The Bloodlust Alpha

By Youre_My_Sanctuary

9.5M 306K 649K

Highest in Werewolf: #2 "Selene, my daughter, please hear us out. I know we don't deserve it, but your sister... More

1|| gone she goes
3|| forsaken me
4|| reunion
5|| the bloodlust alpha
6|| sexual tension
6.1|| wildflower
7|| death of me
8|| beauty and the beast
9|| please, raizel
10|| terrible liar
10.1|| [EXTRA] dates
11|| the wildflower of my heart
12|| wrath
13|| break
14|| marks
15|| yours, mine
16|| love
17|| the dress
groupchat shenanigans
18|| it's what led me to you
19|| only you
19.1|| blue
20|| real
21|| what was his
22|| haven't lost everything
23|| demand
24|| the alpha of greyhound
25|| the hellhound
26|| karma
27|| disrespect
28|| liar
29|| duskfall

2|| red roses

211K 9.7K 16.7K
By Youre_My_Sanctuary


Red Roses


The Bloodlust Alpha

a/n: ahhhhh I literally listen to this song whenever I wanna write depressing stuff.

Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore

Trigger warning: Death, abuse, molestation, more death.

Attempted rape

It's like very graphic. Youve been warned.

It took two hours to pack everything.

Two luggages I carried with me.

Two minutes to get in the van without a word of goodbye from either one of us.

Two glances behind me to see Landon holding Hestia in a tight embrace as his eyes locked with mine. Standing at the patio just a few feet from them were my parents who looked on as the van pulled out from the driveway.

Two days to arrive at the new pack I was staying with-- The Duskfall Pack.

And now, two months later, I'm still here.

I sighed heavily, taking the battered watering can by the handle and walked over to the shed. The sweet smell of fresh flowers mixing with the scent of heavy rainfall filling my nostrils as I breathed in. Calmness flowed through my veins when my eyes scanned over the fertile land. Flourished greenery blankets acres of land that stretched out miles across.

Goddess, it was beautiful.

I ignored the sluggish sounds of soil under my boots and stopped in front of the little wooden hut. Bentley Everdale, the kind old man that allowed me to work for him in his fields, came up from behind and flashed me a warm smile. The edges of his eyes crinkling with delight. Dressed in dark blue overalls with a red undershirt and brown work boots, he had smudges of oil all over his hands and under his wrinkly chin. He must've been working on his tractor.

"Here again, Selene?"

I tugged off my gloves after setting the watering can on the ground beside the rusting water valve. Bentley had a habit of checking up on me every few hours. He said I worked too much, but I didn't really consider it 'work'. I just loved flowers was all. Maybe a little too much but to each their own. I looked back to him, returning his smile with my own and wiped my forehead from the sweat trickling down my temple with the back of my hand. The blazing sun kissed the surface of my exposed skin and left lingering prickles of discomfort down my arms.


Two months had passed and no word about my return was ever mentioned. No phone calls, no letters-- absolutely nothing. I was disheartened by the thought. I figured, no matter how badly things came between us and how things ended, I would at least be checked up upon. I was still the child they raised, still the older sister she had growing up. In the end of the day we were still family. But I guess that wasn't enough. The most disappointing part of all this was that I stupidly clung onto a filament of hope that maybe, just maybe they'd show me they cared. That they'd show a hint of regret at what they've done. One phone call to see how I was holding up. It wouldn't erase my anger, hurt and most definitely betrayal but it would've at least proved that they've thought of me.

That they actually cared about me.


I whipped my head around to the direction the squeaky voice came from to find Lila running at full speed toward us. Her chestnut curls tied into pigtails bouncing with every step she made. The toothy grin on her face stretching to her ears with her hazel eyes widened with excitement. Cheeks flushed from her attempt at getting to us faster. It was endearing to see her small little body cladded in a white dress struggling to run over the wet soil. I visibly cringed as I glanced down to her shoes that Luna Thompson bought for her sinking into the mud.

Luna Thompson will not be happy to see that.

The smile broadened on my face as I watched her stumble but quickly regain her composure. The little slip hadn't fazed her. Her excitement in seeing me never diminishing along the way.

"Well hello there, Lila."

Bentley greeted, putting both hands on his hips as he stared down at the five year old amusedly when she reached us. Lila smiled shyly, a pink blush spreading on her round cheeks. Her eyes darted to the ground before peering up to Bentley timidly. Her small fingers hooked around the hem of her dress before she dashed to hide behind me and wrapped her arms around my legs. Poking her head to the side, she peeked over me. No doubt those doe eyes of hers were watching Bentley with caution. For a five year old, she was quite inquisitive.

