Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm...

By AnedaBath

97K 752 466

This is my first story! Please give it love and support! Feedback is greatly appreciated! This story is a Tra... More

(A/N) *important please read!*
Getting To Know Overwatch
This is not a chapter...
REAL Confession (I promise)
Cheers, LOVE!!
Not A Chapter :/
Work Out Session!!
This is a chapter
Uhh...not a chapter...?
Attack On Titan -ahem- I mean...Talon
Freedom...With Costs
Yes, voice #32, this again
Sorry guys :/
Birthday--what? Oh...that's the next chapter
Birthday (srsly this time)
Thanksgiving Explanation (not a chapter)
Starting Anew
The Test (not a chapter)
New Life (kinda graphic :/ you are going to a darker place right now)
Uhh...not a chapter...? (Sorry)
New Life (part two, cont'd)
Really sorry u guys!!
I'm (y/n) the wise-cracking ex-boyfriend sent by Lena.
Broken Hearts Mended
The Lemon....
And Fin. Part 1
And Fin. Part 2
Not a Chapter (I Know Sorry Sorry)
Curtain Fall
Curtain Fall: The Sequel (Electric Boogaloo)
Curtain Fall: The Sequel Sequel


1.6K 16 16
By AnedaBath

     It's the day after you and Jack buried Gabriel. You weren't battle ready according to Angela and a lot of people had to go on missions. Jack had to lead a strike force in Japan so, unfortunately, you guys didn't get to hang out. Lena (after begging Winston for hours) stayed and Lucio and also stayed. It was around HIIIIIIGH NOON!! and you guys were eating lunch. You, Lena, Lucio, and Hana sat at a table. You guys were chatting it up like normal until Lucio said, "Sooo...nobody is mentioning the elephant in the room so, I'm just gonna say it. (Y/n), what the hell happened at that Talon base, man?" you sighed, you knew this was gonna happen one way or another. " goes something like this...

           time skip! because I don't feel like explaining what happened all over again.

      "Daaaaaamn. Great Scott! That's heavy." Lucio said after you had finished your story. "I would actually really appreciate it if you guys spread the word about it okay? I mean...I don't think the writer feels like explaining the whole last two chapters." you said. "You got it! I'm really sorry for you though (y/n). Is there anything we can do for you?" Hana said. "Uhh...heal me so I can get back into the fight and kick Widowmaker's ass into hell." you joked. Everyone laughed and you all finished up your food, talking and laughing like normal. 

     "So...who wants to come to my room and get beaten-I mean play video games with me?" Hana asked after everyone had finished eating. "I'll go if Lena wants to go." you said and Lena nodded, grinning. "Weeeell, actually, I'll only go if you (Hana and Lucio) guys promise that you don't start making out and leave Lena and I hanging." you said with a smirk. Hana blushed and Lucio said, "Right back at ya, buddy!" everyone laughed and you all started to make for Hana's room. When you guys got to her room, you chose to play on the Xbox (because Xbox is liiiiife!!) and Lena and Hana both wanted to both play an FPS. So, all of you decided on...Team Fortress 4. You and Lena playing on one Xbox while Hana and Lucio played on the other. You and Lena's Xbox was hooked up to the holo-TV and Hana's and Lucio's was in the bedroom (wink, wink). All of you put your headsets on and Hana started a custom match. Lena chose the Scout, you chose the Soldier, Hana actually chose the Spy, and Lucio surprisingly chose the Sniper. The game was just a normal push the cart and you and Lena were starting off fine. Pushing the cart and destroying Hana and Lucio's attempts at getting the cart back. That is...until both you and Lena got back-stabbed by an invisible Hana. "Hahahah! Yes!! Take that!" Hana screamed. You smirked and rocket jumped out of your spawn while Lena sped through the map as the scout. You both converged on the cart at the same time and you spotted Lucio out of the corner of your eye. "Heh...gotcha." you said into your mic. You rocket jumped up behind him, sneaking. You then taunt killed him, causing you to burst out laughing at Lucio's reaction over the mic. You and Lena then proceeded to take the cart back. You chased after Hana and Lena started pushing the cart. You cornered Hana and pulled out your shovel. Hana pulled out her knife and you both started to try and kill one another. 

     Your one v one was cut short by a sniper bullet slicing through your head. "Oh, c'mon! Respect the one v one!!" you complained into your mic. Lucio just laughed. You spawned and rocket jumped to the cart. You and Lena held off Hana and Lucio all the way until the final destination. There, it was a stalemate. Lucio constantly chipping Lena and your health and Hana knifing both of you. However, Lena drank her Bonk! Atomic Drink and completely obliterated all of Hana and Lucio's attempts at getting to you, who was pushing the cart. The announcer said, VICTORY. and you and Lena both sighed. "Whoo! That was amazing!" you said into your mic. "Nice game." "Hah! Yeah!! That was great! Wanna play again?" Lucio responded. "Umm...sorry but I have to meet up with Winston about this...thing." you said sadly. "Oh, ok." Lucio said. "Yeah, how about you guys just jump into a regular match while I'm gone." you said. "Yeah! That sounds great!" Hana said. "I'll be back, babe." you said to Lena (not in the mic). Lena smiled and nodded. You smiled back and you both kissed for a bit. You then walked out of Hana's room to Winston's laboratory.

     "Hey Winston! I just wanted to drop in (Ha! Get it? Because Winston's voice line, "Sorry for...dropping in."? Never mind...) and see about those CED's. Lena's birthday is in two days so..." you said as you walked into Winston's lab. "Ah, yes. I just need to make a couple of minor tweaks to them. In two days, on her birthday, could you distract her during Mccree's favorite time so the Overwatch team and I can set them up?" Winston replied. "Ha. Yeah, only if you distract her tomorrow so I can buy her a gift!" you said. Winston smiled and nodded. " there anything I can help with?" you asked. "Hm. Actually, yes. Can you get me some peanut butter?" Winston said. You laughed, nodded, and walked out of the room.

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