You and Me

By samanthaswishes

47.8K 1.1K 312

SEQUEL TO FAMILY AND PROTECTION Set 2 years after Brelyn, Elaina, Jacey, and Cayla come to Auradon Prep and... More

Chapter 1: 2 Years Later
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: New Outfits?
Chapter 4: Gathering Information
Chapter 5: One Mad Party
Chapter 6: What's My Name
Chapter 7: You Didn't Raise Me
Chapter 8: Running Away
Chapter 10: Who to Trust
Chapter 11: Fish and Chips
Chapter 12: The Past is Past
Chapter 13: Don't Have to Be Like Her
Chapter 14: Change of Heart
Chapter 15: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 16: Make the Trade
Chapter 17: Space Between
Chapter 18: Am I Strong?
Chapter 19: Am I Important?
Chapter 20: Back to Beautiful
Chapter 21: Family Plan
Chapter 22: Chillin' Like a Villain
Chapter 23: Rescue Mission
Chapter 24: Return to Auradon
Chapter 25: Safe and Sound
Chapter 26: Elaina's Report
Chapter 27: The Night Before
Chapter 28: Brelyn's Coronation
Chapter 28: You and Me

Chapter 9: What Are We Gonna Do

1.6K 35 11
By samanthaswishes

Evie was sitting alone in the castle library. She wished she understood what was going on in her daughter's mind. She wished she had told her the truth from the beginning. Doug entered the room. "How are you doing?" Evie didn't respond. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Be honest with me Doug," Evie began, "am I a good mother?"

Doug's eyes widened at his wife's question. He sat down slowly next to her. "Evie, why would you ever think that?"

"I-I don't know. It's have this whole father thing down. Elaina loves you so much."

"She loves you too, Evie," Doug said. "I can't think of a moment when she didn't think that. I also know for a fact that she knows that you love her."

Evie shrugged. "I've kept my childhood from her because she is so sensitive. I should've told her when we first told her that we were her parents."

"I'm with you on that one," Doug said.

"And now, something is obviously going on. Did you see the way her face dropped each time she got a text message? She says that it's nothing but it's definitely something. Am I wrong for wanting to help her?"

"That's what makes you such a good mother," Doug said. "The fact that you worry about your child's well-being whether it would be physically, emotionally, or mentally."

"She must think I'm terrible for lying to her and avoiding every question about the Isle. A mother should also be capable of answering her kid's questions. Especially for someone at her age, I should have told her."

"I just have to ask though, why do you avoid answering? I mean, I know it's not totally comfortable for you to talk about your life on the Isle, but I just can't imagine why you wouldn't tell Elaina."

Evie took a deep breath before beginning. "I didn't want to make it seem like my childhood problems were worse than hers. Yes, I grew up in a place where stealing and lying and fighting was for survival, and she at least grew up in a place where she was fed three meals a day, but all that's in the past. I felt like if she knew what my childhood was like, she wouldn't want to come to me with her problems, believing that her problems are nothing compared to the ones I had. My mother always put herself before me. I never wanted Elaina to get that impression of me. I don't want to be like my mother."

"You are nothing like your mother," Doug assured her. "You are far from it, actually. Do you think Elaina would stop by your office every day if she believed you were a bad mother?"

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am."

"I love you, Doug," Evie said.

"I love you too, my blueberry princess," Doug replied.

Jay was out on the field, where he was shooting tourney goals. Whenever he was stressed, he'd do this to relieve himself. He couldn't seem to get anything out.

"Is everything alright?" Lonnie asked as she walked onto the field.

Jay shrugged. "Jacey hates me."

"No she doesn't," Lonnie assured him. "You know she loves you very much."

"It doesn't really seem like it," Jay said. "I could have told her my life on the Isle, but instead, I kept it from her. I'm a terrible dad. I'd be surprised if she ever talks to me again."

"I'm sure she'll come around," Lonnie said.

"She only shoved Melody's daughter because she had said something mean to Elaina. She was only trying to protect her."

"Sounds like someone I know," Lonnie said. "I can assure you, though. You are not a terrible dad."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I've seen the way you are around her. Jacey knows you care about her very much. She looks up to you. She's lucky to have someone like you to guide her in life. Show her what's right and wrong."

"I wish my dad was like that," Jay replied. "I only kept it from her because I didn't want her knowing about my past. My father wanted me to steal for his shop. Stealing was one of the ways to survive. I didn't want her thinking I was a bad person because of what I did on the Isle. I want her to look up to the person I became after I arrived in Auradon."

