Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei :...

By MiraiKirisaki

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What if Shiba Tatsuya who is known as a person with no more feelings, except the feelings he have for his sis... More

Chapter I : Enrollment
Chapter 2: Blooms vs Weeds
Chapter 3 - Caught Off Guard
Chapter 4: Welcome the Students!
Chapter 5: The Competition Begins
Chapter 6 : Crimson Prince Vs. Silver Taurus
Chapter 6.5 : Their First Night
Chapter 7 : Silver's Rage
Chapter 8 : Dream Come True
Chapter 9: Yokohama Disturbance
Chapter 10 : Truth and Tragedy
Chapter 11 : Love and Lies
Chapter 12 : Fire and Ice
Chapter 13 : Conflicts Arises
Chapter 14 : Doubts and Selfishness
Chapter 15 : Engagement
Chapter 16 : Extent of Your Love
Chapter 17 : The Art of Letting Go
Chapter 18 : To Make Things Right
Chapter 19 : Decisive Battle
Chapter 20 : The Yotsubas
Chapter 21 : Root of Love and Regrets
Chapter 23 : Blue Wedding
Chapter 24 : One More Chance
Chapter 25 : Project Armageddon
Chapter 26 : Awakening the secret weapon
Chapter 27 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 28 : Tears in a Starry Night
Chapter 29 : The Final Celebration
Chapter 29.5 - Wedding Night
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Update : Authors Back!
Update : Authors Back!
Mina-san! I'm sorry for the long wait

Chapter 22 : Seperate Paths

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By MiraiKirisaki

"Tatsuya? What happened to you?"

"Leon. Can I... Im sorry but can I stay with you in your dorm for a while?" Tatsuya asked him

"Of course, no problem. But are you okay? You look somehow different from your usual expression dude."

"Ah yeah. I think so too."

"Is this because of your engagement with your sister?"

"Somehow. But not really. I mean, Mayumi broke off with me because of Miyuki. She can't tell it to me straightly but I know my sister did this." Tatsuya said furiosly

"Can Miyuki do that? That sounds really bad. Poor Mayumi-senpai. So what are you planning then?"

"I will go on as what the Yotsuba Clan Head wanted. I will marry Miyuki then I will take my position in the household. Once Miyuki claim the position of clan head I will use that power to take the FLT on my hand and plot against them so that the Yotsuba will ovethrow me and I will divorce Miyuki. Once Im free I will run back to Mayumi."

"What if, when that time happens, Mayumi-senpai is already married? Or in love with someone else?"

"I... I dont know. Maybe I will just see what would happen. But I hope that Mayumi would still accept me when that time comes. But for now, can I stay here first? I'll leave once I am ready to accept my marriage." Tatsuya said sadly.

"Anytime Tatsuya. Well, Im rooting for you and Mayumi-senpai." Leon said with a sigh.

Tatsuya stayed the night in Leon's apartment thinking about how he could make his way back to Mayumi. Still feeling frustrated because of his upcoming wedding, Tatsuya closes his eyes but didn't fall asleep.


It's a bright and sunny day for Masaki, since he will be having his date with Miyuki again. He enjoys picking her up and sending Miyuki on her house everyday from school. They would also have afternoon dates after classes. He was very happy since Miyuki is always smiling brightly at him. Its like Masaki is having his hopes up for a better relationship between him and Miyuki.

"Hi Miyuki." Masaki said the moment he saw her coming out of the school's gate. He took her hand and kissed the back of its palm as he gave her a bright smile.

"Oh Masaki-kun." Miyuki said and smiled back at him.

"Where do you wanna go today?"

"Hmmm. How about we get some ice cream at the new shop I just heard Masaki-kun. Is that okay with you?"

"Whatever you like Miyuki. All I want for you is to be happy."

"But oni-sama is my only happiness." She whispered

"Sorry? Did you say anything Miyuki?" Masaki said as he assisted Miyuki going inside his car.

"Ah. I said I'm happy as long as Masaki-kun is happy too." Miyuki answered with a pretentious smile.


Meanwhile at the Saegusa Mansion. Mayumi just arrived being accompanied by his father and his eldest brother.

