Captive [Eustass Kid x Reader]

By AbyssCronica

839K 26.5K 24.8K

Eustass 'Captain' Kid. The wildest, cruellest pirate of the Worst Generation. You should have known better th... More

Day 0 [prologue]
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5 - part one
Day 5 - part two
Day 5 - part three
Night 5
Day 6
Night 6 - part one
Night 6 - part two
Night 6 [bonus]
Day 7 - part one
Day 8
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 13 [bonus]
Day 14
Night 14
Day 15
Day 16
Night 16
Day 17
Day 18 and 19
Day 20
Day 21
Night 21 and Day 22 - part one
Day 22 - part two
Night 22 [bonus]
Day 23 - part one
Day 23 - part two
Day 24 and 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28 [ENDING]
[related series]

Day 7 - part two

22.6K 684 594
By AbyssCronica

«Charlotte... Daifuku?»

You blinked at the Massacre Soldier, still half-buried under the pile of clothes.

Beside you, Kid shrugged, spreading his massive arms on the back of the couch.

«So what? Let them come.»

«Wait, what?»

You turned to him, an eyebrow lifted.

«Do you even know who Charlotte Daifuku is?»

His head rolled to the side so he could shoot you a bored glance.

«What? You don't think I can take him?»

«You– I– That's not the point!» you groaned with a frustrated grimace.

«Shut up, birdie, adults are talking now.» he cut you off, turning back to Killer «How long before our cannons are ready?»

«The men just started to clean them, so... two hours, maybe three.»

«And how long before we are on their fire line?»

«Less, for sure.»

The captain snorted, then stood up.

«Gather the men in the dining hall, we're gonna figure something out.»

Killer nodded and the two of them headed out of the cabin.

You jumped to your feet and followed swiftly, but Kid brusquely turned to you. His serious face made you stop.

«Where do you think you're going, prisoner?»

«Prisoner?» you scoffed «You're making me fight, aren't you?»

His eyes sharpened and he was about to reply something, but you were quicker.

«Do you know how his Devil Fruit ability works? Do you know how he fights? Didn't the thought I may know something valuable even cross your mind?!»

Whatever he was about to say, Kid held it back.

He stared at you for a few seconds, pondering your words, then turned to Killer.

«What do you think?»

«She might actually be useful. If she loses this battle, she'll be killed or captured by an Emperor. I don't think she'll lie.»

Kid's amber eyes moved to yours, and you returned his gaze.

«Fine, you shall join.» he stated «If you are useless, we'll just throw you overboard.»

«Yeah, do it.» you grumbled, walking past them «Your men can wear those bras when I'm not around.»

The pirates were surprised to see you in the hall.

Wire briefly looked at you with his blank face, the Mohican waved at you and you had the impression Heat almost smiled.

Once they were all inside and sat around the table, Killer basically repeated what he had already said to Kid.

«The wind is about to change.» the navigator said «If we want to ride it, we'll have to manoeuvre soon. Same goes for them, but the angle will favour their ship and we'll lose advantage.»

Then they talked about the time needed for the cannons.

The captain got impatient and yelled something, men replied, others started yelling.

As things got heated, you dreaded Kid was going to kill someone.

«Even if we get in their line of fire, the captain can just repel the bombs until we're ready, so what's the issue?» the Mohican groaned.

«It won't work.»

You heard your voice replying before you could realize it.

Many pirates turned to you, like nobody really believed you had the right to speak.

You silently cursed at the several eyes trailing your words (Kid's ones twitching dangerously). But it was too late to back down now.

«Their bombs are probably homies, so they may avoid Eustass' power. Plus, Daifuku can control a freaking genie that comes out of his body and attacks long range, so it will keep your captain occupied while they bomb us to their desire.»

The pirates glanced at each other.

«Well, that sucks.» the Mohican eventually grumbled.

«Do you have an actual idea, marine girl?» Kid growled.

You suppressed the impulse to glare at him, like it was your fucking job to come up with a solution.

«I... maybe.» you started «When you took my stuff there was a little notebook with doodles. Is there any chance you still have it?»

«You gotta be fucking kidding me!» one of the biggest pirates snapped «I thought we were doing for real here! Is the lil girl gonna draw our way out of it?»

You shot him a blazing glare.

«Watch your mouth, scum.»

«DON'T YOU DARE, BITCH!» he shouted, jumping to his feet.

