My bad boy.

By Meg1323

141K 3.5K 288

MY BAD BOY Taylor Smith is your typical good girl: Smart, polite, gets along with almost every body at schoo... More

My bad boy. [Book 1]
[1] Partners
[2] Invitation
[3 pt: 1] hideout; football game.
[3 pt: 2] Party
[4] Dinner
[5] Beach Day
[6] Sam's Place.
[7] Going Out With Ryder
[9] Babysitting
[10] Zoo
[11] Taylor's Story
[12] Water Park.
Authors Note.
[13] Taken
[14] Finding Taylor
[15] Fight
[16] Hospital
[17] New Neighbor
[18] Movie Night.
[19] Fair
[20] Back To School
[21] Handing out flyers
[22] Date Night
[23] Sleep over; part 1.
[24] Truth or Dare.
[25] Skip Day
[26] Sneaking In
[27] Championship Part 1
[28] Party. Part 2
[29] Spending The Day With Colton.
[30] We Meet Again.

[8] 21 Questions

3.9K 107 12
By Meg1323

"What's your idea?" I asked sitting on his bed. He came around the other side and climbed on the bed sitting cross legged, I did the same. My phone buzzed but I ignored it.

"We use these grapes- and we ask each other questions. Kinda like to get to know each other a little bit better because I have a feeling we will become really close friends." I smiled at the thought. But I wanted to be more of Colton's friend than Ryder's. Ryder just seemed more dangerous than Colton. Don't ask why I just think that. "The point of the grapes is: we each take a turn throwing grapes into each other's mouths. But before we ask a question, if it makes it in the mouth you have to answer it no matter how personal, and if it doesn't make it, then we don't have to answer the question." "Clever." I said. "Thought of it my self." Ryder said.

He decided to go first so I waited for him to to ask me a question.

"Q1: Favorite Color?" He asked. He threw the grape and it landed straight in my mouth. I chewed it and then answered. "Purple." I answered. I picked up a green grape and thought of a question.

"Q2: When's your birthday?" I threw the grape and it landed in his mouth. I liked this way of getting to know each other. "July 15th." "Good birthday month. Right in the middle of Summer." I smiled. He nodded "Yeah I've always liked having my birthday in the summer."

"Your turn?" I asked. He nodded and picked up a grape. "Q3: Ever had a boyfriend?" He threw the grape and of coarse it had to land in my mouth. "I had one in middle school, it was a stupid middle school crush that didn't mean anything." I answered. Well I did really like Trevor, but we only lasted a month because he moved to across the United States, and we really didn't have that much in common.

I picked up a red grape and thought of a question.. "Q4: Favorite Food?" I threw the grape, but it missed. He popped the grape in anyway. "You just want to continue asking questions and not do the grape thing?" Ryder asked. "It's up to you, but I kinda just want to eat the grapes." I chuckled. He nodded and smiled.

"Q5: Favorite Band?" Ryder asked. "Daughtry." I said. Daughtry is probably my all time favorite band. "Mine too." He smiled. I smiled back and popped a grape into my mouth.

"Q6: Favorite movie?" I asked him. He seemed to be in thought for a minute then answered. "Probably Paranormal Activity two." I shook my head. "What you don't like that movie?" He chuckled. "I don't know how people watch those movies. I watched the conjuring with you and I couldn't stand it. The only reason I watched it was because I was practically forced by you Sam and Colby." I said popping another grape into my mouth. "We didn't force you." He stifled a laugh. "Sam practically did." I said. Speaking of Sam I never texted her back. My phone has been buzzing like crazy but I never answered it because I'm busy talking to Ryder.

"My turn?" He asked. I nodded my head and hmmed.

"Okay, Q7: What is your most embarrassing moment?" He asked. My cheeks flushed at the memory. "Do I have to say this?" I asked. It was truly embarrassing and I never liked speaking of it because it almost brings me to tears each time I think about what happened. Ryder nodded. "I'll tell you mine in trade if you tell me yours." Ryder said. I sighed. "Fine."

"Okay. Don't laugh, promise." I said with a stern face. Sam and Tyler and my parents along with my brother laughed at me once I felt better. "I promise." He said. "Pinkie promise?" I held out my pinky. "Your making me pinkie promise? I haven't pinkie promised any one since elementary school." Ryder chuckled. "Then I'm not telling you my embarrassing moment." I crossed my arms over my chest. Ryder chuckled again and held out his pinkie. "I pinkie promise I won't tell any one." He said. I smiled and locked pinkies with him. Man, even his pinkie is muscular....