Lila Everdale was an orphan of the Reddusk Pack. A pack far, far away in the East. She lost both parents at just a few weeks old after an unsuspecting rogue attack. None of the wolves wanted to adopt her because of her lineage. According to Bentley, her parents were the omegas of that pack at the time.

The Alpha of the pack I was currently residing in, Alpha Thompson, found Lila being beaten by her pack members during one of the social events held at their territory. Abuse was something he didn't tolerate; child abuse more so. He demanded the right to claim her and unsurprisingly, the Reddusk Pack was more than willing to give Lila up with nothing in exchange.

They saw her as baggage left behind.

She was only three years old when Alpha Thompson brought her here.

Bentley told me how the first time he saw her, she was covered with bruises all over her tan skin. Cuts and scars littered her arms and legs; some old but most new and fresh. You could only imagine the kind of abuse she's been through at Reddusk. Alpha Thompson was bringing her to the Pack House, her tiny body cradled in his big arms was a sight to see. It was even harder to imagine. Bentley was just walking home when he saw her. He couldn't believe how malnourished she was. 'She was only skin and bones' he'd tell me.

Lila had refused to lift her eyes from the ground when she was officially introduced as a new pack member. He guessed she was constantly told to avoid eye contact as a way to shame and humiliate the young child. To carve into her mind that she was below everyone else because of her blood line. That she was born inferior.

I could never understand how someone could lay their hands on children. Such young, pure souls not knowing the ugliness of the world being stripped from their innocence.

The trauma of being abused since basically her birth took its toll on her and influenced her greatly. She was withdrawn, unusually quiet and overly wary. She didn't play with other pups her age and took to just staring at flowers. Apparently Reddusk kept her indoors at all times. So when she finally caught a glimpse of the outside, she was taken to observing them.

Thus, meeting Bentley who she grew somewhat dependent on.

It took a good full year for her to even crack a smile. A mistrustful Lila denied anyone who tried to get close to her. Sometimes she still denied Bentley. Many of the pack members offered to adopt her, but Lila refused to go along with anyone. She was satisfied staying in the pack house with other orphans who would soon be adopted. She often threw tantrums when someone tried to get close. He told me that she'd kick, scream, cry out and attempt to run whenever someone tried to bring her home. I frowned at the words Bentley said to me once:

The poor child has been through a lot. When she turned  five a few months ago, she asked me if I loved her like 'she'  did from Reddusk. I was so confused. I was under the impression Reddusk treated her badly, but then again, maybe there was at least one person who actually cared for her. Maybe a relative of some sort, possibly a family friend. So I told her that I did, but then she just frowns and her lips begin to quiver and she goes: You'll hurt me too?

The bastard proclaimed to love her every time she'd hit her. Every hit she laid on Lila's skin pounded the wrong definition of love into her head. To Lila, love meant physical, emotional and mental pain.

"Selly... can we see the flowers?"

Lila mumbled into my jeans. I blinked away the anger bubbling in my chest and laughed softly at her before nodding. Skimming my hand affectionately against her cheek, I felt my heart warm as she leaned in. As much as Lila strayed away from affectionate touches, she was also desperate for them. A dangerous combination that could determine whether or not Lila would lash out if used at the wrong moment.

Being starved of affection can do that to you. My wolf had admittedly gotten maternal over the pup. Ever since the day we met her when she was playing in Bentley's garden when I first arrived, we had formed a cautious relationship. Through her, Bentley had met me and offered me a job.

As the days I kept coming increased, she slowly opened up to me until she practically followed me around like a lost puppy.

She was like a ray of sunshine in my life. Lila was one of the biggest reasons I'm stable enough aside from the overwhelming kindness the pack showed me and the garden Bentley let me work on. I was an emotional, depressed mess when I first arrived here. No point in sugar coating it. I wasn't keeping track of time, bothering to go out to eat and just lived through life like a shell of a person for almost two weeks. Missing my garden back home didn't help either. It was only until I found out that the pack territory had a large field did I gain some kind of interest or motivation to get up.

I managed to keep my mind off things and focus on myself whenever I would work on the plants. It was the perfect distraction. Just staring at the calming beauty of nature was enough to lighten my mood snd clear my thoughts for a moment.

Bentley, Duskfall and Lila were my life savers.

They pulled me from the darkest corner of my life.

They gave me the true understanding of what "family" meant.

From randomly being invited to dinners, included in social events, asked to come over at houses, befriending almost everyone in the pack and freely spending my time at the garden without being judged, Duskfall was my sanctuary. A pack free from the poisonous tentacles of dramatics. It hurt to know that someday I would leave it all behind. That my time here was ticking. This privilege of living life to the fullest was limited.

