our bemused faces in the dust.

Axel didn't have the wrong idea about getting food though. Lunch is already a quarter of the way done, and I, including Sam and Taylor, still don't have any food.

"We should go get food guys," I suggest, already standing up to go over to the line.

"Alright," Sam agrees, walking around the table to take Taylor's hand and pull her up. We all three head over to one of the multiple lines in silence, halting when we are a two feet away from the person in line in front of us.

Now is the perfect time to ask about Damien. I haven't asked these two yet, and maybe they'll have some information on him I haven't already gotten. It's just going to be a matter of me being non-stalkerish as I ask many questions on his personal life. Basically impossible, but I have to try.

"Hey, so do you guys know a Damien?"

The couple share each other a confused look before turning back to me. Taylor is the one who responds. "Yeah. Why?"

Less questions and more answers. C'mon people.

"Axel was telling me about him a couple days ago. What is he like?"

Sam's the one who gives me information. "Well he's basically the biggest troublemaker in the school. He's worse than Noah ever was when his m-" he quickly cuts himself off, running a hand through his brown locks in distress as if he had said too much.

I douse the slight panic in his hazel eyes efficiently, assuring him in a soft tone. "Its okay. I already know what happened."

Taylor, who's been by Sam's side this whole time moves her head between the two of us, perplexed. "What are you guys talking about?"

Both Sam and I ignore her, too caught up in the conversation at hand. "How? He never speaks of it. Did Axel tell you?" He asks, intently staring me down with calculating eyes.

Despite my better judgement, I can't help but find myself comparing them to Noah's. They're definitely not as vivid. Noah's enchanted eyes make it seem as if he can see past your flesh and withdraw ever secret within you, no matter how deep and dark.

"Of course not. Noah told me himself."

"When?" Sam drawls, gazing steadily at me.

"At our sleepover yesterday."

I'm fully aware Taylor is about to blurt out some other question, but I stop her before she has the chance to do so. I'm not trying to be mean, but we've already discussed about Noah's personal life too much in front of her.

"Anyways let's focus back to what I'm trying to ask. What does he look like?"

Obviously annoyed at the secrets she knows we've hidden from her, she moodily points to someone seated at a table not ten feet away.
"See for yourself," she mutters bitterly.

The boy she points at isn't a typical boy from high school, he's a full grown man. Like the Black Hoodie, his figure is burly, and what hair is left of his buzz cut is bleached looking. As he turns to talk to the person beside him, his face is visible. I can only make out one of his features. His nose is unnaturally crooked, and how he acquired that, I'm not sure. Probably a long, scary story.

"Uh-oh," I whisper to myself through a breath. Dread spreads throughout my body. What am I getting myself into? How the heck am I supposed to get this guy to admit he's the one who's been harrassing me?


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