Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm...

By AnedaBath

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This is my first story! Please give it love and support! Feedback is greatly appreciated! This story is a Tra... More

(A/N) *important please read!*
Getting To Know Overwatch
This is not a chapter...
REAL Confession (I promise)
Cheers, LOVE!!
Not A Chapter :/
Work Out Session!!
This is a chapter
Uhh...not a chapter...?
Attack On Titan -ahem- I mean...Talon
Freedom...With Costs
Yes, voice #32, this again
Sorry guys :/
Birthday--what? Oh...that's the next chapter
Birthday (srsly this time)
Thanksgiving Explanation (not a chapter)
Starting Anew
The Test (not a chapter)
New Life (kinda graphic :/ you are going to a darker place right now)
Uhh...not a chapter...? (Sorry)
New Life (part two, cont'd)
Really sorry u guys!!
I'm (y/n) the wise-cracking ex-boyfriend sent by Lena.
Broken Hearts Mended
The Lemon....
And Fin. Part 1
And Fin. Part 2
Not a Chapter (I Know Sorry Sorry)
Curtain Fall
Curtain Fall: The Sequel (Electric Boogaloo)
Curtain Fall: The Sequel Sequel


1.7K 13 0
By AnedaBath

     You entered the ship somberly and entered the cargo bay. You silently rested Gabe's body down and secured it. You then walked back to the seating area and sat down in an empty seat. Away from everybody. You put your battle and torture scarred elbows on your scraped knees and stared at the floor, while everyone else stared at you. Everybody slowly decided they would press you for information later because you obviously didn't want to talk about it. Only one person sat down next to you. Lena. She leaned her petite head on your shoulder and just stared at you for a little bit. She didn't have her goggles on and her hair was messed up a little. You slowly reached your hand up and stroked and fixed Lena's hair. You smiled sadly at her and she smiled back. You sighed and began to speak, " know I love you right? Well, remember Gabriel Reyes?" Lena nodded her head, not speaking. You sighed again, choking back a sob. "Formerly known a-as (choked back sob) Reaper." Lena kinda did a half-gasp, clearly surprised but didn't want to interrupt you. "Well, before he was Reaper or e-even Blackwatch Reyes, he was Soldier 24. Yes, like Soldier 76 and Soldier 32. Have you heard of Soldier 32, Lena?" Lena gave you a disbelieving look and quietly said, "Are you kidding, love? That's rubbish! Who hasn't heard of him?! It's a real shame he died. He never took his mask off though...I heard rumors that he was really hot..." she blushed when she said the last part. "Obviously not as hot as you though!!" Lena quickly added. You chuckled and said, "Well, I would say 'Soldier 32' was about as hot as me. I mean...I am Soldier 32..." Lena gasped, not hiding it this time. "Wh-wha-what?! the Soldier 32?!!? You wot??!! Why didn't you tell me this, love?!" Lena practically screamed (except she didn't to keep your guys's conversation private). "Heh. Well, I would've told  you if I knew. You see, I think in one of my missions, I got hit or something and I lost my memory. I only remembered being in the army and my family and all of that stuff. But...I completely forgot who I was and what had been done to me. I kinda always  just thought my strength came from the Army or some work-out crap but, most of it is from the program. I-I never knew until Gabe found out during my first torture session back in that hell-hole. When he said that I was Soldier 32, all of the memories of Jack, Gabe, and me came rushing back. W-we used to all be the best of friends...until I 'died'. Then, I heard that Jack and Gabe went onto Overwatch and blah blah. But, it turns out that Gabe did remember the good times Jack, me, and him had had. the end...he took Widowmaker's bullet for me. He s-sacrificed his life for m-mine." you breathed deeply, trying not to burst into tears. "Oh my, you need to talk to Jack. I-I can't imagine how you feel, love." Lena said. "Good. I hope you never have to feel how I do right now." you responded. 

               Time skip!! (hm...I actually haven't done a time skip in a while...)

     The dropship landed in the Overwatch hangar. Lena helped you off of the ship and led you straight to Mercy's office. You entered to see the doctor looking at some papers. She looked up and rushed right over to the two of you. "Oh my god! (Y/n), lay down right now! I need to examine you at once. While I get my tools ready, explain to me what they did." "Well, they tortured me two times a day, for a little over a week. They used knives, crowbars, tranquilizers, guns, tazers, electricity, fire, water, and uhhhh...(you faked a cough)rape(you faked another cough)." you responded. Lena looked horrified in the corner and Angela wan't looking too good herself. "Uhh...what was that last part?" Angela asked slowly. "Um...Lena why don't you go uh...get some food. You look hungry." Lena gave you a look and slowly exited. "Angela...they uh...I mean Widowmaker...raped me. Like sexual assault and abuse. As my doctor, I can tell you this (right?) so, please don't tell Lena." you slowly said. Angela quickly nodded. She then started to examine you and fix you up. You were okay to walk but not battle ready she said after a couple of hours. You had bandages and stitches all over your body now. Angela told you to check back tomorrow and gave you the green light to leave. It was about 6:30 now so everybody was probably eating dinner. So, you walked to the food court, starving and wanting to talk to Jack. You walked into the food court and all of the chatter stopped. They all turned to look at you. You sighed quietly and went to the buffet and loaded your plate. You got some (f/f) and a cup of (f/d). You then spotted Jack and walked over to him. Everybody had started to talk again, fortunately. You walked toward him and said to him quietly, "Jack, we need to talk. Alone." Jack sighed and said, "I told you, hacker. You have no right call me by my real name." Jack said in a voice of steel. "Yes I do...Cap." you were choking back a sob as he turned to look at you. 'Cap' was a nickname you had given him back in you and his and Gabe's 'soldier' days, for y'know...his american-ism. "How do you know that name?! Only my dead friends can call me that!" he whisper-shouted at you. "I know...we need to talk. He sighed and got up. You walked out of the food court and into an empty hallway. 

     "Jack...look, I know this may come as a surprise but..." you started to say. "Well, spit it out!" Jack said impatiently. "Jack, I'm not dead." you said, not knowing how to tell him you were his 'dead' friend. "Yeah, no shit." Jack said, still not getting it. "No, Jack. I'm not dead. I know you think all of your friends are dead but...they're not. Gabe is dead...Soldier 32 is dead." "How the hell do you know that me and Soldier 32 were friend-oh. I get it. I-I understand now. Hello, Soldier 32." Jack said, finally understanding. "Sup, cap." you said back, tears in your eyes. Jack took of his mask, tears in his eyes too. "Now, (y/n), tell me what happened to 'edge-lord'." you nodded. You then told him what you had told Lena (minus the 'I love you part and stuff'). When you finished, you saw a tear slowly roll down his left cheek."My. God." he said. And then, he hugged you. You were surprised at first but you hugged back, the tears started to come out. God, it felt good to cry onto your long-lost friend's shoulder. You both ended hugging and looked at each other. "Jack, we should bury Gabe the right way." you finally said. He nodded in agreement and you both headed off to the morgue.

     Here Lies Gabriel Reyes.

    Soldier 24, friend, commanding officer, Reaper,

    He was called many names but he was

    Always a great man in the end.

    Rest In Peace.

    That was what the final tombstone read. You and Jack looked at each other and smiled. You two then walked back into the base, friends once again.

(A/n) Ok soooo...hope you guys enjoyed! And I really have nothing else to report!

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