It was all in the hands of Landon.

The mate who didn't want me.

"Of course we can."

I looked up to Bentley who nodded at my silent question for approval. Giving him one last smile, I leaned down to carry Lila against my chest before walking off to the flower garden. She locked her legs together, squeezing my waist between them as her arms hung around my neck. Lila squirmed in my hold, her small hand clutching onto the back of my shirt as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I felt a small laugh escape me when she peered over my shoulder to look at Bentley before quickly ducking down when he caught her stare.

The little pup was quite the cutie.

We walked down the trail for about seven minutes of silence when she asked,

"Selly, are you going to leave?"

I flinched at the suddenness of her question. She never really asked about my stay until now. I stopped walking mid-step to look down at her before continuing our way to the flower garden. She kept her head down, the crown of her head the only thing I could see. She was playing with a lock of my hair, her fingers combing through the strands at the ends. Lila knew I was only 'visiting' for a while. Everyone in the pack knew that. They didn't know for what reason, though. Some would ask but I brushed it off saying it was some minor issue back home. I could only guess what kind of excuse Landon came up with. I highly doubt he would go on a limb to say that I was his rejected mate and he needed me to stay away so he can mark and mate my sister.

I wasn't eager to receive looks of pity from them either if I told them the truth. I had my fill of that from Bentley-- the only one I ever told. He was angry for me, but most of all I could see the sympathy under those bluish green eyes. His mate had passed on a few years back, but he was happy.

He was content.

He had the chance to love and cherish his mate til her very last breath. It was an honor, he said. An honor to have been the one to provide her with a lifetime full of love and affection. An honor to be her mate that she had blessed with a family of three.

Him, her and their son, Isaac.

Issac was supposedly out of pack territory training to become the next Gamma at a training camp in the South. Gamma's and Beta's were chosen by the reigning Alpha. They weren't passed down from generation to generation like Alpha's were. After choosing the candidate, they were sent to train for the position. It was only after the completion of their extensive training that they were given a ceremony to officially accept the title. There was a lot of requirements to pass the standards.

Bentley keeps close contact with his son. He writes him letter that he would receive a response to every two weeks. I could see with the way his eyes glimmer with pride when he speaks of him that his son was his biggest joy. Being mateless and away from his son, did make him feel quite lonely. So when Lila came into the picture, he found a new sense of purpose.

He would take care of her with the remaining years he had left in him.

Bentley often said he misses his mate, Maria, dearly. Sometimes still seeing her sitting in her favorite couch with her legs propped up reading a romance novel.

She may have aged, but she's still the romantic she always was when we first met at sixteen.

The warmth in his eyes as he said that tugged at my heart. In both good and bad ways. It was only then did I realize I wouldn't have any of that. I wouldn't have anyone to just sit around and do nothing with. To just enjoy and revel in each other's company. No one to memorize their little habits and mechanisms. I tried not thinking about it too much, but it was hard not to when I could physically feel my bond with Landon weaken. Turns out what he said was true.

The mate bond was slowly loosening and I felt every layer forcibly removed by his increasing emotional bond to Hestia deep in my bones. Every time I felt it, a piece of me fell away.

Suddenly, a sharp pain twisted in my gut. I hunched over, mouth open in a soundless scream when I fell onto the ground. I managed to keep myself from falling face first because of the little girl still in my arms. She was the only thing racing through my mind. Lila squealed, startled from my wheezing. She squirmed in my hold until I let go but I couldn't breathe. My hands shakily clutched onto the fabric over my heart. My mind going hazy as my vision began to black out.

I was suffocating.

I forced as much air down my throat but it wasn't enough. My hands had curled themselves around my neck. It was like every breath I took, I was swallowing acid. A burning sensation would travel down my throat to the very core of my body. It'd ignite unworldly pain to spread across every particle making up my being.

The inflammation in my chest felt like a thousand knives piercing through me all at once. Tears welled in my eyes as the pain tripled. It reached every crevice in my body. Not a single muscle tenseless from the pain. Beating my soul inside and out, I gasped out. I could only hear the distinct footsteps of Lila running away and frantically screaming for Bentley before I passed out. A world of black stretching abyss welcoming me into the caress of nothing.


When I came to, Lila was fast asleep beside me on a chair. Her head rested against her folded arms on the side of the bed. Judging from the bareness of the room and the unfamiliar peach painted walls, we were in one of the spare rooms at the Pack House. It was a lot closer to the field than the small house I currently lived in. Rubbing my temples, I closed my eyes shut. There was a sort of ringing in my head. A migraine that made my focus a little woozy. It hurt like hell but it was more annoying than anything.

