From An Orphanage To Meeting...

Autorstwa mariamahone99

253K 3.1K 116

Maria and Emily became best friends in a orphanage. They promised to only get adopted together. Somehow it wo... Więcej

From An Orphanage To Meeting Him (An Austin Mahone & Crew Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Epilouge #1
Epilouge #2

Chapter 95

943 25 0
Autorstwa mariamahone99

*Alex's POV*

Later on we were able to leave. I left earlier to get the baby's car seat we bought.

"So what are you guys doing? You guys going home?" Her mom ask

"Yeah I'm tired. I just want to rest." Maria says putting her shoes on. She comes over to hug me. I wrap a arm around her rubbing her arm. I finish getting our stuff together so we can leave.

"Hey babe." I ask. She turns around from looking at her phone.

"Yeah?" She ask

"When we get home, I wanna talk to you." I tell her.

"Alright." She says a bit confused. The nurse gives us Peter telling us how to take care of him.

"Alright you guys should be good. Just sign out in the lobby." She tells us.

"Thank you." Maria thanks her. She turns to take the car seat when I stop her.

"No no no, you relax. I'll carry the baby out." I tell her.

"You sure? I can do it-" I cut her off.

"Baby I got it. I just want you to rest. Were gonna go home, I'll take care of him while you take a nap or something." We walk to the elevator waiting for it to open. When it does we step inside. As were going down, she just looks at the baby.

"He looks just like you." She whispers. I study him taking his features in.

"He has your nose. For his eyes, well we both have brown eyes so we can't really say who's eyes he has." I tell her making her laugh a little.

"He has your face though. Look it's the same. I'm telling you, it's a mini Alex Constancio."

"Well it just shows that I'm the father of him." I tell her. We get to the first floor signing out. We walk to the truck as I place the car seat in the back.

"Can you make sure he's in the right way?" I ask Maria.

"Yeah he's fine." She says. I help her get into the car, then I do. As were leaving I call Robert to let him know we're coming home.

"Hey what's up AC?" He answers

"Were on our way home now. We should be there in like 20, maybe 25 minutes." I tell him.

"Alright were all here." He says

"Okay, I'll see you guys soon." I say before hanging up. I glance over to see Maria sleeping already. We finally get home after hitting traffic.

"Is he awake?" Zach ask. I look down to see his eyes wide open.

"Yeah, his eyes are wide open." I say laughing. They look to see and they start laughing also.

"You guys want to watch him while I get the crib ready?" I ask them

"Sure we can teach him who's better at GTA." Robert says.

"Yeah you guys do that. I'll be in Maria and i's room if you need me." I say heading toward where I saw her walk. I knock hearing a faint "come in."

"You alright?" I ask sitting next to her on the bed.

"I'm just kind of tired. I have a headache."

"Do you want anything? Anything I can get you?" I ask.

"Cuddle? Please?" She begs.

"Let me get this crib ready then we can. Sound good?"

"Be fast, I'm getting cold." She says.

"Here." I throw a sweatshirt of mine that was laying on the floor to her. I get the crib ready in 20 minutes. I walk back out to the living room to see Robert and Zach making weird faces.

"Can I just ask what are you doing to my son?" I ask them as they turn to look at me.

"Just making some funny faces to try to get him to smile or laugh." Robert says.

"The kids not even a day old." I tell them.

"Yeah, but still." He says as I shake my head.

"You guys are weird." I tell them.

"Do you guys still want him or can I take him into my room?" I ask

"Nah you can take him. We need to finish our game like real men" Zach says.

"You have fun with that." I say picking the car seat up and bringing him to my room. I walk in placing him on the dresser.

"You wanna say hi to Peter?" I ask Maria

"Yeah sure." She says. I take him out carefully bringing him over to her. I sit next to her on the bed handing Peter over to her.

"He doesn't seem like a crier." She says playing with his fingers.

"I bet you're gonna regret saying that later tonight." I say laughing as I wrap an arm around her shoulder. She leans her head onto me.

