The Dragon's Captive

By nova_genesis

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(X-posted from Yuya is a boy upon a village. No one likes him because he is weird, and he was... More

Chapter 1: The Weird Kid
Chapter 2: Chased Out and Captured
Chapter 3: Why Won't You Speak?
Chapter 4: Story Of The Past
Chapter 6: The Mysterious Stranger
Chapter 7: Explanation and Freedom
Chapter 8: A Day In Town
Chapter 9: Realizations and Confessions
Chapter 10: Captured While Flirting
Chapter 11: The Rescue of The Lover
Chapter 12: Destruction of The Trapped
Chapter 13: The Finale

Chapter 5: To Conquer Your Fear

768 22 1
By nova_genesis

"Chapter 5: To Conquer Your Fear"

Another day broke through the sky, a fresh day to start may I add, but not for. . a certain tomato haired boy, so it seems.

Yuya tossed and turned in his sleep, seeming to battle an imaginary enemy. He let out a few cries and whimpers of distress as his body seemed to twist in unimaginative angles. Sweat coated his brows, as he tried to slip away from the nightmares, and with one final struggle. . he did, screaming his lungs out and jolting up with a snap. "AAAHHHHHHH!!!"

Startled, the dark dragon was abruptly awakened from his peaceful slumber by the boy's ear piercing shriek. Yuto quickly averted his eyes to the shaking teen. "What is the matter?" he asked softly, his chest rumbling from his speech. Yuya whipped his head up at the dragon and shook his head, as if saying he was fine and not wanting to trouble the dragon with his own problems. The black scaled creature only snorted and shook his head. "If it is troubling you, isn't it better if you talked to someone rather than keep it all inside and let it destroy you?" he reasoned, gentle and assuring, not wanting to scare the silent tomato haired boy.

Yuya blinked and looked down, biting his lips in a guilty manner. He really did not want to trouble Yuto with his own problems, after all it was his and not the dragon's. He looked up again and shook his head once more, as if saying. 'I do not want to talk about it. Please don't intrude.' The lithe teen sighed and trudged out of the cave, leaving the majestic dragon inside the dark hole. The steel eyed dragon sighed softly, his chest moving as he did so. What was wrong with the boy? Surely he would've opened up to him by now, but Yuya was being persistent!

The dragon sighed once again and stood up, following the boy out of the cave, keeping a watchful eye over the places where they both twisted and turned so they could get out of the dark and more likely cramped space of the high walls of the dark tunnel. Yuya squinted his eyes as he used the palm of his hand to trace where they were going, over the wall. For a normal person, he was quick to memorize the way out of the cave, even if it was dark and spooky, by just touching the edges and bumps on the stone walls of the cave. In no time at all, both the dragon and human boy were out of the cave. Yuya could not help letting out a small smile split his lips as he sprinted down the mountain with a distraught Yuto being left behind.

"Yuya! Wait!" the dragon cried out, his eyes bulging as he tried to catch up to the boy. Spreading his wings, he took of and snatched Yuya before he could jump down to his demise. "Don't run off! I don't want you hurt you know!" the dragon scolded, and Yuya's eyes widened in fear, remembering his tormentors. "L-let me go. ." he whispered hoarsely, trembling underneath Yuto's hold. The dragon looked at the young red head in confusion before it morphed into realization. "Oh shit. . Yuya I-!!" He never did get his chance to finish as Yuya let out a shrill scream, pounding on Yuto's palm, crying and shaking violently. "LET ME GO!! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" He screamed, the nightmare once again flashing in his eyes, while the tears streamed down his face. It was maddening and filled with agony, that Yuto could not help at feeling guilty for his abrupt actions. "Hush Yuya. . They will never hurt you again. I promise. It's only me. . Yuto. Do you not remember?" he was on the verge of cooing, as he soothed the young tomato haired teen.

It took about a good half an hour or so before Yuya realized it was Yuto. He cried again, and embraced the dark dragon's chest, sobbing and apologizing for all he was worth. Yuto could do nothing but hold him close as he whispered sweet comforting words, trying to let the boy ease himself. And to the dragon's great surprise, the young teen's head lolled to the side, passing out from his breakdown and mental exhaustion.


Yuto had to remind himself to breath properly, as panic welled up deep inside his chest. Yuya was not responding, as he looked down. The unconscious teen still had his arms spread out on his chest, his face pale and devoid of the healthy glow of skin. Sweat coated his brows and his body felt cold. The dragon shuddered in terror, scooping the young teen up and rushing inside the cave, looking for something that could warm the boy up. He let out a loud grunt of agitation as he literally thrashed the cave free of his belongings so he could find a mere blanket. Soon though, he finally found what he wanted and prepared the worn looking small mattress with his free hand, then putting the boy on top of it and covering him with the blanket made of animal fur. Yuya did not utter any noise of protest, just the sound of his breathing was heard. . the male had slipped into coma and Yuto was worried he would not wake up again. "You're going to be fine Yuya, I swear to that because I will take care of you." the dark dragon vowed to himself and he promised he would not break such words as he strode out of the cave, determination shining underneath his eyes.


