A boy girl love

By phoenixflame1

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Elliot King believes she is a boy born into a girl's body. Unfortunately, the only one who truly believed her... More

Chapter 1: First confession
Chapter 2: Angel
Chapter 3: Deal
Chapter 4: Living arrangement
Chapter 5: Better male
Chapter 6: Home
Chapter 7: First Job
Chapter 8: Normal Boy
Chapter 9: Cade Pietro
Chapter 10: Bomb
Chapter 11: Lab Fiasco
Chapter 12: Accepted
Chapter 13: Life's hard
Chapter 15: Girl Talk
Chapter 16: Let Down
Chapter 17: Jarring facts
Chapter 18: Out of sight out of mind
Chapter 19: Fluttering Heart
Chapter 20: Not useless
Chapter 21: On edge
Chapter 22: Wrapped in myself
Chapter 23: Family woes
Chapter 24: Deal with the devil
Chapter 25: Sensei and Boyfriend
Chapter 26: The boy next door
Chapter 27: Malice
Chapter 28: Friendship
Chapter 29: Odd thoughts
Chapter 30: Spiked
Chapter 31: Death Knell
Chapter 32: Buzzed
Chapter 33: Wasted plans
Chapter 34: Warning
Chapter 35: Jealousy
Chapter 36: Feelings
Chapter 37: Decision
Chapter 38: Lies
Chapter 39: Hurdles
Chapter 40: Surgery
Chapter 41: Precious thing
Chapter 42: Dangerous liaisons
Chapter 43: Promises

Chapter 14: Naughty boy

226 23 11
By phoenixflame1

AN: As the name suggests some naughty bits ahead..


I looked at the bathroom door, deciding to make a run for it without seeing Levi. Just as I reached the kitchen area, Levi turned to look at me. Getting caught, I stood there in panic for a second before running into the bathroom with my new clothes and towel. I took my time in the shower hoping that Levi would finish breakfast before me. However, when I came out, he looked like he was waiting for me. There was a frown on his face as he regarded me from the top of my head to my feet.

The way his lips pursed in displeasure, I could tell I was in for a lecture.

"Eat." He said instead and I wondered if he intended to scold me later. I sat down and fidgeted in my seat as I checked the breakfast. He had made potato hash and scrambled eggs. Besides it were two pieces of toasted bread and Nutella. I smiled at seeing Nutella on the table. Ignoring him, I tried eating. Why do I get worried over him scolding me? I wondered as I regarded him. He was ignoring me as he ate. The atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"If you want to say something, say it." I snapped finally.

He looked at me and opened his mouth before sighing loudly. "Who were you with yesterday afternoon?" He asked me.

I stared at him. That wasn't what I thought he would say.

"Friends.." I said vaguely.

"Which friends?" He asked with a frown.

"Does it matter?" I asked him back, my body tensing defensively.

"Yes. Whoever they are, they are not a good influence on you." He told me and I glared at him.

"Who are you to tell me that?" I asked him.

"I know you think I am nobody important. But judging from what they had done to you, they aren't friends either." He said and I stood up from my seat.

"They are my friends. They actually support me for who I am, unlike someone I know." I said, pointedly looking at him.

"Who you are?" He asked with a derisive scoff.

"Who are you?" He asked me and I blinked.

"Do you know who you are?" He asked me again.

"Yes. Of course I know who I am." I said angrily. What kind of idiotic question was that?

"Yeah? Please do tell." He said and I glared at him.

"I am a.." I started and he rolled his eyes finishing with "A boy..tell me something you haven't parroted a million times already." He said and I looked at him in confusion.

"I am finally being the boy I am meant to be. I look it now more than I ever did before." I told him.

"You look like a bald headed joker swimming in junkie clothes." He said and I gave him an affronted look. How dare he? Before I could reply he asked me. "Where is the jacket I gave you?"

I blinked and recalled how I put it in the bag that was given with the sweatshirt. When I changed my skirt to the pants, I gave that bag to one of the girls. I forgot asking about it later.

He was frowning as I struggled to give him an answer. I wasn't very sure if any girls would have it or not. What if they kept it in the mall somewhere?

"Um..I'll find it." I said uneasily.

"You lost it?" He asked as if he was already certain I did and I averted his eyes.