"So do you think were gonna be good parents?" She ask

"Yeah I think so. We have people for us if we ever need help." I tell her. I pull my phone out of my pocket looking at the time, 6:17.

"Wanna show the world our baby boy?" I ask her. She nods smiling. We fix ourselves. I go to the camera and angle it perfectly. I snap a few pictures. I show them to her and we agree on one.

AlexConstancio: We would proudly like to announce the birth of our first child Peter James Constancio born March 2 at 4:08 am. Welcome to the family little buddy.

"Can you send me that picture?" She ask me.

"Yeah." I send it to her. I put Peter in his crib since he was falling asleep and thankfully he didn't cry.

"Now we can cuddle." I say hopping on the bed. She wraps her arms around my torso and mine go around her waist.

"You seem sad, you okay?" I ask. She nods her head no.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at her.

"Honestly I don't know. I just got sad for no reason." Her saying that concerned me.

"What do you feel right now?" I ask her

"Just sad, pain, emptiness."

"Is this the first time you felt like this?" I ask her. She nods her head no.

"Maria I think you should go talk to someone." I tell her

"Alex I'm fine. They're probably just mood swings." She tells me.

"Maria..." I glare at her

"Alex..." She moans. Okay that was hot.

"Don't moan my name."

"Why did it turn you on?" She ask giving me a delivious stare.

"Yes." I admit a bit embarassed.

"You turn me on all the time. No need to be embarassed love." She climbs on my lap kissing my neck. A knock comes from the door interrupting our make out session.

"Come in." I say not to loud.

"Hey were thinking about ordering pizza for dinner? You guys in?" Zach ask

"Yeah that's fine." Maria says. They leave again and she turns to look at me.

"Now where were we?" I ask before going to kiss her again, but she leans back.

"We were going to cuddle." She lays down.

"I thought we were making out, but I guess not." I shrug laying down next to her. We wrap our arms around each other again and I rub her back soothing her.

"I love you." I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too." She mumbles before falling asleep. I just lay there with her hanging onto me. I get my phone out again going on twitter. I have about 4.7 million followers on there now.

@AlexConstancio: Long time no tweet. How are you guys?

@AlexConstancio: He's here guys! Maria and I would love to announce the birth of Peter James Constancio!

@AlexConstancio: Maria's sleeping so let's talk. Tweet spree? Follow spree? DM spree? Orrr YouNow? ;)

@HaleyAnn: @AlexConstancio YouNow

@SupportingMahone: @AlexConstancio All three? :)

@AlexConstancio: YouNow in 10 minutes! Let's make it like old times shall we?

I get up getting my laptop from under the bed. I sit back on the bed starting it up when Peter starts crying. I sigh getting up to get him from the crib.

"What's wrong? Don't cry. Shhh." I say rocking him. He wouldn't stop so I figured he was hungry. I carry him to the kitchen to make a bottle.

"One of you make him stop please." Robert walks in begging.

"Can you hold him while I make him a bottle?" I ask. He nods taking him from me. I finish the bottle, Robert hands me the baby. I feed him the bottle and he stops.
"You do know what you're doing right?" Robert ask

"Yes Robert, I'm feeding a baby and then I'm going to burp him after." I say

"Don't forget to change his diaper." He reminds.

"Yeah yeah. Hey I'm doing a YouNow. Wanna join?" I ask.

"Yeah I'll get Zach. Hey why don't we just get everyone? Austin, Emily." He suggest.

"Alright can you call Austin then?" I ask him.

"Yes I got it." He says walking out with his phone in his hand. He finishes his bottle and I burp him which took him a while.

"Okay little buddy, let's go back to the room and set up our YouNow shall we?" I ask him. He just looks at me.

"I'm crazy for talking to you. You're probably thinking oh who's this weird guy? Well I'm your dad. I'm going to be the best dad I can be and I'm always going to be here for you. I'll go to all your sport games, all your school events. Everything. I love you little one." I kiss his head.

"Hey man pizzas here." Zach tells me as I walk to my room.

"Alright just bring everything into my room. I think Austin and Em are coming over. We're doing a YouNow." I tell him.