A cloaked figure walked in to town, looking around at the busy and lively street filled with smiling happy people. Kids were littering the streets, laughing and playing while the adults tried dodging them, either telling them to be careful or just simply smiling and walking along to wherever they wanted to go.

The figure sighed and went to a stand filled with clothes and other necessities. Their eyes looked up at the owner as they pointed at a piece of fabric called a handkerchief. "How much is this?" they asked in their baritone voice, confirming he was male. The shop keeper blinked before muttering the answer, and the stranger seemed to have heard him as he dug into his pocket and handed the shop keeper the right amount of yen. The keeper only blinked and handed the male cloaked figure the towel, raising a confused brow at the shady appearance. The figure ignored the stare and gently got the towel, his eyes meeting the shop keeper's again. "Where is the medicine stand, may I ask kindly?"

The owner blinked and opened his mouth, quivering from the almost authorative voice that the stranger bestowed. "Down the lane, two stands away." he quickly replied, almost stumbling with his wordings.

The figure nodded and walked away. "Thank you"


Yuto sighed and gazed worriedly at Yuya, as he dabbed his forehead with a wash cloth. The water that was currently being used came from under the cave, and the basin he used was from the piled gold he always slept in. How or why it was amongst his golden haven, he did not know, but it was useful when emergencies happened, just like now. Yuya still did not stir and Yuto was starting to become worried for his health, usually the one who either passed out would wake up around a few hours but his charge did not. . It had been a day since he last woke up.

Yuto feared for the young teen's life and hoped that he would wake up one day. And hope he did.


~1 week later~


There was still no sign of Yuya waking up! Yuto feared that the boy was dead! He couldn't let that happen, to this mere mortal human that stirred his heart into a warm place.

He let out a whimper and inclined his head, closing his eyes as he gritted his fangs underneath his jaws, his claws scrapped the stone floor, as he anxiously and nervously waited for the boy to waken.


Bleary red eyes fluttered open slowly, a look of daze on the pale features. Then he bolted up, fear and anxiety clinging through his form. . Where was Yuto?! He quickly tried to stand up but instead fell down, letting out a cry of surprise from the sudden impact. He let out a hiss as he clutched his knee and checked them if they got scraped, luckily it did not, and this time, he slowly got up. Wobbly at first, he let his hand press to the solid surface of the wall, trying to steady his shaking limbs. He frantically looked around and started walking out of the sanctuary, ignoring the golden piles of treasure that just screamed riches for the greedy.

The tomato haired boy stirred himself, looking for the door as he heard his stomach let out a dull grumble, indicating he was hungry. Yuya blushed in embarrassment, hoping the dragon would not hear his stomach complain. He went outside and smiled as the air hit him full force, rendering him dizzy and happy as he inhaled the fresh mountain and forest air.

He scanned the area, his crimson orbs narrowing and squinting to get a better view, for some reason he felt better. . how long was he asleep? "Where are you Yuto?" he whispered, his stomach gurgling that it needed food and Yuya could not help but pout. He was about to go back inside the cave had he not heard wing beats through the distance. A grin planted itself to Yuya's lips as he rushed back to the edge, wanting to meet the arriving newcomer.

Yuto quickly landed, not yet noticing Yuya as he did so, he glanced to where the boy was and went to trudge into the cave but suddenly he stiffened. Mechanically turning his dragon head, his eyes bulged out and his mouth gaped open. Yuya was standing there, grinning. . and very much awake. It took awhile before the gray eyed dragon found his voice, and snatched the boy then wrapped his body around the tomato haired teen. "Yuya! Yuya!" he exclaimed happily, coiling around the boy in an affectionate manner, making said teen grin as he hugged what he could of the majestic creature. "Hey Yuto! How are you?" he asked, grinning and Yuto could not help but reel back in shock, staring at the now confused male. "Y. .you. . spoke." he deadpanned, dazed and very much happy.

The tomato haired teen rolled his eyes and skittered next to Yuto's face, kissing the scaly cheek in a friendly manner. "Well. . I wanted to speak. Is it. . bad?" he asked, biting his lips and the dragon shook his head vigorously. "No, no! It is not bad at all! But. ." an ensuring pause before being added with; "What about. . your fear?"

Yuya sighed sadly before smiling weakly up at the dragon. "I'll be alright. Though they may never disappear, I have pushed them back a bit and I feel a lot more better now." he answered softly, a small hesitation in his voice before he changed the topic. "Anyways! Do you have food with you?! I'm starving!" he whined, using his puppy dog eyes and Yuto chuckled. "Of course, you have been asleep for a week you know so its to be expected." he cooed and Yuya blinked.


Yuto shook his head and laughed, booming and loud. "Enough of the questions! You should eat!" he chocked out in between laughs as he handed Yuya an assortment of fruits, and the boy could not help it but take them and munch on the tasty fruits hungrily.

This days had proven to be a very special one as Yuya pushed his fears back. Though he might have nightmares about it, he would now have a companion to share his burden with. . and it was just the start.

@End of CHAP 5@

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