"Mayumi oni-chan!" The Saegusa twins shouted.

"Izumi. Kasumi. How are you? Im sorry, did I worry you too much?" Mayumi said concernly as she hugs both of them.

"Mayumi? Do you feel fine now?" Mayumi's 2nd eldest half brother, Koujirou said.

"Koujirou oni-sama. Im fine. Im glad to see you." She replied shyly. She rarely see her 2nd brother since he is to busy with the Research Facility of the Saegusa Family.

"Oh Koujirou! Im glad you came home. Thanks for taking care of the twins while we are away." Tomokazu said as he pat his brother on his shoulder.

"I was also worried. And father called me since both of you are busy for the company while taking care of Mayumi. It cant be helped, I can't let the twins live in this place alone." Koujirou replied

"You're dense as always." Tomokazu said with a grin.

"Let's go to your room Mayumi, Tomokazu assist me please. Koujirou, thank you son. You may go back to the facility now and continue your reasearch."

"Yes father." His son replied.

Mayumi was assisted by his father and eldest brother back to her room. Tomokazu tucks her in her blanket and sat down beside her while Kouichi took the empty chair behind Mayumi's bed.

"Mayumi. Are you really sure that you want to hide your pregnancy from Tatsuya? This child you are bearing is also his." Kouichi tried to reason out with her as he comfartably sat on the chair.

"Father's right Mayumi. Tatsuya should know about that child. We can't erase the fact that it is both from the Saegusa and the Yotsuba's blood that was running in the child's veins." Tomokazu added after his father's explanation.

"I made up my mind already. I want to hide this child from his own Father. I wont object Tatsuya's wedding with Miyuki anymore. I... I just want whats best for Tatsuya. And since we are having this baby already, I want our safety." Mayumi answered with a fake smile stapled on her face.

"Mayumi. How can you say that it is for Tatsuya's sake? Aren't you aware that he is suffering from letting you go once more?" Tomokazu insisted and gripped his sister's hand.

"Because he wont be recognize by the Yotsuba's if he didnt do what they say. If that happened, Tatsuya will be erased from their family's registrar and would be considered as an extra. I wont permit that. I need to protect him." Mayumi smiled. There was a hint of sadness and pain hidden in her eyes, concealing it with such a bright smile.

"And he is protecting you in the other hand. Doing what you wished for, so that he can protect you from the Yotsuba's wrath. The danger his family could bring to you, I bet he knew about all of this."

"I think you are right Father. He is not the kind of man that would agree in leaving Mayumi again without a heavy reason or purpose." Tomokazu replied

"I have already approved you both and yet, this happened again. Im sorry Mayumi, If I just made a better choice from the start." Kouichi said as he stood up and hug her daughter tightly.

"Its not your fault father. Its just that our red string of fate has a lot of knots before it let us reach each other."

"I hope that you and Tatsuya would find your peace and happiness with each other again, someday."

"I was hoping for it too... if ever that day would come then it will be because itis meant to be." Mayumi replied with a shaking voice. Her tears fell like rain in her cheeks. She can't keep it up anymore, all the pain she is keeping all to herself was now flowing out of her forcefully like the waves in the ocean.

"Mayumi..." Kouichi whispered as he part from the hug and wipe her daughter's tears.


The next day Mayumi was accompanied by his brother Tomokazu in the University to officially file her transfer of school. Since Mayumi will be migrating to America with his brother and his wife to attend to some of their overseas business and also they have decided that it is better to conceal her pregnancy abroad. Then they will be going back to Japan when the child is already a little older, old enougj to understand her mother and father's situation.

"Mayumi, are you sure now? Once we have file your transfer of school to States you can't back out okay?" Tomokazu said while they were walking inside the school grounds.

"Im sure of it oni-san. I think I deserve a more peaceful time abroad rather than thinking of all my regrets. It will be hard, this would be the hardest part. Leaving and moving on without him."

"You could have just elope with Tatsuya you know. You have the support of the Saegusa. We will guarantee your safety."

"I have thought of that. But really, do you think the Yotsuba would just let it go like that? They would pursue us and even declare a war against our family. I dont want to involve father and our family with this."