"Jay, listen to me," Lonnie began. "What makes you think she would look at you as someone bad? When she first met you, you were her tourney coach. You taught and guided her. Did you see how happy she was to find out we were her parents? She'll understand, I promise. She knows the Isle of the Lost is your home, so she should understand what life was like for you all."

"Do you really think she'd understand?" Jay asked.

Lonnie hugged him. "Of course she will."

"Thanks, Lon," Jay said. "I'll go check on her later."

Carlos sat in his office with Dude in his lap. Petting Dude always relaxed him. Jane entered the room just to make sure Carlos was doing alright. "Hey."

"Hey," Carlos replied.

"So, how are things going?" Jane asked.

"Fine, I guess."

"Carlos, Cayla just needs time. She'll come around. You'll see."

"I highly doubt it. She probably hates me."

"Now, I know that's a lie. Cayla doesn't hate anyone. Well, except for Harmony probably. I can't think of another reason why she would throw paint at her."

"She was only trying to make her stop being mean," Carlos said.

"I know that," Jane replied. Carlos remained silent. "Carlos, what's wrong?"

"Do you think Cayla thinks I'm a bad dad?" Carlos asked.

Jane didn't know where her husband was going with this. "I highly doubt she thinks that. She's just a teenager. We're gonna have moments like this."

"Have you ever considered we're going to have more moments like this because we left her in an orphanage for thirteen years?"

Jane thought about it for a second. "I haven't really thought about that factor. But we've got to remember, she was raised by amazing people at the orphanage. She was such a sweet girl when we met her two years ago."

"I still can't believe I yelled at her."

" didn't yell at her," Jane said. "You sternly said that you were disappointed in her for her actions."

"Something as small as that made kids on the Isle shake with fright," Carlos explained. "That's why I never told Cayla what my mother was like. She was always yelling and screaming orders at me. I never got a break. That's why I try to refrain from getting stern with her. I don't want to raise her the way my mother did."

"And what way is that?"

"In fear."

Jane sat in the chair next to Carlos's desk. "I promise you she wouldn't be scared if you got stern just a little bit. Sure, she's the youngest of the group but not by much. It's only about two months between Elaina and her. She'll be fine. You know why?" Carlos looked at his wife with wondering eyes. "Because she'll be happy to have a father like you who is looking out for her and showing her what to do and what not to do. Being a teenager, yeah, she'll get a little annoyed with it once in a while, or very often, but she'll see that it's all in your best interest."

"I guess you're right," Carlos said. "I'll check on her later. I haven't seen her dorm room open within the last hour."

"Are you watching the surveillance camera of the girls' dorms?" Jane asked.

"...Maybe," Carlos said.

"Okay, you may be a little too worried."

"Maybe a little," Carlos chuckled.

Jane laughed as well. "I gotta go. See ya later?"

"See ya."

Mal was pacing back and forth, and Ben was certain he was going to get sick from watching her pace for so long. "Mal, you should calm down."

"How can I stay calm in a time like this?" Mal responded. "Brelyn's super mad at me, and I don't know how I'm going to make it up to her."

"She'll come around."

"What if she doesn't? She's right. We weren't the ones who raised her. We've only been there for her for two years. There's no way we can make up for the other fourteen."

"Yes," Ben began, "we may not be able to make up for it, but we can show her how much we care now."

"Well, we're not doing a really good job at it! I've been there. I know what she's going through! I should've known all of this queen stuff was too much for her."

Ben stayed silent as he was starting to feel guilty as well. He hadn't really paid any attention to all the stress and pressure Brelyn has been under lately.

"She must think I'm a terrible mom," Mal said.

"Now, hold on just a second," Ben said. "I wouldn't take it that far."

"Why not? I yelled at her. I didn't pick up on her stress. I should've kept up with her magic training. If her emotions go too far, her magic can go haywire. This is what I wanted to avoid. I didn't want to end up like her!"


"Who do you think?"


"All my mother ever did was yell at me and tell me I was a disappointment. The thought of being a disappointment to us and the kingdom must be rushing through her mind. What are we gonna do?"

"Well, for starters, you could apologize," Ben said. "Showing that you're sorry would show her that you care. And Mal, you are nothing like your mother. You don't force Brelyn to be anybody she isn't. You let her make decisions for herself."

"I guess you're right. I'm gonna go check with Evie, Jay, and Carlos to see how they've been doing. Maybe we can go to the girls' dorms together."

"You do that."

"I just hope this hasn't gone too far as I think it has..." Mal mumbled.

"What was that."

"Nothing. I'm gonna go now."

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were walking through the halls of the girls' dorms. It has been at least a few hours since the incident that happened that afternoon. They hadn't heard from the girls and were getting a little worried. They decided to check on them just to see if everything was alright.

