The Slip Up (Rewriting)

By BabbyyyyyyyyGirl

4.7K 75 9

Darise Modern Au "Oh shit, this has got to be some kind of joke" I looked at the stick that is showing a clea... More

Chapter 2 - Breakfast
Chapter 3 - I'm Pregnant
Chapter 4 - The Genders
Chapter 5 - Telling Mr Charming
Chapter 6 - The Great Escape
Chapter 7 - Switzerland
Chapter 8 - Bleeding
Chapter 9 - Closed Off
Chapter 10 - Unexpected Run In
Chapter 11 - When Daring Looses The Plot
Chapter 12 - Taken
Chapter 13 - Daring POV
Chapter 14 - Weak

Chapter 1 - Positive

452 9 0
By BabbyyyyyyyyGirl

I had been busy, so busy with managing work load, my on off sexual relations with Daring that I hadn't even realised that I was late.

Two whole months late, regretfully I had to know ASAP what the problem was.

I texted one of security guards hunter to run and buy me a pregnancy stick so I could continue to work.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand causing my stomach to do internal flips.

I looked down at the small stick that was on the bench I picked it up and looked at the very faint line.

My stomach dropped.

"God dam it" I yelled.

This was probably the worst thing that could have happened to me, sure I had put on a little weight but this wasn't what I was expecting.


"Alright take a seat on the bed please" the doctor said as I complied with him.

"We are going to do an ultrasound just to be sure" he said as he rolled up my work shirt exposing my small stomach.

"Fuck" I sighed under my breath as I pulled down my skirt past my growing stomach.

"The gel is going to me a little cold" he said as he rolled some paper towel into my skirt so he didn't get any on my clothes.

I gasped as he put a small amount on my stomach as he grabbed the transducer probe off the ultrasound unit.

He moved it around a little looking at the screen in front of him.

"Oh wow" he said with raised brows.

"What" I said in an almost panicked tone.

"Twins" he said turning the screen to face me.

There was two small shapes, they were so small.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeats" he asked turning on the sound.

I nodded my head not taking my eyes off the screen.

I heard the rapid beating from the small speaker next to my ear.

Although the situation wasn't ideal I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face.

After a long day I eventually made it home, I sighed as I made it into my apartment kicking off my heels and hanging up my coat.

I didn't even bother turning on the lights I just walked straight down the hall to my bathroom closing the door.

I slid down the closed door pulling my knees to my chest, I was always fond of children but the thought of having a child with someone who was engaged made me sick to the stomach.

It wasn't until the knocking on my front door that I realised I slept on my bathroom floor.

"Cerise you in there" he continued knocking on my bathroom door.

I cleared my throat.

"Yeah" I said as I got up off the floor and cracked my bones.

"What are you doing in here" Daring asked as he opened the bathroom door.

"I fell asleep" I said as I barged past him.

I looked down at my watch.


"Hey talk to me" he said following me to my closet.

"I'm so late Daring" I sighed as I opened up my drawers grabbing a pair of stockings, it was raining outside.

"Why haven't you answered my calls or texts since yesterday" he asked leaning against the door.

I ignored him as I took off my clothes from yesterday.

"Cerise what's going on baby" he said as he grabbed my arm lightly.

"I don't have time for this" I sighed as I pulled on a clean bra and panties.

"We always have time for each other" he said with a hurt expression on his face.

"Quit acting like a Fucking child Daring" I spat making it sound a lot meaner then I initially meant.

"Why are you being so moody" he asked.

"Daring we aren't together ok we have sex and you leave and act like it was nothing, you have a fiancé who loves you...I...I can't do it anymore" I sighed.

"So what that's it then, we are just done" he scoffed.

"I'm Fucking busy" I rolled my eyes as I pulled a dress over my body.

"On a Saturday" he asked with a raised brow.

Fuck it's Saturday.

"Yeah I'am actually" I raised a brow.

"Doing what" he scowled.

"I have a date Daring, now if you don't mind I have places to be" I shrugged as I walked over to my shoe rack choosing a simple pair of black flats.

"What" he said in a quiet tone.

"Get out Daring" I said as I opened the front door.

"That's what you really want" he asked.

"Yes please" I opened the door further.

"Whatever" he scoffed barging past me and storming down the hallway out the front door.

With a slam of the door he was gone.

It was stupid of me to tell him I have a date when I obviously don't, I couldn't make our love triangle into a square it was already complicated enough.

I pinched the bridge of my nose with a sigh, I felt sick and I know that it was all my doing.

My phone began buzzing pulling me out of my little day dream, I grabbed it and answered it.

"Hey" I said as I walked to my kitchen.

"So I was thinking we should go out for brunch today" darling said on the other line.

"I'm not really feeling well" I frowned as I turned on the kettle.

"Oh come on, it's not like your pregnant" she laughed.

"You're right, meet me at Carl's" I laughed before hanging up.

Oh if only you knew darling.

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