After a few breaths, I opened my eyes and turned to look at the window. I nearly groaned out loud at the darkness just beyond the room. It was already nightfall. I slept for almost the entire day. I could faintly remember checking the time and seeing that it was only ten in the morning when I passed out. I sighed. I'll just have to work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for today. I already felt bad for Bentley yet again finding me unconscious. My eyes drifted to the small child beside me. Her back rose and fell steadily as she breathed. A small squeeze made my eyes fall to my hand. I realized she was holding onto my finger. Her tiny fingers curled around my pinky.

A frown marred on my face at the dried tear streaks down Lila's cheeks. I slowly reached over her even though lifting my arms alone strained my sore muscles. Gently, I wiped her tears away. Lila stirred in her sleep but nuzzled into her folded arms against the bed. She was always a light sleeper. A breath of relief came over me when she didn't wake up. I wasnt sure how bad her reaction would be if she saw me.

I must've terrified her.

Images of her helplessly frightened face flashing in my mind before I forcefully shut them out. Guilt and frustration built up inside me. I didn't want her to have to see that. Of all times, it had to happen when I was with her. Even when I knew there was nothing I could've done to prevent it, I still felt responsible. Like I should've been strong enough to withstand it when no one ever could.

"This isn't safe for you, Selene."

I looked up upon hearing a croaky voice to see Bentley walking in with a frown. He closed the door behind him with a bouquet of roses tucked against his forearm. My lips tugged up when I realized it was the flowers he so carefully grew himself. Bentley allowed me to work on his garden but the roses were off limits. His mate had loved his roses, and since then he wanted to be the only one taking care of it. It brought him some form of solace for his loss. Without him saying it, I knew that by growing the roses himself, he still felt her presence. He felt like she was right there with him.

He was wearing a checkered shirt with long khakis a size too big for his lanky body. He looked tired. Gray hair messy and eyes sunken in more than usual. It made me feel worse knowing he probably didn't get any sleep because he was worried about me. Bentley sighed heavily before laying the flowers on my nightstand and pulling the desk chair to sit at my right. Taking my hand in his, he furrowed his brows together before tightening his grip.

"This is the seventh time this month."

I swallowed thickly. Averting my gaze from him, I chewed on my lip. Fear rippled inside me from his tone. We never really talked about these attacks because I never wanted to. He knew what they were but he never made a move to talk about it. He was aware it made me uncomfortable. So hearing Bentley bring it up now had my nerves kicking in.

"You slept for two days."

My mouth parted in surprise. Two days? This was the longest I ever slept through. Granted, this attack was far worse compared to my past ones, but this is outrageous. Two days. A full forty-eight hours of sleep.


"She wouldn't leave your side. She was afraid you'd leave her too"

Bentley's eyes trailed over to the small body beside me. His gaze softened in sadness,

"-like her parents."

A deep stab of pain poked me in the heart. Lila never talked about her parents. She didn't have anything to say. How could she when they were taken from her before she could even open her eyes? Still, she knew what having parents meant. What it would've meant for her if they'd lived.Bentley tightened his hold on my hand. With pursed, dry lips he gulped,

"I told Alpha Oliver about what happened to you."

The moment those words left his lips, I felt everything stop. My eyes widened. My heart dropped at what he said. He told him? My face paled almost immediately when his words sunk in. Oh Goddess, what were they going to do? Did they tell Landon? Were they going to kick me out for being unwanted? Will their views of me change? Anxiety crept up from within me when I tried to yank my hand from his hold, but he didn't let go. His face hardened as he looked over to Lila.

"Sweet pea, this isn't right. You're suffering far too much. How many more times will you have these attacks every time they mate? How many more bruises will your body take? How many more times do I have to find you lying unconscious over the floor? How many more times will your pretty little eyes shed tears for that son of a bitch?"

Bentley's soft voice sought after my tears. I could feel them threatening to spill. I vowed to myself I wouldn't cry again. At least, not in front of them. I've done that way too many times just from that day alone. I probably cried a years worth of tears by now. Even if my heart was breaking again and again, I didn't want them to have the same impression of me as my pack did:




Not enough.

"I-I can't do anything about it."

I whispered. My hands trembled but Bentley's reassuring hold kept me from completely breaking apart. His warmth sent a small rush of comfort.

He opened his mouth to say something when we heard a faint knock on the door. Was someone else visiting? I looked to Bentley in confusion who gave me a small, regrettable smile and let go of my hand before getting up to open it.

"Alpha Oliver."

Bentley dipped his head in respect as the big, burly Alpha at the doorframe nodded at him. His dark eyes sweeping across the room until they met mine.

