Camp Waters

By dailydosexii

159K 5.5K 3.2K

He looked down, it was so silent the only thing filling my ears was the sound of the fire crackling. "Why are... More

Chapter 2: 400 Year Long Journey To The Restroom
Chapter 3: Did somebody burn a Smurf?
Chapter 4: Bree I'm uncomfortable!
Chapter 5: The Taste of Snarky Bitch
Chapter 6: Ready to be a counselor?
Chapter 7: Drunk Thoughts and Mystery Machine
Chapter 8:Puppy with Influenza
Chapter 9: Do You Have A Seahorse?
Chapter 10: Shitty Weddings, Shitty People
Chapter 11: Traffic Light
Chapter Negative 12
Chapter 13: It Was The Bears
Chapter 14: It Was On People's Magazine
Chapter 15: Whiplash
Chapter 16: A Night of Mysteries
Chapter 17: The Stupid Creek
Chapter 18: He Broke Me
Chapter 19: The Odd Ones Out
Chapter 20: A Camp Telenovela
Chapter 21: Soccor skills and New counselors! Yay?
Chapter 22: The Vampire Diaries
Chapter 23: It all makes sense.
Chapter 24: You Owe Me 15 Dollars
Chapter 25: I like someone.
Chapter 26: First Kiss

Chapter 1: I Don't Do Pigeon Carriers

15.1K 306 175
By dailydosexii

"Are you sure your gonna be okay?"


"What if something bad happens."

"There is no way in hell I'm gonna let something bad happen to her." Jackson said putting his arm around me. I turned to smile at him which he returned by squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.

That's why he was my favorite brother.

I mean he was my only brother but that's besides the point.

"Okay... but if something bad happens and nobody's around to help you-"

"Mom i'm gonna be fine." I said wrapping her into a hug, she rested her cheek on my forehead and sighed worryingly. The smell of her Chanel Number 5 passing through my nostrils. She released looking at me and giving me a faint smile before turning to hug my brother.

I turned around and looked at the scenery of the lake, the smell of pine trees and wet grass filling my lungs.

It was amazing.

"I don't know what i'm gonna do without you guys this summer, 3 whole months here." She said looking around the camp her eyes focused on the sign beside one of the cabins 'bring a buddy to the bathroom!'

"The only trouble we're gonna get around here is probably Bree throwing up in the lake when i dominate her in a relay race." Jackson said nudging my sides.

I scoffed at him, my eyes focused on the scenery surrounding us. I can already imagine myself sitting down by the lake reading a book while listening to music.

Books were definitely my thing, other then gymnastics of course. Also netflix, netflix was definitely my thing. Cheese balls, those are definitely my thing too. Let's not forget about smoothies, those are obviously one of my things.

So I have a lot of things.

Jackson and I watched as she drove out of camp grounds leaving us to our thoughts, both of us thinking the same thing.

This summer was gonna be great.

~• • •~
"Okay here's your cabin." He says stopping at a Cabin with the a sign hanging over its door, 'yellow cabin.'


I opened the door to find three girls all surrounding one bunk bed in the middle, their heads shoot up from their phones when they see the door open. All eyes staring on me and my brother like we were some sort of strange mutant freaks from planet Echeipra.

If that even is a planet.

"Hi I'm Lucy!" One girl says standing from her seat and putting her hand out for me to shake. I shake her hand awkwardly looking down at her shoes, she was wearing blue flip flops with a diamond ankle bracelet that had the initials 'L.H'

She was wearing a white skirt with embroidered jewels on the hem and her yellow and blue bebe tank was flowy, fitting nicely with her golden locks.

She looked like Ashley Tisdale older sister...
Lucy Tisdale?

I look down at my leggings and gym hoodie suddenly feeling extremely self conscious about my attire. My hair was in a messy bun because Jackson was fixing his precious hair, hogging up the bathroom all morning. Seriously, if that boy had to choose between me and his almost Scooby Doo like ass hair I wouldn't doubt he'd pick his hair over me in a second.

"You can choose any beds on the corners." The girl with long black hair said behind Lucy. "Me and Sam are sleeping on these bunks." she gave me a slight smile that was somehow comforting and less intimidating as Lucy's big enthusiastic grin.

Her and the girl next to her we're both smiling at me, I walked over to the corner bunk on the right side of the room that gave a clear view of the lake through the window.

I set down my bags and start putting things in the drawers when I look over at my brother being bombarded by Lucy's flirting skills.

Typical girl.