"Alright." He says going to the door. I get back to my room and sit on the bed. I was suppose to be live 10 minutes ago.

@AlexConstancio: Sorry guys, had some things to do! Give me a few more minutes, were waiting for some people.

Finally everyone is here. I wake Maria up and we go live eating the pizza.

"Hey guys." Austin says once we get online.

"It's been a while." Zach says.

"Hey Austin someone wants to know how Amanda is doing." I tell him

"Shes doing good. She's sitting over there eating pizza watching some spongebob." He tells them.

"So yeah guys this is Peter. He won't sleep. I had to feed him before. That's why we were late." I say to the screen. We just joked around a lot and it was fun. It was just like when we were 17 except there were no babies. We were on for about a hour and half.

"I think its time we start going." I say looking at the time. Peter fell asleep and Amanda was getting there.

"It was amazing getting to talk to you guys again. We missed you guys." Emily says. We all said bye and Austin did his famous heart.

"Love you guys. Forever." He tells them. We go offline.

"That was real nice." Maria says smiling a bit.

"Yeah it was cool to do that again." Emily agrees.

"Wait I just got a idea." Austin says

"What is it?" We all ask in unison.

"How about whenever we all get really bored with nothing to do and we can't go out cause of getting mobbed or the kids we do a YouNow or Ustream?" He suggest.

"That's actually a good idea." Zach says.

"I'm in" I say.

"Same." Maria says.

"Alright it's official. I bet they will love it." Austin says. We all hang around for a bit longer and then everyone decides to get going back to their rooms. We were all tired. I place Peter between us on his stomach on the bed. I turn the light off laying down and closing my eyes.

The sound of crying woke me up in the middle of the night. I look at the time 4:30 in the morning.

"Alex." Maria moans.

"I know. I got him, go back to sleep." I tell her. I pick Peter up, getting diaper and wipes. I change his diaper rocking him back to sleep. He finally does and I place him on the bed. I lay back down going back to sleep. I was awoken again hearing the baby cry again. I sit up to see Maria getting him.

"Here let me have him." I hold my arms out to Maria.

"No it's okay, I can do it this time." She says.

"You sure?" I ask her. She nods

"Yeah you already did it twice. I can do it, I'm fine." She says. I nodded unsurley. She walks out with him and I lay back down for a few minutes. I couldn't go back to sleep so I figured why not just get out of bed. I throw a shirt on walking into the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast? I'm in the moods for eggs, bacon, and toast." I ask her.

"Yeah that's good." She says feeding the baby a bottle.

"I'll go the store and get bacon. You going to be okay here or do you want to come?"

"I'll come. Let me just throw some leggings and a sweatshirt on, and put something on Peter when he's done." She says.

"I'll change him while you get ready." I tell her. She finishes feeding and burping him. I take him from her and we both go get ready.

"He's a day old and he's already exploring the world." I say as we walk out. I lock him in and we get in the front.

"What did you want to talk about yesterday?" She ask grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers.


"What about us?"

"Like marriage. We been together for some years now, you have a promise ring, we have a child. What's our future?" I rub her thumb.

"Well I was hoping we would be together. I don't want to break up or anything. I want Peter to grow up with a family who is together, if it turns out we can't work out then we would have to set up who gets custody and whoever doesn't what their schedule is with him." She explains.

"I don't think we need to worry about breaking up. We been through that before, we always ended up coming back to each other." I tell her.

"I'm in for the marriage. I really am. I would love to marry you, but I think if we do get married, maybe wait till Peter is at an older age and we have our own place and not still living with Robert and Zach." She says. We get to Stop and Shop, Maria grabs a cart and I carry the baby.

"Do we need anything else while were here?" She ask walking through an aisle.

"Maybe we could get some cookie or brownie mix." I suggest. We get everything we need and go check out.

"Alex do you have like two dollars? I'm short." She ask. I dig through my pocket.

"Here." I hand her a five dollar bill. We get the bags and walk back out to the car.

"How you feeling?" I ask driving home.

"Good, just a little sore, but I'm fine." We get home putting everything away. I start making breakfast while Maria sits at the table on her phone.