Alpha Oliver Thompson.

Only pack members or close associates were allowed to call an Alpha by their first name with the title. That's why I always called him Alpha Thompson. Alpha Harrison, Landon's father, was Alpha Harrison Walker. But since I was a pack member, I was permitted to call him Alpha Harrison whereas other wolves from different packs were required to call him Alpha Walker. It was a subtle way to show relations between wolves. A pack was like a family. Only family was allowed to get away with referring to an Alpha with such intimacy as using their first name. A mate never had to use the title nor the last name.

I was neither a pack member nor was I a close associate, so I resorted to using his last name. Sure I was staying at his pack, but my legal loyalty was still at Nightwake. I only met him a total of three times since my stay here. Once when I first arrived, twice when Bentley asked for permission to give me a job and third when my first attack happened and I fell ill for a day. He'd visited to inquire about my health or if someone had done something. I had managed to say it was just exhaustion and he never questioned it though I knew he didn't believe me.

He probably decided against asking out of respect for me.

"Bentley, could you give me and Selene a moment? Please take Lila with you."

Bentley nodded at him, slowly making his way to pick up a sleepy Lila in his arms. Her little eyes fluttered open when he scooped her up and wandered around until they fell on me. Immediately she thrashed in his hold, whining to be let go so that she could come to me. Her little chubby arms reaching out to my direction as small sobs racked her body. The inner turmoil in me nearly drove me mad. My heart ached for the child. Her expression cutting deep as my wolf restrained the urge to comfort her in front of the Alpha. I watched as Lila slowly disappeared with her wails echoing in the hallway.

Even when she wasn't in sight I kept staring at the door longingly.

"That little girl is head over heels for you."

I snapped my attention to Alpha Thompson who has a slight smile playing on his lips before dropping my gaze to my hands. Chewing on my lip, a smile appeared across my face at his words. Was it wrong to feel a little prideful over that? To feel happy at the fact Lila had gotten so attached to me? I was just as in love with that little girl.

"Bentley told me about your... situation."

He said softly. I felt his alert eyes observing me like he was expecting me to burst out into tears at any moment. When his glances became too much I peered over to him, catching him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly with his gaze dropped to the floor. Clearly the Alpha never had something like this happen. He probably didn't know what to say in fear of saying something wrong. This was why I didn't want anyone to know. The moment they did, they'd treat me like I was made out of glass. Not that my heart wasn't as fragile as one. But once something breaks, it can't be broken again, can it?


Was my brilliant response. Alpha Thompson sighed loudly, sitting in the seat Bentley had sat on. If only we weren't talking about this, I would've found it funny. His large mass bent uncomfortably on a chair too small for his bulky body. He soon gave up trying to find a comfortable position and lifted his head to meet me in the eyes. Alpha Thompson was a great Alpha. A great man, husband and father. He was kind, caring, strong but disciplined. He had strict sets of morals he would stand by and I grew to respect him tremendously. Especially when he was the one who saved Lila from her life at Reddusk.

"Selene, why didn't you say anything?"

He asked exasperatedly. If I wasn't hearing things, he sounded almost disappointed. I swallowed down the lump in my throat. How could I voice out my fears? Voice out my insecurities? I didnt need to feel more exposed and violated than I already did, but at the same time something compelled me to answer. Something told me I could trust this man not to judge me like others did in Nightwake. After all, how could someone who runs a pack as peaceful and kind like this, be someone untrustworthy?

"I can't."

I answered truthfully.

"I was afraid to."

Alpha Thompson shook his head, clearly unhappy with the fear haunting me. His thick eyebrows pressing together and his frown deepened. He didn't understand. I didn't expect him to.

"What are you afraid of, Selene? Are you afraid of that youngling? That Alpha Walker finding out you said something?"

My head snapped up with wide eyes. He called him Alpha. That could only mean he had successfully overtaken the title. I figured he would've done so sooner rather than later. His time was running out, after all. The question was: since when did he claim it?

"A-Alpha Walker? You mean Landon Walker? He's Alpha now?"

Leaning against the chair, he folded his arms across his chest. Alpha Thompson thought for a moment before nodding solemnly. He pressed his lips together in dismay. Landon had gotten the title, mated Hestia... all he needed to do was mark her.

How had he gotten away without marking her? Did he take the title first? Did he choose to disobey Nightwake traditions? Was it because she wasn't his mate that they decided to give him leeway? Everyone knew they weren't mates, so it could only mean they willingly allowed it to happen without argument. They loved her that much. She was so fit to be Luna that they overlooked his disinterest in following the proper order of things.