She was doing the casual, "flirt and act like an idiot while twirling my hair so that he thinks i'm pretty and that I understand his clever jokes."

My brother was doing the casual, " I don't want to fuck you but i'm still gonna flirt with you so i don't lose you as an option for later" bit.

"So where are you guys from?" she said batting her eyelashes in hopes to... I don't know blow him away with her falsies?

"Oak Ridge." he said laughing at her display of effort.

"Aren't you a counselor? I remember you from last year, you were the one with the awesome long shot in soccer." The girl with dirty blonde hair spoke up from behind them.

"Yeah, for Purple team across camp." He said turning to face the girl. "This is my 3rd year at Camp, Bree's the noob over here." He said pointing to me.

I rolled my eyes throwing one of my socks at him, the girls laughed while he threw it back at me making it land square between my eyebrows.

Curse him and his football arms.

"Bree I'm gonna go head over to my cabin and scope out the new meat, if you need me shoot me a text.... oh wait" he said grinning slyly at me. I scowled at him as he left, turning my attention back to my bags.

"What's he talking about?" The girl with long black hair said chuckling at our previous conversation.

"Ellie! You can't just ask that, what if it's personal?" Lucy said being a tad overdramatic.

So that's her name. Ellie.

"No it's okay," I said giving a small chuckle. "I did something really bad before summer started and my mom took away my phone."

"Ou we got ourselves a bad girl. Spill bad girl!" Lucy said plopping herself on my bed.

"You see, that's a personal question." The girl with dirty blonde hair (who I expected was Sam) said with amusement in her voice.


"We still have two more people joining this cabin." Sam said looking down at her phone.

How they got signal out in the middle of nowhere? I don't know.

My stomach churned at the thought of meeting even more people, I wasn't exactly the social butterfly of my family. That was definitely Jackson.

"I can't wait for the welcoming party tonight." Lucy said getting up from my bed and throwing herself onto what seemed was her bed.

I mean it had pink sheets.

"Why?" Ellie said brushing through her long straight hair with her fingers.

I'd kill to have hair like that. My long brownish hair was wavy, curly, stringy and definitely everywhere.

"Because all the hot guys will be there! Ya know, besides the 13/14 year olds with raging hormones." She said throwing her hands up in the air.

I know what she meant. I'm pretty sure I saw a preteen fucking a tree outside.

"Are you sure your not the 14 year old with raging hormones?" Sam said throwing her pillow at Lucy.

Suddenly she sprang forward with her eyes wide, I looked behind me to make sure that Hagrid or some mythical creature wasn't behind me. "You know who's gonna be there right?"

"Justin Bieber?" Ellie said in a squeaky girly voice making me stifle a laugh.

"No! Someone better... Carson Parker." She inhaled and exhaled like his name was the only thing supplying her oxygen.

"Who's that?" I said with a confused look. They all stared at me shocked, like I just told them I killed the president or something.

"Carson Parker is the hottest kid in Florida... America... The world!" she said empathizing her last three words.

"Don't mind her, she's being over dramatic," Ellie said rollin her eyes. "He's one of the counselors here, I'm surprised you've never heard of him since your brother's a counselor here."

"He's the camp's notorious bad boy/player." Sam said rolling her eyes, "Personally I hate him."

"How could you hate an angel?" Lucy said almost as if she was defending herself.

"That boy is far from an angel. He's annoying, stuck up, and won't say an actual nice word unless there is something in it for him." Sam said huffing while crossing her arms.

"You're just angry because he rejected you at a party once." Lucy said rolling her eyes.

Lucy and Sam started to bicker back and forth about this so called god who's name rhymes with arson. I was uninterested to say the least, I'm completely done with relationships.

Guys, relationships, love.

What's the point?

"Sorry to stop your debate children, but the welcoming party is calling our name and seeing as the other roommates aren't coming any time soon. I think we should head over now." Ellie said straightening out her tight cargo pants.

They all got up and started walking to the door, Sam turned around and walked over to me grabbing my arm.

"You're coming and meeting new people." she said pulling me away from my bed. "It will be fun."

For them.
• • •

"Wow. Camp's a lot more crowded then last year." Sam said looking over the swarm of people dancing and having fun with their red solo cups and inappropriate music.

I sound like my grandma.

"Okay guys lets break this down for Bree," Lucy said turning to us. "None of the advisors know about this party because they're all at welcoming meeting for the fresh meat. This is like a tradition for us every summer, to like meet new people and have fun. Don't go wondering in the woods alone while you're drunk because I think we all know that's not gonna end up well."