"I'm happy to have such a thoughtful sister like you, though it pains me to see you suffer and sacrifice your own happiness."

"Thanks oni-san."

"Should we enter now?"

"I believe so." She said and smiled lightly at his brother. And take the initiative to knock at the door of the Principal's Office.


"Tatsuya?" Maya asked sounding so puzzled.

"Yes, Maya-sama. Your nephew is here to talk to you." Hayama repeated.

"I wonder if it is..." she whispered and said "Okay. let him in."

Tatsuya entered the hidden mansion of the Yotsuba's and headed for her aunts study. All eyes were on him, the servants and even the relatives of the Yotsuba main family. He was considered an outcast because of his limited yet powerful abilities but it doesn't bother him. He is used to not being treated normally, until Mayumi came to his life. Remembering all this made him remember her brightly smiling face clearly. And even though it hurts, he still cant stop to smile.

"Tatsuya, what brings you here?" Maya said with a smile when his nephew opened the door.

"Maya-sama, I am here to talk to you... regarding the wedding with my sister, Miyuki." He said with a straight face and sat down at the chair across Maya's seat.

"I am pleased that you have come to me to talk about it properly. Specially after you conspired with Saegusa Kouichi. Oh, Don't tell me it didn't turned out well with Mayumi? Maybe she likes the Itsuwa's heir more than you after all even knowing about your identity1."

"It doesn't really matter."

"Then, what do you want to say?"

"I will do as you wish. I will marry Miyuki. By doing that... I will be then known and recognized as a legitimate Yotsuba by your people and the family, right?"

"Of course since you will be Miyuki's husband and named as my son."

"Then there's nothing to talk about anymore. I'll be going then Maya-sama."

"Aunt Maya is fine inside our house. And mom when we are outside right? Why don't you stay for a while Tatsuya? I really like to have a little chat with you."

"About what?"

"About you. Your birth."

"My birth? I think there is nothing we should talk about my --"

"The day you were born, me and your mother Miya was so happy. Even though we are not in a very good terms due to some past events, because of you... we talked and smiled at each other once again. But you have a terrifying ability that could be a threat. A destruction and restoration skills that occupy most of your brain so you wont be able to learn any other magic. Yet we have trully loved you. But we decided to create someone from Miya's genes to act as your limiter, and that was Miyuki. Both of you are not genetically compatible and she is made for you. So dont worry about marrying your own sister, it would be just fine."

"If that's all, then I will be going Aunt Maya."

"If you are in such a hurry then go. I just wanted to share you that little moment in my past."

"Thank you. I'll be off to my room."

Tatsuya left and close the door gently. He paused with a sigh and whispered "You did love me, but I never felt it. Specially when you and mother decided to remove my own humanity."

Inside Maya's room, she smiled as Tatsuya completely left and called on to someone that was hidden in the door inside her study. Miyuki came out and take a seat beside her aunt.

"Have you heard that? Tatsuya will marry you. So your plan of talking to Mayumi was a success huh?"

"Mayumi-senpai is such a soft hearted person. I need to thank her one day."

"Indeed. Good job Miyuki. Now all you need to do is turn down Ichijou Masaki nicely."

"Yes Aunt Maya-sama."


The next day.

Miyuki decided to meet with Masaki to turn him down urgently and properly.
The excited and overwhelmed Masaki was so happy as she walks towards Miyuki thinking that this was the first time she initiated for their date.

"Miyuki-chan, did I make you wait? Im so sorry."

"It's fine Masaki-kun, I just arrived a little earlier than the decided time."

"I see. Well what do you want to order?"

"Just a juice for me."

"Don't you want to eat anything? Like a cake to go with your orange juice? We might have a long day today, since I really don't have anything to do with our business."

"Sure. Thank you Masaki-kun."

Masaki ordered 2 slices of cakes, strawberry for Miyuki and Chocolate for him. They chat about some stuffs from school and other things. And as they finished their food, Miyuki wore her serious face and held Masaki's hand.

"Ichijou-kun, I need to tell you something."