"Look. I will get it back. Besides, it's just a jacket." I said in annoyance. I looked at the denim black jacket he was wearing today. I had a feeling that leather jacket was his favourite.

"It might be just a jacket to you but if it's lost I will need to buy another one to replace it. Unlike you, I don't like splurging money wastefully." He said and I really got angry at that.

"You think I waste money?" I asked him.

"What else would you call your whole get up?" He asked me and I growled at that.

"You are just jealous that I can be myself." I said finally.

"I wish that was true." He said with a sigh.

"That is definitely true though. Unlike you, I actually have a girlfriend." I said and he laughed nastily at that after a surprised pause.

"Wow..the novice with no sex technique finds herself a girl friend. Congratulations! The first thing you showed your girl friend was how irresponsible you could be by turning up late at work. The second thing you showed her was how lame you could possibly look. Let's hope she doesn't find out how terribly lacking you are in bed. Oh well! The lacking department doesn't just end there does it?" He asked me and I jumped at him over the breakfast table, grabbing the front of his t-shirt.

He says I have no technique! Let's see how flustered he gets if I kiss him. He loves me doesn't he? If he loves me, he would certainly get flustered. Then I will push him away and ask him what he was saying. It sounded good in my head but the moment I pressed my lips against his, I think something in his mind snapped.

He stood up, dragging me all over the table and slamming me down on the table on my back, before claiming my lips hard. My eyes widened in surprise as his lips ravaged mine and forced me to open my mouth for him to delve and explore my mouth like some hungry beast. I trembled, probably in fear. My blood pressure was roaring in my ears as he coaxed my tongue to submit to his will. It was scary. I whimpered and he pulled back, looking down at me. I saw his angry face as he muttered a curse and looked away. I took deep breaths, knowing my face was flaming in embarrassment.

"Why did you do that?" He gritted out, his hands fisting by his sides.

What? He was asking me? I should be the one asking him why he kissed me like that. Was that even a kiss? I still felt tingly all over and couldn't calm down.

Without waiting for my answer, he left after angrily pulling on his boots. I sat up on the table. My clothes were a mess with scrambled egg pieces stuck to it. I could just brush it off I guess. But I didn't want to smell like eggs. That made me remember what Daniella said about forgiving the debt I owed to her if I wore the clothes. With a groan I climbed down from the table and cleaned away the breakfast table. Levi had barely touched his food and it was the same with me.

My mind was still preoccupied with that kiss. I took a glass of water and drank it in one go. Ugh! I could still feel his lips on mine. Was that even normal? I was probably traumatized. This is how rape victims feel too, I thought to myself. My heart just kept beating harder every time I recalled it. And every time I recalled it I remembered a more vivid detail that I didn't notice before, like the way he smelled or the way his body felt like an immovable fortress or how hard he felt against wherever we touched.

I screamed finally, closing my eyes tightly to erase that experience. He just stole my first kiss! Wait! I was the one who kissed him first. Was I out of my mind? I wondered when I thought of it rationally. Why did I think he'd look like a kicked puppy and admit to him being jealous of my girlfriend if I kissed him? My god! Was I a fool or what? But is that how a normal teenager would react? I wondered, feeling extremely agitated. Does that mean I am really bad at kissing and stuff?

Spraying perfume all over my clothes to take away the smell of eggs I checked myself in the mirror. My lips looked slightly swollen. I looked away quickly because I didn't want to recall the kiss again. Looking at the clock, I ran out. I only had ten dollars with me. The bus came a bit later than usual and I had to stand, pressed up against others on the way to school. It took twenty minutes and I was once again late for class by the time I reached school.

The moment I excused to get into the class, I was met with wide eyed stares. The teacher also gawked at me for a while before he checked himself and asked me to get inside. I went inside and had to take a seat at the very back of the class. Daniella was in the same class as me and she gave me a grin with a thumbs up sign. I gave her a small smile in return.

People were still staring at me and snickering. When would it ever stop? I wondered. When the class finished Daniella and Natalie came over to me, telling me I looked really good. But they said they didn't like it that I used a female perfume. They wanted me to wear a guy's perfume. Natalie said she had a bottle she bought for her father and I followed her to her locker. She took a spray bottle and sprayed it all over me. I sneezed several times. It smelled like the hair dye bleach mom used.