All he had to do was mark her now. Once he'd done that, he would've completed their bond and successfully tossed ours aside.

"Since when?"

I asked softly. Alpha Thompson looked almost hesitant in answering but eventually gave in with a small breath. He unfolded his arms and relaxed his hunched shoulders. He was preparing himself for my reaction. He knew that I had to know.

"Approximately a week after you got here."

My eyes bulged out of their sockets. A week? That's all it took him? Around seven days since I left? If that was so, then why didn't he mark her yet? He had so much time to mark her. He let a full two months pass without claiming her. So what was the hold up? Is it possible he was having second thoughts? A bubble of hope formed inside me but I quickly dismissed it.

Of course he didn't.

He had just finished mating her again a few hours ago. I felt stupid for even considering it. Against my better judgement I had hoped he wouldn't mark her. Marking her was the last step to the completion of their forged bond. My wolf growled at the thought. She was still hurt over the fact our mate had sent us away and chose another over us. Above all, our blood related sister. I was too, but it didn't affect me the way it did her. I managed to form good relationships here in Duskfall as she did, but her connection to Landon's wolf was far stronger than my connection to Landon. She was created for the sole purpose of standing beside Landon and his wolf. She existed to go hand in hand with Landon's wolf.

Her connection to the pack was stronger since she was supposed to be Luna.

So to have all that stripped from her was like saying her existence was futile.

I nodded slowly, trying to let the information sink in. I kept my gaze on the thick blanket over my legs. Alpha Thompson remained quietly still in his seat. I knew he was still waiting for me to answer that previous question. I had a feeling he wouldn't leave if I didn't answer. A small part of me hoped he'd forgotten but sensing his prying gaze on me told me he didn't. Reluctantly, I gave in.

"Everything. I'm afraid of everything. I'm afraid Landon will find out and he'll be even more disgusted by me. I'm afraid of repeating the same sob story over and over to people who ask, because it'll make it feel even realer."

I laughed bitterly,

"I'm afraid people will look at me different. Afraid people will see me the way my family and pack members did. I'm afraid of rejection,"

I finally admit. My hands balled around the blanket over me. The rush of emotions hitting me all at once when I think about it.

"I'm so afraid of being rejected again. If my own pack, family, and mate can reject me, who's to say the people who I just met won't?"

I muster up the courage to look at him. Alpha Thompson's gaze softened. I half expected him to get angry at my insinuation that his pack members would do a complete 180 on me. But he didn't. He calmly reached over to rub my back. The touch of someone simply listening rather than responding with false pretenses soothing me far better than any therapist could. I decide to go on. I had nothing to hide anymore. There was no reason in holding back.

Let me lay my heart out to people who genuinely cared.

"When he finally marks her... he'll transfer me back. He said so himself. The mate bond's burden will still be there but it won't be strong enough to make him act out on instinct. I'm a different story though. Rejected and unmated. I respect myself far too much than to simply give myself away just for the sake of wearing the bond. So I'll suck it up. I'll feel every ounce of the torture from our mate bond. Not like it'll make a difference to him if it didn't."

"Then why don't you permanently stay here?"

My head shot up to him. My jaw hanging open at the bluntness of his suggestion. It wasn't uncommon for members to transfer out to other packs. Some would do it because they had mate's over there, others would leave because they didn't agree with the pack's rules. To officially leave a pack, the Alpha had to agree. I knew Landon, aside from what he says, would never allow me to go. He may not have me but that didn't mean he'd let anyone else have me either.


Alpha Thompson smiled, looking at the closed door behind him before returning his attention to me. He looked so sure of what he said. There wasn't a string of indecisiveness in his expression.

"If I'm being honest, I was kind of thinking of a way to convince you to stay. It was a selfish thought on my part but Lila needs you. Bentley does too. The old prude hasn't had that smile on his face since his son left. He sees you as his own daughter like he does Lila. They may not be your family family but to them, you are."

He squeezed my shoulder,

"Staying at that pack will do you no good. No offense, but your family seems like real shitty people. If Alpha Walker tries to prevent you from making your stay here permanent, I'll personally handle it. We take care of our own, Selene. No one left behind. Just say the word and I'll assure you I'll make it happen. If we have to bring this up to the Chancellor, so be it. We'll do whatever it takes. Whatever."

Never in my life had people ever treated me this way. Treated me with priority. All the restraint I had on trying to be strong broke away as I cried into my hands. Wet, blotches of tears collecting in my palms as Alpha Thompson patiently waited for me to calm down. When I looked up, red eyed and all, he grinned.

"I'll take it as a yes?"

I smiled for my future. And for the first time in two months, it was a genuine.