"Okay. My most embarrassing moment is when I was in eighth grade. It was the third to last week of school. Sam, made me talk to Josh, this guy I had a major crush on back then. I refused to because I knew I would just make a fool out of myself. So one day after school ended me and Sam were walking to our bus when she spotted Josh and his friend Dylan. She pushed me into Josh. Josh caught me and I looked up. He talked to me and I tried talking back.

"I guess I was so nervous and excited that I was finally talking to my crush when I started feeling disy and nauseous. So I ended up puking on Josh then after I fainted." I finished. I saw that Ryder was trying to hold back a laugh because his bottom lip was quivering. Then he started laughing. I sulked. "You promised you wouldn't laugh, Ryder." I said. I started to get up from my spot and grab my stuff. "No, Taylor I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh." He said calming down. "Please stay. I'm sorry." Ryder said once again. I sighed and put my bag down. "That is why I never bring that day up. People always laugh at me." I said sitting back down where I was before I got up. "I'm sorry, when I tell you mine, you can laugh so were even." He said. I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so what's your embarrassing story?" I asked. "That's your question and it's number 8." "But my story is: When I was in seventh grade I had my first kiss with this girl Haley. I remember we were walking around out side before class and she just stopped me and kissed me. I was so in shock that I accidentally burped in her mouth than I farted at the same time. Haley smacked me then I never spoke to her again." He finished telling his story and I put my hand over my mouth and stiffled a laugh. "It was horrible. After that I haven't kissed anybody since." He said. Then I thought, he kissed me. "You kissed me." I ended up saying out loud. He nodded "Yeah but that was a dare, I don't think that counted." He said. Somehow his words effected me more than they should have. "Okay next question." He said after a few moments of silence.

"My turn again... Q9: What is your last bruise? And where was it from?" He asked. "Okay that is nine and ten. And my answers to that is right here on my stomach, I was running away from my brother because he was trying to hurt me for some stupid reason, and I wasn't looking where I was going so I ran into the cornor of the table and it was bad." I said showing him my bruise. "Ouch." He said touching it. I nodded "It hurt like hell. And my brother was just standing over there laughing his ass off while I was holding my side in pain." I said again. "What a jerk." Ryder said. I nodded "Yeah, but I got him back from when he laughed at me so it's all good." I chuckled. He chuckled as well.

"So... Q10: What is your biggest fear?" I asked. Ryder looked deep in thought for a moment then spoke. "Getting caught." Was all he said. What would he get caught for? Is he doing something he isn't supposed to? Instead of thinking all these questions I asked "What would you get caught for?" He sighed "I am in some deep shit already and I shouldn't even tell you about it because if I tell you that means you know what's up and you could be in danger. You're already in danger talking to me so I don't want you in any more danger." He said. What kind of danger?? Now I am scared. Before he could ask me a question a phone went off, which I am thinking that it is his. "I gotta take this." Ryder said getting up from his spot. I nodded and popped another grape into my mouth, while I texted Tyler and Sam back. "No Martin, I am not doing that!" I heard Ryder say loudly. He went in his bathroom and took the call, but I could hear his conversation perfectly.

My mind was asking so many questions like: Who's Martin? Why am I in danger talking to Ryder? What does Ryder mean by getting caught is one of his biggest fears? I want to find these answers to these questions but I think if I ask them Ryder won't give me the answers. I wonder if Colton knew the answers... Maybe I'll ask him next time I see him.

"Sorry I had to take that." Ryder said coming out of his bathroom. I nodded in understatement.

There was soon a knock at the door. "Ryder dinner will be ready in ten minutes." His mother called on the other side of the door. "Okay." Ryder said. "Are you going to eat with us?" He asked. I shook my head no. "No my mom probably wants me home and I have homework to do." I answered. Ryder shook his head. "I'll drive you home then." He said. I grabbed my bag and phone then we headed out of his room. "I did have fun today though. Even though we didn't finish our 21 questions." He said as we reached the door. "I did too. Maybe we can do this again sometime." I suggested. Ryder smiled. "I'd like too." I grabbed my helmet and slid onto the motorcycle. Even though I've only rode on this once I feel better about being on one.

Ryder got on and started the bike. "Hold on tight." He said.


"Thanks for the ride." I said as we stood at my front door. "Anytime, Taylor." He smiled. We looked at each other for a few minute before I saw him lean in. Our lips brushed but before we connected the front door opened. "Come inside Taylor." It was Trey. I backed away and blushed. Ryder waved then mouthed call me. I nodded. "Now Taylor." Trey said more harshly. Damn you brother for ruining this moment.

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