"Now it's okay." Natalie told me.

"Hey, how about hanging out today as well? We could go for a coffee." Natalie said.

"Sorry. Actually I am kind of really low on cash now." I said uneasily.

"Don't worry. It will be on us." Daniella told me quickly.

"I really don't want to be late for work again either." I told them.

"We will set the alarm to remind you. Pretty please. Come with us. It will be fun." Daniella said again and I gave in. I agreed to see them after class.

"Hey, did any of you see a bag with the leather jacket I was wearing? I remember giving it to one of the girls." I asked them. Daniella and Natalie exchanged looks and shrugged.

"Nope. It wasn't us. I don't even remember you giving it to any of us. Are you sure you didn't keep it in the toilet? It looked like a good jacket. Someone would have stolen it now." Natalie said and I sighed. Ugh! This meant I would have to probably buy Levi a new jacket.

"Hey! Cheer up! We'll ask the other girls too, just to be certain." Daniella told me. We started walking back to class when Daniella linked her fingers with mine.

"Hey, I am sorry for not sitting with you in class. Nat is kinda slow. So she needs my help. You don't mind, do you?" Daniella asked me. I blushed and nodded furiously. She is so thoughtful.

"I am very happy that you aren't with Levi today. This means I have a chance right?" She asked me and my face flamed. I didn't know what to say.

She giggled. "Don't think too hard. You can say yes when you are ready. I will always be there for you." She said before joining up with Natalie. I looked at her. She was beautiful and smart and my heart doesn't seem nervous when she gets close to me. She was a good match for me.

I recalled how Levi said they were a bad influence on me and huffed. He was just jealous, I told myself.

I walked with Natalie and Daniella to the next class. The day was tiring with people's laughter and jabs. I ignored it as much as possible until break time. I went to the cafeteria trying to find my friends. Ed dropped his chin on my head before calling out to me. I slapped his chest and pushed him away. Fabian came and rubbed his cheek against my head.

"It's not even bristly. Ah! Let me rub my face against my baldy friend's head." He said and I pushed him back as well.

"What's wrong with you? Stop molesting me!" I growled before I started to fill my tray. As usual, Ed and Fabian put stuff on my tray as I moved along with them. Kyle joined in later and we went to our usual table.

"You ditched me last night, boyfriend." Ed told me with a scowl.

I recalled suddenly that Ed was supposed to pick me up from work.

"I called you several times and you didn't pick up." He said and I frowned as I took out my phone. It was still on silent mode. Quickly I turned silent mode off.

"I am really sorry Ed." I told him. Ed smirked.

"Don't worry. After you didn't take my fifth call, I didn't go to pick you up and instead headed over to Fabi's house to play games. It wasn't bad." He told me.

"So what happened to your hair and what's with the funny clothes?" Kyle asked me.

I sighed. By now I was tired of hearing people joke about my clothes and hair.

"I am tired. I don't want to talk." I told them and Fabian patted my head.

"Life's hard huh?" He asked me and I slapped away his hand as they laughed. Seriously, they don't know when to stop. I noticed Levi sitting at his usual table, doing his homework. I frowned.

"Having a lover's spat?" Kyle asked me as he observed me glaring at Levi.

"I hate Leviathan." I huffed and they all chuckled.

"Tell us something new." Fabian said.

"Ah..I am relieved to hear you say that. I was starting to think you fell for him. It would be a tragedy if that happened." Ed said and everyone laughed. I gave him an unimpressed look.

"We fought and I think it might be best if I move out of his apartment. But I have nowhere to go." I told them and they all looked at each other.

"We could find you some place to stay for a while, I think. Do you have any money?" They asked me.

I gave them an ashamed look and shook my head.

"Then how did you get those clothes and this hair cut?" They asked me and I sank lower in my seat.

"You wasted what little money you had, didn't you?" Kyle asked me and I glared at him.

"Don't rub it in." I snapped at him.

"Is this why you fought?" Fabian asked me dryly and I pouted.

"Then, we are not helping you." Ed said and I gave him a startled look.

"He had no right to tell me how to live." I snapped.