Alpha Thompson let out a huge breath before raking a hand through his thick hair. I guess he was really insistent on keeping me here for Lila. Most of the pack members have noted that Lila was attached to me. It brought them a sense of relief to know Lila was finally opening up to someone.

"Thank Goddess, I was worried I'd have bad news for-"

"Alpha Oliver!"

Alpha Thompson quickly stood up, the chair falling behind him. A male's shout filtered through the door. His eyes stared down at the the direction of his voice. Not a second went by and the door busted open, revealing his Beta, Beta Crawford. His dark hair slicked wet against his forehead and his shirt drenched with sweat. He was breathing hard, body heaving up and down rapidly.

"What's wrong?"

Alpha Thompson asked, his tone intimidatingly dark. He caught a whiff of tension from his Beta and immediately knew something had happened. Beta Crawford shook his head, eyes visible with fear. A Beta shaking in his skin was never a good sign. Beta Crawford turned to look over his shoulder when a loud scream resonated down the hall. He ground down on his teeth.

"R-Rogues. They-they breached our borders."

Alpha Thompson's eyes flashed with deep rooted anger. Protruding down his neck and arms were his veins. You could feel the fury oozing off him in thick waves. His wolf was fighting for control at the enemies threatening his pack.

The Alpha in him wanted blood.


The whites of his eyes slowly inked black. His canines elongated past his lips bared threateningly to no one in specific. A low, deep guttural growl ripped from his throat and echoed down the halls. His wolf had successfully taken over him. This was the first time I've ever seen it happen.

Alpha Thompson's chest had puffed out, muscles bulging as he slightly shook in outrage. He was demonstrating his dominance before going out to face the rogues himself. He made his presence known on his territory so that whoever he crosses will know of his status. I could feel the thirst for blood in his constant growls.

"Take Selene and any others to the bunker. Protect them with your life."

His voice was deep. Almost like there was another voice intertwining with his. Without another word, Alpha Thompson turned and made a stride toward the door. His large body radiating of pure rage in his footsteps. Beta Crawford waited until his Alpha left to spring into action. The Alpha command worked instantaneously. Yanking me up by the arm, he began to drag me out the door. His face hardened with new profound courage masking his previous expression.

Stumbling over like a newborn fawn, Beta Crawford caught me before I completely fell and hoisted me up in his arms. He didn't say a word and only continued to silently bring us through the hall. This was damn embarrassing but necessary. I couldn't quite feel my legs yet. The attack and the bed rest for two days weakened my strength tremendously. My body felt like jelly.

"We need to leave. Now."

The initial fear in his voice was gone. The need to fulfill the orders from his Alpha defeated his perception of fear. We zipped down the stairs, the Pack house was completely abandoned by now. Pure terror could be heard outside. Women, men and children filling the night air with bloodcurdling screams. Beta Crawford tensed. He had the desire to aid them. His grip around me tightened slightly before he kicked open the back door and dashed outside.

It was utter chaos.

Fires lit up houses. Bodies scattered around the plains. Blood smeared all over the buildings and soaked into the soil. Most of those who were viciously mauled on the ground were lacking a body part. Some had their chests, backs or stomachs slashed open. Guts spilled out onto the ground. The faces of people I grew to know on more than just first-name basis staring lifelessly at me with their mouths opened to scream. Only, they never got the chance to.

The foul smell of death and burning flesh rained around us but I couldn't turn away. The horror and pure devastation of reality forbid me to. Beta Crawford clenched his jaw. Sorrow filling his eyes as he tore his gaze away to continue running. He had seen the people he grew up with slaughtered mercilessly. The only thing he could do was keep going no matter how much it pained him to do so. No matter how much he just wanted to stay there and mourn for the dead.

I scanned the area around us. The screaming had ceased but this wasn't even half the population. Where was everyone? Where did Alpha Thompson go?

A thunderous roar broke me from my thoughts. Quickly looking to my right, a large grey wolf with it's canines snapped on a small body of a child prowled toward us. Beta Crawford stepped back. His dark eyes calculating and observing the opponent before us. A low rumble came from within the rogue's chest and slowly unhinged its jaw to drop the body. I screamed in agony. I stared at the bloody corpse of little Jason, Alpha Thompson's three year old son. Beta Crawford growled, eyes heated in anger at the sight of the little Alpha to be, savagely chewed and killed. His skin broke in his back, trails of blood oozing from his head and torso. His shirt was almost completely torn apart.

Beta Crawford's body shook with the desire to take vengeance but he restrained himself remembering the Alpha's command. He was preparing himself to run but quickly tossed me to the side when another wolf lunged at him from behind. I skid across the ground, the mud coating my body.