You immediately raised your guard, but Heat simply grabbed the man's arm. The grip looked steady, and the pirate hesitated. After a few seconds, he sat back, muffling insults behind his teeth.

Since your attention was all in front of you, you didn't notice Killer leaning slightly towards the redhead and whispering a warning "Kid", meant for him to relax his fist.

When the silence was restored, you felt you could explain.

«Those doodles are a sort of code I use to take notes. There should be something on Big Mom's ships... If I recall correctly, most of them have a peculiar system of hooks to regulate the sails.»

Wire sent a man looking for the notepad.

«And how is this supposed to help us?» Booka asked.

You turned to Killer and Kid.

«It's hard. But a good shot could break the main hooks. If it's delivered during their manoeuvre, at the right time, their sails will spread open against the wind, and the backlash will push them back. We could gain time.»

Wire frowned.

«They are miles and miles away. How are we supposed to hit them?»

Your lips curled. You looked at him, then at Killer. Finally at Kid.

No time to be insecure, dammit!

«You don't. I will.»

A few seconds of silence.

«It's a really long distance, [Y/n].» Killer said.

«You're a good sniper, yeah.» the Mohican crossed his arms «But something like this is just insane!»

«A "good" sniper? Cute.» you shook your head «You've only seen me close range, which is not my usual job. This» you hinted towards the porthole «is what I usually do.»

Heat tilted his head.

«Why not aim directly at the Charlotte dude then?»

«The problem is the intent of killing.» you explained «I can try, sure, but it takes time to take such a shot. It'll trigger the opponent's Observation haki. It wouldn't matter for a clear shot, but in this case... if I miss, it won't work again.»

The man sent to the basement came back with your notepad.

Kid grimaced.

«Next time something like that is found on a prisoner, I want it immediately.»

The pirate took a step back and swallowed.

«Sorry, captain. It really looks like nothing more than senseless doodles, it was just thrown with her stuff.»

«I'm a freaking Marine official,» you muttered, quickly leafing through it «just how dumb you expect me to be?»

Finally on the right page, you examined your sketches. Heat peered at it from over your shoulder.

«Absolutely beyond comprehension.»

«Here.» you pointed at a few strokes «I was right: two hooks for the main sail. Two shots.»

Wire looked at Kid.

«This sounds crazy.»

«But very few risks.» Thorin considered «What do we have to lose anyway?»

«Giving her a loaded rifle?» Booka scoffed «Listen to me, the very moment she has it in her hands, she'll open fire on us!»

«Really, Booka?» you snorted, closing the notepad «With the Big Mom's pirates hot on our ass? Why would I be so stupid?»

«I don't know, revenge?»

«For w–»

For what.

You pressed your lips together before the words came out completely.

They not only took you captive.

For the entire crew, Eustass Kid raped and tortured you.

And it was true, at least to some extent you weren't even able to define.

How could you ask why you were supposed to want revenge?

«I prefer walking out of this alive.» you whispered.

Your eyes moved on Kid.

«It's your decision.»

The crew turned to him.

His amber irises locked to yours and searched. All of a sudden, you felt naked in front of him.

«Two bullets.» he said «Killer will be behind you the whole time.»

The redhead turned to his first mate.

«If she tries anything, cut her throat.»

Killer nodded and your heart sank.

Hearing Kid's cold voice giving such an order with no hesitation made something inside you crumble, and you had to take a deep breath.

Don't be an idiot child, [Y/n]! You know he's a monster. Are you so pathetic you need your murderous captor to give a shit about you?


But he took my virginity. He took my body, he tried to swallow my whole self.

And he will try again.


Yet he can kill me when I'm no longer entertaining, and fuck a whore, or some other prisoner.


You squinted at the table where your eyes dropped, not used to hear your name.

It was Heat.

You were not sure, but a shadow of concern seemed to linger in his gaze.

«We'll give you your rifle and two bullets. Are you going to do it now?»

You shook your head in an attempt to stir yourself.

«When the wind changes, during the manoeuvre. They will have to collect the sails, and that will be our chance.»

«We'll be manoeuvring too and the wind will be a mess! The distance... plus you'll have almost no time to deliver the second blow.» the Mohican frowned «It's an impossible shot!»

«Looks like it.»

Killer's voice almost startled you. He was already behind you.