"He was being like an older brother. He was always protective over you." Ed said and I glared at him. Brother! I snorted. There was nothing brotherly about that kiss, I wanted to say.

"Let me go and talk to Levi. If he apologizes and asks you to stay at his place, you will be fine right?" Ed asked me and I grabbed his arm.

"Ed, no! I seriously mean it." I told him but he smirked and shrugged off my hand. I couldn't grab him before he walked over to Levi's table. I gaped at that as he went and sat down.

"Traitor!" I said loudly and Fabian chuckled.

I saw Levi glance over to me after a while of Ed talking to him. Like whiplash I turned away from him. Why do my friends do so embarrassing, needless things? I wondered in annoyance.

"Are you waiting for Ed to come back?" Fabian asked my tense expression.

"I don't give a damn about Edward." I said angrily and they laughed.

"He is not talking about you now." Kyle said. He could read people's mouths. It was kinda neat.

I relaxed a bit. I am glad Levi didn't come over. I looked Kyle and Fabian and wondered if I could ask them about their first kiss. They always answer quite honestly if I ask question. Finding my guts I decided to ask them.

"Hey, what was you guys first kiss like?" I asked Fabian and he sputtered.

"Awkward as hell." Kyle muttered and Fabian laughed glancing at him.

"I learned a lot and still messed up when it came to the real thing. My girl dumped me in a week." He said and I gave him a sympathetic look.

"And you Fabi?" I asked him and he cleared his throat.

"It wasn't as bad as with Kyle. But it sucked now that I think of it. Seems so long ago now." He said and laughed.

"What about Ed?" I whispered to Fabian.

"He kissed when he was 12. I listened to him moan about how his girlfriend ran away for a week before she called him back." Fabian told me and Kyle laughed at that.

"First kisses suck!" Kyle said and I frowned. That meant it possibly couldn't be Levi's first kiss. He wasn't fumbling and I don't think he sucked at it. Well, since he isn't a virgin, most likely he had already kissed many people as well.

"Why are you asking this? Did you have your first kiss?" They asked me leeringly.

"No!" I said and then seeing their smile I quickly altered.

"Of course I have kissed like many years ago." I said and they laughed.

"You mean like before you were born?" They asked me and I frowned.

"Okay! So, if a first kiss is bad, you'll lose your girl friend?" I asked them warily and Kyle nodded.

"Definitely. Unless it's her first kiss too." Kyle told me.

"D-do you think Daniella might have had her first kiss?" I asked them and the both of them looked at me alertly.

"Daniella the witch you mean?" Fabian asked me and I frowned at the name.

"She's really nice and cute." I told them and they exchanged looks.

"We can't be talking about the same person then. Is she from another school?" They asked me and I frowned.

"No. Natalie's best friend and school newspaper editor Daniella is the one I am talking about." I said and they grimaced.

"We are also talking about her." Fabian said.

"Why did you call her that?" I asked him.

"She has slept around with half the soccer team. She even asked Ed." Kyle said.

"You are just basing it on rumours. Ed is handsome. It's not a crime to ask him out. And she's really nice to me. She loves me." I told them and they all went still.

"She said that?" Fabian asked me.

"Not yet. But she has been really nice to me." I told them and they sighed, looking suspicious.

"We just think you should stay away from her." Kyle said and I frowned.

"Let's not talk about this. I am not stupid. I will also know how to differentiate between good and bad people." I told them.

"Elle, she is the last person you want to lose your first kiss to. You will regret it." They told me.

I regret it already, I thought as I glared in Levi's direction. How could I tell anyone that me, a boy, lost his first kiss to another guy? The bell rang, indicating we should get back to our classes. We all left together but Levi stopped me. He pulled me along towards the school garden. I jerked my hands away from him and glared at him.

"I don't want to be late for class again!" I told him and he stopped me, blocking my way.

"Are you finding another place?" He asked me and I frowned.

"I thought you never liked me to be in your place in the first place." I told him and he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, at first it was like that." He said grudgingly.

"What changed in three days?" I demanded and he looked at me strangely avoiding the answer to my question.