Beta Crawford quickly stood up. He used his hands to push himself off the ground and body slam against the grey wolf's side. The sound of bone cracking made me flinch as Beta Crawford took the two wolves head on. He didn't have the time to shift. Both wolves would attack him before he could. He managed to grab one by the snout but didn't get the chance to do any damage when the auburn wolf clamped down on his other hand. I had to do something. But I couldn't shift after an attack.

Goddess, why? Why does this happen now? Why to them? My eyes helplessly searched for Beta Crawford's.


He yelled, pushing the wolves off him. He grabbed the auburn wolf's hind legs before slamming it against the grey wolf.

"Bentley brought Lila to the garden! Go!"

At the sound of Lila's name, I gathered all the strength I could muster and forced my legs down the pathway toward the field. I tried to ignore the sound of flesh being torn into. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was when two, unfamiliar snarls of victory surrounded it. I kept running. Every body I past by willing me to look at it's direction but I couldn't. The heavy scent of blood curling around my mind as I jumped over the fence. I couldn't see anything in the dark. Even with my senses heightened, it was too dim to see through.

I whipped my head around desperately in every direction. I didn't know where to begin to look.

Then I heard a scream.

A little girl's scream.

Lila's scream.

My blood ran cold. Pushing myself harder, I rushed over to the sound, begging the Moon Goddess to give the strength to shift. The sluggish sound of my feet pounding down on the mud ringing in my ears when I saw a figure hunching over the ground.

A man built up with heavy pounds of muscles pinned Lila on the ground. Tears rolled down her eyes as she screamed hysterically. Her legs kicking and arms trying to pull from the man's grasp. Her pants were thrown to the side, shirt ridding up her exposed chest. Her underwear was still on but the man was quickly trying to change that. Without thinking, I rushed over and threw myself over the man's body. He fell over, my arms still wrapped tightly around his neck. Lila's screams were unceasing as she crawled away and stared at me. She cried out my name, then Bentley's before repeating in a cycle.

The man was strong. He recklessly thrashed around, his hands planting firmly around my forearms in attempt to pull me off. I tightened my hold, forcing every ounce of power in me to keep my arms locked around him. I shut my eyes in pure rage. The ideas I knew the man had if I hadn't interfered spiked up enough emotion in me to grasp tighter.

An aggravated yell tore from my lips as the man's fruitless attempts of getting me off ceased. After a few seconds, his breathing slowed. His body drooping to the ground with his head hanging loosely at his neck. I felt his heart stop.

I killed a man.

I killed someone.

Slowly, I let my arms unwrap around his neck. His body fell over with a loud thud to give me a good view of his scarred back. I kneeled over the floor, the body a few inches from mine faced down onto the grass. The adrenaline pumping in my veins had me momentarily in shock when I felt small arms wrap around my waist. Lila's broken whimpers against my skin took me out of my trance. Cautiously, I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close. Her warmth the only thing keeping me from losing my mind. My touch soothed her slightly as hers did for me.

I swallowed. Picking myself up with Lila in my arms, I walked over the body, not sparing another glance in both disgust of the man and disgust in myself for enjoying the feel of his life leaving his body in my arms. My wolf growled in approval, her canines baring in pride. The desire for blood was clear in her beady black eyes.

We needed to get out of here.

Forcing myself to think straight, I suddenly remembered Bentley.

He was supposed to be with Lila. I looked around only to find him missing. Panic spread inside me. He couldn't be-

Turning to the opposite direction, I ran with Lila still sobbing in my arms toward his garden. Leaves and branches slapped against my skin as I ran but I could barely feel it. I was too focused and engrossed in trying to find him to notice the small cuts spreading across my skin. When we reached the front gate, I looked around wildly. I was desperate to catch sight of the one person who showed me what a true father was like. His flower patches were still the same. It was completely untouched. I snuggled Lila tighter against my chest. Her face buried in my shirt as I felt myself freeze.

I whimpered, legs shaking as my legs gave away. Falling to the ground on my knees, I held Lila's head to my neck so she couldn't look back. Her wet drops of tears rolling down my skin. I stared in complete silence. His checkered shirt was ripped open at the back. His body faced down with his head hidden in the cluster of his dandelions. His arms and legs were spread apart, his right forearm missing. A sharp sob pulled from my lips but I forced it down with my other hand. Hot tears blurred my vision but it wasn't enough to wash away the image in my head.

Bentley's body surrounded and hidden by the flowers he so carefully nurtured embraced him. As if protecting him from the world. The moonlight's soft shine casting a shadow over his body.

And his precious white roses, tainted in deep red.


a/n: you aint ready for the next chapter.


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