«Just give me the rifle. Mine.» you tiredly said.

They escorted you out. You never turned to look at Kid again.

Daifuku's ship was further away than you thought.

The hooks weren't perfectly visible through the gunsight, but you had a rough idea of where they were supposed to be.

From the lookout post, you explored the enemy's ship with your eye, then leaned the rifle to your shoulder and looked at the Kid pirates' sail.

«The wind is changing.» Killer observed.

You hummed, your hair starting to wave in a different direction.

«You're not taking aim?»

«We're about to move, and so they are.» you shrugged «I can't see the targets clearly anyway.»

«How are you doing it, then?»

You flashed him a sinister smirk.

«Maybe I won't. Two bullets, right? Maybe one is for you and one is for your beloved captain.»

Killer sighed.

«You remind me of him. The two of you should really let go.»

«Of what?»

«The rage. The roles. The pride. You choose.»

«What if you let me go.»

The blond pirate leaned against the main mast.

«Is that really what you want?»

A flush of anger churned in your guts.

«Are you fucking trying to be funny, Massacre Soldier? Because I'm not laughing.»

«So your place is among the Marines. You are happy there.»

You looked at his mask. The wind got stronger.

«At least I didn't have a creepy blonde stuck to my ass, ready to kill me at the wrong move.»

«I won't need to kill you, [Y/n].»

«Stop saying my name like we're old friends!» you blurted, a flicker of pain in your voice. Because his calm words were cutting deep.

The ship changed its route.

«It's time.»

With an expert movement, you made the familiar rifle slide from your shoulder to your hands and got in position.

God, it felt good feeling the weapon in your hands. A temporary relief for the confusing nightmare, an anchor to cling on in the miry reality.

Stray, like me.

You took the seconds you needed to calculate the wind power, the direction, the enemy's trajectory.

Below you, the whole crew held their breath.

«There will be one single moment when their ship is in the right place.» the navigator said «Even if the first bullet hits the target, she'll have no time to aim again, the second must follow swift. It's impossible.»

Eustass Kid didn't reply, staring at Big Mom's ship from the bow.

Killer himself didn't think it was a feasible shot.

In the whole world, there were maybe two people able to do it. Maybe. And he would have picked Yasop and Van Augur for it.

Then he remembered something. An old pseudonym that used to appear in the news from time to time, a few years before.

He stared at your back.

«Let us see what you can do.»

A drop of sweat rolled down your temple as you looked through the gunsight.

There will be

One single moment.

And the moment came.

When your mind knew, you entered full sniper mode.

Your body knew what to do.

You fired the first blow.

It still had to hit when you shot the second one.

Then the rifle was back on your shoulder.

Nothing happened to the distant ship.

«Looks like you failed.»

You turned to Killer.
Your eyes fell on his nude blade and you reluctantly handed him the rifle.

«I did? What a pity.»

Maybe he was frowning behind his mask.

By the time he took the weapon from you, the sails of Daifuku's ship blasted open and the boat was immediately hit by the strong rebound of the wind.

The crew's joy exploded below, and you flashed him a cheeky smile.

«Or did I?»

He sighed, amused.

«I told you before, kitty. You can't afford to be cocky.»

A high-pitched yelp escaped your throat as he grabbed the scruff of your shirt.

«Kid!» he yelled towards the deck «Quick delivery for you!»

«Wait, Killer, DON'T YOU DARE!»

Of course he didn't listen.

Killer threw you down the mast before you could grasp his arm.

«I'M KILLING YOU, YOU DAMN BLONDIE!» you screamed at the top of your lungs.

If I don't die right now, splattered on the deck.

Just before you hit the ground, a curt tug at your belt suddenly deviated your trajectory, slowing down the fall.

You gasped when a strong arm wrapped around your waist, and your fingers instinctively held onto it.

A loud laugh erupted from the chest you were pressed against.

«You never cease to amaze me, birdie!»

The pirates were howling and celebrating.

«You rock, marine girl!»

«Fucking amazing!»

«Eat this, Big Mom!»

Grins, glowing eyes and enthusiastic faces gathered all around you. It looked like every one of those big rough men wanted to shout in your ears how cool you were.

At first, their reaction confused you to the point you forgot your feet were not on the floor and you retracted against Eustass Kid's torso. His arm, still holding you, felt like a barrier between you and the over-enthusiastic pirates.

