
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 19

2.8K 62 1
By Haddassa

Hey hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 19

We were all kept in the house for a couple of days. People would come to visit us, make sure we were ok and see how I was holding up. After those few days I started getting really anxious, and wanted to leave the house. Everyone could tell we all needed out. Adam came to hang out with us for a couple of hours everyday, but Kathleen never came. I wanted to ask him where she was, but I was afraid she was avoiding me, or something.

We were finally allowed to go back to school. I knew I still looked like shit, but I tried to make myself look less like death and more like me. I put on layers of concealer, powder, and foundation. A dab of mascara to make my lashes look less worn out from the tears. I pulled all of my hair up into a high pony. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Good enough.

I still had dark circles under my eyes, no matter how much makeup I used, but my face didn't look as pale. I had on some skinny jeans and some random shirt I found on the floor of my room. It smelled clean though. It fell off one shoulder, but had an old sports team on the front. I must have cut it so it fell off the shoulder when I was bored one day. It actually came out pretty good. I slipped on some converse and headed down for breakfast.

Everyone was sitting at the table munching on some eggs and biscuits mom made. I piled my plate up with eggs and snarfed them down. I grabbed a biscuit, and ran out the door catching up with the boys. On the ride to school I nibbled at my biscuit.

When we arrived everyone was excited to see us back at school. The girls were really excited that my brothers were back for them to ogle at. Pack members would come up, and ask how I was doing. I just shrugged it all off, telling them I was fine. Really I wasn't, on the inside I could feel my heart thumping too loudly, and my stomach turning. I couldn't be around this many people yet without breaking down. A lump formed in my throat, but I managed to push it down.

Adam came to see us, but Kathleen wasn't behind him.

"Where's Kathleen?" I asked.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear. "She turned the night of the fight. She still hasn't figured out how to change back though."

My brothers had all spent several days in wolf form before they changed back. Now I really needed to see Kathleen, and make sure she's ok.

"And you didn't tell me," I slapped the back of his head. "I'm coming over after school," I just told him. He chuckled.

"Man, I've missed you."

"But you have seen us every day."

"Eh," He shrugged before walking off.

I was suddenly yanked to the side by my brother. I was dragged behind Mitch, who was hauling me to my first class.

We stopped by the door, and he practically shoved me in.

"Be good," He said before vanishing. I glared at the back of his head as it vanished into a classroom, before taking my seat. There was still five minutes until class starts, so I just sat there bored out of my mind. I leaned my head against the desk ready to sleep. The chair beside me screeched on the floor. I turned to see one of the pack members sitting by me, taking the place of some girl who usually sat by me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Sitting here. Alpha's orders." I think his name is Beck or something.

"My dad ordered you to sit by me in class?" I asked.

"He asked anybody who was in a class by you to keep a very close eye on you to make sure nothing happens," He told me.

"Well couldn't you keep an eye on me from over there?" I asked pointing at his usual seat.

"Nope," He said before pulling out his book.

I groaned before laying my head back onto the table.

"What are you doing in my seat?" The girl that sits next to me snapped at the guy, who's name I just found out is Ben from his notebook.

"Watching her," He said.

"You can be a stalker somewhere else," She hissed at him. I looked up to see her face turning red.

"No can do." God, he was being frustrating. That poor girl.

"Get out of my seat now," She threatened.

He just sat there stubbornly. The girl looked at me, and I pleaded with her to make him move. She smiled in an evil way before scooping up his stuff, and hitting him upside the head with it, before chucking it across the room. It's a good thing the teacher isn't here.

"What the hell?" Ben screamed at her.

"Get out of my seat," She growled, her eyes turning black. Hm, never knew she was a werewolf. Either way I had some new respect for her, for putting up with him.

"I can watch her. He never said who," She growled at him referring to what my dad had said.

He grumbled before picking up his bag and walking over to his seat.

I started laughing at how pissed off he was. The girl looked at me seeing if I was insane.

"That was awesome," I told her. The frown that had been on her face transformed into a grin.

"Ha thanks," She said, before the teacher came in.

