Her ≫ Fairy Tail Fanfic

By celestia-starlight

46.8K 1.6K 1.2K

The day she disappeared was the day a part of him left with her. ... More

Arc One: Hate and Infatuation
Chapter 1: Fragile Promises
Chapter 2: My Heart
Chapter 3: Not Mine
Chapter 4: Goodbye
Chapter 5: The Reason
Chapter 6: Leaving
Help 1
Help 2
Help 3
Arc Two: Reignite
Chapter 7: Death Plan
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: True Possession
Chapter 10: Feelings
Chapter 11: Ideas
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Hooded Figure
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Final Plan
Arc Three: Like Never Before
*** Chapter 16: Eternal Destiny ***
Chapter 17: Building
Arc Four: Regret
*** Chapter 18: Dragon Mating Season ***
Chapter 19: Just An Infatuation
Chapter 20: Mate
Chapter 21: Threats from E.D.
*** Chapter 22: Let Her Go ***
*** Chapter 23: Funeral ***
Chapter 24: Forget
*** Chapter 25: Winged Fate ***
*** Chapter 26: Photograph ***
Chapter 27: New Magic
Arc Five: Once Again
Chapter 28: the GMG's
2K: Special Oneshot
Chapter 29: Ulna
Chapter 30: Prelims
Chapter 31: Shocking
Chapter 32: Who?
Chapter 33: Participants
Chapter 34: If Only
Chapter 35: Her Death
Chapter 35.5: Thank you, Eternalis
*** Chapter 36: So Much ***
Chapter 37: Heaven And Hell
Chapter 38: Eavesdroppers
Chapter 39: Powerful
Which one?
Chapter 40: Ready
Chapter 41: Miss Fiore
Chapter 42: Danger
Author's Note of Sadness
Arc Six: Wounds of War
Chapter 43: The End
Aohturs Ntoe
*** Chapter 44: The Price ***
Chapter 45: Preemption
Chapter 46: Fury
Arc Seven: Reconcile
25K: Special Oneshot - Part One
Chapter 48: Never Again
Chapter 43: Amnesia

Chapter 47: Us Back Then

343 17 8
By celestia-starlight

"Lonely people like the rain. Because when it rains, they know that they're not alone — the sky is crying with them."

It had been a month. A month since the Grand Magic Games, a month since the great battle, a month since Acnologia had finally been slain.

"A goddamn month... it's been a entire goddamn month!"

A month since Lucy had fallen asleep.

Whether she would wake again or not, no one knew. As he'd held her in his arms on that night, his world had come crashing down. Yes, he'd defeated Acnologia, but it was worth nothing if his mate wasn't here to enjoy this new world of peace with him.



A salmon haired boy cradled a girl in his arms. They were both covered with blood, bruises blossomed on every visible surface — almost dead, but not yet. The girl's breathing was shallow, her eyes closed, her heartbeat slowing. The grey sky, once filled with clouds, opened up, and out poured a torrent that felt strikingly similar to the boy's mood. It was as if the skies understood his pain, and were serenading his melancholy. He clutched her limp hand in his, shaking, shivering.

He didn't know if she would wake again. Sobs wracked his body, silently offering a prayer to the heavens. He'd sacrifice whatever it took, if only he could see those golden eyes open again, hear that dainty but fierce voice again, feel the soft caress of her hands on his skin.

Just one last time. Just one more time, was all he'd ask for. Heck, he knew that with what he'd done, he didn't have the right to even ask for one last time. But he couldn't help but feel that his selfish desire to have her wake again was justified.

After all, if not for him, for her, right?


"One last time..." he croaked out, his voice hoarse and cracked with pain. "You don't have to do it for me, Luce. Do it for your friends. For your family, whoever they are now." A soft smile graced his lips, lighting his face with its fleeting appearance. "Please, if not for me, do it for them. They're waiting for you. Don't make them wait too long, please. And do it for yourself. The long, immortal life you have ahead of you. Please, don't let it go to waste. Please."

—End of Flashback—

Despite his pleas, despite the pleas of Levy, of Mira, of Yukino, of Kagura — Lucy's eyes remained shut and her soul shattered, barely hanging on to life by a single thread.

Every day, Natsu had remained by her side. A part of him had died with her. The rest of him was dying, little by little, as he slowly lost hope. Every moment she remained asleep, was another piece of him, gone.

Dawn rose and dusk fell, twilights passed and starlights shimmered, day reigned and night then swept in, but to no avail. What was to come of Lucy?

Levy's POV (Third person):
Leaning on the doorframe of the room in which Lucy slept, she (Levy) watched Natsu cradle her best friend's hand as he slept. He gently whispered her name even in sleep.

The salmon-haired god was in pieces. She could tell it wasn't faked, because she'd known desperation — oh, she did — his seemed to run far deeper than what the eye could see.

Not for a single passing moment of the past month had Natsu left her sister's side. Although she and the rest of the Eternalis visited every day, his dedication was commendable.

'Everyone would do the same for their mate.'

The bluenette started at the voice. 'Who...? Oh, it's YOU.'

'Aww, don't address me with such distaste.'

'Looks like someone learnt how to use their words when we were away. Did you girlfriend teach you?' She surprised herself when she realized how much venom she'd put into that last sentence.

She'd clearly hit a nerve, for the next words he spoke were a menacing grumble. 'She's NOT MY GIRLFRIEND.'

'Oh? Did I say who?'

'Stop playing these stupid mind games with me, S-"

"Don't you DARE call me that. I gave you a chance. You took advantage of that. I gave you my trust. You betrayed it. I know I put my faith in the wrong thing. I'd stupidly believe that there could've been an us. I made a mistake, and I'm NOT going to go down that past again."


"SHUT UP." With that, she turned and stormed from there. Away from him. She hurried down the hallway so none would see her tears, threatening to overflow. Nononono, this could NOT be happening again. This was not supposed to happen. She'd avoided him for the past month just fine, and he'd never sought to bother her, so why?

Why now?

'I wished I could've known,' she thought sadly. 'I wished I could've known,

Why then, why us?"

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