"Don't go Ellie." He told me and I rolled my eyes. It reminded me that I wouldn't have a place to go to anyway. I guess I could just make him beg and then later remind him it was him who begged me to stay. I am a really bad boy. Still, I should make it hard enough for him to be fair. I mean I couldn't just give in so easily after what he did. Okay so maybe I started it too. But then he completely messed me up afterwards.

"Okay fine. I will accept if you kneel down and tell me you are very sorry for what you did this morning and promise you would never do anything like that again." I told him. He blinked in surprise and I smirked. Yeah well! You are not going to do it because of your huge ego right? Now what should I do to find a place? I wondered, my face going pale. I was about to leave when I heard a low rustling sound. My eyes widened to see Levi kneel before me.

"I am sorry for what I did this morning and I promise I won't do anything like that to you again." He said in a monotone and my eyebrow rose at that. The inner devil in me couldn't help but make the most of the situation.

"You don't sound repentant at all." I said and he looked up at me. Damn it! He still looks too superior for my liking.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked me suspiciously.

"Cry." I said and smiled wickedly, eager to see my dream come true finally. Levi flinched.

"I..don't know how it's done?" He asked me questioningly and I gaped at him. Bastard! Trying to be more manly than me! I thought with a pout. Then a thought occurred to me and I smiled evilly.

"I'll teach you how it's done. Let me rip off that nipple ring." I said and Levi tensed as he looked at me. I looked down at him smugly, hoping he would beg and say "No please. Don't do it. I admit you are the better man, Elliot. Please spare my poor nipple ring. Oh my god! It's going to hurt so much. Please don't be so stone hearted."

Ah! I guess I could fantasize. It already makes me giddy with happiness. But then that fantasy is going to be realized soon, I thought as I cackled to myself.

I peeked at his face hoping to see him whimpering. Instead he had this "meh" look on his face.

"Well, yeah, rip it off." He said, almost bored. That is definitely not the tone I wanted him to use. Just like that he popped my fantasy bubble.

"I will definitely rip it off." I warned and he raised his eyebrow at that, almost tauntingly.

"Stand up!" I ordered and he stood up. I gave him an annoyed look. Can't I order him to lose a couple of feet from his height? I hate looking up at his face.

"You are wearing a white t-shirt." I told him and Levi just looked at me.

"And..it will bleed a fountain when I rip it off." I said, hoping he gets the cue to beg me to not rip it off.

"Hmm.." He said nonchalantly looking at me.

"And you will become nipple less. You don't want to be the nipple less man do you? Some would even call you one nipple man. Is that okay?" I asked him and he grinned at me. He actually had the audacity to grin.

"Ellie..ot, are you having cold feet?" He asked me and I gave an outraged gasp. Why do I not win with him? I wondered as I angrily jerked up his t-shirt and stared at the nipple ring. Roughly I grabbed it but there was no reaction except the tensing of his body. I stared at his abs and felt myself get angrier. Wherever I brushed my arm against his abs and chest felt really hard and I was envious.

Touching the ring reminded me how Levi said it hurt. He said it hadn't healed. I wondered if it would be right to make anyone nipple less. That would be so cruel, I thought as I played and circled my fingers around the ring, while I stalled for time thinking through how bad it would be to really rip it off. I didn't want to damage him. What if a main artery to the heart is there? I've forgotten what I learned in biology. That's what happens when you only learn to cram for exams, I thought to myself as I tapped, squeezed and pulled the ring.

Levi grabbed my hand suddenly. He looked kinda flustered and breathless. Finally, he was scared! I thought, delightedly. I could feel his heart beating heavily against my hand. With an energized grin I looked up at him to mock him for being scared but what I saw in his eyes kinda electrified me. He was looking at me intensely. I felt breathless just looking at him. Suddenly I was aware that I was actually teasing his nipple by playing with the ring. My whole body tensed, wondering how I could get away from the situation. I couldn't even look away from his eyes. There was something magnetic about it. We heard the click of heels and it distracted both of us enough for me to pull away.

My mouth didn't work when I tried to say something to him. So instead, I ran away shakily. Oh my god! I really was a naughty boy, wasn't I? My offending hand felt like it was on fire, like my face. I didn't dare glance back at Levi. Way to go to make things less awkward between us, I thought to myself as I headed late to class once again.


AN: Please vote and or comment if you liked this chapter :). Pic of Levi on top.

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