Our teacher really didn't like teaching. If she could she would probably quite in a heartbeat, but sadly for all of us, she couldn't get a job anywhere else.

"Do lesson 12- 4. If you have any questions ask your neighbor." She said before going onto her computer and beginning to make a new quiz for the lesson. She really didn't like to make quizzes, so they usually ended up being so easy I could pass it in my sleep.

I pulled out my book and started working.

The rest of the classes up until lunch passed quickly with people moving to sit closer to me, or constantly watching me. When lunch came I was met at the door by Philly. He had class just down the hall from me.

"Ready?" He asked, scooping up my bag from my hands.


We walked into the cafeteria and got a chicken patty for lunch. We then moved over to the table that was filled with pack members. Philly led me over by Dylan and then squeezed in on the other side of me. I groaned loudly before picking apart my sandwich. I noticed that all of the girls sitting at the table were also doing the exact same, were as the boys just stuffed it all into their mouth not even caring if it had bright pink meat, and the breading was doughy in the middle. I gave up on trying to find something appetizing on my plate, and pushed the tray away from me.

I started trying to listen in on some conversations, but they were all boring. I started looking around the cafeteria to find something more interesting to do. There. I saw Chris ordering his food, and looking around for a place to sit. He saw the table full of pack members, but skipped it and started to walk towards the table the guys from the garage were sitting at.

"Chris," I called out standing up shouting like a mad woman. My brothers turned to see what I was doing. They just shrugged it off, because this was very normal behavior.

Chris' head snapped my way, and a grin lit up his face. He turned around, and started walking towards us. I sat back down, and tried pushing Dylan away. I was failing miserably at pushing him away. Stupid mate strength was no help with a real werewolf.

"Move over you fat ass," I grunted still trying to push him.

The table started laughing, and I glared at them. It sucks being the only human. Dylan chuckled at me, before moving over. I grinned at him, and then patted the space that had now been cleared up for Chris to sit.

"Hey, I am so glad to see you are ok," He told me, giving me a hug.

"Yep, nobody can capture me and get away with it with me," I grinned up at him.

He started chuckling and stuffed the food into his mouth. I scrunched up my nose at how unappetizing it was.

"How are you though?" He asked, once her had finished his sandwich in four bites.

"I'm fine," I told him. "Actually I do want to talk with you in private though." I could feel Philly stiffen behind me.

"Um, yeah sure. That would be fine," He said before moving onto his soggy fries.

I turned to look at Philly. "Are you going to tell him?" He whispered barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Maybe, I want to find out more about him. Well actually his parents, because you know," I whispered too low for even me to hear, but I knew he heard it. I didn't want anyone else to hear.

"Good idea," He whispered to me.

I turned back around. I saw an apple on Dylan's plate. I snatched it up while he was talking to someone, so he didn't even see me. I bit into it, and once again it was surprisingly good.

Chris and I talked about random stuff, until lunch was over. The rest of school passed by quickly, the same as this morning.

The bell rang and I was quickly out of my seat trying to find Chris. He was in Gym right now. I caught him on his way to the locker room.

"Hey can I talk to you now?" I asked him, pulling him aside.

"Yeah sure. What about?"

How do I phrase it nicely. I tried thinking for a minute, but came up with nothing. Guess I'm just going to have to say it straight forward.

"I um... I kind of want to know about your parents. Were they mates?" I asked. The grin on his face shrunk and I felt terrible for asking.

"No, my dad was human and he just slept with my mom when she was 20. She's the werewolf. He left after that, and denied that I was his son," He said, his eyes darker.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

He grinned again. "No need to be. It's not your fault. Is that all you wanted?"

"Yeah, I was just asking cause I wanted to know if human's and werewolf's could mate."

"Oh, no they can't. Why?" He asked me.

"No reason just curious," I gave him an innocent smile, but he didn't buy it.

"I need to go change now," He said before leaving.

So I was a freak. I always knew I was though. I took off down the hall to meet Adam at the car. I was going to see Kathleen in wolf form. I couldn't help but laughing at that. Kathleen is so kind and shy, I could never see her in any intimidating form.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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