"Where do they even get the drinks?"

"One of the advisor's sons, Rodrick. He's like the holy grail of getting alcohol." Ellie said in a slight chuckle.

I don't think holy grail and alcohol belong in the same sentence.

"Are we done Mom? I don't know about you but I could go for some dancing right now." Sam said pushing past us to the dance floor.

"I'll go get you a drink." Ellie said walking over to the drinks.

I stood as people were dancing and grinding on each other to the rhythm of the music. Beside me a couple were practically fucking on a tree and I couldn't help wonder if the word 'splinters' ever crossed their minds.

"Here you go." Ellie said handing me a drink. I took a long sip, the alcohol burning in my throat. I hadn't ate anything all day so I knew this would affect me big time in the morning, strangely enough... I didn't care.

"Look at you girl! Someone came to camp to have fun." Ellie said laughing patting me on the back.

More like to get away.

• • •
I was on my third drink of the night.

I was currently dancing around a big group of people to the song 'Starboy', my eyes were closed as I was swaying my hips to the song. If someone told me I was dancing on a cloud right now I would probably believe them.

I opened my eyes to see there were a lot more people then I thought, a shit load of people. They were dancing around me all backing up into me, my heart started to beat fast as the thought of being trapped crawled into my brain. I closed my eyes.

Suddenly I'm in the forest.

Holy fuck I can time travel.

I looked around to see that I had no idea where I was, my first day at camp and i'm gonna be eaten by a grizzly bear. Great. I looked behind me to see a small entrance of the glistening lake, I walked carefully through the branches probably making more sound then a Fall Out Boy concert.

I leaned over the lake to see my reflection, it was twinkling with the stars overhead and made my blueish eyes pop out.

And then I threw up.

I coughed as the bitter taste of alcohol came back to my mouth and I crouched over resembling a crippled swan.

"Are you okay?" A voice said behind me, my head shot up and I looked over to see a boy sitting down behind me with amused look on his face.

He had black curly hair and green eyes that looked like the color of the tree beside him. He was wearing a white t-shirt with light blue jeans and had a leather jacket that screamed 'motorcycle gang.'

"No i'm just peachy, thank you" I said turning my attention back to the lake.

"When pretty girls come to the lake to vomit their internal organs out, there is usually something wrong with them."

My cheeks heat up at his use of "pretty girl."

"Really? Because I thought that was a sign of me paying my respects to the lake." I said sarcastically looking over at him.

He raised his eyebrow almost as if he was shocked by my answer, he stared at me for a moment like he was studying a jaguar or something.

"Are you a counselor?" He said taking a hit of his cigarette before exhaling slowly.

Cigarettes are disgusting.

"No my brother is." I said looking at his dog tag, I tried to make out what it said but it was to dark. "This is my first year here."

His lips titled upward into a smirk, showing off his deep dimples. "No wonder you haven't asked me for my number yet."

"Don't flatter yourself." I said scoffing at his modest attitude.

His smile turned into a frown, like I had offended him. After a while a smirk started to form on his face again,"Oh wait you're a lesbian huh?"

"No!" I said throwing a rock at him that hit him square in the chest.

"Besides," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Unless you want the number to my pigeon carrier I doubt you're gonna get very far in our transactions."

"I don't do pigeon carriers babe, only owls."

I laughed looking down at my shoes. "So she has a laugh?" He said narrowing his eyes at my body, I tensed up feeling a bit self conscious.

His perfect white teeth reminded me of a Ken doll.

"I laugh when jokes are funny."

"And I open my mouth when I talk, are we stating the obvious here princess?" he said giving me a bored look.

Rude much?

"Maybe you should start doing that less." I muttered underneath my breath.

He laughed.

"You see that was funny." He said burying his cig while standing up and dusting himself off.

"I hate to break up our heart felt conversation, but seeing as you interrupted my alone time, I think i'm gonna head back to the party."

I scoffed almost annoyed.

"Nice talking to you... Bree." He said about to walk off.

"How do you know my name?" I said wide eyed contemplating whether or not I should jump into the lake and swim to my safety.

"It says it on your hoodie babe." He said laughing, walking back into the forest.

I turned around to look at the back of my hoodie... Right. My customized gym hoodie.

He just made me feel like a dumbass.

I sat there wondering who the god like asshole was and how I didn't even get his name. Suddenly I remember a much bigger problem at hand.

How am I gonna get back to the party?

hope you like the first chapter<3 trust me it will get a lot more interesting.

the picture on top is what bree looks like but you can imagine her however you want<3

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