"Hey Alex." She turns around.

"Yes hun?" I ask

"I think I go back to work in like a month or two. Rocco said whenever I'm ready to go back." She tells me. Yes she still sings and makes albums.

"Are you sure you want to go back so early?" I ask

"Yeah. I still get paid, but the sooner I go back I get paid more because concerts."

"How much is your net worth thing? Like how much are you worth?" I ask

"I think right now I'm worth about $15 million." She says casually. I almost spit out the sip of water I took.

"$15 million?!" I ask and she nods slowly.

"Wait if you're $15 how much is Austin?" I ask her

"He's $25 million." She says.

"How much money do you have in your bank account?" I ask her.

"About 4 million dollars. Why?" She ask

"Maria! We have enough for that room!" I exclaim

"Alex we discussed this already. Wait till I put more money in that account before we buy it. If we buy it now it's cost $12,000 a year plus bills. Plus you don't have a lot in your account and we need to pay for the baby and his stuff." She says.

"Fine." I sigh, she gets up walking to me.

"Babe I promise were going to get another place. I just want to wait some time." She rubs my chest with her hand.

"You know I just want to settle down and start a family and life." I place my hands on her hips.

"And we will. I promise." She kisses me slowly.

"Besides those two need to get girlfriends." She says referring to Zach and Robert.

"You finish making breakfast. I'm going to get started on writing some songs. Maybe you can bring me some breakfast in bed?" She ask giving me her puppy eyes.

"Anything for you." I tell her. She hugs me before walking back to our room. I finish coming leaving some for Robert and Zach. I put some a plate for Maria and I walking to our.

"Come in." She says after I knock. I walk in placing the plate on the nightstand on her side of the bed.

"Mm thank you." She says not looking up.

"Whatcha writing." I ask plopping on the bed.

"If you must know a song."

"Let me see." I try peering over like a little kid. She brings it up close to her.

"No it's special." She holds it against her chest.

"Am I not special enough?" I ask pretending to get sad.

"No you are, but I just want to make sure I'm actually going to keep this song. Not get rid of it. You know?" She tries to negotiate with me.

"Still I wanna seee." I beg like a little kid.

"Nah." She says sticking her tongue out.

"You're such a little kid." I jump on her. Her notebook falls and we play wrestle.

"Let me see!" I jump on her grabbing her hands.

"No." She laughs. I pin her to the bed sticking my tongue out at her.

"Will you let me see now?" I ask with puppy eyes.

"since you asked that way.." She starts making me smile big.

"No." She says flatly. She gets out of my grip and pushes me off our bed.

"Alex why are you on the floor?" She ask laughing grabbing her phone.

"Because you pushed me idiot." I tell her trying to get back up.

"Nope you have to stay on the floor now since you called me an idiot." She tells me. I smack the phone out of her hands I get back her and hold her.

"Do i now?" I smirk.

"When did you get so strong? You use to be a weakling." she makes fun of me. I love the relationship we have. We can be so mean to each other and then just make out after.

It's called the gym babe. You should try it sometime." I wink at her

"Was that a fat joke or?" She ask

"Actually yes, yes it was." I tell her

"You're so rude. I question what I see in you. I can go get a nice guy who won't call me fat." She smirks at me.

"I'm just kidding baby, I think you're perfect the way you are. Oh also, never joke about going to find another guy. That scares and hurts me." I say seriously.

"Aw is Alex jealous?" She ask

"Honestly I am, because any guy could get you if they wanted too. You're fucking perfect. I actually think to myself how in the world I got you sometimes late at night." I tell her honestly. It's true though. I'll be honest, I do get scared sometimes that she will find someone better and leave.

"You're crazy. I'm not perfect, I'm far from it and no guy can get me because I don't want them. I want this amazing and perfect guy named Alex Constancio who I been in love with for 6 years, no matter how mad and annoyed he got me." She tells me.

"I think you're perfect and that will never change. I promise you that." I say kissing her.

"Yeah and you question how you got lucky, when I should ask myself that." She says before kissing me back.

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