When you understood their thrill was pure, your body relaxed.

«I can't believe it!» the Mohican yelled, pushing away the men in front «You're fucking amazing! What you just did it's incredible!»

Booka was clapping his hands.


Kid let you down. Gently.

He didn't move though, so you were still almost leaning on him.

«All right, you asses, that's enough!» he roared «We just gained some time. Get those damn cannons ready and prepare for battle!»

The crowd began to disperse.

The Massacre Soldier finally jumped on the deck, landing a few metres from you.

«Oi, Killer!» Kid waved at him.

«Killer, you bastard!» you yelled.

You dashed towards him, not even knowing if you were going to hit him or what.

«That's it! You're dead, you're–»

The rest of your curses were muffled by Kid's big hand, which grabbed the lower part of your face and pressed you back against his torso.

«How much time you think we have now?» he nonchalantly asked to his first mate, while you struggled to get free.

«A few hours, probably.»

«Good. Be sure everything is ready and– FUCK!»

His hand jerked away from you, but his metallic arm immediately encircled your figure.

His blazing eyes flicked on you.

«Did you just bite me?»

«You betcha!» you growled, still trying to wriggle away.

Kid intensely stared at you, then his gaze moved to Killer.

«A few hours, huh? You don't need me, right?»

Killer shook his head.

«Take your time.»

A sadistic smile tugged at the redhead's mouth and he licked his lips.

«Oh, I will.»

He dragged you across the deck.

«Wait, Eustass, I just saved your asses!»

«I know what you just did, birdie.»

The captain threw you inside his cabin and slammed the door behind him.

You backed off to the desk.

«What do you want?»

«What do I want?»

He tilted his head to the side.

«We both know what I want. The question is: what about you?»

Kid took a step forward, and you flattened against the piece of furniture.

What about me?

Deep down, you knew.

You felt it painfully clear after Killer dropped you down the mast, the moment you realized you were safe in Kid's arms.

Back then, there was a second you had to make violence to yourself not to throw your arms around his neck.

Goddammit, you felt safe in his grip! Safe like you never were in your whole life.

«Do I even get to choose?»

You hated how weak your voice sounded.

«Would you have the guts for it?»

Kid approached, and you had no place to escape.

«This is so fucked up...!» you hissed, burying your face in your hand.

The pirate grabbed your chin, forcing you to lift your eyes.

«You're fucking terrified by the chance of choosing yourself.»

Your lips tightened.

You slowly took his wrist in your hands, moving it away from your chin.

«How can I choose to be with a man who was ready to kill me just moments ago?»

Kid face was serious. Your eyes were locked.

«If you tried to kill us. What did you expect?»

He shook his head slightly.

«I already spared you once.» he breathed.

It was difficult to swallow now.
Your grip on his hand grew looser, and he moved a lock of your hair behind your ear.

You faltered.

«I don't spare people.»

His fingers traced the crook of your neck, leaving a line of goose bumps in their wake.

«I... I'm still bruised from yesterday...» you murmured, in a weak attempt to still hold some defence.

He had lowered on you, you could feel his hot breath on your face.

Your parted mouths seemed to be attracted to each other by a force you could not explain, nor resist.

«Let me.» he breathed.

Do I trust him? Do I trust him? Do I trust him?

He took a taste of your lips, and you did the same.

Like it was a try, an attempt at something, or a request.


Your fingers brushed against his jaw, silently asking him to come back to you.

He did.

Your mouths met again, immediately finding the perfect fit.

When Kid's tongue tested the access, it found its way.

His hand dived in your hair and the mechanical one crawled up your spine.

He didn't try to crush you, this time.

It was fiery, and wet, and hard to contain. But he wanted you to match his pace.

You pulled back last second to catch your breath, still grasping the edges of his vest.

Kid's warmth was too perfect for you to lose it.

He lifted you effortlessly, bringing you to the bed and straddling you.

Your heart was pounding in your chest, different emotions shaking everything inside.


His name escaped from your lips, you didn't even know why.

He frowned.

You were trembling like a leaf.

«Are you afraid of me, birdie?»

Your humid eyes got lost in his gaze, in the dim light of the cabin.

«No more questions.»

You pulled yourself up, supporting you on his shoulders, and kissed him again.

Kid instantly answered, rubbing his body against yours.