"Tell me what is it Miyuki. Is it something serious for your face to change like that so sudden?"

"I guess so."

"Then tell me. I can help you."

"Ichijou-kun, I am turning your offer down for being your fiance. Im sorry but I can't marry you."

"Miyuki-chan? Why? Is it my fault? Is there something wrong? I... I can change for you."

"No Ichijou-kun. It's me. Sorry but please respect my decision, I just can't love you yet. Im sorry. Let's stop this. Thank you for taking care of me for all this time. Good bye." Miyuki said as she left and let go of Masaki's hand.

Masaki on the otherhand was in state of shock. He cant easily comprehend what happened between the two of them. They looks so fine and happy when they are together and yet Miyuki still didn't like him even a little. He clenched his hand into a fist and face down the table. He want to run after her, but his legs wont just move. His chest is so painful that all he can do is shed tears for being left alone.

Miyuki then entered her car and take a glance at Masaki once again. She noticed the depressed aura on him and averted her gaze. Miyuki then held her chest and whispered "This feeling is weird. Why does my chest... feels tight?"


A few weeks later. The Yotsuba Clan was already busy preparing for the marriage of Miyuki and Tatsuya. Both of them already went with their gown and tuxedo fittings. Then they also have chosen the motif of the wedding, the foods, the venue and other needed necessities for the event that will be happening.

"Oni-sama!" Miyuki said as he saw Tatsuya entering his room.

"Miyuki. Do you need something?"

"Aren't you coming with me? We will be checking the ceremony and reception area."

"I really dont feel good so I wanna stay at home. Just go with Aunt Maya and your servants."

"What? Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital? Do you wsnt me to take care of you?"

"Im fine. You need to go with them Miyuki, okay? Dont worry about me."

"Oni-sama... I just want to tell you that I... Im so happy that you accepted your marriage with me." Miyuki said with a smile and blush on her face as he held his brother's hand.

"Miyuki im just doing this because I have too. But you need to know that I still see you as my sister and nothing else. Im sorry." Tatsuya finished the conversation with this and went inside his room.

"Oni-sama..." she whispered with a frown on her face.



Is everything okay? Mayumi?" Kouichi said as he entered her daughter's room.

"All set father. Are we going now?" Mayumi answered.

"We should. Your brother is already waiting downstairs."

As they went downstairs, the maids brought all their luggages inside the car. Mayumi then said goodbye to her mother, younger sisters, and his 2nd elder brother. She then entered the car and Kouichi closed the door to the passenger's seat.

"Father. Today is --"

"Tomokazu. We should not talk about that already. Let's go. I'll accompany you to the airport."

"Yes father."

Kouichi, Mayumi, Tomokazu, and his wife was now inside the car heading to the airport. All of them was in silence as they rest for waking up so early when the music suddenly changes into a news update.

** Good day citizens of Japan. Today is a very sunny and bright day perfect for events and weddings. And speaking of weddings, we are now here today on the most controversially awaited wedding of Yotsuba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki. In where a lot of guest are mostly from the Ten Master -- **

"Im sorry about that Mayumi." Kouichi said as he turned the radio off and took a glimpse at his daughter.

"Its fine father. The sun is so bright to feel so gloomy and sad." Mayumi said as she smile to all three of them who is looking at her so worriedly. "You guys. Seriously. Im... Im F-fine. I-its okay r-right? I... I should n-not cry right?" Mayumi said as her voice shake from stopping all the tears in her eyes which made her feel like choking. But eventually she cant held it all back and burst out all of her sadness and cried like a child in his brother's arms.


At the Yotsuba's mansion. Tatsuya was getting all fixed for the wedding. He looks so handsome wearing his tuxedo, partnered with black shoes and white satin gloves. As they were finished, he ask them to leave him be for a while before heading straight to the ceremony.

"Mayumi I can't do this. But for you, I should." Tatsuya said to himself as he tried to smile, staring outside the window in those blue sky and white clouds. But despite of that smile, his eyes shed a tear for his beloved.


**To be continued on Chapter 23 **

Thank you for reading!

"Let's continue on sailing Mayumi x Tatsuya's ship!"


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