The Little Black Book for Gir...

By StStephensCH

1.4M 16.9K 1.9K

Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by youth themselves. No stuffy school tex... More

Chapter 1 - Relationship
By night U were my friend
What Is Love?
What Is a Healthy Relationship?
Reading the Signs: Unhealthy Relationships
Cheating: What is it?
Relationship Fundamentals
True Friends
When in Heaven
Out, Gay, and Seventeen
I am 18 years old and bisexual
What's all the fuss about?
Once a Girl, Now a Boy
My skin's turned to driftwood tonight
To Jane, If You Care What I Was Thinking
Ugly Duckling Syndrome
Relationships: The Good, the Bad, and the Bumping Uglies
The Road of Life
Relationship Abuse
Reality TV
Chapter 2 - Periods
The Menstrual Cycle
Better than My Own
When your monthly visitor isn't a monthly visitor
Arghhh ... TAMPONS?!?!?
Tampons: A How-To
Chapter 3 - Sex
Sex Sex Sex
The first time I had sex
Sex Interview
Confessions of a Virgin
Sex Details
My First Time Sexing A Girl
How to talk to your partner about sex!
Letz Talk About Sex
Sexual Pressure
Sexual Stereotyping
Fun Alternatives to Intercourse
Masturbation Interview
Spirituality and Sex
Top 10 Questions We Had about Sex...
Chapter 4 - Birth Control
Birth Control - It's all up to YOU!
Birth Control
Plan B
AAHH ... The Joy and Bliss of Latex Allergies
The Pill
My Choice
Chapter 5 - Pregnancy/Miscarriage
My Choice
Pregnancy Interview
Ready or not?
Pregnant and Alone
Miscarriage Interview
Chapter 6 - Abortion
When I was 14, I met this guy.
Abortion Interview
Chapter 7 - STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Questions We Had about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)...
How are STIs spread?
Lying on My Back
Other Infections
The Pap Smear Breakdown
Chapter 8 - AIDS
Questions We've Had about HIV/AIDS and Answers We Found
A Young Woman who is HIV Positive
The Down Low: What You Should Know
What Is Safe Sex?
Chapter 9 - Sexual Assault
That Night
Questions We Had about Sexual Assault
Ways Women Can Protect Themselves
What is sexual harassment?
All my life
I didn't know what to do
I guess one day
8 Red Bull Beers
Devoured innocence
Little Black Book for Girlz Resource Guide
About St. Stephen's Community House and the Drug-Free Youth Arcade program

Period Interview

12.5K 216 205
By StStephensCH

 Other words for period:

• bleeding

• the curse

• menstruation

• my visiting friend

• rag

Q. Why do women get their first periods at different ages, like 12 or 17?

A. It depends on the woman. Some will physically mature earlier and some will mature later. When her body is ready, it will mature and she’ll start having her periods.

Q. What is the normal length of a period?

A. A period usually lasts two to eight days. Shorter than that may only be spotting and not a true period. Longer than eight days would be worth getting checked out by a doctor, especially if the flow is heavy.

Q. Does a tampon make your vagina wider/bigger?

A. No, not at all. The vagina is a flexible passageway. When a tampon (or penis) is inserted, the elastic walls of the vagina stretch to accommodate. When the tampon (or penis) is removed, the vagina returns to its original shape and size. 

Q. Can virgins use tampons?

A. Yes, you can certainly use a tampon before you have had penetrative vaginal sex. There is a membrane (piece of skin), called the hymen, which sometimes will block a bit of the open- ing. Some women won’t notice it at all while others might find their vaginal openings tighter. If it is difficult to put a tampon in your vagina, you could try inserting your own fingers to stretch the opening or use a water-based lubricant with the tampon. (For more info about hymens, see page 69.)

Q. What does it mean when your period is late and you are not pregnant?

A. It could mean a few things. If you’re definitely not pregnant it could just mean it’s delayed. Some women’s periods will be delayed because of stress and body changes like weight loss, weight gain, illness, or changes in lifestyle. It’s not uncommon to miss a period every once in a while, especially when you first start getting it. It doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything wrong with you; your body just might be off one month. That said, if it continues for two to three months in a row, then you should talk to a doctor.

Q. Do you weigh more before your period and less after?

A. Some women do tend to retain water – this is called bloating. It’s very common and, therefore, you might weigh 454–908 g (1–2 lb.) more. Once your period is completed, that water retention goes away. We call this cyclical weight gain: around your cycle you’ll gain then lose and gain then lose it.

Q. Should you use a tampon or a pad?

A. It’s really a personal decision. Some women don’t like to use tampons and for them a pad would be better. Some women hate pads. A number of women use both if their periods are really heavy, or they may alternate. Other women use alternative methods like reuseable pads and menstrual cups.

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