His mouth soon moved down your neck, sucking and nibbling, while his hand ran up to your left breast, under the top, fingers toying with your nipple.

You couldn't avoid a series of ragged moans, feeling wet twitches between your legs.

Why does it have to feel this way?

Why do I want to give him the same?

He never used his metallic hand to touch you, just to hold you.

You weren't even sure he had any kind of sensitivity in that arm.

His fingers stopped playing with your breast and ran down to the line of your pants, then underneath.

You hid your face in his neck, taking the chance to deeply inhale his strong scent.

Eustass Kid smelled like steel, engine oil and sea.

You hesitantly disclosed your lips to take a bite.

«[Y/n].» he growled in your ear as you placed some light bites on his rough skin.

Something hard started to prod at your leg.

Why do I want to touch him?

It never happened before.

He's Eustass Kid.

You never stopped trembling as your hands slowly travelled from his shoulders to his chest, probing his muscles, his skin, his scars.

Your eyes followed them, drinking each and every one of his reactions, whether it was a small shiver when your fingers brushed against his nipple, or goose bumps appearing when you caressed his abs.

He's Eustass Kid.

His hand dawdled on your lower abdomen as you explored him.

When you raised your eyes on his, the intensity of his look prevented you from swallowing.

He was the same beast he always was.


But there was so much more.

His hands finally made it under your panties, and you bit down your lower lip when he traced your clit.

Two of his fingers entered you, and your sudden gasp betrayed the surge of pain.

A low hum vibrated in his chest.

He got out of you. His thumb and index finger slid on your clitoris instead, repeatedly rolling over it.

Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and you let your moans run free.

You tried to bury your face into his neck, but his artificial hand pulled your head down in the pillow.

«I want to see you.»

His features were blurred beyond the wet blurriness in your eyes. You closed them, teeth tormenting your lip and eyebrows wrinkling on your forehead.

You could feel his gaze on you. The pace of his fingers increased with the volume of your moans.

«K-Kid...! I'm...!»

He captured your wet lips, then leaned his forehead on yours.

«Come, [Y/n].»

With his whole hand on your womanhood and his focus on your clit, he gave you the last strokes before your body was shaken by the orgasmic waves.

Your nails dug into his muscles as his lips trailed down your collarbone.

When you finally opened your eyes, you expected to see his satisfied sneer hovering above you.

However, his look was still intense, like he was trying to see through your face.

Suddenly conscious of your look, you clumsily rolled on your side.

«Feel free to stop staring.» you grumbled.

He scoffed, voice hoarse.

«I have to take care of myself now.» he gruffly said.

The redhead moved from you, sitting against the wall and shoving his hand under his pants.

The moment he was gone, the warmth disappeared. It was like splashing in cold water.

You got on your four, pushing your hair back and catching your breath.

You glanced at him.


His blazing eyes flicked on you.

You took a deep breath, crawling beside him. His look grew suspicious.

Despite your flushed cheeks and the unsteady voice, you knew what you wanted.

Your hand slowly crawled on his.

Kid stopped, eyes slightly wide.

You looked at him.

«Guide me.»

The pirate frowned, but he let your hand slid under his.

A groan got stuck in his throat when your grip gently enveloped his hardness.

The rapidity of his reaction surprised and excited you at the same time.

His grip closed on yours and he started to lead the strokes. Sloppily at first, but soon the hold tightened and the rhythm increased quickly.

You could see he was trying his best to hold back his huffs of pleasure.

So the same things he does to me I can do to him.

Your other hand climbed up his neck, pushing off the goggles and freeing his shock of red hair, which fell back on his forehead, bouncing lightly, matching the pace.


He was awfully handsome.

Kid shot a glare to you, but you forced him to get faster and he had to focus back on restraining himself.

It wasn't long before he gritted his teeth and cummed.

Your eyes absorbed the movements of his muscular, marked body. It took a while for his breath to be regular again.

«Feel free to stop staring.»

The sneer was there, this time.

«This makes us even.» you scoffed.

Without a warning, the huge pirate tackled you.

«We're not even until I say so.»

You were about to snap something back, but heavy knocks interrupted.

«Boss, dinner is ready. Let's fill our stomach while we can!»

Kid gave you a crooked smile.

«Saved by the food. C'mon.»

He got up, grabbing your arm and bringing you with him.


«Let's go eat and kick some asses.»

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