"Do you guys think they've cooled down?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know," Evie said sadly.

Soon. they approached the girls' dorms. Mal and Evie went to Brelyn and Elaina's while Jay and Carlos went to Jacey and Cayla's. They knocked, but there was no answer.

Mal, being the mischievous one she is, twisted the doorknob slowly so that the door would open. "It's unlocked," she said looking at Evie.

"That's weird," Evie replied.

They entered the room to see the girls were not there. "Where are they?" Mal asked.

"Maybe they're in Jacey and Cayla's room," Evie mentioned.

"But don't they usually hang out in here?" Mal asked.

"Guys!" Carlos called as he entered the room. "Jacey and Cayla aren't in their room."

All four of them looked at each other in worried looks. "Where could they be?" Jay asked.

"I have an idea, but I don't want to think about it," Mal said.

The four of them began searching all of Auradon Prep for their missing daughters. Ben, Doug, Lonnie, and Jane were notified, and they began searching as well. It was getting late, and they were starting to lose hope. Mal, Doug, Jay, Lonnie, Carlos, and Jane all met in the courtyard.

"There's no sign of them," Lonnie said.

"What are we gonna do?" Jane asked. "We can't lose them. Not again. Thirteen years without my daughter was way too long."

"Don't worry. We'll find them," Carlos said, trying to stay optimistic.

"Guys!" Ben said running in. "One of the limos is missing. And-"

"Guys!" Evie called. "The Isle looks I made for the girls are missing."

"Oh no," Mal replied.

"What were you saying?" Doug asked Ben.

"The remote that opens the barrier to the Isle of the Lost is missing as well," Ben said.

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos all looked at each other with terrified looks. "They went to the Isle," Mal whispered.

"How did they do that?" Doug asked.

"Well, Jacey does have her driver's license," Jay said.

"And I gave Elaina the key to my office. That's probably how they got those outfits," Evie added.

"And Brelyn can be a little sneaky at times," Mal said. "Who knows what hoops she had to jump through to get that remote."

They went silent for a little bit. "You know this is your fault," Lonnie said to the Villain Kids.

"We know," they all admitted. Even though they hated to admit it, it really was their fault. If they had just told the girls about the Isle in the first place, this most likely wouldn't have happened.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jane asked.

"We have to go to the Isle," Mal said.

"What?" Evie retorted.

"What if you know who finds them?" Carlos said. "What if our parents find them?"

"Evie," Mal began. "I know you're terrified of going back to the Isle, but your daughter is over there. Who knows what trouble she and the others will get into. We have no choice."

"Okay," Evie said. "Well, I guess it's time to dig up our old clothes."

"Hey," Jay began, "this is just like when Mal-"

"Don't say it!" Mal said.

"Are you sure you four are gonna be fine on the island?" Doug asked.

"We were born and raised over there," Mal said. "We know our way around. We'll be fine."

The four of them then headed home to get ready for their mission. Luckily, Ben gave them the backup remote for entering the Isle.

"Evie! Mal!" Lonnie called out to the girls. "Jane and I were searching through the girls' dorms for any clues of what they might be doing, and we found these notes. One is from Brelyn, and the other is from Elaina."

"Oh, thank you," Mal replied as Lonnie handed them the notes. Mal read Brelyn's.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm so sorry. I can't do this anymore. I wasn't meant to be queen like you want me to be. I wasn't made for this role. It's just too much. I'm sorry. Don't come looking for me.


"We have to go find them as soon as possible," Mal told the group.

"Yeah," Evie replied.

"E, aren't you gonna read the note from Elaina?" Mal asked.

Evie was going to wait, but she figured now would be a good time since they needed to know where their daughters were doing.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I wish it didn't come down to this, but it has. I am really sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me. I love you guys so much, but I had to go to find the other half of me that has been missing. I hope you understand. Plus, I need to be there for my best friend. Also, mom, I'm sorry I betrayed your trust and used the key to your office to take the new outfits you made. Again, I'm so, so sorry. I really hope you can forgive me for this one day. Thank you for being wonderful parents for the past two years. I love you.


Mal, Jay, and Carlos could tell Evie was on the verge of tears. Evie looked up and recollected herself. "D-Did Jacey or Cayla leave any notes?"

"They did," Jane replied, "but they were similar to each other. You know, the "I'm so sorry, but we have to do this" sort of thing."

"Okay," Carlos said. "Let's get going."

The four of them hopped into the limo and headed towards the island. Once they were in the Isle, they began searching right away.

"It's really weird being back here," Evie said "Last time we came here, we had only been gone for six months. It's been years since then."

"We just have to find the girls, then we're out," Jay said.

"Right," Carlos replied.

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